Instructions for compiling and running 2pi.model.f code Details regarding the model can be found in our paper in the Journal of Computational Neuroscience The following files are needed: = input file for changing some model parameters this can be modified without recompiling the code 2pi.model.f = main program const.f = module file that contains constants ode.par = parameter file used by main program for ode solver Follow these steps to compile the code 1) compile const.f module gfortran -fdefault-real-8 -c const.f 2) compile 2pi.model.f code mpif90 -fdefault-real-8 -c 2pi.model.f 3) link module and code mpif90 const.o 2pi.model.o -o 2pi.exe 4) code can be executed using MPI. Max processors is from (Jeend - Jestart)/Jestep + 1 mpirun -np xx 2pi.exe (xx = number of processors) The code produces the following output files: 1) contains the firing frequency (in Hz) of the interneuron as a function of pyramidal cell injected current (Je), interneuron injected current (Ji), gaba maximum conductance (ggaba), and time Files are labeled as x.x = Je value, y.y = Ji value, z.z=ggaba value 2) frequency.out.pyr.Jex.x.Jiy.y.gabaz.z same as (1), but for the pyramidal cell 3) if writeyn=1, membrane.pot.out.Jex.x.Jiy.y.gabaz.z contains the pyramidal cell and interneuron membrane potential (mV) as a function of time - these are large files