% $Id: README,v 1.5 2004/02/10 15:51:41 billl Exp $ ## Running with NEURON or CoreNEURON * Make sure NEURON installation is in $PATH and $PYTHONPATH ``` export PATH=$HOME/install/bin/:$PATH export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/install/lib/python/:$PYTHONPATH ``` * Compile mod files for CoreNEURON ``` nrnivmodl-core mod_corenrn/ ``` * Compile mod files NEURON ``` # neuron only + coreneuron mod files cp mod_corenrn/* mod_nrn/ nrnivmodl mod_nrn ``` * Now run coreneuron and save results ``` ./x86_64/special -python test_direct.py mv v.dat coreneuron.v.dat ``` * Now run neuron and save results ``` sed -i -e 's/coreneuron\.enable = True/coreneuron\.enable = False/g' test_direct.py ./x86_64/special -python test_direct.py mv v.dat neuron.v.dat ``` * Compare results ``` diff coreneuron.v.dat neuron.v.dat ``` ## Original instructions To run under linux/unix: unzip b04feb12.zip cd b04feb12 nrnivmodl $CPU/special batch_.hoc - To run under mswin: unzip the archive b04feb12.zip run mknrndll and find the directory b04feb12 that came from the zip file and make the nrnmech.dll file start the simulation by double clicking on mosinit.hoc This is a pretty good replica of simulations shown in Fig. 2A (jcomputnsci1:39F2A.gif) and Fig. 3 (jcomputnsci1:39F3.gif) of: author = "Pinsky, P and Rinzel, J", title = "Intrinsic and Network Rhythomogenesis in a Reduced Traub Model for CA3 Neurons", journal = "J Computational Neuroscience", year = "1994", volume = "1", pages = "39-60", The simulation provided will create 3 graphs: Fig. 3 using Neuron (upper left) Fig. 3 using xppaut (upper right) Fig. 2A using Neuron (black) and xppaut (red) -- xppaut is same as in journal The xppaut results are read into Neuron from a data file. The correct simulation is available in the download as booth_bose.ode This program can be run under Bard Ermentraut's simulator xppaut http://www.math.pitt.edu/~bard/xpp/xpp.html The booth_bose.ode provided here is slightly modified from the original obtained from Victoria Booth's home page; the originals include more extensive simulations: http://www.math.njit.edu/~vbooth/ I have not perfectly replicated the simulation: the morphology of the bursts are very close to being correct but the timing of bursts in the 1500 ms simulation is off (as can be seen by zooming in on the final burst). This is due to the precise timing of threshold crossings (see next paragraph). The data for the xppaut, accurate replica is provided in xpp.dat. The columns are 't vs vd cad hs ns sd cd qd gkq gkc'. The first 3 state variables from this data file are opened in Neuron by vectors of the same name (time is in tvec). The difficulty in porting this program to Neuron can be seen by looking at the FInitializeHandler and nafPR.mod. In the hoc file, we unset state variables (set to zero) using FInitializeHandler("unset()"). Notice that even h_nafPR, which would typically be set to a value near 1 to start (ie sodium channel fully deinactivated) is set to 0 and must therefore gradually relax to 1 during the first few ms of the simulation. In nafPR.mod, we see that the sodium conductance is not dependent on state variable 'm' but instead on the steady-state value 'minf'. Here I found that I got different results depending on my implementation of nafPR. Another likely location for differences in the simulations arises in the handling of the thresholds for the calcium-sensitive potassium channels. Iahp (here called rkq under Neuron -- historical -- and Kahp under xppaut) has discontinuity at a Ca (chi) level of 500 ('min(0.00002*Cad,0.01)' in booth_bose.ode); Kc (kcRT03 bzw. KC) at 250 -- 'min(Cad/250.0,1.0)'. Precise simulation results depend on exactly when these are handled. I'm sure that these limitations can be overcome but I suspect that it would require looking closely at the BREAKPOINT mechanism to make sure that values are made available at the same time step in both xppaut and Neuron (both simulations are using CVODE/CVODES) I also have not incorporated the 'p' variable which sets the dendrite/soma area ratio. It is called pp and set to 0.5 but not incorporated in the geometry setting routines. ## Changelog 20170914 A vecst.mod from Ruth Betterton derived from Wang Buzaki's vecst.mod makes model work under mswin. 20210222 Instructions for running with CoreNEURON from Pramod Kumbhar. 20220516 Updated MOD files to contain valid C++ and be compatible with the upcoming versions 8.2 and 9.0 of NEURON.