The accompanying files assist with generating WRL files for 3D printing NEURON morphologies as described in: McDougal, R. A., & Shepherd, G. M. (2015). 3D-printer visualization of neuron models. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 9. Preconditions: NEURON (with Python support) must be installed cython must be installed mayavi must be installed Begin by compiling the 3D files (only need to do this once): cd geometry3d python build_ext --inplace cd .. Basic usage (produces a wrl file suitable for uploading to some 3D printing services at 200x magnification): 1. Open NEURON with Python from this folder (nrngui -python) 2. Import the morphology to print (Tools - Miscellaneous - Import 3D, load and edit, then Export - Instantiate) 3. from prepare_3dprintable import ctng 4. ctng() 5. A window will appear. Save as a WRL file (e.g. type: myneuron.wrl) ctng supports many options, perhaps most importantly a magnification keyword argument. For the full list: from prepare_3dprintable import ctng help(ctng) For a demo that downloads a morphology, loads it in NEURON, and uses the prepare_3dprintable module to output a wrl file (output.wrl), run: python Examine the code for an example of how to automate the 3D printable object generation process. The demo downloads the morphology c91662 from NeuroMorpho.Org. See: Ascoli, G. A., Donohue, D. E., & Halavi, M. (2007). NeuroMorpho. Org: a central resource for neuronal morphologies. The Journal of Neuroscience, 27(35), 9247-9251. Ishizuka, N., Cowan, W. M., & Amaral, D. G. (1995). A quantitative analysis of the dendritic organization of pyramidal cells in the rat hippocampus. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 362(1), 17-45. The soma in the demo will appear as a cylinder, but that is a property of the morphology file not of the 3D printing process in general. If (unlikely; depends on system configuration) you see an error like: ValueError: cannot set toolkit to wx because it has already been set to qt4 Before running set the ETS_TOOLKIT to qt4; in the bash terminal, this is done by: export ETS_TOOLKIT=qt4 WRL files may be viewed, rescaled, and converted into other formats using a number of freely available tools. In the early stages of our work, we used Blender for this (; the Windows app 3D Builder can also be used as a viewer. Share your 3D printable morphologies on 3DModelDB ( by emailing them and pictures of the printouts to the 3DModelDB Administrator. A link for the email of the current Administrator is at the bottom of the page labeled: "Email the 3DModelDB Administrator".