The accompanying files assist with generating WRL files for 3D
printing NEURON morphologies as described in:

McDougal, R. A., & Shepherd, G. M. (2015). 3D-printer visualization of
neuron models. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 9.


    NEURON (with Python support) must be installed
    cython must be installed
    mayavi must be installed

Begin by compiling the 3D files (only need to do this once):

    cd geometry3d
    python build_ext --inplace
    cd ..

Basic usage (produces a wrl file suitable for uploading to some 3D
printing services at 200x magnification):

    1. Open NEURON with Python from this folder (nrngui -python)
    2. Import the morphology to print (Tools - Miscellaneous - Import
       3D, load and edit, then Export - Instantiate)
    3. from prepare_3dprintable import ctng
    4. ctng()
    5. A window will appear. Save as a WRL file (e.g. type:

ctng supports many options, perhaps most importantly a magnification
keyword argument. For the full list:

    from prepare_3dprintable import ctng

For a demo that downloads a morphology, loads it in NEURON, and uses
the prepare_3dprintable module to output a wrl file (output.wrl), run:


Examine the code for an example of how to automate the 3D
printable object generation process.

The demo downloads the morphology c91662 from NeuroMorpho.Org. See:

Ascoli, G. A., Donohue, D. E., & Halavi, M. (2007). NeuroMorpho. Org:
a central resource for neuronal morphologies. The Journal of
Neuroscience, 27(35), 9247-9251.

Ishizuka, N., Cowan, W. M., & Amaral, D. G. (1995). A quantitative
analysis of the dendritic organization of pyramidal cells in the rat
hippocampus. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 362(1), 17-45.

The soma in the demo will appear as a cylinder, but that is a property
of the morphology file not of the 3D printing process in general.

If (unlikely; depends on system configuration) you see an error like:

    ValueError: cannot set toolkit to wx because it has already been
    set to qt4

Before running set the ETS_TOOLKIT to qt4; in the bash terminal, this
is done by:

    export ETS_TOOLKIT=qt4

WRL files may be viewed, rescaled, and converted into other formats
using a number of freely available tools. In the early stages of our
work, we used Blender for this (; the Windows app 3D
Builder can also be used as a viewer.

Share your 3D printable morphologies on 3DModelDB
( by emailing them and pictures of the
printouts to the 3DModelDB Administrator. A link for the email of the
current Administrator is at the bottom of the page labeled: "Email the
3DModelDB Administrator".