Store a model's results, where the model is implemented using the Allen Brain SDK
# running an SDK model based on example at:
# https://github.com/AllenInstitute/AllenSDK/blob/gh-pages/_downloads/Pulse%20Stimulus.ipynb
import os
import sys
import numpy
import json
# switch to the directory containing the script
# solution modified from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1432924/python-change-the-scripts-working-directory-to-the-scripts-own-directory
dirname = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
if dirname:
os.system('nrnivmodl modfiles')
from allensdk.model.biophys_sim.config import Config
from allensdk.model.biophysical_perisomatic.utils import Utils
from allensdk.core.dat_utilities import DatUtilities
description = Config().load('manifest.json')
utils = Utils(description)
h = utils.h
# configure model
manifest = description.manifest
morphology_path = description.manifest.get_path('MORPHOLOGY')
utils.generate_morphology(morphology_path.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))
# configure a simple current-clamp stimulus to generate some spikes
ic = h.IClamp(0.5, sec=h.soma[0])
ic.delay = 200
ic.dur = 1000
junction_potential = description.data['fitting'][0]['junction_potential']
currents = [270, 170, 110]
data = {'currents': currents, 'L': sum(sec.L for sec in h.allsec())}
h.tstop = 1500
for current in currents:
ic.amp = current / 1000.
vec = utils.record_values()
h.dt = 0.00625
data[current] = [[t / 1000., v - junction_potential] for t, v in zip(vec['t'], vec['v'])]
with open('../../temp_results_sdk.json', 'w') as f: