//              Provide afferent odor inputs to the network

objref MCinput[nMit], PGinput[nPG] 
double pre_odor[nMit], odor[nMit] 
double IM[nMit] 

//Pre-odor and steady-state odor values are pre-generated and read in from data files under the "Input" folder

outfile.ropen("Input/OdorA0.dat")  // Read pre-odor values from data file OdorA0.dat
for i = 0, nMit-1 { 
    pre_odor[i] = outfile.scanvar()

outfile.ropen("Input/OdorA1.dat")  // Read steady-state odor values from data file OdorA1.dat
for i = 0, nMit-1 { 
    odor[i] = outfile.scanvar()

//outfile.printf("Odor input is delivered to the following MC:\n")

for i = 0, nMit-1 {  
    mit[i].tuft MCinput[i] = new OdorInput(0.0)
	MCinput[i].torn = Todor
	MCinput[i].r    = 100
    MCinput[i].del  = 0
    MCinput[i].dur  = tstop 
	u0 = pre_odor[i]
	u1 = odor[i]
	MCinput[i].f1 = u1	
	MCinput[i].f0 = u0
   // Store the pre-odor and steady-state odor values in a file "OdorValue"	
	outfile.printf("Glom%d ",i)
    outfile.printf("%5.4f ", u0)
	outfile.printf(" %5.4f ",u1)
    // FOR PG 
	pg[i].gemmbody  PGinput[i] = new OdorInput(0.0)
	PGinput[i].torn = Todor
	PGinput[i].r    = 100
    PGinput[i].del  = 0
    PGinput[i].dur  = tstop 
    PGinput[i].f0  = Km2p*u0 	
	PGinput[i].f1  = Km2p*u1
