//               Specify parameters of the model

NTCE = 0       // When NTCE=0, full model is simulated with EPL (with granule cells)
               // When NTCE=1, glomerular model is simulated without granuel cells
// Control ON/OFF of nicotinic and muscarinic effect
NICOTIN  = 0  // 0: nAChRs inactive; 1: nAChRs activated
MUSCARIN = 0  // 0: mAChRs inactive; 1: mAChRs activated			   
netseed = 2    // Random seed used for the Netstim object in generating random background inputs 
               // This parameter varied from 0 to 11 in Fig. 12 of the paper
seedU = 88     // Random seed for uniform distribution
seedN = 100    // Random seed for normal (Gaussian) distribution

Todor = 2000  // Start time of odor

// Synaptic weights
Wm2p = 1    // MC to PG weight   
Wm2g = 1    // MC to GC weight 

Wp2m = 8    // PG to MC weight 
Wg2m = 1    // GC to MC weight 

// Number of neurons
nMit  =  25   // 25
nPG   =  25   // 25
nGran =  100  // 100

P  = 0.3      // Connectivity probability between MCs and GCs
LL = 500      // MC latral dend length in um

// Specific inputs
Km2p   = 0.4    // Scaling factor between MC and PG input: Ipg=Km2p*Imc
                // i.e., Odor input intensity is scaled down from MCs to PGs 
// Peak conductance
AMPAgmaxPG  =  2e-3    //  Maximal conductance for MC-PG synapses
NMDAgmaxPG  =  1e-3    //  Maximal conductance for MC-PG synapses
GABAAgmaxPG =  2e-3    //  Maximal conductance for PG-MC synapses

AMPAgmaxGC  =  2e-3    //  Maximal conductance for MC-GC synapses
NMDAgmaxGC  =  1e-3    //  Maximal conductance for MC-GC synapses
GABAAgmaxGC =  1.5e-3  //  Maximal conductance for GC-MC synapses

// Synaptic time constants
tau1_AMPA  = 1       // Riset time constant
tau2_AMPA  = 5.5     // Decay time constant
tau1_NMDA  = 52      // Rise time
tau2_NMDA  = 343     // Decay time
tau1_GABA  = 1.25    // Rise time 
tau2_GABA  = 18      // Decay time 

AMPAalpha  = 1/tau1_AMPA      
AMPAbeta   = 1/tau2_AMPA
NMDAalpha  = 1/tau1_NMDA
NMDAbeta   = 1/tau2_NMDA
GABAAalpha = 1/tau1_GABA
GABAAbeta  = 1/tau2_GABA

// Reserval potentials
AMPArev = 0
NMDArev = 0
GABAArev = -80

// Synapitc half-activation 
AMPAact  = 0    // 
NMDAact  = 0    // 
GABAAact = -40

// Synaptic gradeness
AMPAsigma  = 0.2     
NMDAsigma  = 0.2     
GABAAsigma = 2