// genesis - replay_netview.g

   The replay_netview utility reads binary disk_out files produced by
   ACnet2, displaying network activity and Vm plots of the middle cell of
   specified rows.  It also calculates spike statistics to provide average
   firing rate and distribution plots, and power spectra of summed
   Excitatory Post Synaptic Currents (EPSC). It gets simulation parameters
   from a "run summary_<RUNID>.txt" text file.

   David Beeman, August 2013

// Unfortunately, data must exist for this RUNID, even if it will be changed
str RUNID = "0000"        // default ID string for data file names
int debug = 1             // flag to print addtional info to console

float octave_distance = 0.96e-3 // approx 1 mm/octave
// used to give integer rows/octave

/* These defaults will be changed by function load_params to values in
    {sum_file}_{RUNID}.txt.  The value of {dt} for clock 0 will be set to
    that used in the simulation, but most of the work in this script is
    done by clock 1 with step {out_dt} (for the summed EPS current file),
    and clock 2 with step {netview_dt}, which is used for the disk_in
    objects and the netview display.  It is the clock for any analysis
    that uses soma Vm data vs. time for the network Ex_cells and Inh_cells.
    The frequency_monitor, rasterplot, and the functions used for
    calculating average spike frequencies for groups of neurons use
    clock 3 to set the width of the bins for frequency(time)
    {freq_binwidth}.  Clock 4 is a very long clock used to prevent
    calculator objects from reseting at the end of a clock step.

float dt = 20e-6          // simulation time step for clock 0
float netview_dt = 0.0002 // slowest clock for netview display
float out_dt = 0.0001     // clock used for the summed EPS current file
float tmax = 1.0          // max simulation run time (sec)
int EPSC_output = 0       // did simulation output Ex_ex EPS currents?
// At present, use EPSC_output for both.
int calc_EPSCsum = 1      // did it calculate summed EPScurrents?
int netview_output = 0    // did simulation output Vm for all network cells?

// These are NOT set by load_params
int plot_spikedist = 1 // make a histogram of spike frequency distribution
int plot_spikefreq = 1 // hack until I get consistent
int write_spikefreqs = 1 // write file of average freq(t) for each targ_row

// some globals used by spectra_funcs4.g
int graphics = 1  //  Use graphics (required)
str timedata = "/time_data" // name of the table used to hold EPSC data

// Additional definitions for calculating spike times for raster plots
// used in analysis_funcs
int n_per_row = 5 // number of cells per row to use in raster plot
str spikedata ="/spike_data"  // name of the array of spike time tables

str EPSC_sum_file = "EPSC_sum" //  prefix for summed Ex_ex currents
str net_EPSC_file = "EPSC_netview" // filename prefix for Ex_ex_synpath Ik (EPSCs)
str net_efile = "Ex_netview" // filename prefix for Ex_netview data
str net_ifile = "Inh_netview" // filename for prefix Inh_netview data
str sum_file = "run_summary" // text file prefix for summary of run params

// Added delay between time steps to slow down the  netview display
// float frame_delay = 2.5*netview_dt/tmax
float frame_delay = 0.0

// Default values may be changed by load_params, but views will not be resized!
// int Ex_NX = 48; int Ex_NY = 72
// int Inh_NX = 24; int Inh_NY = 36
int Ex_NX = 48; int Ex_NY = 48
int Inh_NX = 24; int Inh_NY = 24
float Ex_SEP_X = 40e-6
float Ex_SEP_Y = 40e-6
float Inh_SEP_X = 2*Ex_SEP_X  // There are 1/4 as many inihibitory neurons

float Inh_SEP_Y = 2*Ex_SEP_Y

// Will be read and replaced using load_params
int Ninputs = 56 // number of input channels

int rows_per_octave = {round {octave_distance/Ex_SEP_Y}}  //default is 24
int row_offset =  {round {rows_per_octave/3.0}} // To skip top and bottom rows
// row_offset = first_row
// int row_offset = 8
int Nrows = Ex_NY - 2*row_offset // will be recalculated with load_params

/* Get network simulation  parameters from run_summary file */
function load_params  // This should be called early on to set parameters
    str filename
    str linelist // Will hold a line read from {filename}
    filename = {"run_summary_" @ {RUNID} @ ".txt"}
    if ({fileexists {filename}})
        openfile {filename} r
        readfile {filename} // skip line 1 with script_name, RUNID, seed, date
        // This is a trick to separately get multiple values on one line
        // without doing another read
        linelist = {readfile {filename} -l} // Line 2 has tmax and clocks
        tmax = {getarg {arglist {linelist}} -arg 2}
        dt = {getarg {arglist {linelist}} -arg 4}
        out_dt = {getarg {arglist {linelist}} -arg 6}
        netview_dt = {getarg {arglist {linelist}} -arg 8}
        linelist = {readfile {filename} -l}  // Line 3 has output flags
        EPSC_output = {getarg {arglist {linelist}} -arg 2}
        netview_output = {getarg {arglist {linelist}} -arg 4}
        linelist = {readfile {filename} -l}  // Line 4 has number of cells
        Ex_NX = {getarg {arglist {linelist}} -arg 2}        
        Ex_NY = {getarg {arglist {linelist}} -arg 4}        
        Inh_NX = {getarg {arglist {linelist}} -arg 6}        
        Inh_NY = {getarg {arglist {linelist}} -arg 8}        
        linelist = {readfile {filename} -l}  // Line 5 has cell separations
        Ex_SEP_X = {getarg {arglist {linelist}} -arg 2}        
        Ex_SEP_Y = {getarg {arglist {linelist}} -arg 4}        
        Inh_SEP_X = {getarg {arglist {linelist}} -arg 6}        
        Inh_SEP_Y = {getarg {arglist {linelist}} -arg 8}        
        Ninputs = {getarg {readfile {filename}} -arg 2}
        closefile {filename}
        // frame_delay = 2.5*netview_dt/tmax // set appropriate display delay
        rows_per_octave = {round {octave_distance/Ex_SEP_Y}}
        row_offset =  {round {rows_per_octave/3.0}} 
        Nrows = Ex_NY - 2*row_offset
        echo "File " {filename} " does not exist!"

    // at present, EPSC_output is used for netview and calc_EPSCsum for summed EPSC

end // function load_params

function step_tmax
    echo "dt = "{getclock 0}"   tmax = "{tmax}
    echo "START: " {getdate}
    step {tmax} -time
    echo "END  : " {getdate}

/*  Utility functions used by the GUI */

extern load_summary
extern open_files
extern make_netview
extern make_graph_messages
extern make_time_data_table  // from spectra_funcs3.g
function change_stepsize(dialog)
   str dialog
   dt =  {getfield {dialog} value}
   setclock 0 {dt}
   echo "Changing step size to "{dt}

function change_runtime(dialog)
   str dialog
   tmax =  {getfield {dialog} value}

/* This does most of the setup and opens the data files to be used */
function change_RUNID(dialog)
    str dialog, filename
    RUNID =  {getfield {dialog} value}
    filename =  {{sum_file} @ "_" @ {RUNID} @ ".txt"}
    if ({fileexists {filename}})  // Only check for the summary file
        // this should be generalized
        setfield /control/runtime value {tmax}
        setfield /control/stepsize value {dt}
        setfield /control/frame_delay value {frame_delay}
        setfield /control/spike_filename value spike_times_{RUNID}.txt
        setfield /data/##[ISA=xgraph] xmax {tmax}
        if (plot_spikefreq)
            setfield /freq_form/frequency xmax {tmax}
    else // file doesn't exist
         setfield {dialog} value "0000"

// Functions invoked by the script_out element /frame_delay

function get_current_time
    setfield /control/current_time value {getstat -time}
    sleep {frame_delay}

function change_frame_delay(delay)
   str delay
   frame_delay = delay
        enable  /frame_delay
        useclock /frame_delay 2
        setfield /frame_delay command "get_current_time"

/* ==================================================================
   Graphics tools used in many "graphics.g" scripts
/*  A subset of the functions defined in genesis/startup/xtools.g
    These are used to provide a "scale" button to graphs.
    "makegraphscale path_to_graph" creates the button and the popup
     menu to change the graph scale.

function setgraphscale(graph)
    str graph
    str form = graph @ "_scaleform"
    str xmin = {getfield {form}/xmin value}
    str xmax = {getfield {form}/xmax value}
    str ymin = {getfield {form}/ymin value}
    str ymax = {getfield {form}/ymax value}
    setfield {graph} xmin {xmin} xmax {xmax} ymin {ymin} ymax {ymax}
    xhide {form}

function showgraphscale(form)
    str form
    str x, y
    // find the parent form
    str parent = {el {form}/..}
    while (!{isa xform {parent}})
        parent = {el {parent}/..}
    x = {getfield {parent} xgeom}
    y = {getfield {parent} ygeom}
    setfield {form} xgeom {x} ygeom {y}
    xshow {form}

function makegraphscale(graph)
    if ({argc} < 1)
        echo usage: makegraphscale graph
    str graph
    str graphName = {getpath {graph} -tail}
    float x, y
    str form = graph @ "_scaleform"
    str parent = {el {graph}/..}
    while (!{isa xform {parent}})
        parent = {el {parent}/..}

    x = {getfield {graph} x}
    y = {getfield {graph} y}

    create xbutton {graph}_scalebutton  \
        [{getfield {graph} xgeom},{getfield {graph} ygeom},50,25] \
           -title scale -script "showgraphscale "{form}
    create xform {form} [{x},{y},180,170] -nolabel

    disable {form}
    pushe {form}
    create xbutton DONE [10,5,55,25] -script "setgraphscale "{graph}
    create xbutton CANCEL [70,5,55,25] -script "xhide "{form}
    create xdialog xmin [10,35,160,25] -value {getfield {graph} xmin}
    create xdialog xmax [10,65,160,25] -value {getfield {graph} xmax}
    create xdialog ymin [10,95,160,25] -value {getfield {graph} ymin}
    create xdialog ymax [10,125,160,25] -value {getfield {graph} ymax}

/* Add some interesting colors to any widgets that have been created */
function colorize
    setfield /##[ISA=xlabel] fg white bg blue3
    setfield /##[ISA=xbutton] offbg rosybrown1 onbg rosybrown1
    setfield /##[ISA=xtoggle] onfg red offbg cadetblue1 onbg cadetblue1
    setfield /##[ISA=xdialog] bg palegoldenrod
    setfield /##[ISA=xgraph] bg ivory

// function to return a color name from an index into the colorlist
// Usage example: str color = {colors 3}
function colors(col_num)
    int col_num
    str colorlist = "black blue cyan green magenta red orange"
    str color
    // convert col_num to range 1 though 7
    col_num = col_num - {trunc {col_num/7.0}}*7 + 1
    color = {getarg {arglist {colorlist}} -arg {col_num}}
    return {color}

The function "sumwindow" (adapted from "textwindow" creates a form 600 pixels wide 
and 336 pixels high at x,y to display the specified text file with scrolling and
paging.  Using the default font (7x13bold), this provides room for 24 lines with
78 characters per line and a one character right and left margin.  (The left
margin is provided automatically.)

// sumwindow formpath,x,y
// creates a form 600 pixels wide and 336 pixels high at x,y to display
// the specified text file with scrolling and paging
function sumwindow(formpath, x, y)
   str formpath, textfile
   int x, y, width, height
   height = 336
   width = 600
   create xform {formpath} [{x},{y},{width},{height}] -nolabel
   pushe {formpath}
   create xlabel textbar [40,0,{100*(width - 40)/width}%,20] -label  \
     "Click and drag the left mouse button on the scroll bar to scroll the text"
   create xbutton DONE [0,0,40,20] -script "xhide "{formpath}
   create xtext run_summary [0%,20,100%,94%] -bg white
   xshow {formpath}

//    Functions to set up the GUI

function make_control
    create xform /control [0,0,270,345]
    pushe /control
    create xlabel label -hgeom 25 -bg cyan -label "CONTROL PANEL"
    create xbutton RESET -wgeom 25%       -script reset
    create xbutton RUN  -xgeom 0:RESET -ygeom 0:label -wgeom 25% \
         -script step_tmax
    create xbutton STOP  -xgeom 0:RUN -ygeom 0:label -wgeom 25% \
         -script stop
    create xbutton QUIT -xgeom 0:STOP -ygeom 0:label -wgeom 25% -script quit
    create xdialog RUNID -title "RUNID string:" -value {RUNID} \
                -script "change_RUNID <widget>"
    create xdialog stepsize -title "dt (sec)" -value {netview_dt} \
                -script "change_stepsize <widget>"
    create xdialog runtime -title "runtime (sec)" -value {tmax} \
                -script "change_runtime <widget>"
    create xdialog frame_delay -title "frame delay (sec)" -value {frame_delay} \
                -script "change_frame_delay <v>"
    create xbutton show_spectrum  -wgeom 50% -title "Show spectrum" \
        -script "xshow /spectra_form"
    create xbutton show_spikefreq -wgeom 50% -ygeom 0:frame_delay \
        -xgeom 0:show_spectrum -title "Show spike rate" \
        -script "xshow /freq_form"
    create xbutton show_ratedist -ygeom 0:show_spectrum \
	-title "Show avg spike rate distribution" -script "xshow /histform"
    create xbutton write_rasterfile -title "Write spike times to file" \
        -script do_write_rasterfile
    create xdialog spike_filename -title Filename \
        -value spike_times_{RUNID}.txt
    create xdialog n_per_row -title "cells/row to record" -value {n_per_row} \
        -script "change_n_per_row <widget>"
    create xdialog current_time -script get_current_time -value  0.000
    xshow /control


function load_summary
    str filename
    filename = {"run_summary_" @ {RUNID} @ ".txt"}
    if ({fileexists {filename}})
        setfield /summary_form/run_summary filename {filename}
        echo "File " {filename} " does not exist!"

function make_Vmgraph
    str graph_form = "/data"
    str graphlabel = "Vm of center input targets"
    float vmin = -0.07
    float vmax = 0.65
    create xform {graph_form} [275,0,400,800]
    pushe {graph_form}
    create xlabel label -label {graphlabel}
    create xgraph voltage -hgeom 64% -title "Ex_cell Membrane Potential" !
    setfield ^ XUnits sec YUnits V
    setfield ^ xmax {tmax} ymin {vmin} ymax {vmax}
    makegraphscale {graph_form}/voltage
    useclock voltage 2 // the clock used to write the netview file
    create xgraph Inh_voltage -hgeom 30% -ygeom 0:voltage \
        -title "Inh_cell Membrane Potential" -bg white
    setfield ^ XUnits sec YUnits V
    setfield ^ xmax {tmax} ymin {vmin} ymax {vmax}
    makegraphscale {graph_form}/Inh_voltage
    create xdialog drop_plot -wgeom 50% -ygeom 0:Inh_voltage \
        -title "Drop plot" -value 0 -script "drop_Vmplot <v>"
    create xdialog add_plot  -xgeom 0:drop_plot -ygeom 0:Inh_voltage \
        -title "Add plot" -value 0 -script "add_Vmplot <v>"
    useclock Inh_voltage 2 // the clock used to write the netview file
    xshow {graph_form}

function make_netview  // sets up xview widget to display Vm of each cell
    // Adjust the aspect ratio for rectangular networks of width around 400
    // Make view for Ex_cell[]
    int npixels = 2*{round {180/Ex_NX}}
    int Ex_view_width = npixels*Ex_NX + 20
    int Ex_view_height = npixels*Ex_NY + 17
    if ({exists /Ex_netview})  // make a new one of the right size
        delete /Ex_netview
    create xform /Ex_netview [680,0,{Ex_view_width},{Ex_view_height}]
    create xdraw /Ex_netview/draw [0%,0%,100%, 100%]
    // Make the display region a little larger than the cell array
    setfield /Ex_netview/draw xmin {-Ex_SEP_X} xmax {Ex_NX*Ex_SEP_X} \
        ymin {-Ex_SEP_Y} ymax {Ex_NY*Ex_SEP_Y}
    create xview /Ex_netview/draw/view
    setfield /Ex_netview/draw/view value_min -0.08 value_max 0.04 \
        viewmode colorview morph_val 0 sizescale {Ex_SEP_X}
    useclock /Ex_netview/draw/view 2 // clock used to write netview file
    xshow /Ex_netview
    int Inh_view_width = npixels*Inh_NX + 20
    int Inh_view_height = npixels*Inh_NY + 10
    if ({exists /Inh_netview})  // make a new one of the right size
        delete /Inh_netview
    create xform /Inh_netview [{255 - Inh_view_width}, 335, \
        {Inh_view_width + npixels}, {Inh_view_height}]
    create xdraw /Inh_netview/draw [0%,0%,100%, 100%]
    // Make the display region a little larger than the cell array
    setfield /Inh_netview/draw xmin {-Inh_SEP_X} xmax {Inh_NX*Inh_SEP_X} \
        ymin {-Inh_SEP_Y} ymax {Inh_NY*Inh_SEP_Y}
    create xview /Inh_netview/draw/view
    setfield /Inh_netview/draw/view value_min -0.08 value_max 0.03 \
        viewmode colorview morph_val 0 sizescale {Inh_SEP_X}
    useclock /Inh_netview/draw/view 2 // clock used to write netview file
    xshow /Inh_netview

    /* For now, assume existence of EPSC_file */

    if ({exists /EPSC_netview})  // make a new one of the right size
	delete /EPSC_netview
    create xform /EPSC_netview [990,0,{Ex_view_width},{Ex_view_height}]
    create xdraw /EPSC_netview/draw [0%,0%,100%, 100%]
    // Make the display region a little larger than the cell array
    setfield /EPSC_netview/draw xmin {-Ex_SEP_X} xmax {Ex_NX*Ex_SEP_X} \
        ymin {-Ex_SEP_Y} ymax {Ex_NY*Ex_SEP_Y}
    create xview /EPSC_netview/draw/view
    setfield /EPSC_netview/draw/view value_min 0.0 value_max 2e-9 \
        viewmode colorview morph_val 0 sizescale {Ex_SEP_X}
    useclock /EPSC_netview/draw/view 2 // clock used to write netview file
    xshow /EPSC_netview


function open_files
    str filename
    if ({exists /Ex_diskin})
        delete /Ex_diskin
    if ({exists /Inh_diskin})
        delete /Inh_diskin
    if ({exists /EPSC_diskin})
        delete /EPSC_diskin
    if ({exists /EPSC_sum_diskin})
        delete /EPSC_sum_diskin

    filename = {{net_efile} @ "_" @ {RUNID} @ ".dat"}
    if ({fileexists {filename}})
        create disk_in /Ex_diskin
        setfield /Ex_diskin  filename {filename} fileformat 1  leave_open 1
        call /Ex_diskin RESET
        setclock 2 {netview_dt}
        useclock /Ex_diskin 2
    filename = {{net_ifile} @ "_" @ {RUNID} @ ".dat"}
    if ({fileexists {filename}})
        create disk_in /Inh_diskin
        setfield /Inh_diskin filename {filename} fileformat 1  leave_open 1
        call /Inh_diskin RESET
        setclock 2 {netview_dt}
        useclock /Inh_diskin 2
    filename = {{net_EPSC_file} @ "_" @ {RUNID} @ ".dat"}
    if ({fileexists {filename}})
        create disk_in /EPSC_diskin
        setfield /EPSC_diskin filename {filename} fileformat 0 leave_open 1
        call /EPSC_diskin RESET
        setclock 2 {netview_dt}
        useclock /EPSC_diskin 2
    filename = {{EPSC_sum_file} @ "_" @ {RUNID} @ ".txt"}
    if ({fileexists {filename}})
	create disk_in /EPSC_sum_diskin
	setfield /EPSC_sum_diskin filename {filename} fileformat 0 leave_open 1
        setfield /EPSC_sum_diskin nx 2 ny 1
	setclock 1 {out_dt}
	useclock /EPSC_sum_diskin 1

end // function open_files

/* Functions to drop and add plots of Vm for middle cell of input target row */

function drop_Vmplot(input_num)
    int input_num, del_num, n, count
    str label, msglabel
    label = "targ_" @ {input_num}
    count = {getmsg /data/voltage -in -count}
    del_num = -1 // set to < 0 initially, then look for message to delete
    for (n = 0; n < count; n = n +1)
        msglabel = {getmsg /data/voltage -in -slot {n} 1 }
        if ({msglabel} == {label})
            del_num = n
            echo "Dropping plot " {n} "    " {msglabel}
    if (del_num >= 0)
            deletemsg /data/voltage {del_num} -in
        echo "A plot for input" {input_num} " does not exist."
    // redo this for /data/Inh_voltage without assuming it has same messages
    count = {getmsg /data/Inh_voltage -in -count}
    del_num = -1 // set to < 0 initially, then look for message to delete
    for (n = 0; n < count; n = n +1)
        msglabel = {getmsg /data/Inh_voltage -in -slot {n} 1 }
        if ({msglabel} == {label})
            del_num = n
            echo "Dropping plot " {n} "    " {msglabel}
    if (del_num >= 0)
        deletemsg /data/Inh_voltage {del_num} -in
        echo "A plot for input" {input_num} " does not exist."

function add_Vmplot(row_num)
    int row_num, cell_num, dup_num, n, count
    str label, msglabel
    float offset // offset for plots
    float delta_y = 0.02 // vertical displacement of subsequent plots
    int first_row = row_offset // the first row to be plotted has no vertical offset
     // target is middle cell in row targeted by input_num
    cell_num = row_num*Ex_NX + {round {(Ex_NX -1)/2.0}}
    // generate PLOTSCALE options  {value} *{label} *{color} scale offset
    label = "targ_" @ {row_num}
    offset = (row_num - first_row)*delta_y
    count = {getmsg /data/voltage -in -count}
    dup_num = -1  // default is that the message doesn't already exist
    for (n = 0; n < count; n = n +1)
        msglabel = {getmsg /data/voltage -in -slot {n} 1 }
        if ({msglabel} == {label})
            dup_num = n
            echo "Plot " {n} "  " {msglabel} " already exists"
    if (dup_num < 0)
        addmsg /Ex_diskin /data/voltage PLOTSCALE val[0][{cell_num}] \
        *{label} *{colors {row_num}} 1 {offset}

    // MGBv inputs target y-coord range, not a row, and Inh cells have
    // twice the spacing of Ex cell.  Thus the row numbers of Inh inputs
    // increase at half the rate.
    cell_num = {round {row_num*Inh_NX/2.0}} + {round {(Inh_NX -1)/2.0}}
    // redo this for /data/Inh_voltage without assuming it has same messages
    count = {getmsg /data/Inh_voltage -in -count}
    dup_num = -1  // default is that the message doesn't already exist
    for (n = 0; n < count; n = n +1)
        msglabel = {getmsg /data/Inh_voltage -in -slot {n} 1 }
        if ({msglabel} == {label})
            dup_num = n
            echo "Plot " {n} "  " {msglabel} " already exists"
    if (dup_num < 0)
        addmsg /Inh_diskin /data/Inh_voltage PLOTSCALE val[0][{cell_num}] \
            *{label} *{colors {row_num}} 1 {offset}

extern make_freqmon // defined below analysis_funcs
extern make_freqmon_messages 

/*****		   include analysis_funcs5.g		  ******/
include analysis_funcs5.g  // functions for spike analysis

/* Function used in control panel to output spike time data to a file for
   raster plots.

   Note that the present version only plots rows from row_offset to
   Ex_NY - row_offset
function do_write_rasterfile
    str form = "/control"
    str spike_time_file = {getfield {form}/spike_filename value}
    int Nplots = n_per_row*Nrows  // these are both globals
    make_spike_time_file {Nplots} {spike_time_file} {spikedata}
    if (debug)
        echo "Wrote spike time data file "{spike_time_file}

// Warning - This will reset the run and allocate new spike_data tables
function change_n_per_row(dialog)
    str dialog
    n_per_row =	 {getfield {dialog} value}
    change_RUNID /control/RUNID

/* Set up plotting messages to the graphs and netviews from disk_in objects */
function make_graph_messages
    int j
    int nx = {getfield /Ex_diskin nx}
    int ny = {getfield /Ex_diskin ny}
    // For FMT1 files, nx = 1 and x index is 0
    // Set up messages to the views
    for (j = 0; j < ny; j = j + 1)
            addmsg /Ex_diskin /Ex_netview/draw/view VAL1 val[0][{j}]
    // Now do for the In view
    int nx = {getfield /Inh_diskin nx}
    int ny = {getfield /Inh_diskin ny}
    for (j = 0; j < ny; j = j + 1)
            addmsg /Inh_diskin /Inh_netview/draw/view VAL1 val[0][{j}]

    // Assume that there will be a /EPSC_diskin with Ik values
    int nx = {getfield /EPSC_diskin nx}
    int ny = {getfield /EPSC_diskin ny}
    // For FMT1 files, nx = 1 and x index is 0
    // Set up messages to the views
    for (j = 0; j < ny; j = j + 1)
            addmsg /EPSC_diskin /EPSC_netview/draw/view VAL1 val[0][{j}]

    reset // It is evidently not sufficient to reset just the diskins here
    // After a reset, this properly initializes position of shapes in view
    // However the following lines sometimes cause an error 
    // "src table /Ex_diskin/ xpts not allocated"
    setfield /Ex_netview/draw/view xpts /Ex_diskin/xpts
    setfield /Ex_netview/draw/view ypts /Ex_diskin/ypts
    setfield /Ex_netview/draw/view zpts /Ex_diskin/zpts

    setfield /Inh_netview/draw/view xpts /Inh_diskin/xpts
    setfield /Inh_netview/draw/view ypts /Inh_diskin/ypts
    setfield /Inh_netview/draw/view zpts /Inh_diskin/zpts

    setfield /EPSC_netview/draw/view xpts /EPSC_diskin/xpts
    setfield /EPSC_netview/draw/view ypts /EPSC_diskin/ypts
    setfield /EPSC_netview/draw/view zpts /EPSC_diskin/zpts

    // Set up messages to the Vm graphs
    add_Vmplot  8
    add_Vmplot  12
    add_Vmplot  18
    add_Vmplot  24
    add_Vmplot  30
    add_Vmplot  36

    // make tables and messages for spike times - from analysis_funcs
    setup_rasterplot {n_per_row}  // n_per_row is globally defined

// the EPSC_output flag is set in the run_summary file to indicate that the EPSC
// netview output is enabled.  But, assume that the summed EPS currents
// are also provided in {EPSC_sum_file}, and that calc_EPSCsum is also set.

    if ({calc_EPSCsum})
        make_time_data_table // defined in spectra_funcs3.g
        addmsg /EPSC_sum_diskin {timedata} INPUT val[1][0]
        setfield /spectra_form/max_time value {tmax}
        setfield /spectra_form/power_spectrum/ title \
           "EPSC power spectrum for run "{RUNID}
        xshow /spectra_form
        xhide /spectra_form

    if (plot_spikefreq)
        make_freqmon_messages 0 // default row 0 means calc for all rows
        make_inh_freqmon_messages 0 // default row 0 means calc for all rows
        change_binwidth {getclock 3}
        setfield /freq_form/#[ISA=xgraph] xmax {tmax}
        make_rate_dist // make spike rate distribution histogram with controls

    if (write_spikefreqs)

end // function make_graph_messages

/* ========================== Main program =========================== */

load_params // Override many of the defaults
if (debug)
    echo "out_dt = " {out_dt} "    netview_dt = " {netview_dt}
setclock 0 {dt} // default clock - most of the work is done by 1 and 2

sumwindow /summary_form 680 320

/* Extra code to calculate power spectra */
// name of object generating time data - in this case, it is a file
str data_source = {EPSC_sum_file}

/*****		   include spectra_funcs3.g		 ******/
include spectra_funcs3.g
make_FTgraph 1048 368
xhide /spectra_form  // Hide the FT graphs until they are needed

make_freq_graph 1048 368

xshow /freq_form

if (plot_spikedist)
    xshow /histform

// Slow down the display

create script_out /frame_delay
change_frame_delay {frame_delay}
