// general parameters
tstop = 1000
runStopAt = tstop
steps_per_ms = 1/dt
celsius = 36
v_init = -70
// create compartments and insert passive properties
create PRE,POST
// insert presynaptic mechanisms
access PRE // insert Hodgk-Hux. Na+ and K+ currents for spikes
//insert glurel //for glutamate train tool
insert fastglu // for fast flow
// insert postsynaptic mechansisms
objectvar c
c = new AMPA13() // create synapse
POST c.loc(0.5) // assign postsynaptic compartment
setpointer c.C, PRE.T_fastglu(0.5) // assign presynaptic compartment
objectvar clamp
POST clamp = new VClamp(0.5)