* soltis_biophysJ2010_masterCompute.h
* Created by Mao-Tsuen Jeng on 12/22/11.
* Copyright 2011 __Clancy Lab__. All rights reserved.
function yfinal = soltis_biophysJ2010_masterCompute
% This function calls the ode solver and plots results.
% Dependency: soltis_biophysJ2010_masterODEfile.m
% Re-implemented by Anthony Soltis <ars7h@virginia.edu> for CaMKII/PKA
% regulation of ECC model
% Author: Jeff Saucerman <jsaucerman@virginia.edu>
% Copyright 2008, University of Virginia, All Rights Reserved
% Reference: JJ Saucerman and DM Bers, Calmodulin mediates differential
% sensitivity of CaMKII and calcineurin to local Ca2+ in cardiac myocytes.
% Biophys J. 2008 Aug 8. [Epub ahead of print]
% Please cite the above paper when using this model.
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <random>
#include <new>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
typedef struct {
double I_Ca_store, I_to_store[3], I_Na_store, I_K1_store, ibar_store, gates[2];
double Jserca, IKs_store, Jleak[2], ICFTR, Incx, IKr_store;
double JCaCyt, JCaSL, JCaDyad;
} pars_rec;
//Structure holding ODE and parameter arrays
typedef struct {
double y0n[212];
pars_rec pars1;
double p[36];
double v, v_old, ryr_old, I_Total;
double dvdt, dcaidt, cai_old;
double ui1_v, uj1_v, ui2_v, uj2_v, dun_v, tu_v; // For computing change of direction.
double ui1_cai, uj1_cai, ui2_cai, uj2_cai, dun_cai, tu_cai; // For computing change of direction.
} Cell;
//Total tissue width and length
const int tw = 1;
const int tl = 1;
typedef struct {
double t, tt;
int tStep, counter, beat;
Cell cellData[tw][tl];
} SimState;
SimState theState;
SimState *S = &theState;
const double pi = 3.141592653589793;
#include "integrate_rk2.h"
#include "soltis_biophysJ2010_masterODEfile.h"
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
double freq = 1; // [Hz] CHANGE DEPENDING ON FREQUENCY
double cycleLength = 1.e3/freq; // [ms]
double Iso_CL;//cycleLength;
double Ach_CL;//cycleLength;
char name1[60];
char name2[60];
char name3[60];
Cell * theCell;
pars_rec * pars1;
double * y0n;
double * y0n2;
S->tStep = 0;
double * p;
//// Parameters for external modules
// ECC and CaM modules
double CaMtotDyad = 418.; // [uM]
double BtotDyad = 1.54/8.293e-4; // [uM]
double CaMKIItotDyad = 120.; // [uM]
double CaNtotDyad = 3.e-3/8.293e-4; // [uM]
double PP1totDyad = 96.5; // [uM]
double CaMtotSL = 5.65; // [uM]
double BtotSL = 24.2; // [uM]
double CaMKIItotSL = 120.*8.293e-4; // [uM]
double CaNtotSL = 3.e-3; // [uM]
double PP1totSL = 0.57; // [uM]
double CaMtotCyt = 5.65; // [uM]
double BtotCyt = 24.2; // [uM]
double CaMKIItotCyt = 120.*8.293e-4;// [uM]
double CaNtotCyt = 3.e-3; // [uM]
double PP1totCyt = 0.57; // [uM]
// ADJUST CAMKII ACTIVITY LEVELS (expression = 'WT', 'OE', or 'KO')
char expression[] = "WT";
double CKIIOE = 0; // Should be zero during 'WT' and 'KO' runs
//if ( expression == "OE" ) {
if( strcmp(expression, "OE" ) == 0 ) {
int CKIIOE = 1; // Flag for CKII OE in ECC file (0=WT, 1=OE) - for Ito and INa
CaMKIItotDyad = 120*6; // [uM]
CaMKIItotSL = 120*8.293e-4*6; // [uM]
CaMKIItotCyt = 120*8.293e-4*6;// [uM]
} else if ( strcmp( expression, "KO" ) == 0 ) {
CaMKIItotDyad = 0; // [uM]
CaMKIItotSL = 0; // [uM]
CaMKIItotCyt = 0; // [uM]
// end
// For Recovery from inactivation of LCC
double recoveryTime = 10; // initialize to smallest value
// Parameters for CaMKII module
double LCCtotDyad = 31.4*.9; // [uM] - Total Dyadic [LCC] - (umol/l dyad)
double LCCtotSL = 0.0846; // [uM] - Total Subsarcolemmal [LCC] (umol/l sl)
double RyRtot = 382.6; // [uM] - Total RyR (in Dyad)
double PP1_dyad = 95.7; // [uM] - Total dyadic [PP1]
double PP1_SL = 0.57; // [uM] - Total Subsarcolemmal [PP1]
double PP2A_dyad = 95.76; // [uM] - Total dyadic PP2A
double OA = 0; // [uM] - PP1/PP2A inhibitor Okadaic Acid
double PLBtot = 38; // [uM] - Total [PLB] in cytosolic units
// Parameters for BAR module
double Ligtot = 0; // [uM] - SET LIGAND CONCENTRATION HERE
double LCCtotBA = 0.025; // [uM] - [umol/L cytosol]
double RyRtotBA = 0.135; // [uM] - [umol/L cytosol]
double PLBtotBA = 38; // [uM] - [umol/L cytosol]
double TnItotBA = 70; // [uM] - [umol/L cytosol]
double IKstotBA = 0.025; // [uM] - [umol/L cytosol]
double ICFTRtotBA = 0.025; // [uM] - [umol/L cytosol]
double PP1_PLBtot = 0.89; // [uM] - [umol/L cytosol]
double PLMtotBA = 48;
char stateFileName[] = "finalStates.txt";
char *InputFile2 = argv[2];
FILE * input2 = fopen( InputFile2, "r" );
char *InputFile1 = argv[1];
FILE * input3 = fopen( InputFile1, "r" );
char *InputFile3 = argv[3];
FILE *input_time = fopen( InputFile3, "r" );
double simTime;
fscanf( input_time, "%lf", &simTime );
fclose( input_time );
double t_ISO_s, t_ISO_e, t_ACh_s, t_ACh_e;
char *InputFile4 = argv[4];
FILE * input4 = fopen( InputFile4, "r" );
fscanf( input4, "%le", &t_ISO_s );
fscanf( input4, "%le", &t_ISO_e );
fscanf( input4, "%le", &t_ACh_s );
fscanf( input4, "%le", &t_ACh_e );
fclose( input4 );
t_ISO_s = t_ISO_s*1000;
t_ISO_e = t_ISO_e*1000;
t_ACh_s = t_ACh_s*1000;
t_ACh_e = t_ACh_e*1000;
int sy0 = 212;
double dtbase = 1. / 128;
double dt = dtbase;
int fold = 1 / dt;
double t = 0;
double tb = 0;
// simulation time [ms]/ dt;
int iter_max = simTime*1000/dt;
int tcout = 0;
time_t t_start, t_end;
double dif, dv, CL;
int ww, ll;
double I_inj;
double t0 = 0;
double tt1;
double t1 = -1;
double t2 = -1;
double ACh, cardiac_s;
// Read initial data
theCell = &(S->cellData[0][0]);
y0n = theCell->y0n;
FILE *fp = fopen( stateFileName, "r");
for ( int idy = 0; idy < sy0; idy++ ) {
fscanf ( fp, "%lf", &y0n[idy] );
fclose( fp );
theCell->tu_v = 0;
theCell->tu_cai = 0;
ww = 0;
ll = 0;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[0] = cycleLength;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[1] = recoveryTime;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[2] = CaMtotDyad;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[3] = BtotDyad;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[4] = CaMKIItotDyad;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[5] = CaNtotDyad;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[6] = PP1totDyad;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[7] = CaMtotSL;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[8] = BtotSL;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[9] = CaMKIItotSL;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[10] = CaNtotSL;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[11] = PP1totSL;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[12] = CaMtotCyt;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[13] = BtotCyt;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[14] = CaMKIItotCyt;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[15] = CaNtotCyt;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[16] = PP1totCyt;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[17] = LCCtotDyad;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[18] = RyRtot;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[19] = PP1_dyad;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[20] = PP2A_dyad;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[21] = OA;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[22] = PLBtot;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[23] = LCCtotSL;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[24] = PP1_SL;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[25] = 0.0;//iso_total;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[26] = LCCtotBA;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[27] = RyRtotBA;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[28] = PLBtotBA;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[29] = TnItotBA;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[30] = IKstotBA;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[31] = ICFTRtotBA;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[32] = PP1_PLBtot;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[33] = CKIIOE;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[34] = PLMtotBA;
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[35] = 0.0;//ach_total;
sprintf(name1, "ap_icnsach.txt");
FILE * fpy = fopen( name1, "w" );
sprintf(name2, "ca_icnsach.txt");
FILE * fpall = fopen( name2, "w" );
int syid1 = 1;
int yid1[] = { 39};
int yid;
time_t startTime;
time_t previousTime;
const time_t timeSave = 1*60*60;
startTime = time(NULL);
previousTime = startTime;
tb = 0;
double t_read;
for ( int iter = 1; iter <= iter_max; iter ++ ) {
t = iter * dt; // total time
t0 = 0;
if( tb == 0 ) {
fscanf( input3, "%le", &CL );
ww = 0;
ll = 0;
fscanf( input2, "%le", &(t_read) );
fscanf( input2, "%le", &(ACh));
fscanf( input2, "%le", &(cardiac_s) );
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[25] = 0;
if ( S->tt >= t_ISO_s && S->tt <= t_ISO_e ) {
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[25] = cardiac_s * 0.2/1e3;// to uM
if ( S->tt >= t_ACh_s && S->tt <= t_ACh_e ) {
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[35] = ACh * 0.7/1e3; //to uM
} else {
S->cellData[ww][ll].p[35] = ACh * 0.1/1e3; //to uM
if ( tb < 5 && S->tt >= (0e3) && S->tt < 200e3 ) {
I_inj = -9.5; // injection/stimulus current
else {
theCell = &(S->cellData[ww][ll]);
pars1 = &(theCell->pars1);
y0n = theCell->y0n;
p = theCell->p;
theCell->v_old = y0n[38];
theCell->ryr_old = y0n[14];
theCell->cai_old = y0n[37];
integrate_rk2( soltis_biophysJ2010_masterODEfile, &t, sy0, y0n, dt, p, pars1 ) ;
theCell->I_Total = (theCell->v_old - y0n[38]) / dt + I_inj;
theCell->v = y0n[38];
theCell = &(S->cellData[ww][ll]);
theCell->y0n[38] = theCell->v_old + dv;
S->t = tb + dt;
S->tt = t;
tb += dt;
if( tb >= CL ) {
tb = 0;
y0n = theCell->y0n;
double voltage1=y0n[38];
double cai1=y0n[37];
double srca1=y0n[30];
double cAMP_cav = y0n[209];
double cAMP_ecav = y0n[210];
double cAMP_cyt = y0n[211];
if ( (tcout % 12800 ) == 0 ) {
cout << "Simulation Time: " << t << "\tTime spent: " << (time(NULL) - startTime)/60 << " min "<< (time(NULL) - startTime)%60 << " sec" << endl;
cout << "ICNS: " << theCell->p[25] << endl;
cout << "ACh: " << theCell->p[35] << endl;
cout << "CL: " << CL << endl;
double N2, dui, duj;
theCell = &(S->cellData[ww][ll]);
y0n = theCell->y0n;
double voltage = y0n[38];
double cai = y0n[37];
theCell->dvdt = ( voltage - theCell->v_old ) / dt;
theCell->dcaidt = ( cai - theCell->cai_old ) / dt;
// Computing direction change
N2 = pow( ( 1. + theCell->dvdt * theCell->dvdt ), 0.5 );
theCell->ui2_v = 1. / N2;
theCell->uj2_v = theCell->dvdt / N2;
dui = theCell->ui1_v - theCell->ui2_v;
duj = theCell->uj1_v - theCell->uj2_v;
theCell->dun_v += pow( ( dui * dui + duj * duj ), 0.5 );
theCell->ui1_v = theCell->ui2_v;
theCell->uj1_v = theCell->uj2_v;
theCell->dcaidt = 1.e5 * theCell->dcaidt; // To avoid truncation error in N2.
N2 = pow( ( 1. + theCell->dcaidt * theCell->dcaidt ), 0.5 );
theCell->ui2_cai = 1. / N2;
theCell->uj2_cai = theCell->dcaidt / N2;
dui = theCell->ui1_cai - theCell->ui2_cai;
duj = theCell->uj1_cai - theCell->uj2_cai;
theCell->dun_cai += pow( ( dui * dui + duj * duj ), 0.5 );
theCell->ui1_cai = theCell->ui2_cai;
theCell->uj1_cai = theCell->uj2_cai;
// Save if there is an significant change of direction or end of a cycle.
if( ( ( ( exp( 5. * ( S->tt - theCell->tu_v ) ) * theCell->dun_v ) > 0.05 ) || ( fmod( S->tt, CL ) < dt ) ) ) {
fprintf(fpy, "%-12.6f\t%-12.10e\n", t , voltage);
theCell->dun_v = 0.;
theCell->tu_v = S->tt;
if( ( ( ( exp( 100. * ( S->tt - theCell->tu_cai ) ) * theCell->dun_cai ) > 0.05 ) || ( fmod( S->tt, CL ) < dt ) ) ) {
fprintf(fpall, "%-12.6f\t%-12.10e\n", t , cai );
theCell->dun_cai = 0.;
theCell->tu_cai = S->tt;
fclose (fpy);
fclose( fpall );
fclose (input2);
return 0;