* Calculates extracellular potentials (Ve) for either uniform E-field stimulation or
* intracortical microstimulation (ICMS)
* AUTHOR: Aman Aberra, Duke University
* CONTACT: aman.aberra@duke.edu
stim_mode = 1 // 1 - ICMS, 2 - uniform E-field
xe = 200 // µm electrode default position
ye = -50 // µm
ze = 0 // µm
sigma_e = 2.76e-7 // S/µm - conductivity in GM (Bungert 2016)
create sElec
// uniform E field stimulation
theta = 180 // deg - polar angle
phi = 0 // deg - azimuthal angle
objref shplot, pElec,sElec_list // for shape plot
proc getes() {
if (stim_mode == 1) { // intracortical microstimulation
// Calculate potentials at each compartmentf or current point-source, amp = 1 µA
// use current point source at xe, ye, ze
// Draw red dot for electrode location
create sElec
sElec {
// make it 1 um long
pt3dadd(xe-5, ye, ze, 1)
pt3dadd(xe+5, ye, ze, 1)
objref pElec
sElec pElec = new PointProcessMark(0.5) // middle of sElec
shplot.point_mark(pElec,2,"O",5) // mark electrode point
shplot.label(600,100,"Electrode position",1,1,0,0,2)
printf("Calculated potentials for current point-source at (%.1f,%.1f,%.1f) um\n",xe,ye,ze)
} else if (stim_mode == 2) { // uniform E stimulation
// Calculate potentials for uniform E-field in NEURON
// remove ICMS point
// Draw violet line for E-field vector
create sElec
sElec {
// make a 800 um long line to represent to E-field vector
len = 800
pt3dadd(0, 0, 0, 1)
pt3dadd(len*sin(theta*PI/180)*cos(phi*PI/180), len*cos(theta*PI/180), -len*sin(theta*PI/180)*sin(phi*PI/180), 1)
objref sElec_list
sElec_list = new SectionList()
sElec sElec_list.append()
shplot.label(600,100,"E-field vector",1,1,0,0,7)
printf("Calculated potentials for theta = %g deg, phi = %g deg\n",theta,phi)
// input theta, and phi angles of E-field, assigns Ve to all compartments (es_xtra(x)) for unit E-field (V/m)
proc calcesE() { local theta,phi
theta = $1
phi = $2
theta = theta*PI/180
phi = phi*PI/180
Ex = sin(theta)*cos(phi)
Ey = sin(theta)*sin(phi)
Ez = cos(theta)
forall {
if (ismembrane("xtra")) {
// Ve in [mV] for E of 1 [V/m] <= µm*1e-3 = mm * 1mV/mm = mV
// es_xtra(x) = -(Ex*x_xtra(x) + Ey*y_xtra(x) + Ez*z_xtra(x))*1e-3
es_xtra(x) = -(Ex*x_xtra(x) + Ey*(-z_xtra(x)) + Ez*y_xtra(x))*1e-3
// input electrode position, x0,y0,z0 and conductivity, sigma_e, assigns Ve to all compartments (es_xtra(x)) for unit current (µA)
proc calcesI(){ local x0,y0,z0,sigma_e,r
x0 = $1 // electrode position in um
y0 = $2
z0 = $3
sigma_e = $4 // S/µm
forall {
if (ismembrane("xtra")){
r = sqrt((x_xtra(x)-x0)^2 + (y_xtra(x)-y0)^2+(z_xtra(x)-z0)^2) // distance from compartment to electrode (µm)
// Ve in [mV] for I of 1 [µA] <= µA*1e-3 = mA * 1/(S*µm^-1 * µm) = mV
es_xtra(x) = 1e-3/(4*PI*sigma_e*r)
xpanel("Spatial parameters for extracellular stimulation", 0)
xradiobutton("uniform E-field","stim_mode=2")
xlabel("Settings for uniform E-field stimulation")
xvalue("Theta (deg)","theta",180,"getes()",0,1)
xvalue("Phi (deg)","phi",0,"getes()",0,1)
xlabel("Settings for ICMS")
xvalue("x (um)","xe",200,"getes()",0,1)
xvalue("y (um)","ye",-50,"getes()",0,1)
xvalue("z (um)","ze",0,"getes()",0,1)
xvalue("sigma_e (S/um)","sigma_e",2.76e-7,"getes()",0,1)