/* Adapted from interpxyz.hoc:
* $Id: interpxyz.hoc,v 1.2 2005/09/10 23:02:15 ted Exp $
* 2018/05/20 Modified by Aman Aberra
* AUTHOR: Aman Aberra, Duke University
* CONTACT: aman.aberra@duke.edu

// original data, irregularly spaced
objref xx, yy, zz, length
// interpolated data, spaced at regular intervals
objref xint, yint, zint, range
// coordinate file directory
strdef current_dir
current_dir = getcwd()
objref xList, yList, zList
xList = new List()
yList = new List()
zList = new List()

numSect = 1 // set to 1 if nothing has been run 
numComp = 1 // set to 1 if nothing has been run 
proc getcoords() { local ii, nn, kk, xr, xr1
	// list of segment coordinates from each section		
	forall {
	  if (ismembrane("xtra")) {	  	        
		// get the data for the section		
		nn = n3d()		// number of pt3d() points
		xx = new Vector(nn) //creates xx vector length of nn
		yy = new Vector(nn)
		zz = new Vector(nn)
		length = new Vector(nn) 		
		for ii = 0,nn-1 {					
			xx.x[ii] = x3d(ii) //loops through points in sec, assigns x coordinate to xx
			yy.x[ii] = y3d(ii) // assigns y coordinates to yy
			zz.x[ii] = z3d(ii) // assigns z coordinates to zz
			length.x[ii] = arc3d(ii) // length position of point

		// to use Vector class's .interpolate() 
		// must first scale the independent variable
		// i.e. normalize length along centroid

		// initialize the destination "independent" vector
		range = new Vector(nseg+2) //nseg+2 because counts centers of each seg + 0 and 1
		range.indgen(1/nseg) //stepsize is 1/nseg, normalized to go from 0 to 1

		// length contains the normalized distances of the pt3d points 
		// along the centroid of the section.  These are spaced at 
		// irregular intervals.
		// range contains the normalized distances of the nodes along the 
		// centroid of the section.  These are spaced at regular intervals.
		// Ready to interpolate.

		xint = new Vector(nseg+2) 
		yint = new Vector(nseg+2)
		zint = new Vector(nseg+2)
		xint.interpolate(range, length, xx)
		yint.interpolate(range, length, yy)
		zint.interpolate(range, length, zz)

		// for each node, assign the xyz values to x_xtra, y_xtra, z_xtra
		//		for ii = 0, nseg+1 {
		// don't bother computing coords of the 0 and 1 ends
		// also avoid writing coords of the 1 end into the last internal node's coords								
        for ii = 1, nseg {			
            xr = range.x[ii]				
            x_xtra(xr) = xint.x[ii] 
            y_xtra(xr) = yint.x[ii]
            z_xtra(xr) = zint.x[ii]								
		// remove coords of 0 and 1 ends before adding to coord list 				
		xList.append(xint) //add section's interpolated coordinates to list 
    numSect = xList.count()		
    printf("numSect was %g\n",numSect)	

objref secrefs
proc getSecRefs(){ local secnum 
	secrefs = new List()
	secnum = 0 // count number of sections
	numComp = 0 // count number of compartments
	forall {
		if (ismembrane("xtra")){ // only create for sections with xtra mechanism			
			secrefs.append(new SectionRef())
			secnum += 1 // increment secnum
			numComp += nseg // keep track of number of compartments of model
	printf("Created List of SectionRefs for %g sections\n",secnum)
	assign_section_types() // now that secrefs has been created, assign type_xtra field in each section
    assign_order2() // use depth-first tree traversal, works for any tree, but requires NSTACK > 1000 for most cells
1 = soma (no parent)
2 = termination from non-bifurcation (parent is a 1,3, or 6) OR far from bifurcation (parent is 4 or 7, L > length constant) ** contains termination point (1) ** 
3 = intermediate from non-bifurcation (parent is 1,3, or 6)
4 = parent side of bifurcation (child is a 5,6, or 7) (parent is 3 OR far from bifurcation (4 or 7)) ** contains parent side bifurcation point (1)** 
5 = child termination from bifurcation (parent is a 1 or 4 and L < length constant) ** contains termination point (1)** 
6 = child side of bifurcation (parent is a 1 or 4) **contains child side bifurcation point (0)**
7 = parent bifurcation and child of bifurcation (parent is a 1 or 4, child is a 5,6, or 7) ** contains parent side bifurcation point (1) **
proc assign_section_types(){ localobj parent_sec// assign morphological type to section center as part of xtra (type_xtra)
	for i=0,numSect-1 {
		//access secrefs.o(i).sec		
		if (secrefs.o(i).has_trueparent() == 0) { // Soma/root section o-
			secrefs.o(i).sec.type_xtra = 1 // assigns to 0.5 by default, but is always uniform for each section, so doesn't matter 			
		} else { // not root section			
			secrefs.o(i).parent() {
				parent_sec = new SectionRef()
				parent_nchildren = parent_sec.nchild()
			secrefs.o(i).sec {
				Li = L
				if (ismembrane("pas")) {
					Lambdai = Lambda(1)*1000
				} else {
					Lambdai = L
				nn = nseg 
			if (parent_nchildren == 1) { // intermediate section -=-
				if (secrefs.o(i).nchild() == 0) { 
					// **normal termination** -=
					for ix=1,nn {secrefs.o(i).sec.type_xtra((2*ix-1)/(2*nn)) = 3} // all intermediate compartments, except last 					
					secrefs.o(i).sec.type_xtra(1) = 2 // termination from intermediate section, not bifurcation					
				} else if (secrefs.o(i).nchild() == 1) {
					// **normal intermediate** -=-
					for ix=1,nn {secrefs.o(i).sec.type_xtra((2*ix-1)/(2*nn)) = 3}// all intermediate, not adjacent to bifurcation or a termination
				} else { // nchild >= 2
					// **bifurcation** -=<
					for ix=1,nn {secrefs.o(i).sec.type_xtra((2*ix-1)/(2*nn)) = 3}					
					secrefs.o(i).sec.type_xtra(1) = 4 // parent of a bifurcation
			} else { // child of bifurcation -≤ 
				if (secrefs.o(i).nchild() == 0) { 
					// **bifurcation -> termination** -≤
					if (Li <= Lambdai) { // for Blue-brain, 40 µm <= L < 160 µm (geom_nseg(40))
						for ix=1,nn {secrefs.o(i).sec.type_xtra((2*ix-1)/(2*nn)) = 3} // set intermediate compartments first
						secrefs.o(i).sec.type_xtra(0) = 6 // first compartment child side of bifurcation
 						secrefs.o(i).sec.type_xtra(1) =  5  // if nseg = 1, section will get set to 5 last
					} else { // L > length constant at terminal (terminal is farther from bifurcation)
						for ix=1,nn {secrefs.o(i).sec.type_xtra((2*ix-1)/(2*nn)) = 3} // set intermediate compartments first
						secrefs.o(i).sec.type_xtra(0) = 6 // first compartment child side of bifurcation
 						secrefs.o(i).sec.type_xtra(1) =  2 // termination of intermediate (far from bifurcation/non-bifurcation)
				} else if (secrefs.o(i).nchild() == 1) {
					// **bifurcation -> intermediate** -≤=
					for ix=1,nn {secrefs.o(i).sec.type_xtra((2*ix-1)/(2*nn)) = 3} // all intermediate compartments, except first one
					secrefs.o(i).sec.type_xtra(0) = 6 // first compartment child side of bifurcation
				} else { // nchild >= 2
					// **bifurcation -> bifurcation** -≤<
					if (Li <= Lambdai) {	
						for ix=1,nn {secrefs.o(i).sec.type_xtra((2*ix-1)/(2*nn)) = 3}
						secrefs.o(i).sec.type_xtra(0) = 6 // first compartment child side of bifurcation
						secrefs.o(i).sec.type_xtra(1) = 7 // parent of a bifurcation
					} else { // L > length constant (bifurcation is far from parent bifurcation)
						for ix=1,nn {secrefs.o(i).sec.type_xtra((2*ix-1)/(2*nn)) = 3}						
						secrefs.o(i).sec.type_xtra(0) = 6 //first compartment child side of bifurcation
						secrefs.o(i).sec.type_xtra(1) = 4 // parent of a bifurcation from intermediate (NOT from bifurcation)
	 print "Assigned section types to each section in type_xtra"

proc assign_order(){ local i localobj oseci, oseci_c, oseci_secref
	access secrefs.o(0).sec // access soma
	oseci = new SectionList() 	
	oseci.children() // append children of soma
	while (end_loop==0) {	
		nchildren = 0	
		oseci_c = new SectionList()		// children of ith children
		forsec oseci {
			//print "order = ", i, " ", secname()
			order_xtra = i // ith order
			oseci_secref = new SectionRef()
			nchildren += oseci_secref.nchild
			oseci_c.children() // append children of ith order sections (i+1)			
		oseci = oseci_c // access children of ith order for next loop
		i = i+1 // increment order i
		if (nchildren ==0) end_loop = 1 // exit loop				
	print "Assigned branch orders using depth first algorithm (assign_order) in order_xtra"

proc assign_order2() { local i,n localobj oseci_secref
	access secrefs.o(0).sec // access soma
	i = 1 // start order at 1					
	for n = 0, secrefs.o(0).nchild() - 1 {		
		secrefs.o(0).child[n] {
			oseci_secref = new SectionRef()
			//print "n = ", n, "in section", secname()
	print "Assigned branch orders using traverse_tree (assign_order2) in order_xtra"
proc traverse_tree() { local j, order localobj current_secref, child_secref,parent_secref
	order = $1
	current_secref = $o2
	current_secref.sec.order_xtra = order // assign order to currently access section
	current_secref.sec {		
		print " "
		print secname()
	if (current_secref.nchild == 0) { 
		current_secref.sec {
			printf("Reached terminal at %s, order is %g\n",secname(),current_secref.sec.order_xtra)
		// return to most recent branch point
		not_branch = 1
		while (not_branch==1) {
			current_secref.parent {				
				current_secref = new SectionRef()				
				if (current_secref.nchild>1) {
					not_branch = 0 					
					//print "exiting while"
				} else {					
					order -= 1
					//print "still in while"
	} else if (current_secref.nchild() == 1) {	
		current_secref.sec {
			printf("1 Child at %s, order is %g\n",secname(),current_secref.sec.order_xtra)
		current_secref.child[0] {
			current_secref = new SectionRef()			
	} else { // 2 or more children		
		current_secref.sec {
			printf("%g Children in %s, order is %g\n",current_secref.nchild(),secname(),current_secref.sec.order_xtra)
		order += 1 // advance order by 1		
		for j = 0, current_secref.nchild() - 1 {
			current_secref.child[j] {
				child_secref = new SectionRef()				
				//child_secref.sec {print secname(), " order = ", order_xtra, "new order = ", order}

func Lambda() { // input relative position x in section
	lambda = 10*sqrt( ((1/g_pas($1))*diam($1)*1e-4)/(4*Ra) ) // returns length constant in mm
	return lambda