This is to replicate Fig.A3B in Alturki et al., 2016 ORIGINAL To run the original model of Rubin and Cleland: 1- Click on mosinit.hoc. 2- In the long poped-up window, click on the third icon from top (Figure 2A Bottom). * This is the same plot that we show in figure A3 (middle trace). * The injected current is 200 pA, and duration is 1200 ms. SEGREGATED To run the segregated model of Rubin and Cleland: 1- Click on mosinit.hoc. 2- In the long poped-up window, click on the third icon from top (Figure 2A Bottom). * This is the same plot that we show in figure A3 of Alturki et al. 2016 (middle trace). * The injected current is 200 pA, and duration is 1200 ms. ____________________________________________________________________________ TO COMPILE AND RUN THE MODEL IN THE FOLDERS 'ORIGINAL' OR 'SEGREGATED' DO THE FOLLOWING: Under unix systems: to compile the mod files use the command nrnivmodl and run the simulation hoc file with the command nrngui FILENAME.hoc Under Windows systems: to compile the mod files use the "mknrndll" command. A double click on the simulation file FILENAME.hoc will open the simulation window. Under MAC OS X: Drag and drop the FILE folder onto the mknrndll icon in the NEURON application folder. When the mod files are finished compiling, double click on the simulation file FILENAME.hoc