// Created by A. Alturki (2015)
// 1-compartment LA pyramidal cells template

//The parameters in this model are based on Type C cell of 3-compartment model 

///// Type A cell in LA  /////

begintemplate Cell_A

public soma, connect2target, type
//public all

create soma
access soma // declares soma as a membrane compartment object
	public ncl, synlist
	objref ncl, synlist
	strdef type	

     /////biophysical properties/////
proc init() {

	create soma // create soma in the initialization
	ncl = new List()
	synlist =new List()		
	type = "Cell_A"
	gUnf_Xsoma = 2.5e-05
	Rm = 80000 // decreased overall
	SpineScale = 1.76371308 //2
	SpineScale_leak = 1.763714578
	RaAll= 200
	RaSoma= 146.969697 //200 
	RaAxIs = 100//100//200
	Vpas = -70//-65//-69 // -67
	gna =  0.041//.039//.03*0.6*1.5 //.03*0.6*1.5 /* decreased from 0.03 */
	AXONM = 3 /*decrease from 2 */
	gkdr = 0.005*.6 /* decreased from 0.005 */
	ghd=0.000003 *.7
	Vrest = -67
	celsius = 31.0 
	gsAHP = 0.0014//0.0005
	GmC = 0.0096//0.0085//0.006 //0.0035 //0.0006

     /////geometrical properties/////
soma {nseg = 1  L = 25 diam = 24.75} // L = 117.77 diam = 24.5   //// area ratio is 4.6632
	soma {
	    insert cadyn gcabar_cadyn = 5.5e-4  eca = 120
		insert leak el_leak= -72 glbar_leak = 5.5e-5  Ra=RaAll cm=2.5 
		insert hd ghdbar_hd=1.5e-5  78.72884325 
		insert na3 sh_na3=nash ar_na3=1	gbar_na3 = 0.027 
		insert nap gbar_nap= 0.000142
		insert kdr gbar_kdr=0.0015
		insert capool taucas = 1000  fcas_capool = 0.05 
		insert sAHP gsAHPbar_sAHP = 3e-4
		insert im gbar_im = 6e-4
		insert kap gkabar_kap =0.002 //  0.02
		ena = 45
		ek = -80
		if (ismembrane("kdr") || ismembrane("kap") ) {ek=-80} //???
		if (ismembrane("hd") ) {ehd_hd=-43 } // change from -30 to -50 //???
obfunc connect2target() { localobj nc
	soma nc = new NetCon(&v(0.5), $o1)
	nc.threshold = 0
	if (numarg() == 2) ($o2 = nc)
	return nc
endtemplate Cell_A

////  Type ADA cell in LA ////

begintemplate Cell_ADA

public soma, connect2target, type
//public all

create soma
access soma // declares soma as a membrane compartment object
	public ncl, synlist
	objref ncl, synlist
	strdef type	

     /////biophysical properties/////
proc init() {

	create soma // create soma in the initialization
	ncl = new List()
	synlist =new List()		
	type = "Cell_ADA"
	gUnf_Xsoma = 2.5e-05
	Rm = 80000 // decreased overall
	SpineScale = 1.76371308 //2
	SpineScale_leak = 1.763714578
	RaAll= 200
	RaSoma= 146.969697 //200 
	RaAxIs = 100//100//200
	Vpas = -70//-65//-69 // -67
	gna =  0.041//.039//.03*0.6*1.5 //.03*0.6*1.5 /* decreased from 0.03 */
	AXONM = 3 /*decrease from 2 */
	gkdr = 0.005*.6 /* decreased from 0.005 */
	ghd=0.000003 *.7
	Vrest = -67
	celsius = 31.0 
	gsAHP = 0.0014//0.0005
	GmC = 0.0096//0.0085//0.006 //0.0035 //0.0006

     /////geometrical properties/////
soma {nseg = 1  L = 25 diam = 24.75} // L = 117.77 diam = 24.5   //// area ratio is 4.6632
	soma {
	    insert cadyn gcabar_cadyn = 5.5e-4 eca = 120
		insert leakDA el_leakDA= -72  glbar_leakDA = 5.5e-5  Ra=RaAll cm=2.5
		insert hd ghdbar_hd=1.5e-5  78.72884325 
		insert na3DA sh_na3DA=nash ar_na3DA=1	gbar_na3DA = 0.027
		insert nap gbar_nap= 0.000142
		insert kdrDA gbar_kdrDA=0.0015
		insert capool taucas = 1000  fcas_capool = 0.05 
		insert sAHP gsAHPbar_sAHP = 3e-4
		insert im gbar_im = 6e-4
		insert kap gkabar_kap =0.002 //  0.02
		ena = 45
		ek = -80
		if (ismembrane("kdrDA") || ismembrane("kap") ) {ek=-80} //???
		if (ismembrane("hd") ) {ehd_hd=-43 } // change from -30 to -50 //???
obfunc connect2target() { localobj nc
	soma nc = new NetCon(&v(0.5), $o1)
	nc.threshold = 0
	if (numarg() == 2) ($o2 = nc)
	return nc
endtemplate Cell_ADA

////  Type ANE cell in LA ////

begintemplate Cell_ANE

public soma, connect2target, type
//public all

create soma
access soma // declares soma as a membrane compartment object
	public ncl, synlist
	objref ncl, synlist
	strdef type	

     /////biophysical properties/////
proc init() {

	create soma // create soma in the initialization
	ncl = new List()
	synlist =new List()		
	type = "Cell_ANE"
	gUnf_Xsoma = 2.5e-05
	Rm = 80000 // decreased overall
	SpineScale = 1.76371308 //2
	SpineScale_leak = 1.763714578
	RaAll= 200
	RaSoma= 146.969697 //200 
	RaAxIs = 100//100//200
	Vpas = -70//-65//-69 // -67
	gna =  0.041//.039//.03*0.6*1.5 //.03*0.6*1.5 /* decreased from 0.03 */
	AXONM = 3 /*decrease from 2 */
	gkdr = 0.005*.6 /* decreased from 0.005 */
	ghd=0.000003 *.7
	Vrest = -67
	celsius = 31.0 
	gsAHP = 0.0014//0.0005
	GmC = 0.0096//0.0085//0.006 //0.0035 //0.0006

     /////geometrical properties/////
soma {nseg = 1  L = 25 diam = 24.75} // L = 117.77 diam = 24.5   //// area ratio is 4.6632
	soma {
	    insert cadyn gcabar_cadyn = 5.5e-4 eca = 120
		insert leak el_leak= -72  glbar_leak = 5.5e-5  Ra=RaAll cm=2.5
		insert hd ghdbar_hd=1.5e-5  78.72884325
		insert na3 sh_na3=nash ar_na3=1	gbar_na3 = 0.027 
		insert nap gbar_nap= 0.000142
		insert kdr gbar_kdr=0.0015
		insert capool taucas = 1000  fcas_capool = 0.05 
		insert sAHPNE gsAHPbar_sAHPNE = 3e-4 
		insert im gbar_im = 6e-4
		insert kap gkabar_kap =0.002 //  0.02
		ena = 45
		ek = -80
		if (ismembrane("kdr") || ismembrane("kap") ) {ek=-80} //???
		if (ismembrane("hd") ) {ehd_hd=-43 } // change from -30 to -50 //???
obfunc connect2target() { localobj nc
	soma nc = new NetCon(&v(0.5), $o1)
	nc.threshold = 0
	if (numarg() == 2) ($o2 = nc)
	return nc
endtemplate Cell_ANE

/////  Type ADANE cell   /////

begintemplate Cell_ADANE

public soma, connect2target, type
//public all

create soma
access soma // declares soma as a membrane compartment object
	public ncl, synlist
	objref ncl, synlist
	strdef type	

     /////biophysical properties/////
proc init() {

	create soma // create soma in the initialization
	ncl = new List()
	synlist =new List()		
	type = "Cell_ADANE"
	gUnf_Xsoma = 2.5e-05
	Rm = 80000 // decreased overall
	SpineScale = 1.76371308 //2
	SpineScale_leak = 1.763714578
	RaAll= 200
	RaSoma= 146.969697 //200 
	RaAxIs = 100//100//200
	Vpas = -70//-65//-69 // -67
	gna =  0.041//.039//.03*0.6*1.5 //.03*0.6*1.5 /* decreased from 0.03 */
	AXONM = 3 /*decrease from 2 */
	gkdr = 0.005*.6 /* decreased from 0.005 */
	ghd=0.000003 *.7
	Vrest = -67
	celsius = 31.0 
	gsAHP = 0.0014//0.0005
	GmC = 0.0096//0.0085//0.006 //0.0035 //0.0006

     /////geometrical properties/////
soma {nseg = 1  L = 25 diam = 24.75} // L = 117.77 diam = 24.5   //// area ratio is 4.6632
	soma {
	    insert cadyn gcabar_cadyn = 5.5e-4 eca = 120
		insert leakDA el_leakDA= -72  glbar_leakDA = 5.5e-5  Ra=RaAll cm=2.5
		insert hd ghdbar_hd=1.5e-5  78.72884325
		insert na3DA sh_na3DA=nash ar_na3DA=1	gbar_na3DA = 0.027
		insert nap gbar_nap= 0.000142
		insert kdrDA gbar_kdrDA=0.0015
		insert capool taucas = 1000  fcas_capool = 0.05 
		insert sAHPNE gsAHPbar_sAHPNE = 3e-4
		insert im gbar_im = 6e-4
		insert kap gkabar_kap =0.002 //  0.02
		ena = 45
		ek = -80
		if (ismembrane("kdrDA") || ismembrane("kap") ) {ek=-80} //???
		if (ismembrane("hd") ) {ehd_hd=-43 } // change from -30 to -50 //???
obfunc connect2target() { localobj nc
	soma nc = new NetCon(&v(0.5), $o1)
	nc.threshold = 0
	if (numarg() == 2) ($o2 = nc)
	return nc
endtemplate Cell_ADANE

///// Type B cell in LA /////

begintemplate Cell_B

public soma, connect2target, type
public all

create soma
access soma // declares soma as a membrane compartment object
	public ncl, synlist
	objref ncl, synlist
	strdef type	

     /////biophysical properties/////
proc init() {

	create soma // create soma in the initialization
	ncl = new List()
	synlist =new List()		
	type = "Cell_B"
	gUnf_Xsoma = 2.5e-05
	Rm = 80000 // decreased overall
	SpineScale = 1.76371308 //2
	SpineScale_leak = 1.763714578
	RaAll= 200
	RaSoma= 146.969697 //200 
	RaAxIs = 100//100//200
	Vpas = -70//-65//-69 // -67
	gna =  0.039//.03*0.6*1.5 //.03*0.6*1.5 /* decreased from 0.03 */
	AXONM = 3 /*decrease from 2 */
	gkdr = 0.005*.6 /* decreased from 0.005 */
	ghd=0.000003 *.7
	Vrest = -67
	celsius = 31.0 
	gsAHP = 0.0005
	GmC = 0.0096//0.0085//0.006 //0.0035 //0.0006

     /////geometrical properties/////
soma {nseg = 1 L = 25 diam = 24.75} // L = 117.77 diam = 24.5   //// area ratio is 4.6632
	soma {
		insert cadyn gcabar_cadyn = 5.5e-4 eca = 120
		insert leak el_leak= -72  glbar_leak = 5.5e-5 Ra=RaAll cm=2.5
		insert hd ghdbar_hd=1.5e-5 78.72884325 
		insert na3 sh_na3=nash ar_na3=1	gbar_na3 = 0.027 
		insert nap gbar_nap= 0.000142
		insert kdr gbar_kdr=0.0015
		insert capool taucas = 1000  fcas_capool = 0.05 
		insert sAHP gsAHPbar_sAHP = 2e-4
		insert im gbar_im = 6e-4
		insert kap gkabar_kap =0.002 //  0.02

		ena = 45
		ek = -80
		if (ismembrane("kdr") || ismembrane("kap") ) {ek=-80} //???
		if (ismembrane("hd") ) {ehd_hd=-43 } // change from -30 to -50 //???
obfunc connect2target() { localobj nc
	soma nc = new NetCon(&v(0.5), $o1)
	nc.threshold = 0
	if (numarg() == 2) ($o2 = nc)
	return nc
endtemplate Cell_B

/////Type BDA cell in LA ////

begintemplate Cell_BDA

public soma, connect2target, type
public all

create soma
access soma // declares soma as a membrane compartment object
	public ncl, synlist
	objref ncl, synlist
	strdef type	

     /////biophysical properties/////
proc init() {

	create soma // create soma in the initialization
	ncl = new List()
	synlist =new List()		
	type = "Cell_BDA"
	gUnf_Xsoma = 2.5e-05
	Rm = 80000 // decreased overall
	SpineScale = 1.76371308 //2
	SpineScale_leak = 1.763714578
	RaAll= 200
	RaSoma= 146.969697 //200 
	RaAxIs = 100//100//200
	Vpas = -70//-65//-69 // -67
	gna =  0.039//.03*0.6*1.5 //.03*0.6*1.5 /* decreased from 0.03 */
	AXONM = 3 /*decrease from 2 */
	gkdr = 0.005*.6 /* decreased from 0.005 */
	ghd=0.000003 *.7
	Vrest = -67
	celsius = 31.0 
	gsAHP = 0.0005
	GmC = 0.0096//0.0085//0.006 //0.0035 //0.0006

     /////geometrical properties/////
soma {nseg = 1 L = 25 diam = 24.75} // L = 117.77 diam = 24.5   //// area ratio is 4.6632
	soma {
		insert cadyn gcabar_cadyn = 5.5e-4 eca = 120
		insert leakDA el_leakDA= -72  glbar_leakDA = 5.5e-5 Ra=RaAll cm=2.5
		insert hd ghdbar_hd=1.5e-5  78.72884325  
		insert na3DA sh_na3DA=nash ar_na3DA=1	gbar_na3DA = 0.027
		insert nap gbar_nap= 0.000142
		insert kdrDA gbar_kdrDA=0.0015
		insert capool taucas = 1000  fcas_capool = 0.05 
		insert sAHP gsAHPbar_sAHP = 2e-4
		insert im gbar_im = 6e-4
		insert kap gkabar_kap =0.002 //  0.02

		ena = 45
		ek = -80
		if (ismembrane("kdrDA") || ismembrane("kap") ) {ek=-80} //???
		if (ismembrane("hd") ) {ehd_hd=-43 } // change from -30 to -50 //???
obfunc connect2target() { localobj nc
	soma nc = new NetCon(&v(0.5), $o1)
	nc.threshold = 0
	if (numarg() == 2) ($o2 = nc)
	return nc
endtemplate Cell_BDA

//// Type BNE cell in LA ////

begintemplate Cell_BNE

public soma, connect2target, type
public all

create soma
access soma // declares soma as a membrane compartment object
	public ncl, synlist
	objref ncl, synlist
	strdef type	

     /////biophysical properties/////
proc init() {

	create soma // create soma in the initialization
	ncl = new List()
	synlist =new List()		
	type = "Cell_BNE"
	gUnf_Xsoma = 2.5e-05
	Rm = 80000 // decreased overall
	SpineScale = 1.76371308 //2
	SpineScale_leak = 1.763714578
	RaAll= 200
	RaSoma= 146.969697 //200 
	RaAxIs = 100//100//200
	Vpas = -70//-65//-69 // -67
	gna =  0.039//.03*0.6*1.5 //.03*0.6*1.5 /* decreased from 0.03 */
	AXONM = 3 /*decrease from 2 */
	gkdr = 0.005*.6 /* decreased from 0.005 */
	ghd=0.000003 *.7
	Vrest = -67
	celsius = 31.0 
	gsAHP = 0.0005
	GmC = 0.0096//0.0085//0.006 //0.0035 //0.0006

     /////geometrical properties/////
soma {nseg = 1 L = 25 diam = 24.75} // L = 117.77 diam = 24.5   //// area ratio is 4.6632
	soma {
		insert cadyn gcabar_cadyn = 5.5e-4 eca = 120
		insert leak el_leak= -72  glbar_leak = 5.5e-5 Ra=RaAll cm=2.5
		insert hd ghdbar_hd=1.5e-5 78.72884325 
		insert na3 sh_na3=nash ar_na3=1	gbar_na3 = 0.027 
		insert nap gbar_nap= 0.000142
		insert kdr gbar_kdr=0.0015
		insert capool taucas = 1000  fcas_capool = 0.05 
		insert sAHPNE gsAHPbar_sAHPNE = 2e-4
		insert im gbar_im = 6e-4
		insert kap gkabar_kap =0.002 //  0.02

		ena = 45
		ek = -80
		if (ismembrane("kdr") || ismembrane("kap") ) {ek=-80} //???
		if (ismembrane("hd") ) {ehd_hd=-43 } // change from -30 to -50 //???
obfunc connect2target() { localobj nc
	soma nc = new NetCon(&v(0.5), $o1)
	nc.threshold = 0
	if (numarg() == 2) ($o2 = nc)
	return nc
endtemplate Cell_BNE

////  Type BDANE cell in LA ////

begintemplate Cell_BDANE

public soma, connect2target, type
public all

create soma
access soma // declares soma as a membrane compartment object
	public ncl, synlist
	objref ncl, synlist
	strdef type	

     /////biophysical properties/////
proc init() {

	create soma // create soma in the initialization
	ncl = new List()
	synlist =new List()		
	type = "Cell_BDANE"
	gUnf_Xsoma = 2.5e-05
	Rm = 80000 // decreased overall
	SpineScale = 1.76371308 //2
	SpineScale_leak = 1.763714578
	RaAll= 200
	RaSoma= 146.969697 //200 
	RaAxIs = 100//100//200
	Vpas = -70//-65//-69 // -67
	gna =  0.039//.03*0.6*1.5 //.03*0.6*1.5 /* decreased from 0.03 */
	AXONM = 3 /*decrease from 2 */
	gkdr = 0.005*.6 /* decreased from 0.005 */
	ghd=0.000003 *.7
	Vrest = -67
	celsius = 31.0 
	gsAHP = 0.0005
	GmC = 0.0096//0.0085//0.006 //0.0035 //0.0006

     /////geometrical properties/////
soma {nseg = 1 L = 25 diam = 24.75} // L = 117.77 diam = 24.5   //// area ratio is 4.6632
	soma {
		insert cadyn gcabar_cadyn = 5.5e-4 eca = 120
		insert leakDA el_leakDA= -72  glbar_leakDA = 5.5e-5 Ra=RaAll cm=2.5
		insert hd ghdbar_hd=1.5e-5  78.72884325  
		insert na3DA sh_na3DA=nash ar_na3DA=1	gbar_na3DA = 0.027
		insert nap gbar_nap= 0.000142
		insert kdrDA gbar_kdrDA=0.0015
		insert capool taucas = 1000  fcas_capool = 0.05 
		insert sAHPNE gsAHPbar_sAHPNE = 2e-4
		insert im gbar_im = 6e-4
		insert kap gkabar_kap =0.002 //  0.02

		ena = 45
		ek = -80
		if (ismembrane("kdrDA") || ismembrane("kap") ) {ek=-80} //???
		if (ismembrane("hd") ) {ehd_hd=-43 } // change from -30 to -50 //???
obfunc connect2target() { localobj nc
	soma nc = new NetCon(&v(0.5), $o1)
	nc.threshold = 0
	if (numarg() == 2) ($o2 = nc)
	return nc
endtemplate Cell_BDANE

///// Type C cell in LA /////

begintemplate Cell_C

public soma, connect2target, type
public all

create soma
access soma // declares soma as a membrane compartment object
	public ncl, synlist
	objref ncl, synlist
	strdef type	

     /////biophysical properties/////
proc init() {

	create soma // create soma in the initialization
	ncl = new List()
	synlist =new List()		
	type = "Cell_C"
	gUnf_Xsoma = 2.5e-05
	Rm = 80000 // decreased overall
	SpineScale = 1.76371308 //2
	SpineScale_leak = 1.763714578
	RaAll= 200
	RaSoma= 146.969697 //200 
	RaAxIs = 100//100//200
	Vpas = -70//-65//-69 // -67
	gna =  0.039//.03*0.6*1.5 //.03*0.6*1.5 /* decreased from 0.03 */
	AXONM = 3 /*decrease from 2 */
	gkdr = 0.005*.6 
	ghd=0.000003 *.7
	Vrest = -67
	celsius = 31.0 
	gsAHP = 0.0014//0.0005
	GmC = 0.0096//0.0085//0.006 //0.0035 //0.0006

     /////geometrical properties/////
soma {nseg = 1  L = 25 diam = 24.75} // L = 117.77 diam = 24.5   //// area ratio is 4.6632
	soma {
		insert cadyn gcabar_cadyn = 5.5e-4 eca = 120
		insert leak el_leak= -72 glbar_leak = 5.5e-5 Ra=RaAll cm=2.5 
		insert hd ghdbar_hd=1.5e-5  78.72884325
		insert na3 sh_na3=nash ar_na3=1	gbar_na3 = 0.027
		insert nap gbar_nap= 0.000142
		insert kdr gbar_kdr=0.0015
		insert capool taucas = 1000  fcas_capool = 0.05 
		insert sAHP gsAHPbar_sAHP = 5e-5 // 1e-4
		insert im gbar_im = 6e-4
		insert kap gkabar_kap =0.002 //  0.02
		ena = 45
		ek = -80
		if (ismembrane("kdr") || ismembrane("kap") ) {ek=-80} //???
		if (ismembrane("hd") ) {ehd_hd=-43 } // change from -30 to -50 //???
obfunc connect2target() { localobj nc
	soma nc = new NetCon(&v(0.5), $o1)
	nc.threshold = 0
	if (numarg() == 2) ($o2 = nc)
	return nc
endtemplate Cell_C

///// Type CDA cell in LA ////

begintemplate Cell_CDA

public soma, connect2target, type
public all

create soma
access soma // declares soma as a membrane compartment object
	public ncl, synlist
	objref ncl, synlist
	strdef type	

     /////biophysical properties/////
proc init() {

	create soma // create soma in the initialization
	ncl = new List()
	synlist =new List()		
	type = "Cell_CDA"
	gUnf_Xsoma = 2.5e-05
	Rm = 80000 // decreased overall
	SpineScale = 1.76371308 //2
	SpineScale_leak = 1.763714578
	RaAll= 200
	RaSoma= 146.969697 //200 
	RaAxIs = 100//100//200
	Vpas = -70//-65//-69 // -67
	gna =  0.039//.03*0.6*1.5 //.03*0.6*1.5 /* decreased from 0.03 */
	AXONM = 3 /*decrease from 2 */
	gkdr = 0.005*.6 
	ghd=0.000003 *.7
	Vrest = -67
	celsius = 31.0 
	gsAHP = 0.0014//0.0005
	GmC = 0.0096//0.0085//0.006 //0.0035 //0.0006

     /////geometrical properties/////
soma {nseg = 1  L = 25 diam = 24.75} // L = 117.77 diam = 24.5   //// area ratio is 4.6632
	soma {
		insert cadyn gcabar_cadyn = 5.5e-4 eca = 120
		insert leakDA el_leakDA= -72 glbar_leakDA = 5.5e-5 Ra=RaAll cm=2.5 
		insert hd ghdbar_hd=1.5e-5  78.72884325
		insert na3DA sh_na3DA=nash ar_na3DA=1	gbar_na3DA = 0.027
		insert nap gbar_nap= 0.000142
		insert kdrDA gbar_kdrDA=0.0015
		insert capool taucas = 1000  fcas_capool = 0.05 
		insert sAHP gsAHPbar_sAHP = 5e-5 // 1e-4
		insert im gbar_im = 6e-4
		insert kap gkabar_kap =0.002 //  0.02
		ena = 45
		ek = -80
		if (ismembrane("kdrDA") || ismembrane("kap") ) {ek=-80} //???
		if (ismembrane("hd") ) {ehd_hd=-43 } // change from -30 to -50 //???
obfunc connect2target() { localobj nc
	soma nc = new NetCon(&v(0.5), $o1)
	nc.threshold = 0
	if (numarg() == 2) ($o2 = nc)
	return nc
endtemplate Cell_CDA

//// Type CNE cell in LA /////

begintemplate Cell_CNE

public soma, connect2target, type
public all

create soma
access soma // declares soma as a membrane compartment object
	public ncl, synlist
	objref ncl, synlist
	strdef type	

     /////biophysical properties/////
proc init() {

	create soma // create soma in the initialization
	ncl = new List()
	synlist =new List()		
	type = "Cell_CNE"
	gUnf_Xsoma = 2.5e-05
	Rm = 80000 // decreased overall
	SpineScale = 1.76371308 //2
	SpineScale_leak = 1.763714578
	RaAll= 200
	RaSoma= 146.969697 //200 
	RaAxIs = 100//100//200
	Vpas = -70//-65//-69 // -67
	gna =  0.039//.03*0.6*1.5 //.03*0.6*1.5 /* decreased from 0.03 */
	AXONM = 3 /*decrease from 2 */
	gkdr = 0.005*.6 
	ghd=0.000003 *.7
	Vrest = -67
	celsius = 31.0 
	gsAHP = 0.0014//0.0005
	GmC = 0.0096//0.0085//0.006 //0.0035 //0.0006

     /////geometrical properties/////
soma {nseg = 1  L = 25 diam = 24.75} // L = 117.77 diam = 24.5   //// area ratio is 4.6632
	soma {
		insert cadyn gcabar_cadyn = 5.5e-4 eca = 120
		insert leak el_leak= -72 glbar_leak = 5.5e-5 Ra=RaAll cm=2.5 
		insert hd ghdbar_hd=1.5e-5  78.72884325
		insert na3 sh_na3=nash ar_na3=1	gbar_na3 = 0.027
		insert nap gbar_nap= 0.000142
		insert kdr gbar_kdr=0.0015
		insert capool taucas = 1000  fcas_capool = 0.05 
		insert sAHPNE gsAHPbar_sAHPNE = 5e-5 // 1e-4
		insert im gbar_im = 6e-4
		insert kap gkabar_kap =0.002 //  0.02
		ena = 45
		ek = -80
		if (ismembrane("kdr") || ismembrane("kap") ) {ek=-80} //???
		if (ismembrane("hd") ) {ehd_hd=-43 } // change from -30 to -50 //???
obfunc connect2target() { localobj nc
	soma nc = new NetCon(&v(0.5), $o1)
	nc.threshold = 0
	if (numarg() == 2) ($o2 = nc)
	return nc
endtemplate Cell_CNE

/////Type CDANE cell in LA /////

begintemplate Cell_CDANE

public soma, connect2target, type
public all

create soma
access soma // declares soma as a membrane compartment object
	public ncl, synlist
	objref ncl, synlist
	strdef type	

     /////biophysical properties/////
proc init() {

	create soma // create soma in the initialization
	ncl = new List()
	synlist =new List()		
	type = "Cell_CDANE"
	gUnf_Xsoma = 2.5e-05
	Rm = 80000 // decreased overall
	SpineScale = 1.76371308 //2
	SpineScale_leak = 1.763714578
	RaAll= 200
	RaSoma= 146.969697 //200 
	RaAxIs = 100//100//200
	Vpas = -70//-65//-69 // -67
	gna =  0.039//.03*0.6*1.5 //.03*0.6*1.5 /* decreased from 0.03 */
	AXONM = 3 /*decrease from 2 */
	gkdr = 0.005*.6 
	ghd=0.000003 *.7
	Vrest = -67
	celsius = 31.0 
	gsAHP = 0.0014//0.0005
	GmC = 0.0096//0.0085//0.006 //0.0035 //0.0006

     /////geometrical properties/////
soma {nseg = 1  L = 25 diam = 24.75} // L = 117.77 diam = 24.5   //// area ratio is 4.6632
	soma {
		insert cadyn gcabar_cadyn = 5.5e-4 eca = 120
		insert leakDA el_leakDA= -72 glbar_leakDA = 5.5e-5 Ra=RaAll cm=2.5 
		insert hd ghdbar_hd=1.5e-5  78.72884325
		insert na3DA sh_na3DA=nash ar_na3DA=1	gbar_na3DA = 0.027
		insert nap gbar_nap= 0.000142
		insert kdrDA gbar_kdrDA=0.0015
		insert capool taucas = 1000  fcas_capool = 0.05 
		insert sAHPNE gsAHPbar_sAHPNE = 5e-5 // 1e-4
		insert im gbar_im = 6e-4
		insert kap gkabar_kap =0.002 //  0.02
		ena = 45
		ek = -80
		if (ismembrane("kdrDA") || ismembrane("kap") ) {ek=-80} //???
		if (ismembrane("hd") ) {ehd_hd=-43 } // change from -30 to -50 //???
obfunc connect2target() { localobj nc
	soma nc = new NetCon(&v(0.5), $o1)
	nc.threshold = 0
	if (numarg() == 2) ($o2 = nc)
	return nc
endtemplate Cell_CDANE