# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: chris
mpiexec -f ~/machinefile -n 1 python Plots_Openloop_Paper_Results.py -o fig3 --noplot 2>&1 | tee log/log3.txt
qsub -v J=Plots_Openloop_Paper_Results.py,O=fig3 -pe ompigige 96 PBSinsigneo.sh
mpiexec -f ~/machinefile -n 1 python Plots_Openloop_Paper_Results.py -o fig4 --noplot 2>&1 | tee log/log4.txt
qsub -v J=Plots_Openloop_Paper_Results.py,O=fig4 -pe ompigige 1 PBSinsigneo.sh
mpiexec -f ~/machinefile -n 50 python Plots_Openloop_Paper_Results.py -o fig4b --noplot 2>&1 | tee log/log4b.txt
qsub -v J=Plots_Openloop_Paper_Results.py,O=fig4b -pe ompigige 50 PBSinsigneo.sh
from __future__ import with_statement
from __future__ import division
import sys
import os
from mpi4py import MPI
#print sys.version
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-o', action='store', dest='opt')
parser.add_argument('--noplot', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--norun', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--noqual', action='store_true')
results = parser.parse_args()
import matplotlib
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
matplotlib.use('Tkagg', warn=True)
matplotlib.use('Agg', warn=True)
do_plot = 1
if results.noplot: # do not plot to windows
matplotlib.use('Agg', warn=True)
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: print "- No plotting"
do_plot = 0
do_run = 1
if results.norun: # do not run again use pickled files!
print "- Not running, using saved files"
do_run = 0
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
font0 = FontProperties()
from neuron import h
from units import *
from Population import *
from Stimulation import *
from Plotter import *
from Stimhelp import *
from cells.IfCell import *
# PLOS: Fonts: 8 - 12, Multi-panel figures labels: 12
fig_size = [28*0.3937, 10*0.3937]
params = {'backend': 'ps',
'axes.labelsize': 8,
'axes.linewidth' : 0.5,
'title.fontsize': 8,
'text.fontsize': 8,
'legend.fontsize': 8,
'xtick.labelsize': 8,
'ytick.labelsize': 8,
'legend.borderpad': 0.2,
'legend.linewidth': 0.1,
'legend.loc': 'best',
'legend.ncol': 4,
'text.usetex': False,
'figure.figsize': fig_size}
#matplotlib.rc('font', **{'sans-serif' : 'Arial'}) #, 'family' : 'sans-serif'})
#matplotlib.rc('font', family='sans-serif')
#b1 = '#1F78B4'
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#g2 = '#51FF45'
#r1 = '#E31A1C'
#r2 = '#FF4547'
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#o2 = '#FFA245'
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gray = 'gray'
black = 'black'
b1 = '#1F78B4' #377EB8
b2 = '#A6CEE3'
g1 = '#33A02C' #4DAF4A
g2 = '#B2DF8A'
r1 = '#E31A1C' #E41A1C
r2 = '#FB9A99'
o1 = '#FF7F00' #FF7F00
o2 = '#FDBF6F'
p1 = '#6A3D9A' #984EA3
p2 = '#CAB2D6'
color0 = 'black' # BLACK
color1 = 'blue' # BLUE
color2 = 'red' # RED
color3 = 'gray' # GRAY
color4 = 'purple' # PURPLE
color5 = 'orange' # ORANGE
color6 = 'green' # GREEN
linewidth = 1
xmax = 40
#xmax = 100
t_stim = 1000*s # only for cnoise
delay_baseline = 8
dt = 0.025*ms
tstop_if = 1*s
plot_train = False
# Used for conversion, ignore
data_dir = "./publish/openloop/fulldata"
minimal_dir = "./publish/openloop/minimal"
export = False
data_dir = "./publish/openloop/minimal"
minimal_dir = False
if results.opt == "fig3":
t_stim = 1000*s # only for cnoise
#do_vec = np.array(["cell_results_transfer_grc", "pop_transfer_if_wn", "pop_transfer_grc_wn"])
#do_vec = np.array(["cell_results_transfer_grc", "pop_transfer_if_cn_SNR_addn10", "pop_transfer_grc_cn_SNR_addn10"])
export = False
do_vec = np.array([
if results.opt == "fig3test":
t_stim = 10*s # only for cnoise
data_dir = "./data"
minimal_dir = False
export = False
#plot_train = True
do_vec = np.array([
if results.opt == "fig3b":
t_stim = 1000*s # only for cnoise
do_vec = np.array([
if results.opt == "fig3c":
t_stim = 100*s # only for cnoise
do_vec = np.array([
if results.opt == "fig3d":
t_stim = 100*s # only for cnoise
do_vec = np.array([
if results.opt == "fig4":
t_stim = 100*s # only for cnoise
export = False
do_vec = np.array([
if results.opt == "fig4ih":
t_stim = 1000*s # only for cnoise
do_vec = np.array([
if results.opt == "fig4a":
t_stim = 1000*s # only for cnoise
do_vec = np.array([
#if results.opt == "fig4b":
# t_stim = 1000*s # only for cnoise
# do_vec = np.array([
# "pop_transfer_if_cn_N10000_lowcf_fig4b_",
# "pop_transfer_if_cn_N10000_lowcf_slownoise_fig4b_",
# "pop_transfer_grc_cn_N10000_lowcf_fig4b_",
# "pop_transfer_grc_cn_N10000_lowcf_slownoise_fig4b_",
# "pop_transfer_grc_cn_N1000_lowcf_slownoise_fig4b_",
# "pop_transfer_resif_cn_N10000_lowcf_fig4b_",
# "pop_transfer_resif_cn_N10000_lowcf_slownoise_fig4b_",
# "pop_transfer_ifpass_cn_N10000_lowcf_fig4b_",
# "pop_transfer_ifpass_cn_N10000_lowcf_slownoise_fig4b_",
# ])
if results.opt == "fig4b_old":
t_stim = 1000*s # only for cnoise
do_vec = np.array([
if results.opt == "fig4b":
t_stim = 1000*s # only for cnoise
export = False
do_vec = np.array([
if results.opt == "fig4btest":
t_stim = 20*s # only for cnoise
data_dir = "./data"
minimal_dir = False
export = False
plot_train = True
do_vec = np.array([
if results.opt == "fig4l":
t_stim = 1000*s # only for cnoise
do_vec = np.array([
if results.opt == "fig4btalk":
t_stim = 1000*s # only for cnoise
do_vec = np.array([
if results.opt == "if":
do_vec = np.array(["pop_transfer_resif_cn_alt", "pop_transfer_if_cn_alt"])
if results.opt == "prk":
t_stim = 100*s # only for cnoise
do_vec = np.array(["pop_transfer_prk_pn_figX_"])
if results.opt == "prk_equi":
t_stim = 50*s # only for cnoise
do_vec = np.array(["pop_transfer_equi_prk_pn_figX_"])
if results.opt == "goc":
t_stim = 100*s # only for cnoise
#do_vec = np.array(["pop_transfer_goc_cn_figX_"])
do_vec = np.array(["cell_results_transfer_goc_alt_fig3_"])
if results.opt == "stl":
t_stim = 100*s # only for cnoise
#do_vec = np.array(["pop_transfer_stl_cn_figX_"])
do_vec = np.array(["cell_results_transfer_stl_alt_fig3_"])
if results.opt == "if0":
do_vec = np.array(["pop_transfer_if0_cn_alt"])
#do_vec = np.array(["pop_transfer_grc_cn_poster_alt" , "pop_transfer_resif_cn_poster_alt", "pop_transfer_if_cn_poster_alt"])
#do_vec = np.array(["pop_transfer_if_cn_addn10_poster_alt", "pop_transfer_grc_cn_addn10_poster_alt"])
#do_vec = np.array(["pop_transfer_grc_cn_alt"])
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
if ("_poster_" in do_vec[0]) or ("_talk_" in do_vec[0]):
color0 = '#000000' # Black
color1 = '#00A0E3' # Cyan
color2 = '#E5097F' # Magenta
color8 = '#FFED00' # Yellow
color4 = '#393476' # Uni Blue
color5 = '#E42A24' # Red
color6 = '#009A47' # Dark Green
color7 = '#78317B' # Lila
color3 = '#BFB5B1' # Gray
color9 = '#EC671F' # Orange
linewidth = 1.5
d_out = 10
d_down = 10
# FIGURE 3,4
if ("_fig3_" in do_vec[0]) or ("_fig4_" in do_vec[0]):
linewidth = 1.5
if "alt" in do_vec[0]:
fig_size = [180*0.03937,100*0.03937] # 2-Column
fig_size = [180*0.03937,6.83] # 1.5-Column
params['figure.figsize'] = fig_size
fig1 = plt.figure('results_transfer')
font = font0.copy()
if "_addn" in do_vec[-1]:
if "poster" not in do_vec[0]:
gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(2, 3,
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0,2])
ax1b = plt.subplot(gs[1,2])
ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[0:2,0])
ax2b = plt.subplot(gs[0:2,1])
x1 = -0.08
y1 = 1.11
ax1.text(-0.08, y1+0.16, 'B', transform=ax1.transAxes, fontsize=12, va='top', fontproperties=font)
ax2.text(x1, y1, 'A1', transform=ax2.transAxes, fontsize=12, va='top', fontproperties=font)
ax2b.text(x1, y1, 'A2', transform=ax2b.transAxes, fontsize=12, va='top', fontproperties=font)
gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1,
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0,0])
if "poster" not in do_vec[0]:
gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(1, 4,
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0,0])
ax1b = plt.subplot(gs[0,1])
ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[0,2])
ax2b = plt.subplot(gs[0,3])
x1 = -0.13
y1 = 1.22
ax1.text(x1, y1, 'A1', transform=ax1.transAxes, fontsize=12, va='top', fontproperties=font)
ax1b.text(x1, y1, 'A2', transform=ax1b.transAxes, fontsize=12, va='top', fontproperties=font)
ax2.text(x1, y1, 'B1', transform=ax2.transAxes, fontsize=12, va='top', fontproperties=font)
ax2b.text(x1, y1, 'B2', transform=ax2b.transAxes, fontsize=12, va='top', fontproperties=font)
gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2,
ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[0,0])
ax2b = plt.subplot(gs[0,1])
if "_addn" in do_vec[-1]:
if "_alt" not in do_vec[0]:
gs.update(left=0.14, right=0.97, bottom=0.80, top=0.92, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.2)
gs.update(left=0.065, right=0.97, bottom=0.57, top=0.94, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.3)
if "_alt" not in do_vec[0]:
gs.update(left=0.10, right=0.97, bottom=0.75, top=0.92, wspace=0.65, hspace=0.4)
gs.update(left=0.065, right=0.97, bottom=0.65, top=0.89, wspace=0.4, hspace=0.4)
if "_alt" not in do_vec[0]:
gs2 = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(3, 2,
gs2 = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(1, 3,
if "_addn" in do_vec[-1]:
if "_alt" not in do_vec[0]:
gs2.update(bottom=0.08, top=0.64, left=0.13, right=0.97, wspace=0.1, hspace=0.4)
gs2.update(bottom=0.1, top=0.42, left=0.065, right=0.97, wspace=0.1, hspace=0.3)
if "_alt" not in do_vec[0]:
gs2.update(bottom=0.08, top=0.55, left=0.13, right=0.97, wspace=0.1, hspace=0.4)
gs2.update(bottom=0.1, top=0.40, left=0.065, right=0.97, wspace=0.1, hspace=0.4)
if "_alt" not in do_vec[0]:
ax3 = plt.subplot(gs2[0,0])
ax4 = plt.subplot(gs2[0,1])
ax4.text(0.3, 1.5, 'GrC model', transform=ax4.transAxes, fontsize=10, va='top')
ax5 = plt.subplot(gs2[1,0])
ax6 = plt.subplot(gs2[1,1])
ax7 = plt.subplot(gs2[2,0])
ax8 = plt.subplot(gs2[2,1])
ax4 = plt.subplot(gs2[0,0])
ax6 = plt.subplot(gs2[0,1])
ax8 = plt.subplot(gs2[0,2])
if "_poster" not in do_vec[0]:
if "_alt" not in do_vec[0]:
x1 = -0.05
y1 = 1.25
ax3.text(x1, y1, 'C1', transform=ax3.transAxes, fontsize=12, va='top', fontproperties=font)
ax3.text(0.2, 1.5, r'IF ($\tau$ = 15.7 ms)', transform=ax3.transAxes, fontsize=10, va='top')
ax4.text(x1, y1, 'D1', transform=ax4.transAxes, fontsize=12, va='top', fontproperties=font)
ax5.text(x1, y1, 'C2', transform=ax5.transAxes, fontsize=12, va='top', fontproperties=font)
ax6.text(x1, y1, 'D2', transform=ax6.transAxes, fontsize=12, va='top', fontproperties=font)
ax7.text(x1, y1, 'C3', transform=ax7.transAxes, fontsize=12, va='top', fontproperties=font)
ax8.text(x1, y1, 'D3', transform=ax8.transAxes, fontsize=12, va='top', fontproperties=font)
x1 = -0.07
y1 = 1.15
ax4.text(x1, y1, 'C1', transform=ax4.transAxes, fontsize=12, va='top', fontproperties=font)
ax6.text(x1, y1, 'C2', transform=ax6.transAxes, fontsize=12, va='top', fontproperties=font)
ax8.text(x1, y1, 'C3', transform=ax8.transAxes, fontsize=12, va='top', fontproperties=font)
elif ("_fig4b_" in do_vec[0]) or ("_figX_" in do_vec[0]):
if ("_talk_" in do_vec[0]):
fig_size = [11.7*0.3937,7.4*0.3937]
params = {'backend': 'ps',
'axes.labelsize': 6,
'axes.linewidth' : 0.5,
'title.fontsize': 8,
'text.fontsize': 8,
'legend.fontsize': 6,
'xtick.labelsize': 6,
'ytick.labelsize': 6,
'legend.borderpad': 0.2,
'legend.linewidth': 0.1,
'legend.loc': 3,
'legend.ncol': 4,
'text.usetex': False,
'figure.figsize': fig_size}
linewidth = 1
d_out = 8
d_down = 3
fig1 = plt.figure('results_transfer')
font = font0.copy()
gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2,
gs.update(bottom=0.12, top=0.88, left=0.1, right=0.97, wspace=0.1, hspace=0.4)
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0,0])
ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1,0])
ax5 = plt.subplot(gs[0,1])
ax6 = plt.subplot(gs[1,1])
fig2 = plt.figure('results_transfer2')
font = font0.copy()
gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2,
gs.update(bottom=0.125, top=0.86, left=0.1, right=0.97, wspace=0.1, hspace=0.2)
ax3 = plt.subplot(gs[0,0])
ax4 = plt.subplot(gs[1,0])
ax7 = plt.subplot(gs[0,1])
ax8 = plt.subplot(gs[1,1])
fig_size = [85*0.03937,120*0.03937] # 1.5-Column
params['figure.figsize'] = fig_size
fig1 = plt.figure('results_transfer')
font = font0.copy()
gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(3, 2,
gs.update(left=0.17, right=0.97, bottom=0.35, top=0.89, wspace=0.1, hspace=0.4)
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0,0])
ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1,0])
ax3 = plt.subplot(gs[2,0])
ax5 = plt.subplot(gs[0,1])
ax6 = plt.subplot(gs[1,1])
ax7 = plt.subplot(gs[2,1])
gs2 = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2,
gs2.update(left=0.17, right=0.96, bottom=0.09, top=0.24, wspace=0.1, hspace=0.2)
ax4 = plt.subplot(gs2[0,0])
ax8 = plt.subplot(gs2[0,1])
if ("_poster_" not in do_vec[0]) and ("_talk_" not in do_vec[0]):
x1 = -0.1
y1 = 1.23
ax1.text(x1, y1, 'A1', transform=ax1.transAxes, fontsize=12, va='top', fontproperties=font)
ax2.text(x1, y1, 'A2', transform=ax2.transAxes, fontsize=12, va='top', fontproperties=font)
ax3.text(x1, y1, 'A3', transform=ax3.transAxes, fontsize=12, va='top', fontproperties=font)
ax4.text(x1, y1, 'A4', transform=ax4.transAxes, fontsize=12, va='top', fontproperties=font)
x1 = -0.1
y1 = 1.23
ax5.text(x1, y1, 'B1', transform=ax5.transAxes, fontsize=12, va='top', fontproperties=font)
ax6.text(x1, y1, 'B2', transform=ax6.transAxes, fontsize=12, va='top', fontproperties=font)
ax7.text(x1, y1, 'B3', transform=ax7.transAxes, fontsize=12, va='top', fontproperties=font)
ax8.text(x1, y1, 'B4', transform=ax8.transAxes, fontsize=12, va='top', fontproperties=font)
ax1 = None
ax1b = None
normalize = 1
for d, do in enumerate(do_vec):
if "_keep_" in do:
do_run_now = 0
do_run_now = do_run
pickle_prefix = ""
if "_fig" in do:
fig_num = str(do).split("_fig")[1].split("_")[0]
pickle_prefix = pickle_prefix + "Fig" + str(fig_num) + "_"
if "cell_" in do:
ihold = 40
amp = 0
amod = 0.1
anoise = 0
tau_noise = 0*ms
delta_t = 0*ms
if "_grc_" in do:
istart = 0.002
istop = 0.05
di = 0.0001
sexp = 0
cutf = 0
cellimport = "from GRANULE_Cell import Grc"
celltype = "Grc"
cell_exe = "cell = Grc(np.array([0.,0.,0.]))"
# Passive prop: R: 1049.03039562 MOhm, C: 3.38407734878e-06 uF, tau: 0.00355000000001 s
# From Model: 3 pF!!!
#R: 1049.03039562 MOhm, C: 3.38407734878e-06 uF, tau: 0.00355000000001 s
#tau_passive = 3e-06*1049 = 3.15ms
pickle_prefix = pickle_prefix + "cell_grc"
exec cellimport
exec cell_exe
temperature = 37
give_freq = True
SNR = None
NI = None
synout_tau1 = 100*ms
synout_tau2 = 100*ms
icloc = "soma(0.5)"
if "_goc_" in do:
istart = 0.002
istop = 0.05
di = 0.0001
sexp = 0
cutf = 0
cellimport = "from templates.golgi.Golgi_template import Goc"
celltype = "Goc"
cell_exe = "cell = Goc(np.array([0.,0.,0.]))"
pickle_prefix = pickle_prefix + "cell_goc"
exec cellimport
exec cell_exe
temperature = 37
give_freq = True
SNR = None
NI = None
synout_tau1 = 100*ms
synout_tau2 = 100*ms
icloc = "soma(0.5)"
if "_stl_" in do:
istart = 0.001
istop = 0.03
di = 0.001
sexp = 0
cutf = 0
cellimport = "from templates.mli.stellate import Stellate"
celltype = "Stl"
cell_exe = "cell = Stellate(np.array([0.,0.,0.]))"
pickle_prefix = pickle_prefix + "cell_stl"
exec cellimport
exec cell_exe
temperature = 37
give_freq = True
SNR = None
NI = None
synout_tau1 = 100*ms
synout_tau2 = 100*ms
icloc = "soma(0.5)"
if "_resif_" in do:
istart = 0.002
istop = 0.05
di = 0.0001
sexp = 0
cutf = 0
#thresh = -21.175*mV
#gr = 6.044e-05*uS
#tau_r = 0.0185
#R = 8860*MOhm
#tau_passive = 3e-06*8860 = 26.6ms
#thresh: -21.1752 gr: 6.04400329156e-05 tau_r: 0.0185045932005 R: 8860
#gr = 3.72e-05*uS
#tau_r = 0.0201
#R = 7097*MOhm
gr = 5.56e-05*uS
tau_r = 19.6*ms
R = 5227*MOhm
delta_t = 4.85*ms
thresh = (0.00568*nA * R) - 71.5*mV #
thresh = -41.8
cellimport = []
celltype = "IfCell"
cell_exe = "cell = IfCell(C = 3e-06*uF, R = " + str(R) + ", e = -71.5*mV, thresh =" + str(thresh) + ", vrefrac = -71.5*mV, dgk =" + str(gr) + ", egk = -71.5*mV, ctau =" + str(tau_r) + ")"
pickle_prefix = pickle_prefix + "cell_resif"
#exec cellimport
exec cell_exe
temperature = 0
give_freq = True
SNR = None
NI = None
synout_tau1 = 100*ms
synout_tau2 = 100*ms
icloc = "soma(0.5)"
if "_grD_" in do:
istart = 0
istop = 0.02
di = 0.0001
sexp = 0
cutf = 0
celltype = "GrcDiwakar"
cell_exe = "cell = GrcDiwakar()"
cellimport = "from cells." + celltype + " import *"
pickle_prefix = pickle_prefix + "cell_grD"
exec cellimport
exec cell_exe
temperature = 30
give_freq = True
SNR = None
NI = None
synout_tau1 = 100*ms
synout_tau2 = 100*ms
icloc = "dendrites[0][3](0.5)"
if "_grVSCS_" in do:
istart = 0
istop = 0.05
di = 0.0005
sexp = 0
cutf = 0
celltype = "GrcVSCS"
cell_exe = "cell = GrcVSCS()"
cellimport = "from cells." + celltype + " import *"
pickle_prefix = pickle_prefix + "cell_grVSCS"
exec cellimport
exec cell_exe
temperature = 37
give_freq = True
SNR = None
NI = None
synout_tau1 = 100*ms
synout_tau2 = 100*ms
icloc = "soma(0.5)"
if "results_transfer" in do:
pickle_prefix = pickle_prefix + "_transfer"
freq_used0 = concatenate(( arange(0.5, xmax+0.5, 0.5), array([]) )) #, arange(210, 1010, 10) ))
sim = Stimulation(cell, celltype = celltype, cell_exe = cell_exe, temperature = temperature, do_run = do_run_now, pickle_prefix = pickle_prefix, give_freq = give_freq, istart = istart, istop = istop, di = di)
#if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: rm, cm, taum = sim.get_RCtau() #method = "vc", dv=0.0001*mV)
sim.spikes_from_neuron = False
sim.del_freq = array([20])
sim.ihold = ihold
sim.amp = amp
sim.amod = amod
sim.anoise = anoise
sim.tau_noise = tau_noise
sim.synout_tau1 = synout_tau1
sim.synout_tau2 = synout_tau2
sim.delta_t = delta_t
sim.data_dir = data_dir
sim.minimal_dir = minimal_dir
currtitle = "single sinusoid, " + celltype + ", amp: " + str(sim.amp) + ", ihold: " + str(sim.ihold)
sim.linewidth = linewidth
method_interpol = np.array(["none"])
if "_grc_" in do:
sim.color_vec = (array([color2,color2,color2,color2,color2]),array([color2,color2,color2,color2,color2]))
opt_plot = np.array(["only_mag", "normalize", "dB"]) # "dB"
if "_goc_" in do:
sim.color_vec = (array([color2,color2,color2,color2,color2]),array([color2,color2,color2,color2,color2]))
opt_plot = np.array(["only_mag", "normalize", "dB"]) # "dB"
if "_stl_" in do:
sim.color_vec = (array([color2,color2,color2,color2,color2]),array([color2,color2,color2,color2,color2]))
opt_plot = np.array(["only_mag", "normalize", "dB"]) # "dB"
if "_resif_" in do:
sim.color_vec = (array(['k','k','k','k','k']),array(['k','k','k','k','k']))
opt_plot = np.array(["only_mag", "normalize", "dB", "dotted"]) # "dB"
if "_grD_" in do:
sim.color_vec = (array([color3,color3,color3,color3,color3]),array([color3,color3,color3,color3,color3]))
opt_plot = np.array(["only_mag", "normalize", "dB"]) # "dB"
if "_grVSCS_" in do:
sim.color_vec = (array([p1,p1,p1,p1,p1]),array([p1,p1,p1,p1,p1]))
opt_plot = np.array(["only_mag", "normalize", "dB"]) # "dB"
_, _, mag, pha, freq_used = sim.fun_plot(currtitle, "ssine", freq_used = freq_used0, method_interpol = method_interpol, method_interpol_plot = method_interpol, ax = ax1, axP = ax1b, SNR = 0, VAF = 0, opt_plot = opt_plot, xmax=xmax)
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
adjust_spines(ax1, ['left','bottom'], d_out = 10)
adjust_spines(ax1b, ['left','bottom'], d_out = 10)
if "_grc_" in do: # old: 27.4
#freq_used = freq_used0
#H_goal = (mag[0,:] * exp(pi / 180 * 1j * pha[0,:]))
#tau_fit, scale_fit, H_fit = fit_aiftransfer(freq_used, H_goal, f0 = 40, i0 = 0)
#print "fit theor., tau=" + str(tau_fit/ms) + "ms, scale_fit:" + str(scale_fit)
#H_fit, H0_fit = aiftransfer(freq_used, tau = tau_fit, f0 = 40, i0 = 0.000591817847824*nA) # compute again with all frequencies
#magA_fit = abs(H_fit)
#phaA_fit = unwrap(angle(H_fit)) * (180 / pi)
#scale_fit = 1/magA_fit[0]
#ax1.semilogx(freq_used, 20*log10(magA_fit*scale_fit), 'b--', linewidth = linewidth)
#ax1b.semilogx(freq_used, phaA_fit, 'b--' , linewidth = linewidth)
H, H0 = aiftransfer(freq_used0, tau = 15.7*1e-3, f0 = 40, i0 = 0)
magA = abs(H)
scale = 1/magA[0]
ax1.semilogx(freq_used0, 20*log10(magA*scale), '--' , color = 'k', linewidth = linewidth)
#ax1.text(20, 0, r'GrC model', color=r1, fontsize = params['text.fontsize'])
#ax1.text(1, -4, r"IF ($\tau$ = 26.6 ms)", color='k', fontsize = params['text.fontsize'])
phaA = unwrap(angle(H)) * (180 / pi)
ax1b.semilogx(freq_used0, phaA, '--' , color = 'k', linewidth = linewidth)
#plt.plot(concatenate((real(H_goal), imag(H_goal))), 'r')
#plt.plot(concatenate((real(H_fit)*scale_fit, imag(H_fit)*scale_fit)), 'g')
#plt.plot(concatenate((real(H)*scale_fit, imag(H)*scale_fit)), 'b')
#plt.plot(concatenate((real(H), imag(H))), 'b')
if "_resif_" in do:
#ax1.text(1, -10, r"resonant IF", color='k', fontsize = params['text.fontsize'])
if "_grD_" in do:
H, H0 = aiftransfer(freq_used0, tau = 4.8*1e-3, f0 = 40, i0 = 0)
magA = abs(H)
scale = 1/magA[0]
ax1.semilogx(freq_used0, 20*log10(magA*scale), '--', color = b1, linewidth = linewidth)
ax1.text(1.2, 1.0, r'GrC model (Diwakar et al. 2009)', color=g1, fontsize = params['text.fontsize'])
ax1.text(1.2, -4, r"IF ($\tau$ = 4.8 ms)", color=b1, fontsize = params['text.fontsize'])
if "_grVSCS_" in do:
H, H0 = aiftransfer(freq_used0, tau = 4.8*1e-3, f0 = 40, i0 = 0)
magA = abs(H)
scale = 1/magA[0]
ax1.semilogx(freq_used0, 20*log10(magA*scale), '--', color = b1, linewidth = linewidth)
ax1.text(1.2, 1.0, r'GrC model (Steuber)', color=g1, fontsize = params['text.fontsize'])
ax1.text(1.2, -4, r"IF ($\tau$ = 3.5 ms)", color=b1, fontsize = params['text.fontsize'])
#ax1.set_ylabel("Gain (dB)")
ax1.set_title("Gain (dB)") #, fontsize=8)
ax1.xaxis.set_ticks(array([1, 10, 20]))
ax1.set_xticklabels(('1', '','20'))
ax1.axis(xmin=0.5, xmax=21)
ax1.axis(ymin=-4, ymax=1)
ax1.yaxis.set_ticks(array([-4, -2, 0, 1]))
ax1.set_xlabel("Hz", labelpad=-4)
#ax1.set_title("Transfer fit")
if "first" in do:
ax1.text(0.6, 1.4, 'Sinusoidal fit', transform=ax1.transAxes, fontsize=10, va='top')
ax1b.set_title("Phase ($^\circ$)")
ax1b.xaxis.set_ticks(array([1, 10 ,20]))
ax1b.set_xticklabels(('1', '', '20'))
ax1b.axis(xmin=0.5, xmax=21)
ax1b.axis(ymin=-100, ymax=0)
ax1b.yaxis.set_ticks(array([-100, -50, 0]))
ax1b.set_xlabel("Hz", labelpad=-4)
plotname = "./figs/Pub/" + str(pickle_prefix)
savefig(plotname + ".png", dpi = 300) # save it
savefig(plotname + ".pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
#os.system('rsvg-convert -f pdf -o ' + plotname +'.pdf ' + plotname + '.svg')
sim = None
cell = None
if "pop_transfer" in do:
#pop = None
ihold = [40]
amod = [0.1]
anoise = [0]
fluct_tau = 0*ms
N = [1]
#do_run = 1
istart = 0.002
istop = 0.05
di = 0.0001
delta_t = 0*ms
use_multisplit = False
linestyle = '-'
simstep = 1*s
method_interpol = np.array(['bin'])
amp = 0 # absolute value
fluct_s = [0] # absolute value
ihold_sigma = [0*nA] # absolute value
dt = 0.025*ms
bin_width = dt
jitter = 0*ms
give_freq = True
if "_if0_" in do:
prefix = pickle_prefix + "pop_transfer" + "_if0"
istart = 0.001
istop = 0.015
di = 0.0001
istart = 0.01
istop = 0.15
di = 0.001
cellimport = []
celltype = ["IfCell"]
cell_exe = ["cell = IfCell(C = 107e-06*uF, R = 235*MOhm, e = -58*mV, thresh = -50*mV, vrefrac = -58*mV)"]
color = 'k'
linestyle = '--'
temperature = 0
if "_if_" in do:
prefix = pickle_prefix + "pop_transfer" + "_if"
thresh = -41.8
R = 5227*MOhm
#tau_passive = 3e-06*5227 = 15.7ms
cellimport = []
celltype = ["IfCell"]
cell_exe = ["cell = IfCell(C = 3e-06*uF, R = " + str(R) + ", e = -71.5*mV, thresh =" + str(thresh) + ", vrefrac = -71.5*mV)"]
color = 'k'
linestyle = '--'
temperature = 0
if "_lowcf_slownoise_" in do:
give_freq = False
#ihold = [0.00185]
#ihold_sigma = [0.42/2] # 0.1/2 0.01 realtive value
#amod = [None]
#amp = 0.001
#anoise = [None]
#fluct_s = [0.002] # .005
#fluct_tau = 100*ms
ihold = [0.0041]
ihold_sigma = [0.2/2] # 0.1/2 0.01 realtive value
amod = [None]
amp = 0.002
anoise = [None]
fluct_s = [0.001] # .005
fluct_tau = 100*ms
prefix = prefix + "_lowcf_slownoise"
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
ax01 = ax5
ax02 = ax6
ax03 = ax7
ax04 = ax8
elif "_lowcf_" in do:
give_freq = False
#ihold = [0.00487]
#ihold_sigma = [0.04/2] # 0.1/2 0.01 realtive value
#amod = [None]
#amp = 0.001
#anoise = [None]
#fluct_s = [0.00] # .005
#fluct_tau = 0*ms
ihold = [0.00465]
ihold_sigma = [0.12/2] # 0.1/2 0.01 realtive value
amod = [None]
amp = 0.002
anoise = [None]
fluct_s = [0.00] # .005
fluct_tau = 0*ms
prefix = prefix + "_lowcf"
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
ax01 = ax1
ax02 = ax2
ax03 = ax3
ax04 = ax4
elif "_consta20_" in do:
give_freq = False
ihold = [0.00592898]
ihold_sigma = [0] # 0.1/2 0.01 realtive value
amod = [None]
amp = 0.000145
anoise = [None]
fluct_s = [0.00] # .005
fluct_tau = 0*ms
prefix = prefix + "_consta20"
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
ax01 = ax1
ax02 = ax2
ax03 = ax3
ax04 = ax4
elif "_consta40_" in do:
give_freq = False
ihold = [0.0071345]
ihold_sigma = [0] # 0.1/2 0.01 realtive value
amod = [None]
amp = 0.000145
anoise = [None]
fluct_s = [0.00] # .005
fluct_tau = 0*ms
prefix = prefix + "_consta40"
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
ax01 = ax1
ax02 = ax2
ax03 = ax3
ax04 = ax4
elif "_consta60_" in do:
give_freq = False
ihold = [0.008687875]
ihold_sigma = [0] # 0.1/2 0.01 realtive value
amod = [None]
amp = 0.000145
anoise = [None]
fluct_s = [0.00] # .005
fluct_tau = 0*ms
prefix = prefix + "_consta60"
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
ax01 = ax1
ax02 = ax2
ax03 = ax3
ax04 = ax4
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
if "_alt" not in do:
ax01 = ax3
ax02 = ax5
ax03 = ax7
ax01 = ax4
ax02 = ax6
ax03 = ax8
if "_ifpass_" in do:
prefix = pickle_prefix + "pop_transfer" + "_ifpass"
R = 737*MOhm
thresh = (0.00568*nA * R) - 71.5*mV #
thresh = -67.3
#tau_passive = 3e-06*737 = 2.2ms
cellimport = []
celltype = ["IfCell"]
cell_exe = ["cell = IfCell(C = 3e-06*uF, R = " + str(R) + ", e = -71.5*mV, thresh =" + str(thresh) + ", vrefrac = -71.5*mV)"]
color = 'gray'
linestyle = '--'
temperature = 0
if "_lowcf_slownoise_" in do:
give_freq = False
ihold = [0.0016]
ihold_sigma = [0.2/2] # 0.1/2 0.01 realtive value
amod = [None]
amp = 0.001
anoise = [None]
fluct_s = [0.0015] # .005
fluct_tau = 100*ms
prefix = prefix + "_lowcf_slownoise"
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
ax01 = ax5
ax02 = ax6
ax03 = ax7
ax04 = ax8
elif "_lowcf_" in do:
give_freq = False
ihold = [0.00445]
ihold_sigma = [0.05/2] # 0.1/2 0.01 realtive value
amod = [None]
amp = 0.001
anoise = [None]
fluct_s = [0.00] # .005
fluct_tau = 0*ms
prefix = prefix + "_lowcf"
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
ax01 = ax1
ax02 = ax2
ax03 = ax3
ax04 = ax4
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
if "_alt" not in do:
ax01 = ax3
ax02 = ax5
ax03 = ax7
ax01 = ax4
ax02 = ax6
ax03 = ax8
if "_resif" in do:
prefix = pickle_prefix + "pop_transfer" + "_resif"
#thresh = -21.175*mV
#gr = 6.044e-05*uS
#tau_r = 0.0185
#R = 8860*MOhm
#tau_passive = 3e-06*8860 = 26.6ms
#thresh: -21.1752 gr: 6.04400329156e-05 tau_r: 0.0185045932005 R: 8860
gr = 5.56e-05*uS
tau_r = 19.6*ms
R = 5227*MOhm
delta_t = 4.85*ms
if "_resif2" in do:
delta_t = 0
prefix = prifix + "2"
thresh = (0.00568*nA * R) - 71.5*mV #
thresh = -41.8
cellimport = []
celltype = ["IfCell"]
cell_exe = ["cell = IfCell(C = 3e-06*uF, R = " + str(R) + ", e = -71.5*mV, thresh =" + str(thresh) + ", vrefrac = -71.5*mV, dgk =" + str(gr) + ", egk = -71.5*mV, ctau =" + str(tau_r) + ")"]
color = 'k'
linestyle = ':'
temperature = 0
if "_lowcf_slownoise_" in do:
give_freq = False
#ihold = [0.00185]
#ihold_sigma = [0.42/2] # 0.1/2 0.01 realtive value
#amod = [None]
#amp = 0.001
#anoise = [None]
#fluct_s = [0.002] # .005
#fluct_tau = 100*ms
ihold = [0.0042]
ihold_sigma = [0.2/2] # 0.1/2 0.01 realtive value
amod = [None]
amp = 0.002
anoise = [None]
fluct_s = [0.001] # .005
fluct_tau = 100*ms
prefix = prefix + "_lowcf_slownoise"
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
ax01 = ax5
ax02 = ax6
ax03 = ax7
ax04 = ax8
elif "_lowcf_" in do:
give_freq = False
#ihold = [0.00487]
#ihold_sigma = [0.04/2] # 0.1/2 0.01 realtive value
#amod = [None]
#amp = 0.001
#anoise = [None]
#fluct_s = [0.00] # .005
#fluct_tau = 0*ms
ihold = [0.0047]
ihold_sigma = [0.12/2] # 0.1/2 0.01 realtive value
amod = [None]
amp = 0.002
anoise = [None]
fluct_s = [0.00] # .005
fluct_tau = 0*ms
prefix = prefix + "_lowcf"
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
ax01 = ax1
ax02 = ax2
ax03 = ax3
ax04 = ax4
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
if "_alt" not in do:
ax01 = ax3
ax02 = ax5
ax03 = ax7
ax01 = ax4
ax02 = ax6
ax03 = ax8
if "_grc_" in do:
prefix = pickle_prefix + "pop_transfer" + "_grc"
cellimport = ["from GRANULE_Cell import Grc"]
celltype = ["Grc"]
cell_exe = ["cell = Grc(np.array([0.,0.,0.]))"]
color = r1
temperature = 37
if "_lowcf_slownoise_" in do:
give_freq = False
#ihold = [0.002873]
#ihold_sigma = [0.29/2] # 0.1/2 0.01 realtive value
#amod = [None]
#amp = 0.001
#anoise = [None]
#fluct_s = [0.002] # .005
#fluct_tau = 100*ms
ihold = [0.0051]
ihold_sigma = [0.18/2] # 0.1/2 0.01 realtive value
amod = [None]
amp = 0.002
anoise = [None]
fluct_s = [0.001] # .005
fluct_tau = 100*ms
prefix = prefix + "_lowcf_slownoise"
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
ax01 = ax5
ax02 = ax6
ax03 = ax7
ax04 = ax8
elif "_lowcf_" in do:
give_freq = False
#ihold = [0.00541]
#ihold_sigma = [0.03/2] # 0.1/2 0.01 realtive value
#amod = [None]
#amp = 0.001
#anoise = [None]
#fluct_s = [0.00] # .005
#fluct_tau = 0*ms
ihold = [0.0055]
ihold_sigma = [0.1/2] # 0.1/2 0.01 realtive value
amod = [None]
amp = 0.002
anoise = [None]
fluct_s = [0.00] # .005
fluct_tau = 0*ms
prefix = prefix + "_lowcf"
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
ax01 = ax1
ax02 = ax2
ax03 = ax3
ax04 = ax4
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
ax01 = ax4
ax02 = ax6
ax03 = ax8
use_mpi = True
if "_prk_" in do:
amod = [0.1]
ihold = [60]
#give_freq = False
#ihold = [0.0042]
#ihold_sigma = [0]
#amod = [None]
#amp = 0.002
prefix = pickle_prefix + "pop_transfer" + "_prk"
cellimport = ["from Purkinje import Purkinje"]
celltype = ["Prk"]
cell_exe = ["cell = Purkinje()"]
color = o1
temperature = 37
istart = 0
istop = 0.2
di = 0.01
use_multisplit = True
use_mpi = False
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
ax01 = ax1
ax02 = ax2
ax03 = ax3
ax04 = ax4
if "_goc_" in do:
amod = [0.2]
ihold = [40]
prefix = pickle_prefix + "pop_transfer" + "_goc"
cellimport = ["from templates.golgi.Golgi_template import Goc"]
celltype = ["Goc"]
cell_exe = ["cell = Goc(np.array([0.,0.,0.]))"]
color = o1
temperature = 37
istart = 0
istop = 0.1
di = 0.005
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
ax01 = ax1
ax02 = ax2
ax03 = ax3
ax04 = ax4
a_celltype = [0]
factor_celltype = [1]
if "_cn_" in do:
xmax = 20
cutf = 20
sexp = -1
prefix = prefix + "_cn"
if "_pn_" in do:
xmax = 60
cutf = 60
sexp = -1
prefix = prefix + "_pn"
if "_bn_" in do:
xmax = 30
cutf = 30
sexp = -1
prefix = prefix + "_bn"
if "_wn_" in do:
xmax = 100
cutf = 0
sexp = 0
prefix = prefix + "_wn"
if "_N" in do:
N = str(do).split("_N")[1].split("_")[0]
N = [int(N)]
if "_addn100_" in do:
anoise = [2]
fluct_tau = 100*ms
prefix = prefix + "_addn100"
N = [100]
amod = [1]
if "_grc_" in do: color = g1
if "_addn100b_" in do:
anoise = [1]
fluct_tau = 100*ms
prefix = prefix + "_addn100b"
N = [100]
amod = [1]
if "_grc_" in do: color = g1
if "_addn1_" in do:
anoise = [4]
fluct_tau = 1*ms
prefix = prefix + "_addn1"
N = [100]
amod = [1]
if "_grc_" in do: color = g1
if "_addn10_" in do:
anoise = [0.1]
fluct_tau = 10*ms
prefix = prefix + "_addn10"
if "_addn0_" in do:
anoise = [0.1]
fluct_tau = 0*ms
prefix = prefix + "_addn0"
if "_a1_" in do:
amod = [1]
if "_a05_" in do:
amod = [0.5]
if "_a01_" in do:
amod = [0.1]
if "_a10_" in do:
amod = [10]
if "_a2_" in do:
amod = [2]
if "_a0133_" in do:
amod = [0.133]
if "_a005_" in do:
amod = [0.05]
if "_a0033_" in do:
amod = [1/30]
if "_a0025_" in do:
amod = [0.025]
if "_ihold" in do:
iho = str(do).split("_ihold")[1].split("_")[0]
prefix = prefix + "_ihold" + str(iho)
ihold = [float(iho)]
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
ax01 = ax1
ax02 = ax2
ax03 = ax3
ax04 = ax4
if "_F0" in do:
iho = str(do).split("_F0")[1].split("_")[0]
prefix = prefix + "_F0" + str(iho)
ihold = [float(iho)]
if "_addn1b_" in do:
anoise = [0.4]
fluct_tau = 1*ms
prefix = prefix + "_addn1b"
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
ax01 = ax5
ax02 = ax6
ax03 = ax7
ax04 = ax8
if "_addn1c_" in do:
anoise = [4]
fluct_tau = 1*ms
prefix = prefix + "_addn1c"
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
ax01 = ax5
ax02 = ax6
ax03 = ax7
ax04 = ax8
if "_addn1d_" in do:
anoise = [40]
fluct_tau = 1*ms
prefix = prefix + "_addn1d"
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
ax01 = ax5
ax02 = ax6
ax03 = ax7
ax04 = ax8
CF_var = False
if "_CFvar" in do:
prefix = prefix + "_CFvar"
CF_var = [[10,5,30]]
if "_ihsigma" in do:
iho = str(do).split("_ihsigma")[1].split("_")[0]
prefix = prefix + "_ihsigma" + str(iho)
ihold_sigma = [float(iho)/2]
if "_twopop_" in do:
prefix = prefix + "_twopop"
if cellimport != []:
cellimport = [cellimport[0],cellimport[0]]
celltype = [celltype[0],celltype[0]]
cell_exe = [cell_exe[0],cell_exe[0]]
N = [N[0],N[0]]
a_celltype = [0,1] # celltype to analyse
factor_celltype = [1,-1]
ihold = [ihold[0],ihold[0]]
ihold_sigma = [ihold_sigma[0],ihold_sigma[0]]
fluct_s = [fluct_s[0],fluct_s[0]]
amod = [amod[0],amod[0]]
anoise = [anoise[0],anoise[0]]
if CF_var is not False:
CF_var = [CF_var[0],CF_var[0]]
#sigma_ihold = [sigma_ihold[0],sigma_ihold[0]]
#noise_a = [noise_a[0], noise_a[0]]
#noise_a_inh = [noise_a_inh[0], noise_a_inh[0]]
if "_color" in do:
nc = str(do).split("_color")[1].split("_")[0]
#exec('color = color'+ str(nc))
exec 'color = ' + str(nc)
t_qual = 0
if "_tqual" in do:
t_qual = 10
equi = 0
if "_equi_" in do:
give_freq = False
ihold = [0]
ihold_sigma = [0] # 0.1/2 0.01 realtive value
amod = [None]
amp = 0
equi = 1
pickle_prefix0 = prefix + "_N" + str(N) + "_CF" + str(ihold) + "_amod" + str(amod)
pop = Population(cellimport = cellimport, celltype = celltype, cell_exe = cell_exe, N = N, temperature = temperature, ihold = ihold, ihold_sigma = ihold_sigma, amp = amp, amod = amod, give_freq = give_freq, do_run = do_run_now, pickle_prefix = pickle_prefix0, istart = istart, istop = istop, di = di, dt = dt, use_mpi = use_mpi)
pop.bin_width = bin_width
pop.jitter = jitter
pop.anoise = anoise
pop.fluct_s = fluct_s
pop.fluct_tau = fluct_tau
pop.method_interpol = method_interpol
pop.delta_t = delta_t
pop.use_multisplit = use_multisplit
pop.simstep = simstep
pop.plot_input = False
pop.a_celltype = a_celltype
pop.factor_celltype = factor_celltype
pop.delay_baseline = delay_baseline
pop.tstop_if = tstop_if
pop.plot_train = plot_train
pop.xmax = xmax
pop.CF_var = CF_var
pop.data_dir = data_dir
pop.minimal_dir = minimal_dir
results = pop.fun_cnoise_Stim(t_stim = t_stim, cutf = cutf, sexp = sexp, t_qual = t_qual, equi = equi)
t_qual = 0
freq_used, amp_vec, mag, pha, ca, voltage, current, t1 = results.get('freq_used'), results.get('amp'), results.get('mag'), results.get('pha'), results.get('ca'), results.get('voltage'), results.get('current'), results.get('t1')
freq_times, spike_freq, fmean, method_interpol, SNR, VAF, Qual = results.get('freq_times'), results.get('spike_freq'), results.get('fmean'), results.get('method_interpol'), results.get('SNR'), results.get('VAF'), results.get('Qual')
stim, stim_re_mat, current_re, tk, K_mat = results.get('stim'), results.get('stim_re_mat'), results.get('current_re'), results.get('tk'), results.get('K_mat')
ihold1 = results.get('ihold1')
fmstd, fmax ,fcvm = results.get('fmstd'), results.get('fmax'), results.get('fcvm')
if 'fbaseA' in results:
fbase = results.get('fbaseA')
fbstd = results.get('fbstdA')
fbase = []
fbstd = []
if pop.id == 0:
iend = mlab.find(freq_used > xmax)[0]
# save additional information:
if isinstance(fmean, (list)):
thisinfo = "m(CF)=" + str(fmean[0]) + 'Hz, std(CF)=' + str(fmstd[0]) + 'Hz, max(CF)=' + str(fmax[0]) + 'Hz, mean(CV)=' + str(fcvm[0]) + ' ,m(VAF)=' + str(np.mean(VAF[1][0,0:iend])) + ' ,m(SNR)=' + str(np.mean(SNR[1][0,0:iend])) +', m(base)=' + str(fbase) + ' Hz' +', std(base)=' + str(fbstd) + ' Hz'
thisinfo = "m(CF)=" + str(fmean) + 'Hz, std(CF)=' + str(fmstd) + 'Hz, max(CF)=' + str(fmax) + 'Hz, mean(CV)=' + str(fcvm) + ' ,m(VAF)=' + str(np.mean(VAF[1][0,0:iend])) + ' ,m(SNR)=' + str(np.mean(SNR[1][0,0:iend])) +', m(base)=' + str(fbase) + ' Hz' +', std(base)=' + str(fbstd) + ' Hz'
fo = open("./figs/txt/" + str(pickle_prefix0) + ".txt" , "wb")
#tbin = 100*ms
#tb = np.arange(0,t1[-1],tbin)
#[all_rate, _] = neuronpy.util.spiketrain.get_histogram(t_all_cut, bins = tb)
#all_rate = np.concatenate((np.zeros(1),all_rate)) / self.N[a] / tbin
#plotname = "./figs/Pub/PSTH_" + str(prefix)
#plt.savefig(plotname + ".pdf", dpi = 300, transparent=True) # save it
if ("_fig4b_" in do) or ("_figX_" in do):
if ("_normalize_" in do):
normalize = mag[0,0]
print "normalizethis:", normalize
mag[0,:] = mag[0,:] / normalize
if ("_noplot_" not in do):
ax01.semilogx(freq_used[0:iend], 20*log10(mag[0,0:iend]), color, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth, alpha=1)
if "_slownoise_" in do:
if "_talk_" in do:
adjust_spines(ax01, ['bottom'], d_out = 10)
adjust_spines(ax01, [], d_out = 10)
if "_talk_" in do:
adjust_spines(ax01, ['left','bottom'], d_out = 10)
adjust_spines(ax01, ['left'], d_out = 10)
ax01.set_ylabel("Gain (dB)", labelpad=0)
#ax01.set_title("Gain (dB)", fontsize=8)
ax01.yaxis.set_ticks(array([-25, -20,-15,-10,-5,0,5]))
ax01.set_yticklabels(('', '-20', '', '-10' , '', '0', ''))
if "_talk_" in do:
ax01.set_xlabel("Hz", labelpad=-2)
ax01.set_xticklabels(('1', '10', '20'))
if ("_slownoise_" in do) and ("_first_" in do):
if ("_talk_" in do) :
ax01.text(0.5, 1.3, 'FC=1sp/s, N=10000 \n + slow noise', transform=ax01.transAxes, fontsize=10, va='top', ha='center')
ax03.text(0.5, 1.3, 'FC=1sp/s, N=10000 \n + slow noise', transform=ax01.transAxes, fontsize=10, va='top', ha='center')
ax01.text(0.5, 1.7, r"$\mathsf{F_{eff}}$=4sp/s, N=100" + "\n + slow noise", transform=ax01.transAxes, fontsize=10, va='top', ha='center')
ax01.axhline(y=-1e9, xmin=0, xmax=0, color=b1, linestyle='-', label="standard")
ax01.axhline(y=-1e9, xmin=0, xmax=0, color=r1, linestyle='-', label="push-pull")
lg = ax01.legend(labelspacing=0.2, loc=3, bbox_to_anchor=(-0.07,-0.1), handlelength=0, handletextpad=0.1, numpoints=1)
fr = lg.get_frame()
txt = lg.get_texts()
for i, t in enumerate(txt):
if i==0: t.set_color(b1)
if i==1: t.set_color(r1)
elif ("_first_" in do):
if "_talk_" in do:
ax01.text(0.5, 1.3, 'FC=1sp/s, N=10000 \n ', transform=ax01.transAxes, fontsize=10, va='top', ha='center')
ax03.text(0.5, 1.3, 'FC=1sp/s, N=10000 \n ', transform=ax01.transAxes, fontsize=10, va='top', ha='center')
ax01.text(0.4, 1.7, r"$\mathsf{F_{eff}}$=4sp/s, N=100", transform=ax01.transAxes, fontsize=10, va='top', ha='center')
ax01.axhline(y=-1e9, xmin=0, xmax=0, color='k', linestyle='-', label="GrC")
ax01.axhline(y=-1e9, xmin=0, xmax=0, color='k', linestyle='--', label="IF")
ax01.axhline(y=-1e9, xmin=0, xmax=0, color='k', linestyle=':', label="resonant IF")
lg = ax01.legend(labelspacing=0.2, loc=3, bbox_to_anchor=(-0.07,-0.1), handlelength=2.5, handletextpad=0.1)
fr = lg.get_frame()
if ("_figX_" in do):
ax01.axis(ymin=-25, ymax=5)
ax01.axis(xmin=0.3, xmax=xmax)
ax02.semilogx(freq_used[0:iend], pha[0,0:iend], color, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth, alpha=1)
if "_slownoise_" in do:
if "_talk_" in do:
adjust_spines(ax02, ['bottom'], d_out = 10)
adjust_spines(ax02, [], d_out = 10)
if "_talk_" in do:
adjust_spines(ax02, ['left','bottom'], d_out = 10)
adjust_spines(ax02, ['left'], d_out = 10)
#ax02.set_title("Phase ($^\circ$)", fontsize=8)
ax02.set_ylabel("Phase ($^\circ$)", labelpad=-2)
ax02.yaxis.set_ticks(array([-140, -120, -100, -80, -60, -40, -20, 0, 20]))
ax02.set_yticklabels(('', '-120', '', '-80', '', '-40', '', '0', ''))
if "_talk_" in do:
ax02.set_xlabel("Hz", labelpad=-2)
ax02.set_xticklabels(('1', '10', '20'))
if "_grc_" in do:
ax02.axhline(y=-1e9, xmin=0, xmax=0, color=r1, linestyle='-', label="GrC")
ax02.axhline(y=-1e9, xmin=0, xmax=0, color='k', linestyle='--', label="IF")
ax02.axhline(y=-1e9, xmin=0, xmax=0, color='k', linestyle=':', label="resonant IF")
lg = ax02.legend(labelspacing=0.2, loc=3, handlelength=1.5, handletextpad=0.1)
fr = lg.get_frame()
if ("_figX_" in do):
ax02.axis(ymin=-140, ymax=20)
ax02.axis(xmin=0.3, xmax=xmax)
ax03.semilogx(freq_used[0:iend], VAF[1][0,0:iend]*100, color, linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyle, alpha=1)
print "mean VAF:", np.mean(VAF[1][0,0:iend]*100)
ax03.axis(ymin=0, ymax=100)
ax03.axis(xmin=0.3, xmax=xmax)
if "_slownoise_" in do:
adjust_spines(ax03, ['bottom'], d_out = d_out, d_down = d_down)
if ("_grc_" in do) and ("_talk_" in do) and ("_N1000_" in do): ax03.text(6, 50, "N=1000", color=color, fontsize = params['legend.fontsize'])
adjust_spines(ax03, ['left','bottom'], d_out = d_out, d_down = d_down)
ax03.set_yticklabels(('0', '50', '100'))
ax03.set_ylabel("VAF (%)", labelpad=0)
ax03.set_xlabel("Hz", labelpad=-4)
ax03.set_xticklabels(('1', '10', '20'))
if ("_grc_" in do) and ("_talk_" in do) and ("_slownoise_" not in do):
ax03.axhline(y=-1e9, xmin=0, xmax=0, color=r1, linestyle='-', label="GrC")
ax03.axhline(y=-1e9, xmin=0, xmax=0, color='k', linestyle='--', label="IF")
ax03.axhline(y=-1e9, xmin=0, xmax=0, color='k', linestyle=':', label="resonant IF")
lg = ax03.legend(labelspacing=0.2, loc=1, handlelength=1.5, handletextpad=0.1)
fr = lg.get_frame()
if ("_grc_" in do) and ("_noplot_" not in do):
#if True:
#print ihold1
if "_slownoise_" in do:
ih0 = 5.1
a0 = 2
ih0 = 5.5
a0 = 2
print stim
print np.shape(stim)
if ("_first_" in do): ax04.plot(np.arange(len(stim))*dt-1, a0*(stim)+ih0, 'k-', linewidth=linewidth)
#print np.shape(stim_re_mat)
#print stim_re_mat
ax04.plot(np.arange(len(stim))*dt-1, a0*(stim_re_mat[0,:])+ih0, color, linewidth=linewidth, alpha=1)
ax04.axis(xmin=0, xmax=1)
ax04.axis(ymin=3, ymax=8.5)
if "_slownoise_" in do:
adjust_spines(ax04, ['bottom'], d_out = 10)
adjust_spines(ax04, ['left','bottom'], d_out = 10)
ax04.set_ylabel("pA", labelpad=2)
ax04.set_xticklabels(('0', '0.5', '1'))
ax04.set_xlabel("s", labelpad=3)
if "_addn10_poster" not in do:
if ("_normalize_" in do):
normalize = mag[0,0]
print "normalizethis:", normalize
mag[0,:] = mag[0,:] / normalize
iend = mlab.find(freq_used > xmax)[0]
label = "None"
#if ("cn" in do):
# if ("_grc" in do): label = r'GrC model'
# if ("_resif" in do): label = r'resonant IF'
# if ("_if" in do): label = r'IF ($\tau$ = 15.7 ms)'
# if ("_prk" in do): label = r'Purkinje model'
if ("fig4" in do) and ("grc" not in do):
if "_addspe_" in do:
ax01.semilogx(freq_used[0:iend], VAF[1][0,0:iend]*100, linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyle, color=color)
ax2.semilogx(freq_used[0:iend], 20*log10(mag[0,0:iend]), color=color, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth, alpha=1) # , label = label
adjust_spines(ax2, ['left','bottom'], d_out = 10)
#ax2.set_ylabel("Gain (dB)")
ax2.set_title("Gain (dB)") #, fontsize=8)
ax2.set_xlabel("Hz", labelpad=-4)
ax2.axis(xmin=0.5, xmax=xmax)
ax2b.semilogx(freq_used[0:iend], pha[0,0:iend], color=color, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth, alpha=1)
adjust_spines(ax2b, ['left','bottom'], d_out = 10)
ax2b.set_title("Phase ($^\circ$)")
ax2b.set_xlabel("Hz", labelpad=-4)
if "_addspe_" in do:
ax01.semilogx(freq_used[0:iend], VAF[1][0,0:iend]*100, linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyle, color=color)
if "cn" in do:
if "addn" in do:
ax2.axis(xmin=0.5, xmax=xmax)
ax2.axis(ymin=-0.2, ymax=1.5)
ax2.set_yticklabels(('0', '0.5','1','1.5'))
ax2.set_xticklabels(('1', '','20'))
ax2b.axis(xmin=0.5, xmax=xmax)
ax2b.axis(ymin=-12, ymax=5)
ax2b.set_yticklabels(('-10', '-5', '0' ,'5'))
ax2b.set_xticklabels(('1', '' ,'20'))
ax2.axis(ymin=-0.2, ymax=2.5)
ax2.axis(xmin=0.5, xmax=xmax)
ax2.set_yticklabels(('0', '0.5','1','1.5','2','2.5'))
ax2.set_xticklabels(('1', '','20'))
ax2b.axis(xmin=0.5, xmax=xmax)
ax2b.axis(ymin=-1, ymax=35)
ax2b.set_xticklabels(('1', '' ,'20'))
ax2.set_xticklabels(('1', '10', '40', '100'))
ax2.axvline(x=fmean, color='k', linestyle=':')
ax2.axis(ymin=-20, ymax=50)
if ("cn" in do) and ("_if" in do) and ("_addn" not in do) and ("fig4" not in do):
#ax2.set_title("Transfer LP-WN")
if "poster" in do:
#ax2.text(0.9, 1.4, 'Low-pass white noise', transform=ax2.transAxes, fontsize=10, va='top')
lg = ax2.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(1.3, -0.4), handlelength=3, ncol=3)
fr = lg.get_frame()
ax2.text(0.3, 1.4, 'Low-pass white noise', transform=ax2.transAxes, fontsize=10, va='top')
#ax2.text(3, 2, r'GrC model', color=r1, fontsize = params['text.fontsize'])
#ax2.text(1.7, 1, r'resonant IF', color='k', fontsize = params['text.fontsize'])
#ax2.text(1, -0.5, r"IF ($\tau$ = 26.6 ms)", color='k', fontsize = params['text.fontsize'])
ax2.axhline(y=-1e9, xmin=0, xmax=0, color=r1, linestyle='-', label="GrC model")
ax2.axhline(y=-1e9, xmin=0, xmax=0, color='k', linestyle='--', label=r"IF ($\tau$ = 15.7 ms)")
ax2.axhline(y=-1e9, xmin=0, xmax=0, color='k', linestyle=':', label="resonant IF")
lg = ax2.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(-0.5, -0.4), handlelength=3, ncol=3)
fr = lg.get_frame()
elif ("_grc" in do) and ("_addn" in do) and ("first" in do):
#ax2.set_title("Transfer WN")
#ax2.text(1.2, 1.8, r'GrC model', color=g1, fontsize = params['text.fontsize'])
#ax2.text(0.5, 1, r'resonant IF', color='k', fontsize = params['text.fontsize'])
#ax2.text(15, -0.5, r"IF", color='k', fontsize = params['text.fontsize'])
ax2.text(2, -0.2, r'$\tau$ = 1 ms', color=g1, fontsize = params['text.fontsize'])
ax2.text(0.5, 0.3, r'$\tau$ = 100 ms', color=g2, fontsize = params['text.fontsize'])
ax2.text(3, 1, r"no noise", color='black', fontsize = params['text.fontsize'])
#ax2.axhline(y=-1e9, xmin=0, xmax=0, color='k', linestyle='-', label="GrC model")
#ax2.axhline(y=-1e9, xmin=0, xmax=0, color='k', linestyle='--', label=r"IF ($\tau$ = 15.7 ms)")
#ax2.axhline(y=-1e9, xmin=0, xmax=0, color='k', linestyle=':', label="resonant IF")
#lg = ax2.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.4, -0.24), handlelength=3, ncol=3)
#fr = lg.get_frame()
if ("_tqual_" in do):
#if "_addn10_poster" not in do: ax2.text(0.3, 1.5, 'Low-pass white noise', transform=ax2.transAxes, fontsize=10, va='top')
ax1.plot(np.arange(len(stim))*dt-1, current_re*1e3, 'gray', linewidth=linewidth)
# stim and stim_re_mat are normalized, multiply by amplitude used in nA!!
ax1.plot(np.arange(len(stim))*dt-1, (ihold1+0.00517416*stim)*1e3, 'k-', linewidth=linewidth)
ax1.plot(np.arange(len(stim))*dt-1, (ihold1+0.00517416*stim_re_mat[0,:])*1e3, color, linewidth=linewidth, alpha=1)
#plot(stim, 'b')
#plot(stim_re_mat[0,:], 'g')
adjust_spines(ax1, ['left'], d_out = 10)
ax1.axis(xmin=0, xmax=0.5)
#ax1.axis(ymin=8.7, ymax=10.7)
if "_addn10_poster" not in do:
#ax1.text(0.1, 1.5, 'Reconstruction', transform=ax1.transAxes, fontsize=10, va='top')
ax1.set_title("Reconstruction") #, fontsize=8)
# ax1.text(0.3, 1.5, 'Reconstruction', transform=ax1.transAxes, fontsize=10, va='top')
ax1.set_ylabel("pA", labelpad=0)
#ax1.text(0.3, -10, "Input current", color='gray', fontsize = 8)
#ax1.text(0.1, -5, "Signal", color="#000000", fontsize = 8)
#ax1.text(0.0, 25, "Reconstruction", color=g1, fontsize = 8)
ax1.text(0.2, 21, r"$\tau$ = 100 ms", color='gray', fontsize = 8)
ax1.axis(xmin=0, xmax=1)
ax1.axis(ymin=-5, ymax=25)
ax1.set_yticklabels(('0', '10','20'))
ax1.set_xticklabels(('0', '0.5'))
elif ("_tqual1_" in do):
ax1b.plot(np.arange(len(stim))*dt-1, current_re*1e3, 'gray', linewidth=linewidth)
# stim and stim_re_mat are normalized, multiply by amplitude used in nA!!
ax1b.plot(np.arange(len(stim))*dt-1, (ihold1+0.00517416*stim)*1e3, 'k-', linewidth=linewidth)
ax1b.plot(np.arange(len(stim))*dt-1, (ihold1+0.00517416*stim_re_mat[0,:])*1e3, color, linewidth=linewidth, alpha=1)
adjust_spines(ax1b, ['left','bottom'], d_out = 10)
ax1b.set_xlabel("s", labelpad=-1)
ax1b.set_ylabel("pA", labelpad=-4)
ax1b.text(0.2, 55, r"$\tau$ = 1 ms", color='gray', fontsize = 8)
ax1b.axis(xmin=0, xmax=0.5)
ax1b.axis(ymin=-30, ymax=55)
ax1b.set_yticklabels(('-20', '0','20','40'))
ax1b.set_xticklabels(('0', '0.5'))
plotname = "./figs/Pub/" + str(prefix)
savefig(plotname + ".png", dpi = 300) # save it
savefig(plotname + ".pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
#os.system('rsvg-convert -f pdf -o ' + plotname +'.pdf ' + plotname + '.svg')
if ("_fig4b_" in do) and ("_talk_" in do):
plotname = "./figs/Pub/" + str(prefix)
savefig(plotname + ".png", dpi = 300) # save it
savefig(plotname + ".pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
#os.system('rsvg-convert -f pdf -o ' + plotname +'.pdf ' + plotname + '.svg')
if do_run_now:
del pop
pop = None
results = None
if ("_fig3_" in do) or ("_fig4_" in do):
color_vec = (np.array([r1, b1, g1]), np.array([r1, b1, g1]))
if "_addn100_" in do: color_vec = (np.array([r2, b2, g2]), np.array([r2, b2, g2]))
#if "_resif" not in do:
if ("_full_" in do):
N_vec = array([1, 10, 100]) #
#N_vec = array([]) #
for i, No in enumerate(N_vec):
pickle_prefix = prefix + "_N" + str([No]) + "_CF" + str(ihold) + "_amod" + str(amod)
if pickle_prefix == pickle_prefix0:
do_run_now0 = 0
do_run_now0 = do_run_now
pop = Population(cellimport = cellimport, celltype = celltype, cell_exe = cell_exe, N = [No], temperature = temperature, ihold = ihold, ihold_sigma = ihold_sigma, amp = amp, amod = amod, give_freq = give_freq, do_run = do_run_now0, pickle_prefix = pickle_prefix, istart = istart, istop = istop, di = di, dt = dt)
pop.bin_width = bin_width
pop.jitter = jitter
pop.anoise = anoise
pop.fluct_s = fluct_s
pop.fluct_tau = fluct_tau
pop.method_interpol = method_interpol
pop.simstep = simstep
pop.plot_input = False
pop.delta_t = delta_t
pop.plot_train = plot_train
pop.xmax = xmax
pop.data_dir = data_dir
pop.minimal_dir = minimal_dir
pop.delay_baseline = delay_baseline
results = pop.fun_cnoise_Stim(t_stim = t_stim, cutf = cutf, sexp = sexp, t_qual = 0)
freq_used, amp_vec, mag, pha, ca, voltage, current, t1 = results.get('freq_used'), results.get('amp'), results.get('mag'), results.get('pha'), results.get('ca'), results.get('voltage'), results.get('current'), results.get('t1')
freq_times, spike_freq, fmean, method_interpol, SNR, VAF, Qual = results.get('freq_times'), results.get('spike_freq'), results.get('fmeanA'), results.get('method_interpol'), results.get('SNR'), results.get('VAF'), results.get('Qual')
stim, stim_re_mat = results.get('stim'), results.get('stim_re_mat')
fmstd, fmax ,fcvm = results.get('fmstdA'), results.get('fmaxA'), results.get('fcvmA')
if 'fbaseA' in results:
fbase = results.get('fbaseA')
fbstd = results.get('fbstdA')
fbase = []
fbstd = []
if pop.id == 0:
if ("_normalize_" in do):
normalize = mag[0,0]
print "normalizethis:", normalize
mag[0,:] = mag[0,:] / normalize
iend = mlab.find(freq_used > xmax)[0]
# save additional information:
if isinstance(fmean, (list)):
thisinfo = "m(CF)=" + str(fmean[0]) + 'Hz, std(CF)=' + str(fmstd[0]) + 'Hz, max(CF)=' + str(fmax[0]) + 'Hz, mean(CV)=' + str(fcvm[0]) + ' ,m(VAF)=' + str(np.mean(VAF[1][0,0:iend])) +', m(base)=' + str(fbase) + ' Hz' +', std(base)=' + str(fbstd) + ' Hz'
thisinfo = "m(CF)=" + str(fmean) + 'Hz, std(CF)=' + str(fmstd) + 'Hz, max(CF)=' + str(fmax) + 'Hz, mean(CV)=' + str(fcvm) + ' ,m(VAF)=' + str(np.mean(VAF[1][0,0:iend])) +', m(base)=' + str(fbase) + ' Hz' +', std(base)=' + str(fbstd) + ' Hz'
fo = open("./figs/txt/" + str(pickle_prefix) + ".txt" , "wb")
if "SNR" in do:
#ax01.semilogx(freq_used, 10*log10(SNR[1][0,:]), linewidth=linewidth, color=color_vec[0][i], label = "N=" + str(N))
ax01.semilogx(freq_used[0:iend], SNR[1][0,0:iend], linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyle, color=color_vec[0][i], label = "N=" + str(No))
ax01.axhline(y=10, color='k', linestyle=':')
elif ("grc" in do) and ("_alt" in do) and (("_addn1_" in do) or ("fig3" in do)):
ax01.semilogx(freq_used[0:iend], VAF[1][0,0:iend]*100, linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyle, color=color_vec[0][i], label = "N=" + str(No))
ax01.semilogx(freq_used[0:iend], VAF[1][0,0:iend]*100, linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyle, color=color_vec[0][i])
ax01.set_title("Population size N")
print "mean VAF:", np.mean(VAF[1][0,0:iend]*100)
if "_alt" in do:
adjust_spines(ax01, ['left','bottom'], d_out = 10)
ax01.set_yticklabels(('0', '50', '100'))
ax01.set_ylabel("VAF (%)")
ax01.axis(ymin=0, ymax=105)
if "grc" in do:
if "_addn1_" in do:
lg = ax01.legend(labelspacing=0.2, loc=4, bbox_to_anchor=(0.27,0.35), handlelength=0, handletextpad=0.1, numpoints=1)
fr = lg.get_frame()
txt = lg.get_texts()
for i, t in enumerate(txt):
ax01b = ax01.twinx()
adjust_spines(ax01b, [], d_out = 10)
ax01b.axhline(y=-1, xmin=0, xmax=0, color='k', linestyle='-', label="N=100\nno noise", linewidth=linewidth)
lg2 = ax01b.legend(labelspacing=0.2, loc=4, bbox_to_anchor=(0.97,0.44), handlelength=0, handletextpad=0.1, numpoints=1)
fr2 = lg2.get_frame()
elif "fig3" in do:
lg = ax01.legend(labelspacing=0.2, loc=3, bbox_to_anchor=(-0.00,-0.05), handlelength=0, handletextpad=0.1, numpoints=1)
fr = lg.get_frame()
txt = lg.get_texts()
for i, t in enumerate(txt):
elif "if" in do:
adjust_spines(ax01, ['left'], d_out = 10)
if "SNR" in do:
ax01.axis(ymin=-1, ymax=50)
if "cn" in do:
ax01.text(1.5, 28, "N=1", color=b1, fontsize = 8)
ax01.text(1.2, 45, "N=10", color=g1, fontsize = 8)
ax01.text(11, 45, "N=100", color=r1, fontsize = 8)
ax01.set_yticklabels(('0', '50', '100'))
ax01.set_ylabel("VAF (%)")
ax01.axis(ymin=0, ymax=105)
if "wn" in do:
ax01.text(2, 59, "N=1", color=b1, fontsize = 8)
ax01.text(6, 78, "N=10", color=g1, fontsize = 8)
ax01.text(30, 90, "N=100", color=r1, fontsize = 8)
if "cn" in do:
lg = ax01.legend(labelspacing=0.2, loc=3, bbox_to_anchor=(-0.1,-0.05))
fr = lg.get_frame()
adjust_spines(ax01, [], d_out = 10)
if "SNR" in do:
ax01.axis(ymin=-1, ymax=50)
if "cn" in do:
ax01.text(1.5, 32, "N=1", color=b1, fontsize = 8)
ax01.text(1.2, 47, "N=10", color=g1, fontsize = 8)
ax01.text(11, 45, "N=100", color=r1, fontsize = 8)
ax01.axis(ymin=0, ymax=105)
if "wn" in do:
ax01.text(2, 59, "N=1", color=b1, fontsize = 8)
ax01.text(6, 78, "N=10", color=g1, fontsize = 8)
ax01.text(30, 90, "N=100", color=r1, fontsize = 8)
if "cn" in do:
lg = ax01.legend(labelspacing=0.2, loc=3, bbox_to_anchor=(-0.1,-0.05))
fr = lg.get_frame()
ax01.axis(xmin=0.5, xmax=xmax)
if "_alt" in do:
ax01.set_xticklabels(('1', '10', '20'))
ax01.set_xlabel("Hz", labelpad=-4)
if "wn" in do: ax01.axvline(x=fmean, color='k', linestyle=':')
plotname = "./figs/Pub/" + str(prefix)
savefig(plotname + ".png", dpi = 300) # save it
savefig(plotname + ".pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
#os.system('rsvg-convert -f pdf -o ' + plotname +'.pdf ' + plotname + '.svg')
if do_run_now0:
del pop
pop = None
results = None
color_vec = (np.array([b1, r1, g1]), np.array([b1, r1, g1]))
if "_addn1_" in do: color_vec = (np.array([b1, g1, r1]), np.array([b1, g1, r1]))
if "_addn100_" in do: color_vec = (np.array([b2, g2, r2]), np.array([b2, g2, r2]))
CF_vec = array([20, 40, 80])
#CF_vec = array([])
for i, CF in enumerate(CF_vec):
pickle_prefix = prefix + "_N" + str(N) + "_CF" + str([CF]) + "_amod" + str(amod)
if pickle_prefix == pickle_prefix0:
do_run_now0 = 0
do_run_now0 = do_run_now
pop = Population(cellimport = cellimport, celltype = celltype, cell_exe = cell_exe, N = N, temperature = temperature, ihold = [CF], ihold_sigma = ihold_sigma, amp = amp, amod = amod, give_freq = give_freq, do_run = do_run_now0, pickle_prefix = pickle_prefix, istart = istart, istop = istop, di = di, dt = dt)
pop.bin_width = bin_width
pop.jitter = jitter
pop.anoise = anoise
pop.fluct_s = fluct_s
pop.fluct_tau = fluct_tau
pop.method_interpol = method_interpol
pop.simstep = simstep
pop.plot_input = False
pop.delta_t = delta_t
pop.plot_train = plot_train
pop.xmax = xmax
pop.data_dir = data_dir
pop.minimal_dir = minimal_dir
pop.delay_baseline = delay_baseline
results = pop.fun_cnoise_Stim(t_stim = t_stim, cutf = cutf, sexp = sexp, t_qual = 0)
freq_used, amp_vec, mag, pha, ca, voltage, current, t1 = results.get('freq_used'), results.get('amp'), results.get('mag'), results.get('pha'), results.get('ca'), results.get('voltage'), results.get('current'), results.get('t1')
freq_times, spike_freq, fmean, method_interpol, SNR, VAF, Qual = results.get('freq_times'), results.get('spike_freq'), results.get('fmean'), results.get('method_interpol'), results.get('SNR'), results.get('VAF'), results.get('Qual')
stim, stim_re_mat = results.get('stim'), results.get('stim_re_mat')
fmstd, fmax ,fcvm = results.get('fmstd'), results.get('fmax'), results.get('fcvm')
if 'fbaseA' in results:
fbase = results.get('fbaseA')
fbstd = results.get('fbstdA')
fbase = []
fbstd = []
if pop.id == 0:
if ("_normalize_" in do):
normalize = mag[0,0]
print "normalizethis:", normalize
mag[0,:] = mag[0,:] / normalize
iend = mlab.find(freq_used > xmax)[0]
# save additional information:
if isinstance(fmean, (list)):
thisinfo = "m(CF)=" + str(fmean[0]) + 'Hz, std(CF)=' + str(fmstd[0]) + 'Hz, max(CF)=' + str(fmax[0]) + 'Hz, mean(CV)=' + str(fcvm[0]) + ' ,m(VAF)=' + str(np.mean(VAF[1][0,0:iend])) +', m(base)=' + str(fbase) + ' Hz' +', std(base)=' + str(fbstd) + ' Hz'
thisinfo = "m(CF)=" + str(fmean) + 'Hz, std(CF)=' + str(fmstd) + 'Hz, max(CF)=' + str(fmax) + 'Hz, mean(CV)=' + str(fcvm) + ' ,m(VAF)=' + str(np.mean(VAF[1][0,0:iend])) +', m(base)=' + str(fbase) + ' Hz' +', std(base)=' + str(fbstd) + ' Hz'
fo = open("./figs/txt/" + str(pickle_prefix) + ".txt" , "wb")
if "SNR" in do:
#ax02.semilogx(freq_used, 10*log10(SNR[1][0,:]), linewidth=linewidth, color=color_vec[0][i], label = "CF=" + str(CF))
ax02.semilogx(freq_used[0:iend], SNR[1][0,0:iend], linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyle, color=color_vec[0][i], label = "FC=" + str(CF))
ax02.axhline(y=10, color='k', linestyle=':')
elif ("grc" in do) and ("_alt" in do) and (("_addn1_" in do) or ("fig3" in do)):
ax02.semilogx(freq_used[0:iend], VAF[1][0,0:iend]*100, linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyle, color=color_vec[0][i], label = r"$\mathsf{F_0}$=" + str(CF) + "sp/s")
ax02.semilogx(freq_used[0:iend], VAF[1][0,0:iend]*100, linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyle, color=color_vec[0][i])
if "wn" in do: ax02.axvline(x=fmean, color='k', linestyle=':')
ax02.set_title(r"Carrier-rate $\mathsf{F_0}$")
if "_alt" in do:
adjust_spines(ax02, ['bottom'], d_out = 10)
ax02.axis(ymin=0, ymax=105)
if "grc" in do:
if "_addn1_" in do:
lg = ax02.legend(labelspacing=-0.1, loc=3, bbox_to_anchor=(-0.00,0.0), handlelength=0, handletextpad=0.1, numpoints=1)
fr = lg.get_frame()
txt = lg.get_texts()
for i, t in enumerate(txt):
elif "fig3" in do:
lg = ax02.legend(labelspacing=-0.1, loc=3, bbox_to_anchor=(-0.00,-0.05), handlelength=0, handletextpad=0.1, numpoints=1)
fr = lg.get_frame()
txt = lg.get_texts()
for i, t in enumerate(txt):
elif "if" in do:
adjust_spines(ax02, ['left'], d_out = 10)
if "SNR" in do:
ax02.axis(ymin=-1, ymax=50)
ax02.yaxis.set_ticks(array([0, 10,20,30,40,50]))
if "cn" in do:
ax02.text(1.5, 0, "FC=20", color=g1, fontsize = 8)
ax02.text(3, 40, "FC=40", color=b1, fontsize = 8)
ax02.text(11, 40, "FC=80", color=r1, fontsize = 8)
ax02.set_yticklabels(('0', '50', '100'))
ax02.set_ylabel("VAF (%)")
ax02.axis(ymin=0, ymax=105)
if "wn" in do:
ax02.text(1.5, 42, "FC=20", color=g1, fontsize = 8)
ax02.text(2, 85, "FC=40", color=b1, fontsize = 8)
ax02.text(35, 50, "FC=80", color=r1, fontsize = 8)
if "cn" in do:
lg = ax02.legend(labelspacing=0.2, loc=3, bbox_to_anchor=(-0.00,-0.05))
fr = lg.get_frame()
adjust_spines(ax02, [], d_out = 10)
if "SNR" in do:
ax02.axis(ymin=-1, ymax=50)
if "cn" in do:
ax02.text(1.5, 0, "FC=20", color=g1, fontsize = 8)
ax02.text(3, 30, "FC=40", color=b1, fontsize = 8)
ax02.text(11, 40, "FC=80", color=r1, fontsize = 8)
ax02.axis(ymin=0, ymax=105)
if "wn" in do:
ax02.text(1.5, 42, "FC=20", color=g1, fontsize = 8)
ax02.text(2, 85, "FC=40", color=b1, fontsize = 8)
ax02.text(35, 50, "FC=80", color=r1, fontsize = 8)
if "cn" in do:
lg = ax02.legend(labelspacing=0.2, loc=3, bbox_to_anchor=(-0.00,-0.05))
fr = lg.get_frame()
ax02.axis(xmin=0.5, xmax=xmax)
if "_alt" in do:
ax02.set_xticklabels(('1', '10', '20'))
ax02.set_xlabel("Hz", labelpad=-4)
plotname = "./figs/Pub/" + str(prefix)
savefig(plotname + ".png", dpi = 300) # save it
savefig(plotname + ".pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
#os.system('rsvg-convert -f pdf -o ' + plotname +'.pdf ' + plotname + '.svg')
if do_run_now0:
del pop
pop = None
results = None
color_vec = (np.array([b1, r1, g1]), np.array([b1, r1, g1]))
if "_addn100_" in do: color_vec = (np.array([b2, r2, g2]), np.array([b2, r2, g2]))
amod_vec = array([0.05, 0.1, 1])
#amod_vec = array([0.5])
for i, a in enumerate(amod_vec):
if a == 1.0: a = 1
print a
pickle_prefix = prefix + "_N" + str(N) + "_CF" + str(ihold) + "_amod[" + str(a) + "]"
if pickle_prefix == pickle_prefix0:
do_run_now0 = 0
do_run_now0 = do_run_now
pop = Population(cellimport = cellimport, celltype = celltype, cell_exe = cell_exe, N = N, temperature = temperature, ihold = ihold, ihold_sigma = ihold_sigma, amp = amp, amod = a, give_freq = give_freq, do_run = do_run_now0, pickle_prefix = pickle_prefix, istart = istart, istop = istop, di = di, dt = dt)
pop.bin_width = bin_width
pop.jitter = jitter
pop.anoise = anoise
pop.fluct_s = fluct_s
pop.fluct_tau = fluct_tau
pop.method_interpol = method_interpol
pop.simstep = simstep
pop.plot_input = False
pop.delta_t = delta_t
pop.plot_train = plot_train
pop.xmax = xmax
pop.data_dir = data_dir
pop.minimal_dir = minimal_dir
pop.delay_baseline = delay_baseline
results = pop.fun_cnoise_Stim(t_stim = t_stim, cutf = cutf, sexp = sexp, t_qual = 0)
freq_used, amp_vec, mag, pha, ca, voltage, current, t1 = results.get('freq_used'), results.get('amp'), results.get('mag'), results.get('pha'), results.get('ca'), results.get('voltage'), results.get('current'), results.get('t1')
freq_times, spike_freq, fmean, method_interpol, SNR, VAF, Qual = results.get('freq_times'), results.get('spike_freq'), results.get('fmean'), results.get('method_interpol'), results.get('SNR'), results.get('VAF'), results.get('Qual')
stim, stim_re_mat = results.get('stim'), results.get('stim_re_mat')
fmstd, fmax ,fcvm = results.get('fmstd'), results.get('fmax'), results.get('fcvm')
if 'fbaseA' in results:
fbase = results.get('fbaseA')
fbstd = results.get('fbstdA')
fbase = []
fbstd = []
if pop.id == 0:
if ("_normalize_" in do):
normalize = mag[0,0]
print "normalizethis:", normalize
mag[0,:] = mag[0,:] / normalize
iend = mlab.find(freq_used > xmax)[0]
# save additional information:
if isinstance(fmean, (list)):
thisinfo = "m(CF)=" + str(fmean[0]) + 'Hz, std(CF)=' + str(fmstd[0]) + 'Hz, max(CF)=' + str(fmax[0]) + 'Hz, mean(CV)=' + str(fcvm[0]) + ' ,m(VAF)=' + str(np.mean(VAF[1][0,0:iend])) +', m(base)=' + str(fbase) + ' Hz' +', std(base)=' + str(fbstd) + ' Hz'
thisinfo = "m(CF)=" + str(fmean) + 'Hz, std(CF)=' + str(fmstd) + 'Hz, max(CF)=' + str(fmax) + 'Hz, mean(CV)=' + str(fcvm) + ' ,m(VAF)=' + str(np.mean(VAF[1][0,0:iend])) +', m(base)=' + str(fbase) + ' Hz' +', std(base)=' + str(fbstd) + ' Hz'
fo = open("./figs/txt/" + str(pickle_prefix) + ".txt" , "wb")
if "SNR" in do:
#ax03.semilogx(freq_used, 10*log10(SNR[1][0,:]), linewidth=linewidth, color=color_vec[0][i], label = "a=" + str(a))
ax03.semilogx(freq_used[0:iend], SNR[1][0,0:iend], linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyle, color=color_vec[0][i], label = "a=" + str(a))
ax03.axhline(y=10, color='k', linestyle=':')
elif ("grc" in do) and ("_alt" in do) and (("_addn1_" in do) or ("fig3" in do)):
ax03.semilogx(freq_used[0:iend], VAF[1][0,0:iend]*100, linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyle, color=color_vec[0][i], label = "a=" + str(a))
ax03.semilogx(freq_used[0:iend], VAF[1][0,0:iend]*100, linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyle, color=color_vec[0][i])
ax03.set_title("Modulation amplitude a")
if "_alt" in do:
adjust_spines(ax03, ['bottom'], d_out = 10)
ax03.axis(ymin=0, ymax=105)
#ax03.axis(xmin=0.5, xmax=xmax)
#ax03.set_xticklabels(('1', '10', '20'))
#ax03.set_xlabel("Hz", labelpad=0)
if "grc" in do:
if "_addn1_" in do:
lg = ax03.legend(labelspacing=0.2, loc=4, bbox_to_anchor=(0.25,0.34), handlelength=0, handletextpad=0.1, numpoints=1)
fr = lg.get_frame()
txt = lg.get_texts()
for i, t in enumerate(txt):
elif "fig3" in do:
lg = ax03.legend(labelspacing=0.2, loc=3, bbox_to_anchor=(-0.00,-0.05), handlelength=0, handletextpad=0.1, numpoints=1)
fr = lg.get_frame()
txt = lg.get_texts()
for i, t in enumerate(txt):
elif "if" in do:
adjust_spines(ax03, ['left','bottom'], d_out = 10)
if "SNR" in do:
ax03.axis(ymin=-1, ymax=50)
ax03.yaxis.set_ticks(array([0, 10,20,30,40,50]))
if "cn" in do:
ax03.text(1.5, 25, "a=0.05", color=g1, fontsize = 8)
ax03.text(3, 40, "a=0.1", color=b1, fontsize = 8)
ax03.text(10, 15, "a=1", color=r1, fontsize = 8)
ax03.set_yticklabels(('0', '50', '100'))
ax03.set_ylabel("VAF (%)")
ax03.axis(ymin=0, ymax=105)
if "wn" in do:
ax03.text(1.5, 36, "a=0.05", color=g1, fontsize = 8)
ax03.text(2, 59, "a=0.1", color=b1, fontsize = 8)
ax03.text(3, 92, "a=1", color=r1, fontsize = 8)
if "cn" in do:
lg = ax03.legend(labelspacing=0.2, loc=3, bbox_to_anchor=(-0.00,-0.05))
fr = lg.get_frame()
adjust_spines(ax03, ['bottom'], d_out = 10)
if "SNR" in do:
ax03.axis(ymin=-1, ymax=50)
if "cn" in do:
ax03.text(1.5, 30, "a=0.05", color=g1, fontsize = 8)
ax03.text(3, 45, "a=0.1", color=b1, fontsize = 8)
ax03.text(10, 15, "a=1", color=r1, fontsize = 8)
ax03.axis(ymin=0, ymax=105)
if "wn" in do:
ax03.text(1.5, 36, "a=0.05", color=g1, fontsize = 8)
ax03.text(2, 59, "a=0.1", color=b1, fontsize = 8)
ax03.text(3, 92, "a=1", color=r1, fontsize = 8)
if "cn" in do:
lg = ax03.legend(labelspacing=0.2, loc=3, bbox_to_anchor=(-0.00,-0.05))
fr = lg.get_frame()
ax03.axis(xmin=0.5, xmax=xmax)
if "wn" in do:
ax03.set_xticklabels(('1', '10', '40', '100'))
ax03.axvline(x=fmean, color='k', linestyle=':')
ax03.set_xticklabels(('1', '10', '20'))
ax03.set_xlabel("Hz", labelpad=-4)
if do_run_now0:
del pop
pop = None
results = None
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
if "poster" in do: prefix = prefix + "_poster"
plotname = "./figs/Pub/" + str(prefix)
savefig(plotname + ".png", dpi = 300) # save it
savefig(plotname + ".pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
#os.system('rsvg-convert -f pdf -o ' + plotname +'.pdf ' + plotname + '.svg')