# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Aug 30 15:48:04 2011
@author: chris
from __future__ import with_statement
from __future__ import division
import sys
import os
from mpi4py import MPI
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-o', action='store', dest='opt')
parser.add_argument('--noplot', action='store_true') # IF OPTIONAL ARG: nargs='?', default=False
parser.add_argument('--norun', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--noconst', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--noqual', action='store_true')
results = parser.parse_args()
import matplotlib
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
matplotlib.use('Tkagg', warn=True)
matplotlib.use('Agg', warn=True)
do_plot = 1
if results.noplot: # do not plot to windows
matplotlib.use('Agg', warn=True)
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: print "- No plotting"
do_plot = 0
import numpy as np
from neuron import h
from Plotter import *
from Stimhelp import *
from cells.PassiveCell import *
from units import *
import cPickle as pickle
import pickle
import gzip
import multiprocessing
class Stimulation:
Set, control and start a simulation with this class.
>>> sim = Stimulation(cell)
>>> sim.set_IClamp()
>>> sim.run()
>>> show()
def __init__(self, cell = None, celltype = None, cell_exe = 0, temperature = 6.3, do_run = 1, pickle_prefix = "", give_freq = False, istart = 0, istop = 0.07, di = 0.001, use_multisplit=False):
self.cell = cell
self.celltype = celltype
self.cell_exe = cell_exe
self.temperature = temperature
self.stim = None
self.syn1 = self.syn2 = self.syn3 = self.syn4 = None
self.fluct = None
self.tmax = 10*s # maximum length of plot that should be plotted!!
self.synout_tau1 = 5*ms
self.synout_tau2 = 5*ms
self.spikes_from_neuron = False # set true for synaptic interpolation!
self.dt = 0.025*ms
self.ihold = 0*nA
self.amp = 0.1*nA
self.amp_noise = 0*nA
self.tau_noise = 10*ms
self.amod = None
self.anoise = None
self.give_freq = give_freq # RUN self.set_i()
self.do_run = do_run
self.pickle_prefix = pickle_prefix
self.color_vec = None
self.del_freq = array([])
self.jitter = 0*ms
self.seed = None
self.istart = istart
self.istop = istop
self.di = di
self.syn_n = 0
self.syn_g = 0.002
self.syn_noise = 1
self.syn_tau1 = 0*ms
self.syn_tau2 = 10*ms
self.icloc = "soma(0.5)"
self.vinit = -71
# Inhibition
self.inh_n = 4
self.inh_hold = 10
self.inh_g = 1
self.inh_noise = 0
self.linewidth = 2
#### Make a new ParallelContext object
self.pc = h.ParallelContext()
self.id = self.pc.id()
self.nhost = self.pc.nhost()
sme = "mpi4py thinks I am %d of %d on %s, NEURON thinks I am %d of %d\n"
processorname = MPI.Get_processor_name()
self.comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
if self.id == 0:
print sme % (self.comm.rank, self.comm.size, processorname, self.pc.id(), self.pc.nhost())
self.run_pp = False
self.delta_t = 0*ms
self.use_multisplit = use_multisplit
if self.use_multisplit:
# run the simulation
self.data_dir = "./data"
self.minimal_dir = False
def set_multisplit(self):
#Hines = h.CVode()
p = h.ParallelComputeTool()
cpus = 32
print "Using multisplit, cpus:", cpus
def set_IClamp(self, amp = 1*nA, delay = 100*ms, dur = 800*ms, stims = 1):
Initializes values for current clamp.
if hasattr(self.cell, 'input_vec'):
#self.stim = []
if self.stim is not None:
for i in self.stim:
del i
#if isinstance(self.stim, list):
# for i in self.stim:
# i.amp = amp / self.cell.n_input_spiny / nA
self.stim = []
for vec in self.cell.input_vec:
for i in vec:
self.stim[-1].amp = self.cell.ifac * amp / self.cell.n_input_spiny / nA
self.stim[-1].delay = delay / ms
self.stim[-1].dur = dur / ms
exec("stim = h.IClamp(self.cell." + self.icloc + ")") # stim = h.IClamp(self.cell.soma(0.5))
stim.amp = amp/nA
stim.delay = delay/ms
stim.dur = dur/ms
if stims == 2:
self. stim2 = stim
self.stim = stim
def set_IPlay(self, iarray, tarray):
Initializes values for current clamp to play signal.
stim = None # delete IClamp that might has been set, don't know if needed?
exec("stim = h.IClamp(self.cell." + self.icloc + ")") # stim = h.IClamp(self.cell.soma(0.5))
stim.delay = 0
stim.dur = 1e9
tvec = h.Vector(tarray/ms)
ivec = h.Vector(iarray/nA)
ivec.play(stim._ref_amp, tvec, 1)
self.stim = stim
self.iarray = ivec
self.tarray = tvec
def set_SynPlay(self, iarray, tarray, n_syn=1, g_s=0, tau1=0*ms, tau2=10*ms, noise=1):
self.vecstim = []
self.nc_vectim = []
self.spike_vec = []
self.nc = []
for i in range(n_syn):
if self.celltype == 'Grc':
self.cell.createsyn(nmf = 1, ngoc = 0, weight = g_s)
print "-- generate train"
train = mod_spike_train(modulation = (tarray, iarray), noise = noise, seed = i*66)
print "-- generate train done"
self.nc.append(h.NetCon(self.vecstim[-1], self.cell.MF_L[-1].input))
#nc = [h.NetCon(self.vecstim[-1],self.cell.input,0,0,1) for goc in gocs.MF_L]
self.nc[-1].weight[0] = 1
self.nc[-1].delay = 0
self.cell.create_synapses(n_ex=1, tau1=tau1, tau2=tau2)
print "-- generate train"
train = mod_spike_train(modulation = (tarray, iarray), noise = noise, seed = i*66)
print "-- generate train done"
#plt.plot(tarray, iarray)
self.nc.append(h.NetCon(self.vecstim[-1], self.cell.synlist[-1]))
self.nc[-1].weight[0] = g_s/n_syn
self.nc[-1].delay = 0
def set_InhPlay(self, iarray, tarray, n_inh=4, g_i=1, noise=1):
for i in range(n_inh):
if self.celltype == 'Grc':
self.cell.createsyn(nmf = 0, ngoc = 1, weight = g_i)
print "-- generate train"
train = mod_spike_train(modulation = (tarray, iarray), noise = noise, seed = i*67)
print "-- generate train done"
self.nc.append(h.NetCon(self.vecstim[-1], self.cell.GOC_L[-1].input))
self.nc[-1].weight[0] = 1
self.nc[-1].delay = 0
def set_VClamp(self, amp0 = -90*mV, amp1 = 20*mV, amp2 = -90*mV,
dur0 = 100*ms, dur1 = 800*ms, dur2 = 100*ms):
Initializes values for voltage clamp.
exec("stim = h.VClamp(self.cell." + self.icloc + ")") # stim = h.VClamp(self.cell.soma(0.5))
stim.dur[0] = dur0/ms
stim.dur[1] = dur1/ms
stim.dur[2] = dur2/ms
stim.amp[0] = amp0/mV
stim.amp[1] = amp1/mV
stim.amp[2] = amp2/mV
self.stim = stim
self.syn1 = None
def set_alphaStim(self, freq = 500*Hz, gmax = 0.005*uS, tau = 0.1*ms, onset = 100*ms, e = 0*mV):
Stimulate with four consecutive EPSCs.
exec("syn1 = h.AlphaSynapse(self.cell." + self.icloc + ")") # syn1 = h.AlphaSynapse(self.cell.soma(0.5)) # first EPSC
syn1.onset = onset/ms
syn1.tau = tau/ms
syn1.gmax = gmax/uS
syn1.e = e/mV
self.syn1 = syn1
tnext = 1 / freq
exec("syn2 = h.AlphaSynapse(self.cell." + self.icloc + ")") # syn2 = h.AlphaSynapse(self.cell.soma(0.5)) # second EPSC
syn2.onset = (onset + tnext)/ms
syn2.tau = tau/ms
syn2.gmax = gmax/uS
syn2.e = e/mV
self.syn2 = syn2
exec("syn3 = h.AlphaSynapse(self.cell." + self.icloc + ")") # syn3 = h.AlphaSynapse(self.cell.soma(0.5)) # second EPSC
syn3.onset = (onset + tnext + tnext)/ms
syn3.tau = tau/ms
syn3.gmax = gmax/uS
syn3.e = e/mV
self.syn3 = syn3
exec("syn4 = h.AlphaSynapse(self.cell." + self.icloc + ")") # syn4 = h.AlphaSynapse(self.cell.soma(0.5)) # second EPSC
syn4.onset = (onset + tnext + tnext + tnext)/ms
syn4.tau = tau/ms
syn4.gmax = gmax/uS
syn4.e = e/mV
self.syn4 = syn4
self.stim = None
def set_Ifluct(self, sigma = 1*nA, tau = 2*ms, m = 0*nA):
Initializes values for current clamp.
if (sigma > 0) | (m > 0):
exec("fluct = h.Ifluct1(self.cell." + self.icloc + ")") # fluct = h.Ifluct1(self.cell.soma(0.5))
fluct.m = m/nA # [nA]
fluct.s = sigma/nA # [nA]
fluct.tau = tau/ms # [ms]
self.fluct = fluct
def set_Gfluct(self, E_e = 0*mV, E_i = -75*mV, g_e0 = 0.0121*uS, g_i0 = 0.0573*uS, std_e = 0.0030*uS, std_i = 0.0066*uS, tau_e = 2.728*ms, tau_i = 10.49*ms):
Initializes values for current clamp.
exec("fluct = h.Gfluct3(self.cell." + self.icloc + ")") # fluct = h.Gfluct3(self.cell.soma(0.5))
fluct.E_e = E_e/mV # [mV]
fluct.E_i = E_i/mV # [mV]
fluct.g_e0 = g_e0/uS # [uS]
fluct.g_i0 = g_i0/uS # [uS]
fluct.std_e = std_e/uS # [uS]
fluct.std_i = std_i/uS # [uS]
fluct.tau_e = tau_e/ms # [ms]
fluct.tau_i = tau_i/ms # [ms]
self.fluct = fluct
# connect noise source!
self.noiseRandObj = h.Random() # provides NOISE with random stream
self.fluct.noiseFromRandom(self.noiseRandObj) # connect random generator!
self.noiseRandObj.MCellRan4(1, 1) # set lowindex to gid+1, set highindex to > 0
def get_i(self, a, do_plot = True):
import md5
m = md5.new()
filename = self.data_dir + '/if_' + self.celltype + '_' + m.hexdigest() + '.p'
print filename
if self.run_pp:
if self.id == 0:
is_there = os.path.isfile(filename)
is_there = None
is_there = MPI.COMM_WORLD.bcast(is_there, root=0)
is_there = os.path.isfile(filename)
if is_there is not True: # run i/f estimation
if self.id == 0: print '- running i/f estimation for ', self.celltype, ' id: ' , m.hexdigest()
current_vector, freq_vector, freq_onset_vector = self.get_if(istart = self.istart, istop = self.istop, di = self.di)
if self.id == 0:
if do_plot:
plt.plot(current_vector, freq_vector, '*-')
plt.savefig("./figs/dump/latest_if_" + self.celltype +".pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
ifv = {'i':current_vector,'f':freq_vector}
pickle.dump(ifv, gzip.GzipFile(filename, "wb" ))
if self.run_pp: self.comm.Barrier()
if self.id == 0:
ifv = pickle.load(gzip.GzipFile(filename, "rb" ))
if self.run_pp: MPI.COMM_WORLD.Barrier()
if self.id == 0:
f = ifv.get('f')
i = ifv.get('i')
i = i[~isnan(f)]
f = f[~isnan(f)]
iin = if_extrap(a, f, i)
iin = None
if self.run_pp:
iin = MPI.COMM_WORLD.bcast(iin, root=0)
return iin
def set_i(self):
ihold = np.copy(self.ihold)
# Ihold given as frequency, convert to current
if self.give_freq is True:
ihold = self.get_i(ihold)
if self.id == 0: print '- ihold: ', self.ihold, 'Hz, => ihold: ', ihold, 'nA'
amp, amp_noise = self.set_amp(self.ihold, ihold)
return ihold, amp, amp_noise
def set_amp(self, ihold, iholdi):
amp = np.copy(self.amp)
# Modulation depth given, not always applied to current!
if self.amod is not None:
if self.give_freq is True:
# Apply to amplitude:
a = ihold + self.amod*ihold
amp = self.get_i(a)-iholdi
amp = self.amod * ihold
if self.id == 0: print '- amp: ihold: ', ihold, 'nA , amod: ', self.amod, ', => amp: ', amp, 'nA'
amp_noise = np.copy(self.amp_noise)
if self.anoise is not None:
if self.give_freq is True:
# Apply to amplitude:
a = ihold + self.anoise*ihold
amp_noise = self.get_i(a)-iholdi
amp_noise = self.anoise * ihold
if self.id == 0: print '- noise: ihold: ', ihold, 'nA , anoise: ', self.anoise, ', => amp_noise: ', amp_noise, 'nA'
return amp, amp_noise
def record(self):
Initializes recording vectors. Internal function
# Time
self.rec_t = h.Vector()
# Voltage
self.rec_v = h.Vector()
exec("self.rec_v.record(self.cell." + self.icloc + "._ref_v)")
# Stimulus
self.rec_i = h.Vector()
if isinstance(self.stim, list):
elif self.stim is not None: # onyl one of these
elif self.syn1 is not None:
# Synapses
if hasattr(self.cell, 'synlist'):
if len(self.cell.synlist) > 0: # record synaptic current!!
self.rec_syn_list = h.List()
self.rec_gin_list = h.List()
for i in range(len(self.cell.synlist)):
rec_syn = h.Vector()
rec_gin = h.Vector()
# Noise
if self.fluct is not None:
self.rec_n = h.Vector()
def if_record(self):
Initializes recording vectors to record "zero" crossings. Internal function
# Spiketimes
self.rec_s = h.Vector()
nc = self.cell.connect_target(None) # threshold is set in neuron definition, or here!
nc.record(self.rec_s) # record indexes of the positive zero crossings
# Synaptic integrated response
self.rec_g = h.Vector()
self.passive_target = PassiveCell()
syn = self.passive_target.create_synapses(tau1 = self.synout_tau1, tau2 = self.synout_tau2) # if tau1=tau2: alpha synapse!
self.nc_p = self.cell.connect_target(syn) # threshold is set in neuron definition, or here!
def run(self, do_freq = 1, tstop = 1000*ms):
Starts the stimulation.
self.rec_g = []
if do_freq and self.spikes_from_neuron:
h.celsius = self.temperature
h.tstop = tstop/ms
h.dt = self.dt/ms
h.steps_per_ms = 1 / (self.dt/ms)
if hasattr(self.cell, 'v_init'):
h.v_init = self.cell.v_init # v_init is supplied by cell itself!
h.v_init = self.vinit
def run_steps(self, do_freq = 1, tstop = 1000*ms, simstep = 1*ms, do_loadstate = True):
Starts the stimulation. Simulates in steps
self.rec_g = []
if do_freq and self.spikes_from_neuron:
# if self.use_multisplit:
# #Hines = h.CVode()
# #Hines.active(0)
# h.load_file("parcom.hoc")
# p = h.ParallelComputeTool()
# cpus = 32
# p.change_nthread(cpus,1)
# p.multisplit(1)
# print "Using multisplit, cpus:", cpus
# else:
# # run the simulation
# h.load_file("stdrun.hoc")
#cpu = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
#p = h.ParallelComputeTool()
#print 'cpus:', cpu
# run the simulation
h.celsius = self.temperature
h.tstop = tstop/ms
h.dt = self.dt/ms
h.steps_per_ms = 1 / (self.dt/ms)
if hasattr(self.cell, 'v_init'):
h.v_init = self.cell.v_init # v_init is supplied by cell itself!
h.v_init = self.vinit
import time
t0 = time.time()
filename = './states_' + self.celltype + '_Stimulation.b'
if hasattr(self.cell, 'load_states') and do_loadstate:
cnt = 1
while h.t < tstop/ms:
print "Simulated time =",h.t*ms, "s"
cnt += 1
print "psolve took ", time.time() - t0, "seconds"
self.tstop = tstop
if hasattr(self.cell, 'get_states') and (do_loadstate is False):
def get(self):
Gets the recordings. Transform time back to s
t1 = array(self.rec_t)*ms
voltage = array(self.rec_v)*mV
g_in = zeros(len(voltage))
if (self.stim is not None) or (self.syn1 is not None):
current = array(self.rec_i)*nA
current = zeros(len(voltage))
if hasattr(self.cell, 'synlist'):
if self.cell.synlist > 0: # record synaptic current!!
for i in range(len(self.cell.synlist)):
current = current + -1*array(self.rec_syn_list[i])*nA # switch current, so same sign as electrode current
g_in = g_in + array(self.rec_gin_list[i])*nA
if self.fluct is not None: # if there is a fluctuating current present combine with input current
current = current + array(self.rec_n)*nA
return t1, voltage, current, g_in
def if_get(self, change_factor = 0.3, compute_mean = 1):
Gets the spike times/frequency recordings.
t1 = array(self.rec_t)*ms
if self.spikes_from_neuron:
spike_times = array(self.rec_s)*ms # use this here for default, so threshold can be set for each cell individually in the neuron framework
if hasattr(self.cell, 'thresh'):
vthres = self.cell.thresh # voltage threshold, careful for I&F Neurons where vthres = spike_threshold
else: # no attribute set, use 0
vthres = -20
voltage = array(self.rec_v)*mV
s, spike_times = get_spikes(voltage, vthres, t1)
gsyn = array(self.rec_g) # integrated synaptic response
if (self.jitter > 0 or self.spikes_from_neuron == False) and len(spike_times) > 1:
spike_times = spike_times + self.delta_t
if self.jitter > 0:
x = np.random.normal(0, self.jitter, len(spike_times))
spike_times = spike_times + x
import neuronpy.util.spiketrain
[resp, _] = neuronpy.util.spiketrain.get_histogram(spike_times, bins = t1)
resp = concatenate((zeros(1),resp))
Ksyn = syn_kernel(arange(0, 10*self.synout_tau2, self.dt), self.synout_tau1, self.synout_tau2)
Ksyn = concatenate((zeros(len(Ksyn)-1), Ksyn))
gsyn = convolve(Ksyn, resp, mode='same')
freq_times, spike_freq, freq_mean, freq_onset = get_spikefreq(spike_times, stimlength = compute_mean, compute_mean = compute_mean, change_factor = change_factor)
return freq_times, spike_freq, freq_mean, freq_onset, spike_times, gsyn
def do_ZAP_Stim(self, t_stim = 20*s, fmax = 50*Hz, ex = 1, do_freq = 1):
ihold, amp, amp_noise = self.set_i()
t, zap, f = create_ZAP(dt = self.dt, ihold = ihold, amp = amp, fmax = fmax, t_stim = t_stim, ex=ex)
fs = 1 / self.dt # sampling rate
delay_baseline = 2 * fs # 2 s baseline delay
stimulus = concatenate([self.ihold*ones(delay_baseline), zap]) # construct stimulus
t = arange(0, size(stimulus) * self.dt,self.dt)
tstop = t[-1]
print "- starting ZAP stimulation! with amp = " + str(amp) + ", ihold = " + str(ihold) + ", dt = " + str(self.dt) + " => maximum frequency = " + str(fmax) + "\r"
self.set_IPlay(stimulus, t)
self.run(do_freq, tstop)
t1, voltage, current, g_in = self.get() # time in ms
self.spikes_from_neuron = do_freq
freq_times, spike_freq, freq_mean, freq_onset, spike_times, gsyn = self.if_get(compute_mean = 0)
plot(t, stimulus)
plot(t1, voltage)
def fun_ssine_Stim(self, freq_used = array([1, 10, 100, 1000])*Hz, method_interpol = np.array(["none", "linear", "quadratic", "syn"])):
Compute impedance and/or transfer function using Single sine stimulation
Only compute transfer function if there is a steady state (resting) firing rate!
if self.id == 0:
filename = str(self.pickle_prefix) + "_results_sim_ssine.p"
filepath = self.data_dir + "/" + filename
print filepath
if self.do_run or (os.path.isfile(filepath) is False):
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
import neuronpy.util.spiketrain
for i, m in enumerate(method_interpol):
if "syn" in m:
method_interpol[i] = "syn " + str(self.synout_tau1/ms) + "/" + str(self.synout_tau2/ms) + "ms"
fs = 1 / self.dt # sampling rate
fmax = fs / 2 # maximum frequency (nyquist)
if self.syn_n == 0:
ihold, self.amp, self.amp_noise = self.set_i()
if self.id == 0: print "- (CURRENT INPUT) starting single sine impedance/transfer function estimation! with amp = " + str(self.amp) + ", ihold = " + str(ihold) + ", dt = " + str(self.dt) + " => maximum frequency = " + str(fmax) + "\r"
ihold = self.ihold
self.amp, self.amp_noise = self.set_amp(ihold, 0)
if self.id == 0: print "- (SYNAPTIC INPUT) starting single sine impedance/transfer function estimation! with amp = " + str(self.amp) + ", ihold = " + str(ihold) + ", dt = " + str(self.dt) + " => maximum frequency = " + str(fmax) + "\r"
for i, fu in enumerate(freq_used):
t, stimulus, i_startstop, t_startstop = create_singlesine(fu = fu, amp = self.amp, ihold = ihold, dt = self.dt, periods = 10, minlength = 6*s, t_prestim = 1*s)
tstop = t[-1]
if self.syn_n == 0:
self.set_IPlay(stimulus, t)
if self.id == 0: print "- setting excitation"
self.set_SynPlay(stimulus, t, n_syn=self.syn_n, g_s=self.syn_g, tau1=self.syn_tau1, tau2=self.syn_tau2, noise=self.syn_noise)
if self.id == 0: print "- setting excitation done"
if self.inh_n > 0:
# Inhibition
t, stimulus_inh, _, _ = create_singlesine(fu = fu, amp = 0, ihold = self.inh_hold, dt = self.dt, periods = 10, minlength = 6*s, t_prestim = 1*s)
if self.id == 0: print "- setting inhibition"
self.set_InhPlay(stimulus_inh, t, n_inh=self.inh_n, g_i=self.inh_g, noise=self.inh_noise)
if self.id == 0: print "- setting inhibition done"
if self.id == 0: print "- single sine processing frequency = " + str(fu)
self.set_Ifluct(sigma = self.amp_noise, tau = self.tau_noise)
self.run(1, tstop)
t1, voltage, current, g_in = self.get() # time in ms
freq_times, spike_freq, freq_mean, freq_onset, spike_times, gsyn = self.if_get(compute_mean = 0) # time in ms
is_impedance = len(freq_times) <= 2 # get impedance if less than tree spikes!!
if i == 0:
# select first sinusoidal to plot
stimulus_plot = stimulus[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]]
time_plot2 = t1[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]]-t1[i_startstop[0]]
voltage_plot = voltage
current_plot = current
time_plot = t1
freq_times_plot = freq_times
spike_freq_plot = spike_freq
VAF_vec = None
# construct vectors
if is_impedance: # get impedance
amp_vec = zeros(len(freq_used)) # amplitude vector
mag_vec = zeros(len(freq_used)) # impedance magnitude vector
pha_vec = zeros(len(freq_used)) # imedance phase vector
fmean = zeros(len(freq_used)) # mean firing frequency
ca = zeros(len(freq_used), dtype=complex)
amp_vec = zeros(len(freq_used)) # amplitude vector
fmean = zeros(len(freq_used)) # mean firing frequency
ca = zeros(len(freq_used), dtype=complex)
# create matrix to hold all different interpolation methods:
mag_vec = zeros((len(method_interpol),len(freq_used))) # transfer magnitude vector
pha_vec = zeros((len(method_interpol),len(freq_used))) # transfer phase vector
VAF_vec = zeros((len(method_interpol),len(freq_used))) # transfer phase vector
freq_out_signal_interp_mat = zeros((len(method_interpol),len(time_plot2)))
response = voltage
#stimulus_out = current
#stimulus_out_interp = interp(t, t1[:-1],stimulus_out[:-1]) # interpolate (downsample) to be eqivalent with input
if is_impedance: # get impedance
# Get impedance function
response_interp = interp(t, t1[:-1], response[:-1]) # interpolate (downsample) to be eqivalent with input
output_signal = response_interp[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]] # cut out relevant signal
stimulus_signal = stimulus[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]] # cut out relevant signal
t_input_signal = t[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]] - t[i_startstop[0]]
amp_vec[i], mag_vec[i], pha_vec[i], fm, _ = get_magphase(stimulus_signal, t_input_signal, output_signal, t_input_signal, method = "fft", f = fu)
ca[i] = 1 / (mag_vec[i] * exp(np.pi / 180 * 1j * pha_vec[i]))
else: # get transfer function
for l in range(len(method_interpol)):
stimulus_signal = stimulus[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]] # cut out relevant signal
t_input_signal = t[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]] - t[i_startstop[0]]
if "none" in method_interpol[l]:
# no interpolation
f_start = find(freq_times >= t_startstop[0])[0]
f_stop = find(freq_times <= t_startstop[1])[-1]
freq_out_signal = spike_freq[f_start:f_stop] # cut out relevant signal
freq_times_out = freq_times[f_start:f_stop] - t[i_startstop[0]] # cut out relevant signal
vamp, mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i], fm, freq_out_signal_interp = get_magphase(stimulus_signal, t_input_signal, freq_out_signal, freq_times_out, method = "fit", f = fu)
VAF_vec[l,i] = float("nan")
if i == 0:
freq_times_plot = freq_times_out
spike_freq_plot = freq_out_signal
if "linear" in method_interpol[l]:
# linear interpolation
spike_freq_interp = interp(t, freq_times, spike_freq, left=0, right=0) # interpolate to be eqivalent with input, set zero at beginning and end!
freq_out_signal_interp = spike_freq_interp[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]] # cut out relevant signal
vamp, mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i], fmean[i], _ = get_magphase(stimulus_signal, t_input_signal, freq_out_signal_interp, t_input_signal, method = "fft", f = fu)
results = est_quality(t_input_signal, fu, freq_out_signal_interp, self.amp*mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i]/ (180 / np.pi), fmean[i])
NI, VAF_vec[l,i] = results.get('NI'), results.get('VAF')
print "- NI: " + str(NI) + ", VAF: " + str(VAF_vec[l,i])
if "dt" in method_interpol[l]:
# binary spike code using dt as bin size!
[response, _] = neuronpy.util.spiketrain.get_histogram(freq_times, bins = t)
spike_freq_interp = concatenate((zeros(1),response))
freq_out_signal_interp = spike_freq_interp[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]] # cut out relevant signal
vamp, mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i], fm, _ = get_magphase(stimulus_signal, t_input_signal, freq_out_signal_interp, t_input_signal, method = "fft", f = fu)
results = est_quality(t_input_signal, fu, freq_out_signal_interp, self.amp*mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i]/ (180 / np.pi), fmean[i])
NI, VAF_vec[l,i] = results.get('NI'), results.get('VAF')
print "- NI: " + str(NI) + ", VAF: " + str(VAF_vec[l,i])
if "peaks" in method_interpol[l]:
# get peaks
spike_freq_interp = interp(t, freq_times, spike_freq, left=0, right=0) # interpolate to be eqivalent with input, set zero at beginning and end!
freq_out_signal_interp = spike_freq_interp[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]] # cut out relevant signal
vamp, mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i], fm, _ = get_magphase(stimulus_signal, t_input_signal, freq_out_signal_interp, t_input_signal, method = "peak", f = fu)
results = est_quality(t_input_signal, fu, freq_out_signal_interp, self.amp*mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i]/ (180 / np.pi), fmean[i])
NI, VAF_vec[l,i] = results.get('NI'), results.get('VAF')
if "quadr" in method_interpol[l]:
# quadratic interpolation
sfun = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(freq_times, spike_freq, k=2)
spike_freq_interp = sfun(t)
freq_out_signal_interp = spike_freq_interp[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]] # cut out relevant signal
vamp, mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i], fm, _ = get_magphase(stimulus_signal, t_input_signal, freq_out_signal_interp, t_input_signal, method = "fft", f = fu)
results = est_quality(t_input_signal, fu, freq_out_signal_interp, self.amp*mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i]/ (180 / np.pi), fm)
NI, VAF_vec[l,i] = results.get('NI'), results.get('VAF')
if "shan" in method_interpol[l]:
# shannon interpolation
spike_freq_interp = shannon_interp(freq_times, spike_freq, t)
freq_out_signal_interp = spike_freq_interp[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]] # cut out relevant signal
vamp, mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i], fm, _ = get_magphase(stimulus_signal, t_input_signal, freq_out_signal_interp, t_input_signal, method = "fft", f = fu)
results = est_quality(t_input_signal, fu, freq_out_signal_interp, self.amp*mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i]/ (180 / np.pi), fm)
NI, VAF_vec[l,i] = results.get('NI'), results.get('VAF')
if "syn" in method_interpol[l]:
# synaptic integration
freq_out_signal_interp = gsyn[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]] # cut out relevant signal
#plot(t, gsyn)
vamp, mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i], fm, _ = get_magphase(stimulus_signal, t_input_signal, freq_out_signal_interp, t_input_signal, method = "fft", f = fu, deb = 1)
results = est_quality(t_input_signal, fu, freq_out_signal_interp, self.amp*mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i]/ (180 / np.pi), fm)
NI, VAF_vec[l,i] = results.get('NI'), results.get('VAF')
if i == 0:
freq_out_signal_interp_mat[l,:] = freq_out_signal_interp
#print "rest: " + str(vrest) + " freq_used:" + str(freq_used) + " amp_vec:" + str(amp_vec) + " mag_vec:" + str(mag_vec) + " pha_vec:" + str(pha_vec)
if is_impedance:
pha_vec = unwrap(pha_vec * (np.pi / 180)) * (180 / np.pi) # unwrap for smooth phase
for l in range(len(method_interpol)): # unwrap
pha_vec[l,:] = unwrap(pha_vec[l,:] * (np.pi / 180)) * (180 / np.pi) # unwrap for smooth phase
# normalize synaptic integration with with first magnitude, may by syn itself!
bvec = ["syn" in st for st in method_interpol]
if np.any(bvec):
k = where(bvec)
mag_vec[k,:]= mag_vec[0,0]*mag_vec[k,:]/mag_vec[k,0]
# only return fraction of actual signal, it is too long!!!
if time_plot[-1] > self.tmax:
imax = where(time_plot > self.tmax)[0][0] # for voltage, current and time
time_plot = time_plot[0:imax]; voltage_plot = voltage_plot[0:imax]; current_plot = current_plot[0:imax]
if freq_times_plot != []:
if freq_times_plot[-1] > self.tmax:
imax2 = where(freq_times_plot > self.tmax)[0][0] # for spike frequency
freq_times_plot = freq_times_plot[0:imax2]; spike_freq_plot = spike_freq_plot[0:imax2]
VAF_vec = (freq_used, VAF_vec)
results = {'freq_used':freq_used, 'amp':amp_vec,'mag':mag_vec,'pha':pha_vec,'ca':ca,'stimulus':stimulus_plot,'t2':time_plot2,'voltage':voltage_plot,
pickle.dump( results, gzip.GzipFile( filepath, "wb" ) )
results = pickle.load( gzip.GzipFile( filepath, "rb" ) )
if self.minimal_dir: # save only info needed for plot
print {key:np.shape(value) for key,value in results.iteritems()}
if "Fig1_cell_if_compare" in filename:
results['stimulus'] = []
results['t1'] = []
results['current'] = []
results['voltage'] = []
results['stimulus'] = []
results['t1'] = []
results['t2'] = []
results['current'] = []
results['voltage'] = []
results['freq_out_signal_interp_mat'] = []
# print {key:np.shape(value) for key,value in results.iteritems()}
pickle.dump( results, gzip.GzipFile( self.minimal_dir + "/" + filename, "wb" ) )
# Remove outliners only with no interpolation
mag, pha, method_interpol, freq_used, freq_times = results.get('mag'), results.get('pha'), results.get('method_interpol'), results.get('freq_used'), results.get('freq_times')
if ("none" in method_interpol[0]) and (len(freq_times) > 3 and len(freq_used) > 3):
if (freq_used[-1]-freq_used[-1-1]<10):
lw = 20 # window length
md = 10 # margin
outliner_vec = array([])
mdiff_vec = array([])
kdiff_vec = array([])
m = array(mag[0,:])
p = array(pha[0,:])
for k in range(lw, len(m)):
#mm = mean(m_[k:k+lw-1])
mdiff = mean(abs(diff(m[k-lw:k])))
kdiff = abs(m[k]-m[k-1])
mdiff_vec = append(mdiff_vec, mdiff)
kdiff_vec = append(kdiff_vec, kdiff)
if kdiff > md*mdiff:
outliner_vec = append(outliner_vec, freq_used[k])
print "Ssine fit outliner freq:" + str(outliner_vec)
#plt.plot(freq_used, mag[0,:], 'k', freq_used, m, 'r')
results['mag'][0,:] = m
results['pha'][0,:] = p
# remove frequnecies given
mag, pha, freq_used, VAF = results.get('mag'), results.get('pha'), results.get('freq_used'), results.get('VAF')
if len(self.del_freq) >= 1:
for im in range(len(method_interpol)):
fi = zeros(len(self.del_freq))
for fr in range(len(self.del_freq)):
fi[fr] = find(self.del_freq[fr] == freq_used)
#mag[im,fi] = mean(mag[im,fi-1:fi+1])
#pha[im,fi] = mean(pha[im,fi-1:fi+1])
results['mag'] = delete(mag, fi, 1)
results['pha'] = delete(pha, fi, 1)
results['freq_used'] = delete(freq_used, fi)
results['VAF'] = (results['freq_used'], delete(VAF[1], fi, 1))
#plt.plot(results['freq_used'], results['mag'][0,:], 'k')
return results
def fun_ssine_Stim_pp(self, freq_used = array([1, 10, 100, 1000])*Hz, method_interpol = np.array(["none", "linear", "quadratic", "syn"])):
Compute impedance and/or transfer function using Single sine stimulation
Only compute transfer function if there is a steady state (resting) firing rate!
self.run_pp = True
filename = str(self.pickle_prefix) + "_results_sim_ssine.p"
filepath = self.data_dir + "/" + filename
if self.do_run or (os.path.isfile(filepath) is False):
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
import neuronpy.util.spiketrain
for i, m in enumerate(method_interpol):
if "syn" in m:
method_interpol[i] = "syn " + str(self.synout_tau1/ms) + "/" + str(self.synout_tau2/ms) + "ms"
fs = 1 / self.dt # sampling rate
fmax = fs / 2 # maximum frequency (nyquist)
if self.syn_n == 0:
ihold, self.amp, self.amp_noise = self.set_i()
if self.id == 0: print "- (CURRENT INPUT) starting single sine impedance/transfer function estimation! with amp = " + str(self.amp) + ", ihold = " + str(ihold) + ", dt = " + str(self.dt) + " => maximum frequency = " + str(fmax) + "\r"
ihold = self.ihold
self.amp, self.amp_noise = self.set_amp(ihold, 0)
if self.id == 0: print "- (SYNAPTIC INPUT) starting single sine impedance/transfer function estimation! with amp = " + str(self.amp) + ", ihold = " + str(ihold) + ", dt = " + str(self.dt) + " => maximum frequency = " + str(fmax) + "\r"
freq_used_local = []
for i in range(int(self.id), len(freq_used), int(self.nhost)): # loop over all freq_used
if self.id == 0: print "nodeid: ", self.id, ", freq: ", freq_used_local # check freq_used of node
to_run = True
if len(freq_used_local) == 0:
to_run = False
# construct vectors
amp_vec = zeros(len(freq_used_local)) # amplitude vector
fmean = zeros(len(freq_used_local)) # mean firing frequency
ca = zeros(len(freq_used_local), dtype=complex)
# create matrix to hold all different interpolation methods:
mag_vec = zeros((len(method_interpol),len(freq_used_local))) # transfer magnitude vector
pha_vec = zeros((len(method_interpol),len(freq_used_local))) # transfer phase vector
VAF_vec = zeros((len(method_interpol),len(freq_used_local))) # transfer phase vector
if to_run:
for i, fu in enumerate(freq_used_local):
t, stimulus, i_startstop, t_startstop = create_singlesine(fu = fu, amp = self.amp, ihold = ihold, dt = self.dt, periods = 10, minlength = 6*s, t_prestim = 1*s)
tstop = t[-1]
if self.syn_n == 0:
self.set_IPlay(stimulus, t)
if self.id == 0: print "nodeid: ", self.id, "setting excitation"
self.set_SynPlay(stimulus, t, n_syn=self.syn_n, g_s=self.syn_g, tau1=self.syn_tau1, tau2=self.syn_tau2, noise=self.syn_noise)
if self.inh_n > 0:
# Inhibition
t, stimulus_inh, _, _ = create_singlesine(fu = fu, amp = 0, ihold = self.inh_hold, dt = self.dt, periods = 10, minlength = 6*s, t_prestim = 1*s)
if self.id == 0: print "nodeid: ", self.id, "setting inhibition"
self.set_InhPlay(stimulus_inh, t, n_inh=self.inh_n, g_i=self.inh_g, noise=self.inh_noise)
if self.id == 0: print "nodeid: ", self.id, "single sine processing frequency = " + str(fu)
self.set_Ifluct(sigma = self.amp_noise, tau = self.tau_noise)
self.run(1, tstop)
t1, voltage, current, g_in = self.get() # time in ms
freq_times, spike_freq, freq_mean, freq_onset, spike_times, gsyn = self.if_get(compute_mean = 0) # time in ms
is_impedance = len(freq_times) <= 2 # get impedance if less than tree spikes!!
if i == 0:
# select first sinusoidal to plot
stimulus_plot = stimulus[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]]
time_plot2 = t1[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]]-t1[i_startstop[0]]
voltage_plot = voltage
current_plot = current
time_plot = t1
freq_times_plot = freq_times
spike_freq_plot = spike_freq
freq_out_signal_interp_mat = zeros((len(method_interpol),len(time_plot2)))
response = voltage
#stimulus_out = current
#stimulus_out_interp = interp(t, t1[:-1],stimulus_out[:-1]) # interpolate (downsample) to be eqivalent with input
if is_impedance: # get impedance
# Get impedance function
response_interp = interp(t, t1[:-1], response[:-1]) # interpolate (downsample) to be eqivalent with input
output_signal = response_interp[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]] # cut out relevant signal
stimulus_signal = stimulus[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]] # cut out relevant signal
t_input_signal = t[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]] - t[i_startstop[0]]
amp_vec[i], mag_vec[0,i], pha_vec[0,i], fm, _ = get_magphase(stimulus_signal, t_input_signal, output_signal, t_input_signal, method = "fft", f = fu)
ca[i] = 1 / (mag_vec[0,i] * exp(np.pi / 180 * 1j * pha_vec[0,i]))
else: # get transfer function
for l in range(len(method_interpol)):
stimulus_signal = stimulus[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]] # cut out relevant signal
t_input_signal = t[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]] - t[i_startstop[0]]
if "none" in method_interpol[l]:
# no interpolation
f_start = find(freq_times >= t_startstop[0])[0]
f_stop = find(freq_times <= t_startstop[1])[-1]
freq_out_signal = spike_freq[f_start:f_stop] # cut out relevant signal
freq_times_out = freq_times[f_start:f_stop] - t[i_startstop[0]] # cut out relevant signal
vamp, mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i], fm, freq_out_signal_interp = get_magphase(stimulus_signal, t_input_signal, freq_out_signal, freq_times_out, method = "fit", f = fu)
VAF_vec[l,i] = float("nan")
if i == 0:
freq_times_plot = freq_times_out
spike_freq_plot = freq_out_signal
if "linear" in method_interpol[l]:
# linear interpolation
spike_freq_interp = interp(t, freq_times, spike_freq, left=0, right=0) # interpolate to be eqivalent with input, set zero at beginning and end!
freq_out_signal_interp = spike_freq_interp[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]] # cut out relevant signal
vamp, mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i], fmean[i], _ = get_magphase(stimulus_signal, t_input_signal, freq_out_signal_interp, t_input_signal, method = "fft", f = fu)
results = est_quality(t_input_signal, fu, freq_out_signal_interp, self.amp*mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i]/ (180 / np.pi), fmean[i])
NI, VAF_vec[l,i] = results.get('NI'), results.get('VAF')
print "- NI: " + str(NI) + ", VAF: " + str(VAF_vec[l,i])
if "dt" in method_interpol[l]:
# binary spike code using dt as bin size!
[response, _] = neuronpy.util.spiketrain.get_histogram(freq_times, bins = t)
spike_freq_interp = concatenate((zeros(1),response))
freq_out_signal_interp = spike_freq_interp[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]] # cut out relevant signal
vamp, mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i], fm, _ = get_magphase(stimulus_signal, t_input_signal, freq_out_signal_interp, t_input_signal, method = "fft", f = fu)
results = est_quality(t_input_signal, fu, freq_out_signal_interp, self.amp*mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i]/ (180 / np.pi), fmean[i])
NI, VAF_vec[l,i] = results.get('NI'), results.get('VAF')
print "- NI: " + str(NI) + ", VAF: " + str(VAF_vec[l,i])
if "peaks" in method_interpol[l]:
# get peaks
spike_freq_interp = interp(t, freq_times, spike_freq, left=0, right=0) # interpolate to be eqivalent with input, set zero at beginning and end!
freq_out_signal_interp = spike_freq_interp[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]] # cut out relevant signal
vamp, mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i], fm, _ = get_magphase(stimulus_signal, t_input_signal, freq_out_signal_interp, t_input_signal, method = "peak", f = fu)
results = est_quality(t_input_signal, fu, freq_out_signal_interp, self.amp*mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i]/ (180 / np.pi), fmean[i])
NI, VAF_vec[l,i] = results.get('NI'), results.get('VAF')
if "quadr" in method_interpol[l]:
# quadratic interpolation
sfun = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(freq_times, spike_freq, k=2)
spike_freq_interp = sfun(t)
freq_out_signal_interp = spike_freq_interp[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]] # cut out relevant signal
vamp, mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i], fm, _ = get_magphase(stimulus_signal, t_input_signal, freq_out_signal_interp, t_input_signal, method = "fft", f = fu)
results = est_quality(t_input_signal, fu, freq_out_signal_interp, self.amp*mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i]/ (180 / np.pi), fm)
NI, VAF_vec[l,i] = results.get('NI'), results.get('VAF')
if "shan" in method_interpol[l]:
# shannon interpolation
spike_freq_interp = shannon_interp(freq_times, spike_freq, t)
freq_out_signal_interp = spike_freq_interp[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]] # cut out relevant signal
vamp, mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i], fm, _ = get_magphase(stimulus_signal, t_input_signal, freq_out_signal_interp, t_input_signal, method = "fft", f = fu)
results = est_quality(t_input_signal, fu, freq_out_signal_interp, self.amp*mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i]/ (180 / np.pi), fm)
NI, VAF_vec[l,i] = results.get('NI'), results.get('VAF')
if "syn" in method_interpol[l]:
# synaptic integration
freq_out_signal_interp = gsyn[i_startstop[0]:i_startstop[1]] # cut out relevant signal
vamp, mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i], fm, _ = get_magphase(stimulus_signal, t_input_signal, freq_out_signal_interp, t_input_signal, method = "fft", f = fu, deb = 1)
results = est_quality(t_input_signal, fu, freq_out_signal_interp, self.amp*mag_vec[l,i], pha_vec[l,i]/ (180 / np.pi), fm)
NI, VAF_vec[l,i] = results.get('NI'), results.get('VAF')
if i == 0:
freq_out_signal_interp_mat[l,:] = freq_out_signal_interp
vlen = []
vlen = self.comm.allgather(len(freq_used_local), vlen) # get length first, then use proper Gather!
freq_used_all = -1 * ones( (self.comm.size, max(vlen)), dtype='d')
amp_vec_all = zeros( (self.comm.size, max(vlen)), dtype='d')
fmean_all = zeros( (self.comm.size, max(vlen)), dtype='d')
ca_all = zeros( (self.comm.size, max(vlen)), dtype=complex)
mag_vec_all = zeros( (self.comm.size, len(method_interpol)*max(vlen)), dtype='d')
pha_vec_all = zeros( (self.comm.size, len(method_interpol)*max(vlen)), dtype='d')
VAF_vec_all = zeros( (self.comm.size, len(method_interpol)*max(vlen)), dtype='d')
freq_used_local = np.array(freq_used_local, dtype='d')
fillto = max(vlen)-len(freq_used_local)
filler = np.zeros((len(method_interpol), fillto), dtype='d')
mag_vec = np.concatenate(np.hstack((mag_vec, filler)))
self.comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=[freq_used_local, MPI.DOUBLE], recvbuf=[freq_used_all, MPI.DOUBLE], root=0)
self.comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=[amp_vec, MPI.DOUBLE], recvbuf=[amp_vec_all, MPI.DOUBLE], root=0)
self.comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=[fmean, MPI.DOUBLE], recvbuf=[fmean_all, MPI.DOUBLE], root=0)
self.comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=[ca, MPI.COMPLEX], recvbuf=[ca_all, MPI.COMPLEX], root=0)
self.comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=[mag_vec, MPI.DOUBLE], recvbuf=[mag_vec_all, MPI.DOUBLE], root=0)
self.comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=[pha_vec, MPI.DOUBLE], recvbuf=[pha_vec_all, MPI.DOUBLE], root=0)
self.comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=[VAF_vec, MPI.DOUBLE], recvbuf=[VAF_vec_all, MPI.DOUBLE], root=0)
if self.id == 0:
mag_vec_all = mag_vec_all.reshape((self.comm.size,len(method_interpol),max(vlen)))
pha_vec_all = pha_vec_all.reshape((self.comm.size,len(method_interpol),max(vlen)))
VAF_vec_all = VAF_vec_all.reshape((self.comm.size,len(method_interpol),max(vlen)))
freq_used_all = np.concatenate(freq_used_all)
ca_all = np.concatenate(ca_all)
amp_vec_all = np.concatenate(amp_vec_all)
fmean_all = np.concatenate(fmean_all)
i1 = argsort(freq_used_all)
i2 = i1[where(freq_used_all[i1]>0)]
freq_used = freq_used_all[i2]
ca = ca_all[i2]
amp_vec = amp_vec_all[i2]
fmean = fmean_all[i2]
mag_vec = zeros((len(method_interpol),len(freq_used))) # transfer magnitude vector
pha_vec = zeros((len(method_interpol),len(freq_used))) # transfer phase vector
VAF_vec = zeros((len(method_interpol),len(freq_used))) # transfer phase vector
for il in range(len(method_interpol)):
mag_vec0 = np.concatenate(mag_vec_all[:,il,:])
mag_vec[il,:] = mag_vec0[i2]
pha_vec0 = np.concatenate(pha_vec_all[:,il,:])
pha_vec[il,:] = pha_vec0[i2]
VAF_vec0 = np.concatenate(VAF_vec_all[:,il,:])
VAF_vec[il,:] = VAF_vec0[i2]
#print freq_used
#print mag_vec
if self.id == 0:
if is_impedance:
pha_vec = unwrap(pha_vec * (np.pi / 180)) * (180 / np.pi) # unwrap for smooth phase
for l in range(len(method_interpol)): # unwrap
pha_vec[l,:] = unwrap(pha_vec[l,:] * (np.pi / 180)) * (180 / np.pi) # unwrap for smooth phase
# normalize synaptic integration with with first magnitude, may by syn itself!
bvec = ["syn" in st for st in method_interpol]
if np.any(bvec):
k = where(bvec)
mag_vec[k,:]= mag_vec[0,0]*mag_vec[k,:]/mag_vec[k,0]
# only return fraction of actual signal, it is too long!!!
if time_plot[-1] > self.tmax:
imax = where(time_plot > self.tmax)[0][0] # for voltage, current and time
time_plot = time_plot[0:imax]; voltage_plot = voltage_plot[0:imax]; current_plot = current_plot[0:imax]
if freq_times_plot != []:
if freq_times_plot[-1] > self.tmax:
imax2 = where(freq_times_plot > self.tmax)[0][0] # for spike frequency
freq_times_plot = freq_times_plot[0:imax2]; spike_freq_plot = spike_freq_plot[0:imax2]
VAF_vec = (freq_used, VAF_vec)
results = {'freq_used':freq_used, 'amp':amp_vec,'mag':mag_vec,'pha':pha_vec,'ca':ca,'stimulus':stimulus_plot,'t2':time_plot2,'voltage':voltage_plot,
pickle.dump( results, gzip.GzipFile( filepath, "wb" ) )
if self.id == 0:
results = pickle.load( gzip.GzipFile( filepath, "rb" ) )
if self.minimal_dir: # save only info needed for plot
print {key:np.shape(value) for key,value in results.iteritems()}
results['stimulus'] = []
results['t1'] = []
results['t2'] = []
results['current'] = []
results['voltage'] = []
results['freq_out_signal_interp_mat'] = []
# print {key:np.shape(value) for key,value in results.iteritems()}
pickle.dump( results, gzip.GzipFile( self.minimal_dir + "/" + filename, "wb" ) )
if self.id == 0:
# Remove outliners only with no interpolation
mag, method_interpol, freq_used, freq_times = results.get('mag'), results.get('method_interpol'), results.get('freq_used'), results.get('freq_times')
if ("none" in method_interpol[0]) and (len(freq_times) > 3 and len(freq_used) > 3):
if (freq_used[-1]-freq_used[-1-1]<10):
outliner_vec = array([])
mdiff_vec = array([])
kdiff_vec = array([])
m = array(mag[0,:])
lw = 20 # window length
md = 10 # margin
for k in range(lw, len(m)):
#mm = mean(m_[k:k+lw-1])
mdiff = mean(abs(diff(m[k-lw:k])))
kdiff = abs(m[k]-m[k-1])
mdiff_vec = append(mdiff_vec, mdiff)
kdiff_vec = append(kdiff_vec, kdiff)
if kdiff > md*mdiff:
outliner_vec = append(outliner_vec, freq_used[k])
print "Ssine fit outliner freq:" + str(outliner_vec)
#plt.plot(freq_used, mag[0,:], 'k', freq_used, m, 'r')
results['mag'][0,:] = m
# remove frequencies given
mag, pha, freq_used, VAF = results.get('mag'), results.get('pha'), results.get('freq_used'), results.get('VAF')
if len(self.del_freq) >= 1:
for im in range(len(method_interpol)):
fi = zeros(len(self.del_freq))
for fr in range(len(self.del_freq)):
fi[fr] = find(self.del_freq[fr] == freq_used)
#mag[im,fi] = mean(mag[im,fi-1:fi+1])
#pha[im,fi] = mean(pha[im,fi-1:fi+1])
results['mag'] = delete(mag, fi, 1)
results['pha'] = delete(pha, fi, 1)
results['freq_used'] = delete(freq_used, fi)
results['VAF'] = (results['freq_used'], delete(VAF[1], fi, 1))
#plt.plot(results['freq_used'], results['mag'][0,:], 'k')
results = {'freq_used':[], 'amp':[],'mag':[],'pha':[],'ca':[],'stimulus':[],'t2':[],'voltage':[],
return results
def fun_msine_Stim(self, t_stim = 10*s, freq_used = None, do_csd = 0, method_interpol = np.array(["linear", "quadratic", "syn"])):
Stimulate cell with multisine noise having frequencies as given in freq_used
do_csd = 1: use cross spectral density function for computation
if self.id == 0:
if self.do_run:
if freq_used == None:
fstart = 0.1*Hz; fstop = 1000*Hz; fsteps = 0.1*Hz # Hz
freq_used = arange(fstart,fstop,fsteps) # frequencies we want to examine
tstart = 0;
fs = 1 / self.dt # sampling rate
fmax = fs / 2 # maximum frequency (nyquist)
ihold, self.amp, self.amp_noise = self.set_i()
print "- starting multi sine impedance/transfer function estimation! with amp = " + str(self.amp) + ", ihold = " + str(ihold) + ", t_stim = " + str(t_stim) + ", dt = " + str(self.dt) + " => maximum frequency = " + str(fmax) + "\r"
t_noise = arange(tstart, t_stim, self.dt) # create stimulus time vector, make sure stimulus is even!!!
noise_data, freq, freq_wp, f_used_check = create_multisines(t_noise, freq_used) # create multi sine signal
noise_data_points = len(noise_data)
if np.any(abs(freq_used - f_used_check) > 0.00000001): # bloody floating point precision
raise ValueError('Requested and computed multisine frequencies are not the same')
stimulus, t = construct_Stimulus(noise_data, fs, self.amp, ihold)
tstop = t[-1]
self.set_IPlay(stimulus, t)
self.run(1, tstop)
t1, voltage, current, g_in = self.get()
freq_times, spike_freq, freq_mean, freq_onset, spike_times, gsyn = self.if_get(compute_mean = 0)
is_impedance = len(freq_times) <= 3 # get impedance if less than tree spikes!!
if is_impedance: # Get impedance function
mag, pha, ca, freq, freq_used = compute_Impedance(voltage, current, t1, stimulus, t, noise_data_points, freq_wp, do_csd = do_csd)
method_interpol = []; fmean = 0
else: # Get transfer function
for i, m in enumerate(method_interpol):
if "syn" in m:
method_interpol[i] = "syn " + str(self.synout_tau1/ms) + "/" + str(self.synout_tau2/ms) + "ms"
results = compute_Transfer(spike_freq = spike_freq, freq_times = freq_times,
stimulus = stimulus, t = t, noise_data_points = noise_data_points, freq_wp = freq_wp, gsyn = gsyn, do_csd = do_csd,
method_interpol = method_interpol, w_length = 1)
mag, pha, ca, freq, freq_used, fmean = results.get('mag_mat'), results.get('pha_mat'), results.get('ca_mat'), results.get('freq'), results.get('freq_used')
# only return fraction of actual signal, it is too long if not!!!
if t1[-1] > self.tmax:
imax = where(t1 > self.tmax)[0][0] # for voltage, current and time
t1 = t1[0:imax]; voltage = voltage[0:imax]; current = current[0:imax]
if freq_times != []:
if freq_times[-1] > self.tmax:
imax2 = where(freq_times > self.tmax)[0][0] # for spike frequency
freq_times = freq_times[0:imax2]; spike_freq = spike_freq[0:imax2]
results = {'freq_used':freq_used,'mag':mag,'pha':pha,'ca':ca,'voltage':voltage,
pickle.dump( results, gzip.GzipFile( self.data_dir + "/" + str(self.pickle_prefix) + "_results_sim_msine.p", "wb" ) )
results = pickle.load( gzip.GzipFile( self.data_dir + "/" + str(self.pickle_prefix) + "_results_sim_msine.p", "rb" ) )
return results
def fun_cnoise_Stim(self, t_stim = 10, sexp = 4, cutf = None, do_csd = 1, method_interpol = np.array(["linear", "quadratic", "syn"])):
Stimulate cell with colored noise
sexp = spectral exponent: Power ~ 1/freq^sexp
cutf = frequency cutoff: Power flat (white) for freq <~ cutf
do_csd = 1: use cross spectral density function for computation
if self.id == 0:
if self.do_run:
tstart = 0;
fs = 1 / self.dt # sampling rate
fmax = fs / 2 # maximum frequency (nyquist)
t_noise = arange(tstart, t_stim, self.dt) # create stimulus time vector, make sure stimulus is even!!!
noise_data = create_colnoise(t_noise, sexp, cutf, seed = self.seed)
noise_data_points = len(noise_data)
if self.syn_n == 0:
ihold, self.amp, self.amp_noise = self.set_i()
print "- (CURRENT INPUT) starting colored noise impedance/transfer function estimation! with amp = " + str(self.amp) + ", ihold = " + str(ihold) + ", t_stim = " + str(t_stim) + ", dt = " + str(self.dt) + " => maximum frequency = " + str(fmax) + "\r"
stimulus, t, t_startstop = construct_Stimulus(noise_data, fs, self.amp, ihold)
tstop = t[-1]
self.set_IPlay(stimulus, t)
self.give_freq = False # do not convert to current!
ihold = self.ihold
self.amp, self.amp_noise = self.set_amp(ihold, 0)
print "- (SYNAPTIC INPUT) starting colored noise impedance/transfer function estimation! with amp = " + str(self.amp) + ", ihold = " + str(ihold) + ", t_stim = " + str(t_stim) + ", dt = " + str(self.dt) + " => maximum frequency = " + str(fmax) + "\r"
stimulus, t, t_startstop = construct_Stimulus(noise_data, fs, self.amp, ihold)
tstop = t[-1]
print "- setting excitation"
self.set_SynPlay(stimulus, t, n_syn=self.syn_n, g_s=self.syn_g, tau1=self.syn_tau1, tau2=self.syn_tau2, noise=self.syn_noise)
print "- setting excitation done"
if self.inh_n > 0:
# Inhibition
stimulus_inh, t, _ = construct_Stimulus(ones(len(t_noise)), fs, 0, self.inh_hold)
#plt.plot(t, stimulus_inh)
print "- setting inhibition"
self.set_InhPlay(stimulus_inh, t, n_inh=self.inh_n, g_i=self.inh_g, noise=self.inh_noise)
print "- setting inhibition done"
self.run(1, tstop)
t1, voltage, current, g_in = self.get()
freq_times, spike_freq, freq_mean, freq_onset, spike_times, gsyn = self.if_get(compute_mean = 0)
is_impedance = len(freq_times) <= 3 # get impedance if less than tree spikes!!
#plot(t1, voltage, 'k')
if is_impedance: # Get impedance function
mag, pha, ca, freq, freq_used = compute_Impedance(voltage, current, t1, stimulus, t, noise_data_points, do_csd = do_csd) # freq_wp not defined, use all frequencies
method_interpol = []; fmean = 0; SNR_mat = []; VAFf_mat = []
else: # Get transfer function
for i, m in enumerate(method_interpol):
if "syn" in m:
method_interpol[i] = "syn " + str(self.synout_tau1/ms) + "/" + str(self.synout_tau2/ms) + "ms"
results = compute_Transfer(spike_freq = spike_freq, freq_times = freq_times, stimulus = stimulus, t = t,
noise_data_points = noise_data_points, gsyn = gsyn, do_csd = do_csd, method_interpol = method_interpol, w_length = 1*s, t_startstop = t_startstop)
mag, pha, ca, freq, freq_used, fmean = results.get('mag_mat'), results.get('pha_mat'), results.get('ca_mat'), results.get('freq'), results.get('freq_used'), results.get('fmean')
SNR_mat, VAFf_mat = results.get('SNR_mat'), results.get('VAFf_mat')
# only return fraction of actual signal, it is too long if not!!!
if t1[-1] > self.tmax:
imax = where(t1 > self.tmax)[0][0] # for voltage, current and time
t1 = t1[0:imax]; voltage = voltage[0:imax]; current = current[0:imax]
if freq_times != []:
if freq_times[-1] > self.tmax:
imax2 = where(freq_times > self.tmax)[0][0] # for spike frequency
freq_times = freq_times[0:imax2]; spike_freq = spike_freq[0:imax2]
results = {'freq_used':freq_used,'mag':mag,'pha':pha,'ca':ca,'voltage':voltage,
'fmean':fmean,'method_interpol':method_interpol, 'SNR':SNR_mat, 'VAF':VAFf_mat}
pickle.dump( results, gzip.GzipFile( self.data_dir + "/" + str(self.pickle_prefix) + "_results_sim_cnoise.p", "wb" ) )
results = pickle.load( gzip.GzipFile( self.data_dir + "/" + str(self.pickle_prefix) + "_results_sim_cnoise.p", "rb" ) )
return results
def stim_reconstruct(self, t_stim = 10, sexp = 4, cutf = 10, w_length = 1*s, t_kernel = 0, t_qual = 10*s, method_interpol = array(["linear", "quadratic", "syn"]), tau = 0*ms):
tstart = 0;
fs = 1 / self.dt # sampling rate
fmax = fs / 2 # maximum frequency (nyquist)
ihold, self.amp, self.amp_noise = self.set_i()
print "- starting stim reconstruction test! with amp = " + str(self.amp) + ", ihold = " + str(ihold) + ", t_stim = " + str(t_stim) + ", dt = " + str(self.dt) + " => maximum frequency = " + str(fmax) + "\r"
t_noise = arange(tstart, t_stim, self.dt) # create stimulus time vector, make sure stimulus is even!!!
noise_data = create_colnoise(t_noise, sexp, cutf, seed = self.seed)
noise_data_points = len(noise_data)
stimulus, t = construct_Stimulus(noise_data, fs, self.amp, ihold)
tstop = t[-1]
self.set_IPlay(stimulus, t)
self.run(1, tstop)
t1, voltage, current, g_in = self.get()
freq_times, spike_freq, freq_mean, freq_onset, spike_times, gsyn = self.if_get(compute_mean = 0)
results = compute_Transfer(spike_freq = spike_freq, freq_times = freq_times,
stimulus = stimulus, t = t, noise_data_points = noise_data_points, gsyn = gsyn, do_csd = 1,
method_interpol = method_interpol, w_length = w_length, t_kernel = t_kernel, t_qual = t_qual) # freq_wp not defined, use all frequencies
freq_used, tc, stim_re_mat, stim, resp_mat, noise_mat, CF_mat, VAF_mat, VAFf_mat, SNR_mat = results.get('freq_used'), results.get('tc'), results.get('stim_re_mat'), results.get('stim'), results.get('resp_mat'), results.get('noise_mat'), results.get('CF_mat'), results.get('VAF_mat'), results.get('VAFf_mat'), results.get('SNR_mat')
tk, K_mat, mag_mat, P_ss = results.get('tk'), results.get('K_mat'), results.get('mag_mat'), results.get('P_ss')
for l in range(len(method_interpol)):
semilogx(freq_used, 10*log10(real(SNR_mat[1][l,:])))
for l in range(len(method_interpol)):
semilogx(freq_used, real(VAFf_mat[1][l,:]))
semilogx(freq_used, -1/real(SNR_mat[1][l,:]) + 1, 'r')
semilogx(freq_used, P_ss, 'k')
semilogx(freq_used, mag_mat[0,:])
#SNRreal = real(SNR_mat[1][0,:])
#semilogx(freq_used, (SNRreal - 1) / (max(SNRreal) - 1))
other_est = 0
for l in range(len(method_interpol)):
sexp = 4
cutf = 10
t_stim = 15
t_noise = arange(tstart, t_stim, self.dt) # create stimulus time vector, make sure stimulus is even!!!
noise_data = create_colnoise(t_noise, sexp, cutf)
noise_data_points = len(noise_data)
stimulus, t = construct_Stimulus(noise_data, fs, self.amp, ihold)
tstop = t[-1]
self.set_IPlay(stimulus, t)
self.run(1, tstop)
t1, voltage, current, g_in = self.get()
freq_times, spike_freq, freq_mean, freq_onset, spike_times, gsyn = self.if_get(compute_mean = 0)
results = compute_Transfer(spike_freq = spike_freq, freq_times = freq_times,
stimulus = stimulus, t = t, noise_data_points = noise_data_points, gsyn = gsyn, do_csd = 1,
method_interpol = method_interpol, w_length = w_length, t_kernel = t_kernel, t_qual = t_qual) # freq_wp not defined, use all frequencies
freq_used, tc, stim_re_mat, stim, resp_mat, noise_mat, CF_mat, SNR_mat = results.get('freq_used'), results.get('tc'), results.get('stim_re_mat'), results.get('stim'), results.get('resp_mat'), results.get('noise_mat'), results.get('CF_mat'), results.get('SNR_mat')
# K_mat still form previous estimation
tc, resp_cc, stim_cc, stim_re_cc, noise_cc, CF, VAF = reconstruct_Stimulus(K_mat[l,:], resp_mat[l,:], stim, t1)
tk, K_mat = results.get('tk'), results.get('K_mat')
resp_cc = resp_mat[l,:]
stim_cc = stim
stim_re_cc = stim_re_mat[l,:]
noise_cc = noise_mat[l,:]
CF = CF_mat[l]
VAF = VAF_mat[l]
K = K_mat[l,:]
plt.plot(tc, stim_cc, 'k', label="stim")
plt.plot(tc, stim_re_cc, 'b', label="stim_re, interp: " + str(method_interpol[l]) + ", CF=" + str(CF) + ", VAF=" + str(VAF))
plt.plot(tc, noise_cc, 'r', label="noise")
plt.axis(xmin=0, xmax=1)
lg = plt.legend()
#plt.plot(tc, resp_cc)
#plt.axis(xmin=0, xmax=1)
plt.plot(tk, K)
#TEST: Estimate SNR from noise!
nfft = 2 ** int(ceil(log2(w_length * fs)))
nmean = mean(noise_cc)
smean = mean(stim_cc)
P_nn, freq = csd(noise_cc-nmean, noise_cc-nmean, Fs = fs, NFFT = nfft, noverlap = nfft / 4, sides = 'twosided')
P_ss, freq = csd(stim_cc-smean, stim_cc-smean, Fs = fs, NFFT = nfft, noverlap = nfft / 4, sides = 'twosided')
SNR = ifftshift(P_ss / P_nn)[0:len(freq)/2] # 10*log10()
freq = ifftshift(freq)[0:len(freq)/2] # only positive frequencies
fstart = 0
fend = max(find(freq < 500)) # only use frequencies smaller than 1kHz
freq = freq[fstart:fend]
SNR = SNR[fstart:fend]
semilogx(freq, 10*log10(real(SNR)), 'r--')
return CF_mat
def get_RCtau(self, amp = -0.001, delay = 1000*ms, dur = 500*ms, dtest = 100*ms, method = "simple", nruns = 3, C_old = None, do_print = 1, Vrest = None, dv=1*mV):
This function returnes the effective tau, resistance, and capacity at the resting potential
if Vrest == None:
self.vinit = 0
self.run(0, dur)
t1, voltage, current, g_in = self.get()
Vrest = voltage[-1]
self.stim = None
print Vrest
#plot(t1, voltage)
if method == "vc":
Vtest = Vrest+dv
self.set_VClamp(amp0 = Vrest, amp1 = Vtest, dur0 = 1000*ms, dur1 = 1000*ms)
self.run(0, 2000*ms)
t1, voltage, current, g_in = self.get()
self.stim = None
amp = current[-1]-current[999*ms/self.dt]
R = dv / amp # MOhm
if do_print: print "R: " + str(R) + " MOhm"
C = None
tau = None
plot(t1[900*ms/self.dt:-1], current[900*ms/self.dt:-1])
elif method == "simple":
Vtest = Vrest-1*mV
self.set_VClamp(amp0 = Vtest, dur0 = 500*ms)
self.run(0, 500*ms)
t0, voltage, current0, g_in = self.get()
amp = current0[-1]
self.stim = None
print amp
#plot(t0[100*ms/self.dt:-1], current0[100*ms/self.dt:-1])
self.set_IClamp(amp = amp, delay = delay, dur = dur)
self.run(0, delay + dur)
t1, voltage, current, g_in = self.get()
self.stim = None
#plot(t1, voltage)
istart = delay / self.dt # min(find(t1 > 90))
istop = -50*ms / self.dt
t1 = t1[istart:istop]
voltage = voltage[istart:istop]
v_rest = voltage[0]
v_min = voltage[-1]
dv = v_min - v_rest
R = dv / amp # MOhm
exp_val = v_rest + ((1 - 1 / exp(1)) * dv) # 0.6321 * dv
itau = where(voltage < ( exp_val ))[0][0]
tau = t1[itau] - t1[0] # s
C = tau / R # uF
if do_print: print "R: " + str(R) + " MOhm, C: " + str(C) + " uF, tau: " + str(tau) + " s"
elif method == "linfit":
for i in range(nruns):
self.run(0, delay + dur)
t1, voltage, current, g_in = self.get()
if i == 0:
voltagem = zeros(shape=(nruns,size(t1)))
voltagem[i,:] = voltage
voltage = mean(voltagem,0)
istart = int((delay+dur-dtest) / self.dt)
istop = int((delay+dur) / self.dt)
vmean = mean(voltage[istart:istop])
istart = int((delay-dtest) / self.dt)
istop = int(delay / self.dt)
vrest = mean(voltage[istart:istop])
istart = int(delay / self.dt)
istop = int(-50*ms / self.dt)
t1 = t1[istart:istop]-delay
v_fit = voltage[istart:istop]-vrest
dv0 = vmean - vrest
R_m = dv0 / amp # MOhm
dv, tau, u = fit_exp(t1, v_fit, p0 = array([dv0, 1e-3]))
R = dv / amp # MOhm
C = tau / R
if C_old != None: # when change of tau shoudl just be due to R change
tau_m = R_m * C_old
tau_m = 0
if do_print: print "R_m: " + str(R_m) + " R(fit): " + str(R) + " MOhm, C: " + str(C) + " nF, C_old: " + str(C_old) + " nF, tau: " + str(tau) + " s" + " tau_m: " + str(tau_m) + " s"
plt.plot(t1, v_fit, '.', t1, u)
self.stim = None
return R, C, tau
def get_onset_amp(self, stim_start = 0.1*s, stim_end = 0.1*s, len_pulse = 0.5*ms, input_vec = arange(0.01,1,0.01), stim_type = "i"):
This function returns the pulse current amplitude necessary to trigger a spike, should work for longer pulses too!
for amp_init in input_vec: # find spike onset current
if stim_type == "i":
t, ivec = construct_Pulsestim(dt = self.dt, pulses = 1, stim_start = stim_start, stim_end = stim_end, len_pulse = len_pulse, amp_init = amp_init)
tstop = t[-1]
self.set_IPlay(ivec, t)
if stim_type == "syn":
syntimes = None
syntimes = h.NetStim(0)
syntimes.interval = 5/ms # in ms
syntimes.number = 1
syntimes.start = stim_start/ms # in ms
tstop = stim_start + stim_end # in ms
n_syn = 1
nclist = []
if hasattr(self.cell, 'whatami'):
self.cell.MF_L = []
for i in range(n_syn):
self.cell.createsyn(nmf = 1, ngoc = 0, weight = amp_init)
for i in range(len(self.cell.MF_L)):
nclist.append(h.NetCon(syntimes, self.cell.MF_L[i].input)) ## use internal function!!!
nclist[i].delay = 0
nclist[i].weight[0] = 1
for i in range(len(self.cell.synlist)):
nclist.append(h.NetCon(syntimes, self.cell.synlist[i], sec = self.cell.soma))
nclist[i].delay = 0
if hasattr(self.cell, 'g_syn'):
nclist[i].weight[0] = self.cell.g_syn[i] * amp_init
self.cell.synlist[i].gmax_factor = amp_init
self.run(1, tstop)
t1, voltage, current, g_in = self.get()
#plt.plot(t1, voltage); draw() #draw() #show()
freq_times, spike_freq, freq_mean, freq_onset, spike_times, gsyn = self.if_get(compute_mean = 0)
num_spikes = len(spike_times)
if num_spikes == 0: # no spike found, do nothing
elif num_spikes >= 1: # break, at least one spike was found
print 'Error in spike threshold detection'
plt.figure(23); plt.plot(t1, voltage, t1, current); plt.show()
raise ValueError('Error in spike threshold detection, what happened?')
if num_spikes == 0: # check if loop was exited without triggering a spike
raise ValueError('Supplied currents to weak, no spike triggered!')
print "Threshold: " + str(amp_init) #+ " nA"
return amp_init
def get_refrac_pp(self, do_plot = 0, len_pulse = 0.5*ms, stim_start = 0.01, stim_end = 0.01, input_vec = arange(0.01,1,0.01), latency_vec = arange(0.5*ms, 50*ms, 0.5*ms), num_workers = 3):
Estimate relative (and absolute) refractory period using parallel worker program get_refrac-worker1.py.
Slower since single NEURON runs are too short!!
from mpi4py import MPI
import time
sys.stderr.write("MPI does not provide enough thread support \r")
import threading
except ImportError:
sys.stderr.write("threading module not available \r")
start_time = time.time()
if do_plot:
ion() # interactive plotting mode on
dt = self.dt
amp_init = self.get_onset_amp(stim_start, stim_end, len_pulse, input_vec) # get amplitude for one pulse
latency_vec = latency_vec[::-1] # reverse
late_amp_vec = ones(len(latency_vec)) * float('NaN') # create NaN vector
late_eff_lat_vec = ones(len(latency_vec)) * float('NaN') # create NaN vector
# we have to tell the worker wich cell to run and which temperature!
# change in ion channels not yet implemented!
cell_path = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath( __file__ ) ) # path to cell module
cell_name = self.cell.__module__ # name of cell module
worker_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'get_refrac-worker1.py'))
worker = MPI.COMM_SELF.Spawn(sys.executable, args = [worker_path, str(self.temperature), cell_path, cell_name], maxprocs = num_workers) # start workers to recieve signals
print "use_workers:" + str(num_workers)
# send the workers some basic information
worker.bcast(dt, root = MPI.ROOT)
worker.bcast(stim_start, root = MPI.ROOT)
worker.bcast(stim_end, root = MPI.ROOT)
worker.bcast(len_pulse, root = MPI.ROOT)
worker.bcast(amp_init, root = MPI.ROOT)
class worker_send(threading.Thread):
"""Thread class with a stop() method. The thread itself has to check
regularly for the stopped() condition."""
def __init__(self, input_vec, latency):
super(worker_send, self).__init__() #or threading.Thread.__init__(self)
self.input_vec = input_vec
self.latency = latency
self.is_free = empty(1, int)
self.i_amp_next = -1
self.amp_next = []
self._stop = threading.Event()
def get_i_amp_next(self):
return self.i_amp_next
def stop(self):
def stopped(self):
return self._stop.isSet()
def run(self):
for self.amp_next in self.input_vec:
if self.stopped():
self.i_amp_next += 1
worker.Recv([self.is_free, MPI.INT] , source = MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag = 1) # wait for free worker we can give a job?
end_work = array(0, int)
worker.Ssend([end_work, MPI.INT] , dest = self.is_free, tag = 3) # don't go on
assert self.amp_next == self.input_vec[self.i_amp_next]
#print "FREE worker " + str(self.is_free) + " has to do latency: " + str(self.latency) + " and amp_next: " + str(self.amp_next) + "\r"
worker.send(self.latency, dest = self.is_free)
worker.send(self.i_amp_next, dest = self.is_free) # also send index
worker.send(self.amp_next, dest = self.is_free)
def worker_recv(has_result, i_amp_next, amp_next, spike_times, t1, current, voltage):
"""Small function to wait for new results from workers and to collect them"""
# check if there are some results coming back
worker.Recv([has_result, MPI.INT], source = MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag = 2) # search for free worker who has a result
#worker.send(has_result, dest = has_result)
i_amp_next = worker.recv(i_amp_next, source = has_result)
amp_next = worker.recv(amp_next, source = has_result)
spike_times = worker.recv(spike_times, source = has_result)
t1 = []
current = []
voltage = []
# don't get any plots back, only for debuggung
#t1 = worker.recv(t1, source = has_result)
#current = worker.recv(current, source = has_result)
#voltage = worker.recv(voltage, source = has_result)
return i_amp_next, amp_next, spike_times, t1, current, voltage
for i_latency, latency in enumerate(latency_vec): # cycle through all latencies we want to examine
#print "latency: " + str(latency)
no_amp_found = False
t1 = array([1])
current = array([1])
voltage = array([1])
send_thread = worker_send(input_vec, latency) # create thread object
send_thread.start() # run sender thread
has_result = empty(1, int)
i_amp_next = []
amp_next = []
spike_times = []
done_input_vec = ones(len(input_vec), int) * -1 # create vector of -1s
temp_isi = ones(len(input_vec)) * float('NaN') # create NaN vector
amp_found = True
i_amp_collected = 0
i_amp_sent = []
for amp_next in input_vec:
i_amp_next, amp_next, spike_times, t1, current, voltage = worker_recv(has_result, i_amp_next, amp_next, spike_times, t1, current, voltage)
#print "RECV worker " + str(has_result) + " spike_times: " + str(spike_times) + " latency: " + str(latency) + " amp_next: " + str(amp_next) + "\r"
i_amp_collected += 1 # count jobs that have been collected!
num_spikes = len(spike_times)
if num_spikes == 1: # only first spike found, write down
done_input_vec[i_amp_next] = 0 # no spike
elif num_spikes == 2: # check if two spikes occur
done_input_vec[i_amp_next] = 1 # spike
temp_isi[i_amp_next] = diff(spike_times) # save temporary isis, wee need them later!
else: # everything else has to be an error!!!
raise ValueError('Error in spike threshold detection, maybe more than one spike occured')
# amp found is valid only:
# if any element is bigger than 1,
# AND if the elements of 1s are continuous
# AND if the elements of uncomputed -1s are continuous,
# e.g. if there are no elements that have not yet been computed before
# -1 is added at the end to capture some "border effects"
# Proof of concept:
#done_input_vec = array([-1,-1,-1,-1]) # False
#done_input_vec = array([1,-1,-1,-1]) # True
#done_input_vec = array([-1,1,-1,-1]) # False
#done_input_vec = array([1,-1,1,-1]) # False
#done_input_vec = array([0,0,0,-1]) # False
#done_input_vec = array([0,0,-1,1]) # False : -1 at the end is added for this
#done_input_vec = array([0,1,-1,-1]) # True
#done_input_vec = array([0,1,1,-1,-1]) # True
#done_input_vec = array([0,0,0,0]) # False
#done_input_vec = array([0,0,-1,1,-1,-1]) # False
done_input_vec2 = concatenate((done_input_vec, array([-1])))
amp_found = (not np.any(diff(where(done_input_vec2 < 0)) >= 2)) & (not np.any(diff(where(done_input_vec2 > 0)) >= 2)) & np.any(done_input_vec2 > 0) # & (done_input_vec[0] != -1)
if amp_found: # current was found
index = where(done_input_vec)[0][0] # we know that done_input_vec is continuous check where 1 occurs first
late_amp_vec[i_latency] = input_vec[index] # write amplitude to vector and break
late_eff_lat_vec[i_latency] = temp_isi[index] # save effective latency of spikes to vector
send_thread.stop() # don't send out jobs anymore!
i_amp_sent = send_thread.get_i_amp_next()+1 # how many jobs have been sent out?
#print "i_amp_sent: " + str(i_amp_sent) + " i_amp_collected: " + str(i_amp_collected)
#print done_input_vec
if amp_found & (i_amp_sent == i_amp_collected): # continue until all jobs have been collected!
if (sum(abs(done_input_vec)) == 0): # check if no current could be found
no_amp_found = True
if no_amp_found: # no current could be found for last latency
if do_plot:
#plt.figure(10); clf(); xlabel("Time [s]"), ylabel("Voltage [mV], Current [nA]")
#plt.plot(t1, current*50, 'b-', t1, voltage, 'g-'); draw()
#plt.print "Amplitude of second pulse for a latency of " + str(latency * 1000) + " ms: " + str(late_amp_vec[i_latency]) + " nA"
plt.figure(11); plt.clf()
plt.xlabel("Latency till second spike [s]"); plt.ylabel("Current necessary for second spike [nA]")
plt.plot(latency_vec, late_amp_vec, 'k+-', latency_vec, amp_init * (late_amp_vec / late_amp_vec) , 'k--') # plot but also add unity line
plt.draw() # redraw the canvas
if isnan(late_amp_vec[i_latency]): # stop computation when no current in input_vec is found that triggers a spike
is_free = empty(1, int)
end_work = array(1, int)
for i in range(num_workers):
worker.Recv([is_free, MPI.INT] , source = MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag = 1) # wait for free worker we can give a job?
worker.Ssend([end_work, MPI.INT] , dest = is_free, tag = 3) # don't go on
duration = time.time() - start_time
print "execution time: " + str(duration)
return latency_vec, late_amp_vec, amp_init, late_eff_lat_vec # latency vector, amplitude of second spike vector, initional amplitude and effective latency of two spikes
def get_refrac(self, do_plot = 0, len_pulse = 0.5*ms, stim_start = 0.01, stim_end = 0.01, input_vec = arange(0.01,1,0.01), latency_vec = arange(0.5*ms, 50*ms, 0.5*ms)):
Estimate relative (and absolute) refractory period
import time
start_time = time.time()
if do_plot:
ion() # interactive plotting mode on
amp_init = self.get_onset_amp(stim_start, stim_end, len_pulse, input_vec) # get amplitude for one pulse
latency_vec = latency_vec[::-1] # reverse
late_amp_vec = ones(len(latency_vec)) * float('NaN') # create NaN vector
late_eff_lat_vec = ones(len(latency_vec)) * float('NaN') # create NaN vector
for i_latency, latency in enumerate(latency_vec): # cycle through all latencies we want to examine
for amp_next in input_vec: # find spike onset current
t, ivec = construct_Pulsestim(dt = self.dt, pulses = 2, latency = latency, stim_start = stim_start, stim_end = stim_end, len_pulse = len_pulse, amp_init = amp_init, amp_next = amp_next)
tstop = t[-1]
self.set_IPlay(ivec, t)
self.run(1, tstop)
t1, voltage, current, g_in = self.get()
freq_times, spike_freq, freq_mean, freq_onset, spike_times, gsyn = self.if_get(compute_mean = 0)
num_spikes = len(spike_times)
is_first_spike = False
is_second_spike = False
if num_spikes == 1: # check if one spike occurs
#if (stim_start + latency) >= spike_times[0] >= stim_start: # this might not be necessary
is_first_spike = True
if num_spikes == 2: # check if two spikes occurs
#if (stim_start + latency) <= spike_times[1]: # this might not be necessary
is_second_spike = True
if is_first_spike: # only first spike found, do nothing
elif is_second_spike: # second spike was also found
late_amp_vec[i_latency] = amp_next # write amplitude to vector and break
late_eff_lat_vec[i_latency] = diff(spike_times) # save effective latency of spikes to vector
else: # everything else has to be an error!!!
raise ValueError('Error in spike threshold detection, maybe more than one spike occured')
if do_plot:
plt.figure(10); plt.clf(); plt.xlabel("Time [s]"), plt.ylabel("Voltage [mV], Current [nA]")
plt.plot(t1, current*50, 'b-', t1, voltage, 'g-'); plt.draw()
plt.figure(11); plt.clf()
plt.xlabel("Latency till second spike [s]"); plt.ylabel("Current necessary for second spike [nA]")
plt.plot(latency_vec, late_amp_vec, 'k+-', latency_vec, amp_init * (late_amp_vec / late_amp_vec) , 'k--') # plot but also add unity line
plt.draw() # redraw the canvas
print "Amplitude of second pulse for a latency of " + str(latency*1000) + " ms: " + str(late_amp_vec[i_latency]) + " nA"
if isnan(late_amp_vec[i_latency]): # stop computation when no current in input_vec is found that triggers a spike
duration = time.time() - start_time
print "execution time: " + str(duration)
return latency_vec, late_amp_vec, amp_init, late_eff_lat_vec # latency vector, amplitude of second spike vector, initional amplitude and effective latency of two spikes
def get_refrac_train(self, do_plot = 0, len_pulse = 0.5*ms, stim_start = 0.05*s, stim_end = 0.05*s, input_vec = arange(0.01,1,0.01), latency_vec = arange(0.5*ms, 50*ms, 0.5*ms), pulses = 4, stim_type = "i", n_syn = 1, pure_inout = False, n_is_amp = False):
Estimate relative (and absolute) refractory period, using a train of spikes with number of pulses set by pulses (default: 4)
if do_plot:
ion() # interactive plotting mode on
if pure_inout:
amp_init = 1
amp_init = self.get_onset_amp(stim_start, stim_end, len_pulse, input_vec, stim_type = stim_type) # get amplitude for one pulse
latency_vec = latency_vec[::-1] # reverse
amp_vec = ones(len(latency_vec)) * float('NaN') # create NaN vector
eff_lat_vec = ones(len(latency_vec)) * float('NaN') # create NaN vector
mean_lat_vec = ones(len(latency_vec)) * float('NaN') # create NaN vector
nan_found = 0
n_syn_temp = n_syn
for i_latency, latency in enumerate(latency_vec): # cycle through all latencies we want to examine
for amp in input_vec: # find spike onset current
print "amp: ", amp
if n_is_amp:
amp = n_syn_temp
n_syn = 1
if stim_type == "i":
t, ivec = construct_Pulsestim(dt = self.dt, pulses = pulses, latency = latency, stim_start = stim_start, stim_end = stim_end, len_pulse = len_pulse, amp_init = amp)
tstop = t[-1]
self.set_IPlay(ivec, t)
if stim_type == "syn":
syntimes = None
syntimes = h.NetStim(0)
syntimes.interval = latency/ms # in ms
syntimes.number = pulses
syntimes.start = stim_start/ms # in ms
tstop = stim_start + pulses * latency + stim_end # in ms
nclist = []
if hasattr(self.cell, 'MF_L'):
self.cell.MF_L = []
for i in range(n_syn):
self.cell.createsyn(nmf = 1, ngoc = 0, weight = amp)
for i in range(len(self.cell.MF_L)):
nclist.append(h.NetCon(syntimes, self.cell.MF_L[i].input)) ## use internal function!!!
nclist[i].delay = 0
nclist[i].weight[0] = 1
for i in range(len(self.cell.synlist)):
nclist.append(h.NetCon(syntimes, self.cell.synlist[i], sec = self.cell.soma)) ## use internal function!!!
nclist[i].delay = 0
if hasattr(self.cell, 'g_syn'):
nclist[i].weight[0] = self.cell.g_syn[i] * amp
self.cell.synlist[i].gmax_factor = amp
self.run(1, tstop)
t1, voltage, current, g_in = self.get()
freq_times, spike_freq, freq_mean, freq_onset, spike_times, gsyn = self.if_get(compute_mean = 0)
num_spikes = len(spike_times)
print "1/diff(spike_times):", 1/diff(spike_times)
#if num_spikes > 1:
# if min(diff(spike_times)) <= latency+0.01*latency:
# amp_vec[i_latency] = amp # write amplitude to vector and break
# eff_lat_vec[i_latency] = min(diff(spike_times)) # save max latency of spikes to vector
# break
if pure_inout:
amp_vec[i_latency] = amp # write amplitude to vector and break
ds = diff(spike_times)
if len(ds) != 0:
eff_lat_vec[i_latency] = ds[0] # save max latency of spikes to vector
mean_lat_vec[i_latency] = mean(ds)
if (num_spikes >= pulses) and (mean(diff(spike_times[0:pulses])) <= latency+0.01*latency): # all spikes occured + right frequency!!!
print "diff(spike_times[0:pulses]):", diff(spike_times[0:pulses])
amp_vec[i_latency] = amp # write amplitude to vector and break
eff_lat_vec[i_latency] = min(diff(spike_times[0:pulses])) # save max latency of spikes to vector
mean_lat_vec[i_latency] = mean(diff(spike_times[0:pulses]))
#elif num_spikes < pulses:
# pass
#elif stim_type == "syn": # don't care weither there are too many spikes if synaptic stimulation
# pass
#else: # everything else has to be an error!!!
# raise ValueError('Error in spike threshold detection, too many spikes occured')
if do_plot:
plt.figure(10); plt.clf(); plt.xlabel("Time [s]"), plt.ylabel("Voltage [mV], Current [nA]")
if stim_type == "syn":
plt.plot(t1, voltage, 'g-'); plt.draw()
plt.plot(t1,current*50, 'b-', t1, voltage, 'g-'); plt.draw()
plt.figure(11); plt.clf()
plt.xlabel("Latency between " + str(pulses) + " spikes [s]"); plt.ylabel("Current necessary for all spike [nA]")
plt.plot(latency_vec, amp_vec, 'k+-', latency_vec, amp_init * (amp_vec / amp_vec) , 'k--') # plot but also add unity line
plt.draw() # redraw the canvas
if stim_type == "i":
print "Amplitude of " + str(pulses) + " pulses for with a latency of " + str(latency*1000) + " ms: " + str(amp_vec[i_latency]) + " nA"
if stim_type == "syn":
print "Synaptic strength of " + str(pulses) + " pulses for with a latency of " + str(latency*1000) + " ms: " + str(amp_vec[i_latency])
if isnan(amp_vec[i_latency]): # stop computation when no current in input_vec is found that triggers a spike
nan_found += 1
if nan_found > 20: # if nan was found for more than 20 times, break cycle!
return latency_vec, amp_vec, amp_init, eff_lat_vec, mean_lat_vec # latency vector, amplitude of second spike vector, initional amplitude and effective latency of two spikes
def plot(self, currlabel="control", do_freq=1):
if self.id == 0:
t1, voltage, current, g_in = self.get()
plt.plot(t1, voltage, label=currlabel)
plt.xlabel("Time [ms]")
plt.ylabel("Voltage [mV]")
plt.axis(xmin = 0, xmax = self.tstop)
plt.axis(ymin = -100, ymax = 50)
lg = plt.legend()
plt.plot(t1, current)
plt.xlabel("Time [ms]")
plt.ylabel("Current [nA]")
plt.axis(xmin=0, xmax=self.tstop)
if do_freq:
freq_times, spike_freq, freq_mean, freq_onset, spike_times, gsyn = self.if_get()
plt.lot(freq_times, spike_freq)
plt.xlabel("Time [ms]")
plt.ylabel("Rate [Hz]")
plt.axis(xmin=0, xmax=self.tstop)
def get_if(self, istart = 0, istop = 1, di = 0.01, tstop = 1*s, change_factor = 0.3):
current_vector = arange(istart,istop,di)
current_vector_local = []
spike_freq_vec = []
freq_times_vec = []
for i in range(int(self.id), len(current_vector), int(self.nhost)): # loop over all freq_used
to_run = True
if len(current_vector_local) == 0:
to_run = False
freq_vector = zeros(size(current_vector_local), dtype='d')
freq_onset_vector = zeros(size(current_vector_local), dtype='d')
if to_run:
for i, c in enumerate(current_vector_local):
print "- if current:", c
self.set_IClamp(c, delay = 0, dur = tstop+1)
print "- if clamped"
self.run_steps(1, tstop = tstop, simstep = 1*s)
print "- if ran"
freq_times, spike_freq, freq_mean, freq_onset, spike_times, gsyn = self.if_get(compute_mean=tstop, change_factor = change_factor)
freq_vector[i] = freq_mean
print "- if freq_mean:", freq_mean
print "- if spike_freq:", spike_freq
freq_onset_vector[i] = freq_onset
self.c = c
#self.stim = None
vlen = []
vlen = self.comm.allgather(len(current_vector_local), vlen) # get length first, then use proper Gather!
current_vector_all = -1 * ones( (self.comm.size, max(vlen)), dtype='d')
freq_vector_all = zeros( (self.comm.size, max(vlen)), dtype='d')
freq_onset_vector_all = zeros( (self.comm.size, max(vlen)), dtype='d')
current_vector_local = np.array(current_vector_local, dtype='d')
#if self.id == 0: print freq_vector_all, freq_vector
self.comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=[current_vector_local, MPI.DOUBLE], recvbuf=[current_vector_all, MPI.DOUBLE], root=0)
self.comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=[freq_vector, MPI.DOUBLE], recvbuf=[freq_vector_all, MPI.DOUBLE], root=0)
self.comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=[freq_onset_vector, MPI.DOUBLE], recvbuf=[freq_onset_vector_all, MPI.DOUBLE], root=0)
if self.id == 0:
current_vector_all = np.concatenate(current_vector_all)
freq_vector_all = np.concatenate(freq_vector_all)
freq_onset_vector_all = np.concatenate(freq_onset_vector_all)
i1 = argsort(current_vector_all)
i2 = i1[where(current_vector_all[i1]>-1)]
current_vector = current_vector_all[i2]
freq_vector = freq_vector_all[i2]
freq_onset_vector = freq_onset_vector_all[i2]
l = len(freq_times_vec)
for i in range(l):
#plt.plot(freq_times_vec[i][1:], abs(diff(spike_freq_vec[i])), color=plt.cm.cool(1.*i/l) )
plt.plot(freq_times_vec[i], spike_freq_vec[i], color=plt.cm.cool(1.*i/l) )
plt.savefig("./figs/dump/latest_if_trains_" + self.celltype + ".pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
return current_vector, freq_vector, freq_onset_vector
def if_plot(self, currlabel = "control", istart = 0, istop = 1, di = 0.01, ax = None):
current_vector, freq_vector, freq_onset_vector = self.get_if(istart = istart, istop = istop, di = di)
plot_if(currlabel, current_vector, freq_vector, freq_onset_vector, ax = ax, color_vec = self.color_vec)
def iv_plot(self, currlabel = "control", istart = -0.01, istop = 0.01, di = 0.001, delay = 500*ms, dur = 1500*ms, dtest = 100*ms, amp = -0.002):
current_vector = arange(istart,istop,di)
zcheck = abs(current_vector)<=1e-12 # remove 0!
if np.any(zcheck):
ic = int(where(zcheck)[0])
current_vector = delete(current_vector, ic)
v_vector = zeros(size(current_vector))
r_vector = zeros(size(current_vector))
tau_vector = zeros(size(current_vector))
for i, c in enumerate(current_vector):
self.set_IClamp(amp = c, delay = delay, dur = dur, stims = 2)
self.run_steps(0, delay + dur)
t1, voltage, current, g_in = self.get()
#plt.plot(t1, voltage)
istart = int((delay+dur-dtest) / self.dt)
istop = int((delay+dur) / self.dt)
vmean = mean(voltage[istart:istop])
istart = int((delay-dtest) / self.dt)
istop = int(delay / self.dt)
vrest = mean(voltage[istart:istop])
rmean = (vmean-vrest)/c
delay2 = delay*2
dur2 = dur - delay
R, C, tau = self.get_RCtau(amp = amp, delay = delay2, dur = dur2, do_print = 0)
#print R, tau
#t1, voltage, current, g_in = self.get()
#plt.plot(t1, voltage, 'r')
v_vector[i] = vmean
r_vector[i] = R #rmean
tau_vector[i] = tau
self.stim = None
plot_iv(currlabel, current_vector, v_vector, r_vector, tau_vector)
def refrac_plot(self, do_plot = 1, method = "onset", currlabel = "control", input_vec = arange(0.01, 1, 0.01), latency_vec = arange(1*ms, 50*ms, 1*ms), len_pulse = 0.2*ms, stim_type = "i"):
if method == "onset": # check threshold for onset spikes
latency_vec, late_amp_vec, amp_init, late_eff_lat_vec = self.get_refrac(do_plot = do_plot, input_vec = input_vec, latency_vec = latency_vec, len_pulse = len_pulse)
plot_refrac_onset(currlabel, latency_vec, late_amp_vec, amp_init, late_eff_lat_vec)
if method == "train": # check threshold for a train of spikes
if stim_type == "syn":
pulses = 2
pulses = 3
latency_vec, amp_vec, amp_init, eff_lat_vec = self.get_refrac_train(do_plot = do_plot, input_vec = input_vec, latency_vec = latency_vec, len_pulse = len_pulse, pulses = pulses, stim_type = stim_type)
plot_refrac_train(currlabel, pulses, latency_vec, amp_vec, amp_init, eff_lat_vec, stim_type)
def fun_plot(self, currlabel = "control", dowhat = "cnoise", freq_used = array([1,10,100,1000]), t_stim = 10*s, method_interpol = np.array(["linear"]), ymax = 0, ax = None, axP = None, SNR = None, VAF = None, sexp = 0, cutf = 0, method_interpol_plot = [], opt_plot = np.array([]), xmax = None):
SNR_switch = SNR
VAF_switch = VAF
VAF = []
SNR = []
if dowhat == "msine":
results = self.fun_msine_Stim(t_stim = t_stim, freq_used = freq_used, method_interpol = method_interpol)
freq_used, mag, pha, ca, voltage, current, t1 = results.get('freq_used'), results.get('mag'), results.get('pha'), results.get('ca'), results.get('voltage'), results.get('current'), results.get('t1')
freq_times, spike_freq, fmean, method_interpol = results.get('freq_times'), results.get('spike_freq'), results.get('fmean'), results.get('method_interpol')
elif dowhat == "cnoise":
results = self.fun_cnoise_Stim(t_stim = t_stim, sexp = sexp, cutf = cutf, method_interpol = method_interpol)
freq_used, mag, pha, ca, voltage, current, t1 = results.get('freq_used'), results.get('mag'), results.get('pha'), results.get('ca'), results.get('voltage'), results.get('current'), results.get('t1')
freq_times, spike_freq, fmean, method_interpol, SNR, VAF = results.get('freq_times'), results.get('spike_freq'), results.get('fmean'), results.get('method_interpol'), results.get('SNR'), results.get('VAF')
elif dowhat == "ssine":
results = self.fun_ssine_Stim_pp(freq_used = freq_used, method_interpol = method_interpol)
freq_used, vamp, mag, pha, ca, voltage, current, t1 = results.get('freq_used'), results.get('amp'), results.get('mag'), results.get('pha'), results.get('ca'), results.get('voltage'), results.get('current'), results.get('t1')
freq_times, spike_freq, fmean, method_interpol, VAF = results.get('freq_times'), results.get('spike_freq'), results.get('fmean'), results.get('method_interpol'), results.get('VAF')
ihold, amp, amp_noise = self.set_i()
if self.id == 0:
if "analytical" in opt_plot: # simplest case, only uses rm and tau, scaling necessary
rm, cm, taum = self.get_RCtau()
rm = cm = taum = 0
if hasattr(self.cell, 'tau_r') and analytical: # does model have a resonance?, plot it!!!
gr = self.cell.gr
tau_r = self.cell.tau_r
rm = self.cell.RM
cm = self.cell.CM
gr = tau_r = 0
if len(freq_times) <= 3: # Plot impedance function
if dowhat == "ssine":
mag = mag[0,:]
pha = pha[0,:]
plot_impedance(currlabel, freq_used, mag, pha, ca, t1, current, voltage, rm, cm, gr,tau_r)
else: # Plot transfer function
if "if" in opt_plot:
Vrest = self.cell.soma(0.5).pas.e*mV
Vth = self.cell.spkout.thresh*mV
Vreset = self.cell.spkout.vrefrac*mV
Vreset = 0*mV; Vth = 1*mV; Vrest = 0*mV
print "Mean rate: " + str(fmean)
# Turn it off if set to zero
if SNR_switch == 0: SNR = None
if VAF_switch == 0: VAF = None
if xmax is not None:
iend = mlab.find(freq_used >= xmax)[0]
freq_used = freq_used[0:iend]
mag = mag[:,0:iend]
pha = pha[:,0:iend]
plot_transfer(currlabel, freq_used, mag, pha, t1, current, voltage, freq_times, spike_freq, taum, fmean, ihold, rm, Vreset, Vth, Vrest, method_interpol, method_interpol_plot, ymax = ymax, SNR = SNR, VAF = VAF, ax = ax, axP = axP, color_vec = self.color_vec, opt_plot = opt_plot, linewidth = self.linewidth)
return VAF, SNR, mag, pha, freq_used
def save_file(self, currtitle, data = None, directory = "./figs/"):
from datetime import datetime
import re
import h5py
def make_name(filename):
badchars1 = re.compile(r'[: ]+|^\.|\.$|^ | $|^$')
badchars2 = re.compile(r'[^A-Za-z0-9_.]+|^\.|\.$|^ | $|^$')
filename = badchars1.sub('', filename)
filename = badchars2.sub('_', filename)
return filename.lower()
idate = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M') # %S
if not os.path.exists(directory): # create directory if necessary
filename = directory + idate + "-" + make_name(currtitle) + ".hdf5"
f = h5py.File(filename)
for i in range(len(data.keys())):
dset = f.create_dataset(data.keys()[i], data=data[data.keys()[i]], compression = 'gzip', compression_opts = 6)
# test code
if __name__ == '__main__':
# RUN: mpdboot -n 5 -f /home/chris/mpd.hosts --chkup -v -d
# mpiexec -n 5 Stimulation.py
# mpdallexit
# pcmd 'mpdallexit; mpdcleanup'
from Stimulation import *
from Plotter import *
from Stimhelp import *
from cells.PassiveCell import *
from cells.ActiveCell import *
from cells.IfCell import *
from cells.T1Cell import *
do_run = 1
pickle_prefix = "Stimulation.py"
if results.norun: # do not run again use pickled files!
print "- Not running, using saved files"
do_run = 0
fig_size = [11.7, 8.3]
params = {'backend': 'ps', 'axes.labelsize': 9, 'axes.linewidth' : 0.5, 'title.fontsize': 8, 'text.fontsize': 9,
'legend.borderpad': 0.2, 'legend.fontsize': 8, 'legend.linewidth': 0.1, 'legend.loc': 'best', # 'lower right'
'legend.ncol': 4, 'xtick.labelsize': 8, 'ytick.labelsize': 8, 'text.usetex': False, 'figure.figsize': fig_size}
#do = array(["onset_refractory" , "train_refractory", "train_refractory_syn", "impedance", "iftransfer_ssine"]) # not parallel
do = array(["impedance"])
#do = array(["train_refractory_syn"])
#do = array(["onset_refractory"]) # not parallel
#do = array(["ifplot"])
#do = array(["iftransfer"])
#do = array(["stim_reconstruct_jitter"])
#do = array(["stim_reconstruct"])
#do = array(["CF"])
#do = array(["tau_if"])
#do = array(["iftransfer_syn"])
#do = array(["grc_transfer_syn"])
#do = array(["grc_transfer_fit"])
#do = array(["grc_IF"])
#do = array(["grc_cnoise_transfer_fit"])
do = array(["ifpulse"])
do = array(["prk_if"])
if "ifplot" in do:
ih = 0.01
cell = ActiveCell(L_diam = 100)
#cell = PassiveCell(GS = 1, CS = 10)
sim = Stimulation(cell, temperature = 6.3)
sim = None
sim = Stimulation(cell, temperature = 6.3)
sim.get_RCtau(amp = -0.02, delay = 50*ms)
t1, voltage, current, g_in = sim.get()
plt.plot(t1, voltage, 'b')
#sim.if_plot(currlabel = "control", istart = 0, istop = 0.3, di = 0.01)
sim = None
sim = Stimulation(cell, temperature = 6.3)
sim.set_Gfluct(E_e = 0*mV, E_i = -75*mV, g_e0 = 0.00*uS, g_i0 = 0.0001*uS, std_e = 0.0002*uS, std_i = 0.001*uS, tau_e = 2*ms, tau_i = 10*ms)
sim.get_RCtau(amp = -0.02, delay = 50*ms)
t1, voltage, current, g_in = sim.get()
plt.plot(t1, voltage, 'r')
#sim.if_plot(currlabel = "control", istart = 0, istop = 0.3, di = 0.01)
sim = None
#sim = Stimulation(cell, temperature = 6.3)
#sim = None
plt.clf() # delete figure
cell = None
sim = None
if "ifpulse" in do:
from templates.granule.GRANULE_Cell import Grc
cell = Grc(np.array([0.,0.,0.]))
sim = Stimulation(cell, temperature = 37)
sim.dt = 0.02*ms
sim.icloc = "soma(0.5)"
sim.set_IClamp(amp = 0.016*nA, delay = 100*ms, dur = 2000*ms)
stim = h.IClamp(cell.soma(0.2))
stim.amp = 0.1*nA
stim.delay = 1000
stim.dur = 10
#stim2 = h.IClamp(cell.soma(0.2))
#stim2.amp = 0.05
#stim2.delay = 900
#stim2.dur = 200
tstop = 2200*ms
sim.run(1, tstop)
t1, voltage, current, g_in = sim.get()
freq_times, spike_freq, freq_mean, freq_onset, spike_times, gsyn = sim.if_get(compute_mean = 0)
print "freq_times: " + str(spike_freq)
plot(t1, voltage)
plot(freq_times, spike_freq)
if "train_refractory_syn" in do:
di = 0.00001*uS; istart = di; istop = 0.01*uS; # uS
g_vec = arange(istart, istop, di) # vector of synaptic strengths that will be analyzed
lsteps = 1*ms; lstart = lsteps; lstop = 40*ms
latency_vec = arange(lstart, lstop, lsteps) # array of spike latencies we want to examine
cell = ActiveCell()
sim = Stimulation(cell, temperature = 6.3)
sim.set_IClamp(amp = 0.001*nA, delay = 10*ms, dur = 1000*ms)
sim.refrac_plot(currlabel = "control", method = "train", do_plot = 1, input_vec = g_vec, latency_vec = latency_vec, stim_type = "syn")
from datetime import datetime
idate = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M') # %S
savefig("./figs/" + idate + "-refractory_syn_train_ActiveCell.pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
plt.clf() # delete figure
cell = None
sim = None
if "onset_refractory" in do:
di = 0.01; istart = di; istop = 1; # nA
current_vec = arange(istart, istop, di) # vector of currents that will be analyzed
lsteps = 1*ms; lstart = lsteps; lstop = 30*ms
latency_vec = arange(lstart, lstop, lsteps) # array of spike latencies we want to examine
cell = ActiveCell()
sim = Stimulation(cell, temperature = 6.3)
sim.refrac_plot(currlabel = "control", method = "onset", do_plot = 1, input_vec = current_vec, latency_vec = latency_vec)
from datetime import datetime
idate = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M') # %S
savefig("./figs/" + idate + "-refractory_onset_ActiveCell.pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
plt.clf() # delete figure
if "train_refractory" in do:
di = 0.01; istart = di; istop = 1; # nA
current_vec = arange(istart, istop, di) # vector of currents that will be analyzed
lsteps = 1*ms; lstart = lsteps; lstop = 30*ms
latency_vec = arange(lstart, lstop, lsteps) # array of spike latencies we want to examine
cell = ActiveCell()
sim = Stimulation(cell, temperature = 6.3)
sim.refrac_plot(currlabel = "control", method = "train", do_plot = 1, input_vec = current_vec, latency_vec = latency_vec)
from datetime import datetime
idate = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M') # %S
savefig("./figs/" + idate + "-refractory_train_ActiveCell.pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
plt.clf() # delete figure
cell = None
sim = None
if "impedance" in do:
freq_used = array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000])
freq_used = array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100])
cell = PassiveCell()
from templates.granule.GRANULE_Cell import Grc
cell = Grc(np.array([0.,0.,0.]))
sim = Stimulation(cell, temperature = 0)
sim.amp = 0.0005*nA
sim.ihold = 0.002*nA
sim.fun_plot("Single Sine", "ssine", freq_used = freq_used)
from datetime import datetime
idate = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M') # %S
savefig("./figs/" + idate + "-impedance_GrC.pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
#sim.fun_plot("Multi Sine", "msine", freq_used = freq_used, t_stim = 100) # rm [MOhm], cm [nF] TEST CELL
sim.fun_plot("Colored Noise", "cnoise", t_stim = 100)
cell = None
sim = None
from datetime import datetime
idate = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M') # %S
savefig("./figs/" + idate + "-impedance_GrC.pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
plt.clf() # delete figure
# construct frequencies
freq_used = concatenate((arange(0.1, 1, 0.1), arange(1, 501, 1) ))
freq_used = arange(1, 501, 1) #arange(10, 51, 1)
f_rem = array([54,55,107,110,163,164,217,219,272,273,327,326,435,436,491,354,409,463,380,490,108,109,328,381])
if_rem = zeros(len(f_rem))
for i in range(len(f_rem)):
if_rem[i] = int(where(freq_used==f_rem[i])[0])
freq_used = delete(freq_used, if_rem.T)
freq_used = array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000])
#print freq_used
#freq_used = array([1,10,100,1000])
if "iftransfer" in do:
t_stim = 100*s
celltype = "IfCell"
cell_exe = "cell = IfCell()"
exec cell_exe
#cell.add_resonance(tau_r = 100*ms, gr = 0.0005*uS)
#sim.set_Ifluct(sigma = amp*0.1, tau = 0.1*ms)
sim = Stimulation(cell, celltype = celltype, cell_exe = cell_exe, temperature = 0, do_run = do_run, pickle_prefix = pickle_prefix)
sim.ihold = 50
sim.amod = 0.1
sim.give_freq = True
opt_plot = np.array(["only_mag", "normalize", "analytical", "if", "loglog"])
sexp = 0; cutf = 0
from datetime import datetime
idate = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M') # %S
suptitle("Transfer function of a " + celltype)
currtitle = "colored noise, " + celltype + ", amp: " + str(sim.amp) + ", ihold: " + str(sim.ihold)
method_interpol = np.array(["linear", "dt"])
sim.fun_plot(currtitle, "cnoise", freq_used = freq_used, t_stim = t_stim, SNR = 0, method_interpol = method_interpol, sexp = sexp, cutf = cutf, opt_plot = opt_plot)
savefig("./figs/" + idate + "-cnoise_transfer_" + celltype + "_ihold" + str(sim.ihold) + "_amp" + str(sim.amp) + ".pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
currtitle = "single sine, " + celltype + ", amp: " + str(sim.amp) + ", ihold: " + str(sim.ihold)
method_interpol = np.array(["none", "linear", "dt"])
sim.fun_plot(currtitle, "ssine", freq_used = freq_used, VAF = 0, method_interpol = method_interpol, opt_plot = opt_plot)
savefig("./figs/" + idate + "-ssine_transfer_" + celltype + "_ihold" + str(sim.ihold) + "_amp" + str(sim.amp) + ".pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
sim.jitter = 1*ms
idate = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M') # %S
suptitle("Transfer function of a " + celltype)
currtitle = "colored noise, " + celltype + ", amp: " + str(sim.amp) + ", ihold: " + str(sim.ihold)
method_interpol = np.array(["linear", "dt"])
sim.fun_plot(currtitle, "cnoise", freq_used = freq_used, t_stim = t_stim, SNR = 0, method_interpol=method_interpol, sexp = sexp, cutf = cutf, opt_plot = opt_plot)
savefig("./figs/" + idate + "-cnoise_jitter__transfer_" + celltype + "_ihold" + str(sim.ihold) + "_amp" + str(sim.amp) + ".pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
currtitle = "single sine, " + celltype + ", amp: " + str(sim.amp) + ", ihold: " + str(sim.ihold)
method_interpol = np.array(["none", "linear", "dt"])
sim.fun_plot(currtitle, "ssine", freq_used = freq_used, VAF = 0, method_interpol=method_interpol, opt_plot = opt_plot)
savefig("./figs/" + idate + "-ssine_jitter_transfer_" + celltype + "_ihold" + str(sim.ihold) + "_amp" + str(sim.amp) + ".pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
print "Finished"
plt.clf() # delete figure
if "grc_IF" in do:
fig = figure()
gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(1, 3,
ax1 = subplot(gs[0,0])
ax2 = subplot(gs[0,1])
ax3 = subplot(gs[0,2])
gs.update(bottom=0.63, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.3, top=0.97, left=0.1, right=0.90)
gs2 = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1,
gs2.update(bottom=0.17, wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1, top=0.45, left=0.1, right=0.90)
ax5 = subplot(gs2[0,0])
cellimport = "from templates.granule.GRANULE_Cell import Grc"
celltype = "Grc"
cell_exe = "cell = Grc(np.array([0.,0.,0.]))"
prefix = "grc"
exec cellimport
exec cell_exe
istart = 0.00568
istop = 0.008
di = 0.001
sim = Stimulation(cell, temperature = 37)
ie = 0.00567*nA
sim.set_IClamp(ie, delay = 50*ms, dur = 800*ms)
sim.run(1, tstop=1000*ms)
t1, voltage, current, g_in = sim.get()
ax1.plot(t1, voltage, linewidth=1)
sim.stim = None
# Step
ie = 0.00568*nA
sim.set_IClamp(ie, delay = 50*ms, dur = 800*ms)
sim.run(1, tstop=1000*ms)
t1, voltage, current, g_in = sim.get()
ax2.plot(t1, voltage, linewidth=1)
sim.stim = None
# Step
ie = 0.00569*nA
sim.set_IClamp(ie, delay = 50*ms, dur = 800*ms)
sim.run(1, tstop=1000*ms)
t1, voltage, current, g_in = sim.get()
ax3.plot(t1, voltage, linewidth=1)
sim.stim = None
# I/F Plot
current_vector = arange(istart,istop,di)
freq_vector = zeros(size(current_vector))
freq_onset_vector = zeros(size(current_vector))
num_spikes_vector = zeros(size(current_vector))
for i, c in enumerate(current_vector):
sim.set_IClamp(c, delay = 100*ms, dur = 5000*ms)
sim.run(1, tstop = 2100*ms)
freq_times, spike_freq, freq_mean, freq_onset, spike_times, gsyn = sim.if_get()
freq_vector[i] = mean(spike_freq)
freq_onset_vector[i] = freq_onset
num_spikes_vector[i] = len(spike_freq)
sim.c = c
ax5.plot(current_vector, freq_vector)
ax5.axis(xmin=0, xmax=current_vector[-1])
if "grc_transfer_fit" in do:
from scipy.optimize import fmin, leastsq
from lmfit import minimize, Parameters, Parameter, report_errors
ihold = 40
xmax = 39
fit_end = 20
#xmax = 100
#fit_end = 100
amp = 0
amod = 0.1
istart = 0.004
istop = 0.02
di = 0.001
sexp = 0
cutf = 0
cellimport = "from templates.granule.GRANULE_Cell import Grc"
celltype = "Grc"
cell_exe = "cell = Grc(np.array([0.,0.,0.]))"
pickle_prefix = "cell_grc"
exec cellimport
exec cell_exe
temperature = 37
give_freq = True
SNR = None
NI = None
icloc = "soma(0.5)"
pickle_prefix = pickle_prefix + "_transfer_fit"
freq_used0 = concatenate(( arange(0.5, xmax+0.5, 0.5), array([]) )) #, arange(210, 1010, 10) ))
sim = Stimulation(cell, celltype = celltype, cell_exe = cell_exe, temperature = temperature, do_run = do_run, pickle_prefix = pickle_prefix, give_freq = give_freq, istart = istart, istop = istop, di = di)
if sim.id == 0: rm, cm, taum = sim.get_RCtau()
sim.spikes_from_neuron = False
sim.del_freq = array([20])
sim.ihold = ihold
sim.amp = amp
sim.amod = amod
method_interpol = np.array(["none"])
results = sim.fun_ssine_Stim_pp(freq_used = freq_used0, method_interpol = method_interpol)
if sim.id == 0:
ax1 = plt.subplot(1,2,1)
ax2 = plt.subplot(1,2,2)
freq_used, vamp, mag, pha, ca, voltage, current, t1 = results.get('freq_used'), results.get('amp'), results.get('mag'), results.get('pha'), results.get('ca'), results.get('voltage'), results.get('current'), results.get('t1')
freq_times, spike_freq, fmean, method_interpol, VAF = results.get('freq_times'), results.get('spike_freq'), results.get('fmean'), results.get('method_interpol'), results.get('VAF')
new_end = find(freq_used >= fit_end)[0] # do not used all frequencies
freq_used = freq_used[0:new_end]
mag1 = mag[0,0:new_end] / mag[0,0]
pha1 = pha[0,0:new_end]
H_goal = (mag1 * exp(pi / 180 * 1j * pha1))
#scale = 1/mag1[0]
scale = 1
ax1.semilogx(freq_used, 20*log10(mag1*scale), '-') # 20*log10
ax2.semilogx(freq_used, pha1, '-')
H, H0 = aiftransfer(freq_used, tau = 26.6*1e-3, f0 = ihold, i0 = 0)
magA = abs(H)
phaA = angle(H, deg = True) # Transfer Phase in degree
phaA = unwrap(angle(H)) * (180 / pi)
scale = 1/magA[0]
ax1.semilogx(freq_used, 20*log10(magA*scale), 'k--') # 20*log10
ax2.semilogx(freq_used, phaA, 'k--')
tau_fit, scale_fit, H_fit, delta_t_fit = fit_aiftransfer(freq_used, H_goal, f0 = ihold, i0 = 0)
print "fit theor., tau=" + str(tau_fit/ms) + "ms, delta_t:", str(delta_t_fit/ms), "ms"
magA = abs(H_fit)
phaA = angle(H_fit, deg = True) # Transfer Phase in degree
phaA = unwrap(angle(H_fit)) * (180 / pi)
scale = 1/magA[0]
ax1.semilogx(freq_used, 20*log10(magA*scale), 'r--') # 20*log10
ax2.semilogx(freq_used, phaA, 'r--')
plt.savefig("./figs/latest_grc_transfer.pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
H_goal = None
H_goal = sim.comm.bcast(H_goal, root=0)
sim = None
cell = None
#CM = (9.76*1e-4)**2 * np.pi / cm = 2.9926057635859505e-06 uF = 3e-06 uF
# OLD:
# GrC resting: 737 MOhm, 2.985e-06 uF tau: 0.0022 s, with GrC transfer fit: tau: 0.02129 s => with 3e-06 uF, R = 0.02129/3e-12 = 7097 MOhm
# e = -71.5*mV, thresh = -36*mV, vrefrac = -60*mV => thresh-e = 35.5*mV; i_reho_orig = 0.00568*nA
# OLD, fit to MAG + PHASE: with GrC transfer fit: tau: 0.02658 s => with 3e-06 uF, R = 0.02658/3e-12 = 8860 MOhm
# 1/R + gr = 1/737*MOhm + gr = 1/9045*MOhm => gr = 1/9045-1/737 = -0.0012462*uS
# i_rheo = 1/9045*MOhm * 35.5*mV = 3.9248e-12 = 0.0039248*nA
# i_reho_orig * 9045*MOhm = 51.37*mV = thresh-e => thresh = 51.37+-71.5 = -20.13
gr = 5.56626611714e-05*uS
tau_r = 19.6497147661*ms
R = 5226.95424101*MOhm
delta_t = 4.85115500258*ms
thresh = (0.00568*nA * R) - 71.5*mV #-31.18
#tau_passive = 3e-06*5226.95424101 = 15.7ms
p0 = array([tau_r, gr, R, delta_t]) # thresh, tau_r, gr
def peval(freq_used0, p):
gr = p[1]
tau_r = p[0]
R = p[2] # 737*MOhm
#R = 8860*MOhm
#R = 7097*MOhm
#gr2 = p[4]
#tau_r2 = p[3]
delta_t = p[3]
#gr = p['gr'].value
#tau_r = p['tau_r'].value
#R = p['R'].value
#gr2 = p['gr2'].value
#tau_r2 = p['tau_r2'].value
#thresh = (0.00568*nA * (1/(1/(R) + gr))) - 71.5*mV # keep same rheobase!!!
thresh = (0.00568*nA * R) - 71.5*mV
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: print "thresh:", thresh, "gr:", gr, "tau_r:", tau_r, "R:", R
celltype = "IfCell"
#cell_exe = "cell = IfCell(C = 2.985e-06*uF, R = " + str(R) + ", e = -71.5*mV, thresh =" + str(thresh) + ", vrefrac = -60*mV); cell.add_resonance_spike(tau_r =" + str(tau_r) + ", gr =" + str(gr) + ")"
cell_exe = "cell = IfCell(C = 3e-06*uF, R = " + str(R) + ", e = -71.5*mV, thresh =" + str(thresh) + ", vrefrac = -71.5*mV, dgk =" + str(gr) + ", egk = -71.5*mV, ctau =" + str(tau_r) + ")"
#cell_exe = "cell = IfCell(C = 3e-06*uF, R = " + str(R) + ", e = -71.5*mV, thresh =" + str(thresh) + ", vrefrac = -71.5*mV, dgk =" + str(gr) + ", egk = -71.5*mV, ctau =" + str(tau_r) + ", dgk2 =" + str(gr2) + ", dtau =" + str(tau_r2) + ")"
exec cell_exe
istart = 0.004
istop = 0.02
di = 0.0001
give_freq = True
sim = Stimulation(cell, celltype = celltype, cell_exe = cell_exe, temperature = 0, do_run = 1, give_freq = give_freq, istart = istart, istop = istop, di = di)
sim.spikes_from_neuron = False
sim.ihold = ihold
sim.amp = amp
sim.amod = amod
sim.del_freq = array([20])
sim.delta_t = delta_t
method_interpol = np.array(["none"])
results = sim.fun_ssine_Stim_pp(freq_used = freq_used0, method_interpol = method_interpol)
sim = None
cell = None
return results
def residuals(p, H_goal, freq_used, fit_end):
results = peval(freq_used, p)
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
freq_used, vamp, mag, pha, ca, voltage, current, t1 = results.get('freq_used'), results.get('amp'), results.get('mag'), results.get('pha'), results.get('ca'), results.get('voltage'), results.get('current'), results.get('t1')
freq_times, spike_freq, fmean, method_interpol, VAF = results.get('freq_times'), results.get('spike_freq'), results.get('fmean'), results.get('method_interpol'), results.get('VAF')
new_end = find(freq_used >= fit_end)[0] # do not used all frequencies
freq_used = freq_used[0:new_end]
mag1 = mag[0,0:new_end] / mag[0,0]
pha1 = pha[0,0:new_end]
H = (mag1 * exp(pi / 180 * 1j * pha1))
#gr = p[1]
#tau_r = p[0]
#R = p[2] # 737*MOhm
#R = 8860*MOhm
## NEW:
gr = p[1]
tau_r = p[0]
R = p[2]
#R = 7097*MOhm
#gr2 = p[4]
#tau_r2 = p[3]
delta_t = p[3]
#gr = p['gr'].value
#tau_r = p['tau_r'].value
#R = p['R'].value
#gr2 = p['gr2'].value
#tau_r2 = p['tau_r2'].value
#thresh = (0.00568*nA * R) - 71.5*mV
#if thresh < -71.5*mV or thresh > 0*mV:
# H = H*0
thresh_goal = -36*mV
err_thresh = 0.1*abs(thresh_goal - thresh)
H_goal = H_goal[0:new_end]
mag_goal = abs(H_goal)
pha_goal = unwrap(angle(H_goal)) * (180 / pi)
err_mag = (abs(H_goal) - abs(H))**2
err_pha = ((unwrap(angle(H_goal)) - unwrap(angle(H))) * 180/pi)**2
err = sum( err_mag + err_pha + err_thresh )
err = sum( ( concatenate((real(H_goal), imag(H_goal), np.array([0.1*thresh_goal]))) - concatenate((real(H), imag(H), np.array([0.1*thresh]))) )**2 )
err = sum( ( concatenate((real(H_goal), imag(H_goal) )) - concatenate((real(H), imag(H))) )**2 )
#err = sum( err_mag )
#err = ( concatenate((real(H_goal), imag(H_goal) )) - concatenate((real(H), imag(H))) )**2
tau = 3e-06*uF * R
HA, _ = aiftransfer(freq_used, tau = tau, f0 = 40, i0 = 0, delta_t = delta_t)
print "TAU:",tau, p
magA = abs(HA)/HA[0]
phaA = unwrap(angle(HA)) * (180 / pi)
ax1 = plt.subplot(1,3,1)
ax2 = plt.subplot(1,3,2)
ax3 = plt.subplot(1,3,3)
ax1.semilogx(freq_used, 20*log10(mag1), 'g-')
ax2.semilogx(freq_used, pha1, 'g-')
ax3.plot(concatenate((real(H), imag(H), np.array([0.1*thresh]))), 'g-')
ax1.semilogx(freq_used, 20*log10(mag_goal), 'b-')
ax2.semilogx(freq_used, pha_goal, 'b-')
ax3.plot(concatenate((real(H_goal), imag(H_goal), np.array([0.1*thresh_goal]))), 'b-')
ax1.semilogx(freq_used, 20*log10(magA), 'k--')
ax2.semilogx(freq_used, phaA, 'k--')
ax3.plot(concatenate((real(HA), imag(HA))), 'k--')
#ax1.semilogx(freq_used, 20*log10(err_mag), 'r-')
#ax2.semilogx(freq_used, err_pha, 'r-')
plt.savefig("./figs/latest_grc_transfer_fit.pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
err = None
err = MPI.COMM_WORLD.bcast(err, root=0)
return err
# create a set of Parameters
#p = Parameters()
#p.add('tau_r', value = tau_r, min = 0, max = 50*ms)
#p.add('gr', value = gr, min = 0, max = 1*uS)
#p.add('R', value = R, min = 100, max = 10000*MOhm)
#p.add('tau_r2', value = tau_r2, min = 0, max = 50*ms)
#p.add('gr2', value = gr2, min = -1*uS, max = 0*uS)
#result = minimize(residuals, p, args=(H_goal, freq_used0, fit_end), method='leastsq') # 'nelder'
plsq = fmin(residuals, p0, args=(H_goal, freq_used0, fit_end)) # fmin
p = plsq
#gr = p[1]
#tau_r = p[0]
#R = p[2] # 737*MOhm
#R = 8860*MOhm
#thresh = (0.00568*nA * (1/(1/(R) + gr))) - 71.5*mV # keep same rheobase!!!
#thresh = (0.00568*nA * R) - 71.5*mV
#thresh = -20.13*mV
gr = p[1]
tau_r = p[0]
R = p[2] # 737*MOhm
#R = 7097*MOhm
#gr2 = p[4]
#tau_r2 = p[3]
delta_t = p[3]
#thresh = (0.00568*nA * (1/(1/(R) + gr))) - 71.5*mV # keep same rheobase!!!
thresh = (0.00568*nA * R) - 71.5*mV
#thresh = -20.13*mV
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: print "FINAL: thresh:", thresh, "gr:", gr, "tau_r:", tau_r, "R:", R, ",delta_t:", delta_t #, "gr2:", gr2, "tau_r2:", tau_r2
#if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
# print "FINAL: ", p
# report_errors(p)
if "grc_cnoise_transfer_fit" in do:
t_stim = 200*s
from scipy.optimize import fmin, leastsq
ihold = 40
xmax = 39
fit_end = 39
xmax = 20
fit_end = 20
amp = 0
amod = 0.1
istart = 0.004
istop = 0.02
di = 0.001
sexp = 0
cutf = 0
cutf = 20
sexp = -1
cellimport = "from templates.granule.GRANULE_Cell import Grc"
celltype = "Grc"
cell_exe = "cell = Grc(np.array([0.,0.,0.]))"
pickle_prefix = "cell_grc"
exec cellimport
exec cell_exe
temperature = 37
give_freq = True
SNR = None
NI = None
icloc = "soma(0.5)"
pickle_prefix = pickle_prefix + "_transfer_fit"
sim = Stimulation(cell, celltype = celltype, cell_exe = cell_exe, temperature = temperature, do_run = do_run, pickle_prefix = pickle_prefix, give_freq = give_freq, istart = istart, istop = istop, di = di)
sim.spikes_from_neuron = False
sim.ihold = ihold
sim.amp = amp
sim.amod = amod
method_interpol = np.array(["dt"])
results = sim.fun_cnoise_Stim(t_stim = t_stim, sexp = sexp, cutf = cutf, method_interpol = method_interpol)
if sim.id == 0:
ax1 = plt.subplot(1,3,1)
ax2 = plt.subplot(1,3,2)
ax3 = plt.subplot(1,3,3)
freq_used, mag, pha, ca, voltage, current, t1 = results.get('freq_used'), results.get('mag'), results.get('pha'), results.get('ca'), results.get('voltage'), results.get('current'), results.get('t1')
freq_times, spike_freq, fmean, method_interpol, SNR, VAF = results.get('freq_times'), results.get('spike_freq'), results.get('fmean'), results.get('method_interpol'), results.get('SNR'), results.get('VAF')
new_end = find(freq_used >= fit_end)[0] # do not used all frequencies
freq_used = freq_used[0:new_end]
mag1 = mag[0,0:new_end] / mag[0,0]
pha1 = pha[0,0:new_end]
H_goal = (mag1 * exp(pi / 180 * 1j * pha1))
scale = 1
#scale = 1/mag1[0]
ax1.semilogx(freq_used, 20*log10(mag1*scale), '-') # 20*log10
ax2.semilogx(freq_used, pha1, '-')
ax3.plot(concatenate((real(H_goal), imag(H_goal))), '-')
plt.savefig("./figs/latest_grc_cnoise_transfer.pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
H_goal = None
H_goal = sim.comm.bcast(H_goal, root=0)
sim = None
cell = None
gr = 5.78815e-05*uS
tau_r = 0.018916
R = 8860*MOhm
thresh = (0.00568*nA * R) - 71.5*mV #-21.175
#tau_passive = 3e-06*8860 = 26.58ms
gr2 = -10e-05*uS
tau_r2 = 0.005
p0 = array([tau_r, gr, R, tau_r2, gr2]) # thresh, tau_r, gr
def peval(p, cutf, sexp, t_stim):
gr = p[1]
tau_r = p[0]
R = p[2] # 737*MOhm
#R = 8860*MOhm
gr2 = p[4]
tau_r2 = p[3]
#thresh = (0.00568*nA * (1/(1/(R) + gr))) - 71.5*mV # keep same rheobase!!!
thresh = (0.00568*nA * R) - 71.5*mV
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: print "thresh:", thresh, "gr:", gr, "tau_r:", tau_r, "R:", R, "gr2:", gr2, "tau_r2:", tau_r2
celltype = "IfCell"
#cell_exe = "cell = IfCell(C = 3e-06*uF, R = " + str(R) + ", e = -71.5*mV, thresh =" + str(thresh) + ", vrefrac = -60*mV, dgk =" + str(gr) + ", egk = -71.5*mV, ctau =" + str(tau_r) + ")"
cell_exe = "cell = IfCell(C = 3e-06*uF, R = " + str(R) + ", e = -71.5*mV, thresh =" + str(thresh) + ", vrefrac = -71.5*mV, dgk =" + str(gr) + ", egk = -71.5*mV, ctau =" + str(tau_r) + ", dgk2 =" + str(gr2) + ", dtau =" + str(tau_r2) + ")"
exec cell_exe
istart = 0.003
istop = 0.02
di = 0.001
give_freq = True
sim = Stimulation(cell, celltype = celltype, cell_exe = cell_exe, temperature = 0, do_run = 1, give_freq = give_freq, istart = istart, istop = istop, di = di)
sim.spikes_from_neuron = False
sim.ihold = ihold
sim.amp = amp
sim.amod = amod
method_interpol = np.array(["dt"])
results = sim.fun_cnoise_Stim(t_stim = t_stim, sexp = sexp, cutf = cutf, method_interpol = method_interpol)
sim = None
cell = None
return results
def residuals(p, H_goal, fit_end, cutf, sexp, t_stim):
results = peval(p, cutf, sexp, t_stim)
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
freq_used, vamp, mag, pha, ca, voltage, current, t1 = results.get('freq_used'), results.get('amp'), results.get('mag'), results.get('pha'), results.get('ca'), results.get('voltage'), results.get('current'), results.get('t1')
freq_times, spike_freq, fmean, method_interpol, VAF = results.get('freq_times'), results.get('spike_freq'), results.get('fmean'), results.get('method_interpol'), results.get('VAF')
new_end = find(freq_used >= fit_end)[0] # do not used all frequencies
freq_used = freq_used[0:new_end]
mag1 = mag[0,0:new_end] / mag[0,0]
pha1 = pha[0,0:new_end]
H = (mag1 * exp(pi / 180 * 1j * pha1))
## NEW:
gr = p[1]
tau_r = p[0]
R = p[2]
gr2 = p[4]
tau_r2 = p[3]
thresh = (0.00568*nA * R) - 71.5*mV
#if thresh < -71.5*mV or thresh > 0*mV:
# H = H*0
H_goal = H_goal[0:new_end]
mag_goal = abs(H_goal)
pha_goal = unwrap(angle(H_goal)) * (180 / pi)
#err = sum( abs(H_goal - H)**2 )
err = sum( ( concatenate((real(H_goal), imag(H_goal))) - concatenate((real(H), imag(H))) )**2 )
tau = 3e-06*uF * R
H1, H0 = aiftransfer(freq_used, tau = tau, f0 = 40)
HA = H1/H0
#HA = HA / H[0]
print "TAU:",tau
magA = abs(HA)/HA[0]
phaA = unwrap(angle(HA)) * (180 / pi)
ax1 = plt.subplot(1,3,1)
ax2 = plt.subplot(1,3,2)
ax3 = plt.subplot(1,3,3)
ax1.semilogx(freq_used, 20*log10(mag1), 'g-')
ax2.semilogx(freq_used, pha1, 'g-')
ax3.plot(concatenate((real(H), imag(H))), 'g-')
ax1.semilogx(freq_used, 20*log10(mag_goal), 'b-')
ax2.semilogx(freq_used, pha_goal, 'b-')
ax3.plot(concatenate((real(H_goal), imag(H_goal))), 'b-')
ax1.semilogx(freq_used, 20*log10(magA), 'k--')
ax2.semilogx(freq_used, phaA, 'k--')
ax3.plot(concatenate((real(HA), imag(HA))), 'k--')
plt.savefig("./figs/latest_grc_cnoise_transfer_fit.pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
err = None
err = MPI.COMM_WORLD.bcast(err, root=0)
return err
t_stim = 100*s
plsq = fmin(residuals, p0, args=(H_goal, fit_end, cutf, sexp, t_stim)) # fmin
p = plsq
gr = p[1]
tau_r = p[0]
R = p[2] # 737*MOhm
gr2 = p[4]
tau_r2 = p[3]
thresh = (0.00568*nA * R) - 71.5*mV
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: print "FINAL: thresh:", thresh, "gr:", gr, "tau_r:", tau_r, "R:", R, "gr2:", gr2, "tau_r2:", tau_r2
if "iftransfer_syn" in do:
t_stim = 100*s
celltype = "IfCell"
cell_exe = "cell = IfCell()"
exec cell_exe
sim = Stimulation(cell, celltype = celltype, cell_exe = cell_exe, temperature = 0, do_run = do_run, pickle_prefix = pickle_prefix)
sim.ihold = 50
sim.amod = 0.5
sim.give_freq = True
sim.syn_n = 4
sim.syn_g = 0.001
sim.syn_noise = 0
sim.syn_tau1 = 0*ms
sim.syn_tau2 = 50*ms
sexp = 0
cutf = 0
from datetime import datetime
idate = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M') # %S
suptitle("Transfer function of a " + celltype)
currtitle = "colored noise, " + celltype + ", amod: " + str(sim.amod) + ", ihold: " + str(sim.ihold) + ", syn_n: " + str(sim.syn_n) + ", syn_g: " + str(sim.syn_g) + ", syn_noise: " + str(sim.syn_noise) + ", syn_tau: " + str(sim.syn_tau1) + "/" + str(sim.syn_tau2)
opt_plot = np.array(["only_mag", "normalize", "analytical", "if", "loglog"])
#opt_plot = np.array(["analytical", "if"])
sexp = 0; cutf = 0
method_interpol = np.array(["linear", "dt"])
sim.fun_plot(currtitle, "cnoise", freq_used = freq_used, t_stim = t_stim, SNR = 0, method_interpol = method_interpol, sexp = sexp, cutf = cutf, opt_plot = opt_plot)
savefig("./figs/" + idate + "-cnoise_transfer_syn_" + celltype + "_ihold" + str(sim.ihold) + "_amp" + str(sim.amp) + ".pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
currtitle = "single sine, " + celltype + ", amod: " + str(sim.amod) + ", ihold: " + str(sim.ihold)
method_interpol = np.array(["none", "linear", "dt"])
sim.fun_plot(currtitle, "ssine", freq_used = freq_used, VAF = 0, method_interpol = method_interpol, opt_plot = opt_plot)
savefig("./figs/" + idate + "-ssine_transfer_syn_" + celltype + "_ihold" + str(sim.ihold) + "_amp" + str(sim.amp) + ".pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
print "Finished"
plt.clf() # delete figure
if "grc_transfer_syn" in do:
freq_used = array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000])
freq_used = array([1, 10, 100, 1000])
t_stim = 100*s
cellimport = "from templates.granule.GRANULE_Cell import Grc"
celltype = "Grc"
cell_exe = "cell = Grc(np.array([0.,0.,0.]))"
exec cellimport
exec cell_exe
temperature = 37
give_freq = True
SNR = None
NI = None
sexp = 2
cutf = 0
sexp = -1
cutf = 20
sim = Stimulation(cell, celltype = celltype, cell_exe = cell_exe, temperature = temperature, do_run = do_run, pickle_prefix = pickle_prefix)
sim.ihold = 50
sim.amod = 1
# Excitation
sim.syn_n = 4
sim.syn_noise = 0
# Inhibition
sim.inh_n = 4
sim.inh_hold = 5
sim.inh_g = 1
sim.inh_noise = 0
from datetime import datetime
idate = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M') # %S
suptitle("Transfer function of a " + celltype)
currtitle = "colored noise, " + celltype + ", amp: " + str(sim.amp) + ", ihold: " + str(sim.ihold) + ", syn_n: " + str(sim.syn_n) + ", syn_g: " + str(sim.syn_g) + ", syn_noise: " + str(sim.syn_noise) + ", syn_tau: " + str(sim.syn_tau1) + "/" + str(sim.syn_tau2)
opt_plot = np.array(["only_mag", "normalize", "analytical", "loglog"])
opt_plot = np.array(["normalize", "analytical", "loglog"])
method_interpol = np.array(["linear", "dt"])
sim.fun_plot(currtitle, "cnoise", freq_used = freq_used, t_stim = t_stim, SNR = 0, method_interpol = method_interpol, sexp = sexp, cutf = cutf, opt_plot = opt_plot)
savefig("./figs/" + idate + "-cnoise_transfer_syn_" + celltype + "_ihold" + str(sim.ihold) + "_amp" + str(sim.amp) + ".pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
currtitle = "single sine, " + celltype + ", amp: " + str(sim.amp) + ", ihold: " + str(sim.ihold)
method_interpol = np.array(["none", "linear", "dt"])
sim.fun_plot(currtitle, "ssine", freq_used = freq_used, VAF = 0, method_interpol = method_interpol, opt_plot = opt_plot)
savefig("./figs/" + idate + "-ssine_transfer_syn_" + celltype + "_ihold" + str(sim.ihold) + "_amp" + str(sim.amp) + ".pdf", dpi = 300) # save it
print "Finished"
plt.clf() # delete figure
if "stim_reconstruct_jitter" in do:
celltype = "IfCell"
from IfCell import *
cell = IfCell()
sim = Stimulation(cell, temperature = 6.3)
sim.seed = 33
method_interpol = array(["linear", "dt", "syn"])
#method_interpol = array(["linear_ds", "binary"])
sim.ihold = 0.14*nA
sim.amp = 0.005*nA
t_stim = 10*s
t_kernel = 1*s # use full kernel length
t_qual = 5*s
sexp = -1
cutf = 20
currtitle = "colored noise, " + celltype + ", amp: " + str(sim.amp) + ", ihold: " + str(sim.ihold)
w_length = 1*s
sim.jitter = 2*ms
sim.stim_reconstruct(t_stim = t_stim, sexp = sexp, cutf = cutf, w_length = w_length, t_kernel = t_kernel, t_qual = t_qual, method_interpol = method_interpol)
w_length = 1*s
sim.jitter = 0*ms
sim.stim_reconstruct(t_stim = t_stim, sexp = sexp, cutf = cutf, w_length = w_length, t_kernel = t_kernel, t_qual = t_qual, method_interpol = method_interpol)
plt.clf() # delete figure
cell = None
sim = None
if "stim_reconstruct" in do:
celltype = "IfCell"
from cells.IfCell import *
cell = IfCell()
sim = Stimulation(cell, temperature = 6.3)
rm, cm, tau = sim.get_RCtau()
method_interpol = array(["dslin"])
method_interpol = array(["binary"])
method_interpol = array(["linear", "dt"])
#method_interpol = array(["dt"])
sim.ihold = 0.14*nA
sim.amp = 0.005*nA
t_stim = 400*s
t_kernel = 1*s # use full kernel length
t_qual = 5*s
currtitle = "colored noise, " + celltype + ", amp: " + str(sim.amp) + ", ihold: " + str(sim.ihold)
w_length = 1*s
sim.jitter = 0*ms
sexp = -1
cutf = None
sim.stim_reconstruct(t_stim = t_stim, sexp = sexp, cutf = cutf, w_length = w_length, t_kernel = t_kernel, t_qual = t_qual, method_interpol = method_interpol, tau = tau)
#cutf = 1000
#sim.stim_reconstruct(t_stim = t_stim, sexp = sexp, cutf = cutf, w_length = w_length, t_kernel = t_kernel, t_qual = t_qual, method_interpol = method_interpol)
#cutf = 100
#sim.stim_reconstruct(t_stim = t_stim, sexp = sexp, cutf = cutf, w_length = w_length, t_kernel = t_kernel, t_qual = t_qual, method_interpol = method_interpol)
#cutf = 50
#sim.stim_reconstruct(t_stim = t_stim, sexp = sexp, cutf = cutf, w_length = w_length, t_kernel = t_kernel, t_qual = t_qual, method_interpol = method_interpol)
#cutf = 10
#sim.stim_reconstruct(t_stim = t_stim, sexp = sexp, cutf = cutf, w_length = w_length, t_kernel = t_kernel, t_qual = t_qual, method_interpol = method_interpol)
plt.clf() # delete figure
cell = None
sim = None
if "CF" in do:
celltype = "IfCell"
from IfCell import *
cell = IfCell()
sim = Stimulation(cell, temperature = 6.3)
method_interpol = array(["linear_ds"])
method_interpol = array(["binary"])
method_interpol = array(["dt", "linear", "syn"])
sim.ihold = 0.14*nA
sim.amp = 0.005*nA
t_stim = 20*s
t_kernel = 1*s # use full kernel length
t_qual = 5*s
currtitle = "colored noise, " + celltype + ", amp: " + str(sim.amp) + ", ihold: " + str(sim.ihold)
w_length = 1*s
sim.jitter = 0*ms
sexp = -1
cutf_vec = arange(1,500,1)
CF_vec = zeros([len(method_interpol),len(cutf_vec)])
for i, cutf in enumerate(cutf_vec):
CF_mat = sim.stim_reconstruct(t_stim = t_stim, sexp = sexp, cutf = cutf, w_length = w_length, t_kernel = t_kernel, t_qual = t_qual, method_interpol = method_interpol)
for j in range(len(method_interpol)):
CF_vec[j,i] = CF_mat[j]
print "interp: " + method_interpol[j] + ", cutf: " + str(cutf) + ", CF :" + str(CF_mat[j])
if all(CF_mat < 0.05):
print "CF < 0.05"
plt.semilogx(cutf_vec, CF_vec[0,:], 'b')
plt.semilogx(cutf_vec, CF_vec[1,:], 'r')
cell = None
sim = None
if "tau_if" in do:
from NeuroTools import stgen
import neuronpy.util.spiketrain
celltype = "IfCell"
from cells.IfCell import *
cell = IfCell()
sim = Stimulation(cell, temperature = 6.3)
# has to be in ms!!
start_time = 100
duration = 1500
dt = 0.025
steadyf = 100
pulsef = 150
pulse_start = 500
pulse_len = 500
t_input = np.arange(0, duration, dt) # create stimulus time vector
mod = np.concatenate(([np.zeros(start_time/dt), steadyf*np.ones((pulse_start-start_time)/dt), pulsef*np.ones(pulse_len/dt),steadyf*np.ones((duration-pulse_start-pulse_len)/dt) ]))
modulation = (t_input, mod)
train = spike_train(frequency=modulation, seed=1, noise=0, jitter=0)
#train, u = if_spike_train(frequency=modulation, seed=1, noise=50)
#gen = stgen.StGen(rng = np.random.mtrand.RandomState(), seed=1)
#train = gen.inh_poisson_generator(rate=mod, t=t_input, t_stop=t_input[-1], array=True)
cell.create_synapses(n_ex=1, tau1=0*ms, tau2=10*ms)
vecstim = h.VecStim(.5)
nc_vectim = h.NetCon(vecstim,None)
spike_vec = h.Vector(train)
nc = h.NetCon(vecstim, cell.synlist[0])
nc.weight[0] = 0.002
nc.delay = 0
sim.run(do_freq = 1, tstop = 1500*ms)
t1, voltage, current, g_in = sim.get()
freq_times, spike_freq, freq_mean, freq_onset, spike_times, gsyn = sim.if_get(compute_mean = 0)
plt.plot(freq_times, spike_freq)
plt.clf() # delete figure
#print "Finished"