%%% run simulation of microglia model
%%% model for continuous LPS application (LPS = 1000) starting at t = 0
%%% this code generates the basic simulations shown in Fig1 and Fig S1A
clear all
global h
%%% model parameters and simulation parameters:
p = params(); % model parameters
ti = -24; % initial time (hours)
days = 3; % days of simulation time
tf = days*24; % total hours of simulation time
dt = 0.1; % time step for saving simulation data (hr)
tspan = ti:dt:tf; % time span for simulation traces
stim = 1000; % LPS concentration
%%% call ode function and run the simulation:
h = 0; % index for time steps
IC = 0.1*ones(6,1); % initial conditions vector
options = odeset('RelTol', 1e-9, 'AbsTol', 1e-9,...
[T,C] = ode45(@odefn, tspan, IC, options, p, stim); % T = time, C = cytokine data
%% plot simulation results
%%%% normalized results, Fig 1B
normC = (C - repmat(min(C),length(T),1))./(repmat(max(C),length(T),1) - repmat(min(C),length(T),1));
figure; plot(T./24,normC,'Linewidth',3);
xlabel('Time (days)');
ylabel('Normalized Expression');
%%%% un-normalized results, Fig S1A
figure; plot(T./24,C,'Linewidth',3);
xlabel('Time (days)');
ylabel('Expression (A.U.)');