% Analyze adaptation data
% generated using adaptation.sh
% LPS stimulation concentration was varied
% based on running model with ode45
clear all
%% simulation parameters
% time parameters
ti = -24; % initial time (hours)
days = 3; % days of simulation time
tf = days*24; % total hours of simulation time
dt = 0.1; % time step for saving simulation data (hr)
tspan = ti:dt:tf; % time span for simulation traces
% shell simulation parameters
Nsim = 100; % number of simulations
Nspec = 6; % number of species
Ncors = 10; % number of cores
Tpts = length(tspan); % number of time points
% LPS stimulation:
LPSstim = logspace(-1,3,Nsim);
%% read in data and process
Xall = zeros(Tpts,Nspec,Nsim);
for i=1:Ncors
fid =fopen(['Microgliavariation00',num2str(i),'.bin'],'r');
for j=1:(Nsim/Ncors)
Xall(:,:,k) = reshape(fread(fid,(Tpts*Nspec),'double'),Tpts,Nspec);
% re-format data
% Column Species
% 1 IL-1b, cols 1 to Nsim
% 2 TNFa, cols Nsim+1 to 2*Nsim
% 3 IL-6, cols 2*Nsim+1 to 3*Nsim
% 4 TGFb
% 5 IL-10
% 6 CCL5
X = zeros(Tpts,Nspec*Nsim);
for i = 1:Nspec
X(:,(Nsim*(i-1)+1):i*Nsim) = reshape(Xall(:,i,:),Tpts,Nsim);
%% adaptation computations & plots
% compute mmeasurements for all cytokines:
maxs = max(X); % max value for every column of X, 1-100: IL-b, 101:200: TNF, etc
sstate = X(length(tspan),:); % "steady-state" value at 3 days
auc = sum(X).*dt - repmat(0.1*find(tspan==0)*dt,1,Nsim*6); % area under curve
% compute measurements for TNFa:
TimeToPeak = zeros(Nsim,1);
for j = Nsim+1:2*Nsim
TimeToPeak(j-Nsim) = tspan((X(:,j) == max(X(:,j))));
Adaptation = 1- (sstate(Nsim+1:2*Nsim)-0.1)./(maxs(Nsim+1:2*Nsim)-0.1);
% output data for aggregate plotting:
dat_out = zeros(length(LPSstim),6);
dat_out(:,1) = LPSstim; % col 1: LPS conc
dat_out(:,2) = Adaptation; % col 2: adaptation of TNZF
dat_out(:,3) = maxs(Nsim+1:2*Nsim); % col 3: peak TNF
dat_out(:,4) = sstate(Nsim+1:2*Nsim); % col 4: peak TNF
dat_out(:,5) = TimeToPeak; % col 5: time-to-peak TNF
dat_out(:,6) = auc(Nsim+1:2*Nsim); % col 6: TNF AUC