Files to run the model and generate the data in Fig 5 for the wildtype (WT) model phenotype: 1. - shell script for running simulations in parallel 2. LPSVar1.m - sample MATLAB file generated by 3. runsim.m - this file runs the simulation, called by MATLAB files generated by 4. params.m - this file contains all model parameters 5. odefn.m - this file contains the ODE model 6. Microgliavariation00x.bin - (note. x = 1 to 10) data files generated by running 7. AnalyzeAdaptationData.m - file for integrating .bin files and processing the data - this file outputs the processed data into baseline_noDelay.txt 8. baseline_noDelay.txt - data generated by AnalyzeAdaptationData.m for subsequent plotting Instructions Run the followung command from a unix shell with MATLAB installed: sh To analyze the resulting data, open MATLAB and enter: >> AnalyzeAdaptationData