function cMap = makeColorMap(varargin)
%% MAKECOLORMAP makes smoothly varying colormaps
% a = makeColorMap(beginColor, middleColor, endColor, numSteps);
% a = makeColorMap(beginColor, endColor, numSteps);
% a = makeColorMap(beginColor, middleColor, endColor);
% a = makeColorMap(beginColor, endColor);
% all colors are specified as RGB triples
% numSteps is a scalar saying howmany points are in the colormap
% Examples:
% peaks;
% a = makeColorMap([1 0 0],[1 1 1],[0 0 1],40);
% colormap(a)
% colorbar
% peaks;
% a = makeColorMap([1 0 0],[0 0 1],40);
% colormap(a)
% colorbar
% peaks;
% a = makeColorMap([1 0 0],[1 1 1],[0 0 1]);
% colormap(a)
% colorbar
% peaks;
% a = makeColorMap([1 0 0],[0 0 1]);
% colormap(a)
% colorbar

% Reference:
% A. Light & P.J. Bartlein, "The End of the Rainbow? Color Schemes for
% Improved Data Graphics," Eos,Vol. 85, No. 40, 5 October 2004.

defaultNum = 100;
errorMessage = 'See help MAKECOLORMAP for correct input arguments';

if nargin == 2 %endPoints of colormap only
    color.start  = varargin{1};
    color.middle = [];
    color.end    = varargin{2};
    color.num    = defaultNum;
elseif nargin == 4 %endPoints, midPoint, and N defined
    color.start  = varargin{1};
    color.middle = varargin{2};
    color.end    = varargin{3};
    color.num    = varargin{4};
elseif nargin == 3 %endPoints and num OR endpoints and Mid
    if numel(varargin{3}) == 3 %color
        color.start  = varargin{1};
        color.middle = varargin{2};
        color.end    = varargin{3};
        color.num    = defaultNum;
    elseif numel(varargin{3}) == 1 %numPoints
        color.start  = varargin{1};
        color.middle = [];
        color.end    = varargin{2};
        color.num    = varargin{3};
if color.num <= 1

if isempty(color.middle) %no midPoint
    cMap = interpMap(color.start, color.end, color.num);
else %midpointDefined
    [topN, botN] = sizePartialMaps(color.num);
    cMapTop = interpMap(color.start, color.middle, topN);
    cMapBot = interpMap(color.middle, color.end, botN);
    cMap = [cMapTop(1:end-1,:); cMapBot];

function cMap = interpMap(colorStart, colorEnd, n)

for i = 1:3
    cMap(1:n,i) = linspace(colorStart(i), colorEnd(i), n);

function [topN, botN] = sizePartialMaps(n)
n = n + 1;

topN =  ceil(n/2);
botN = floor(n/2);
% Copyright 2008 - 2009 The MathWorks, Inc.