/* -----------------------------------------------------
Layer V Cortical Pyramidal Cell
Based on Yu Yuguo ( May 1, 2008)
Revised 2015-2018 by Ross Anderson
----------------------------------------------------- */
objref somatodendritic, dendritic
// --------------------------------------------------
// Parameter Settings
// --------------------------------------------------
/* Global */
dt = 0.005
celsius = 37
steps_per_ms = 1/dt
tstop = 1050
v_init = -70
/* Others */
delay = 2 // global delay for preparing
/* Passive membrane */
ra = 150
global_ra = ra
rm = 30000 // g_pas=1/rm
c_m = 0.5
cm_myelin = 0.02
g_pas_node = 0.02
/* Active channels */
// Nav
Ena = 60
gna12_soma = 80
gna12_dend = 80
gna12_ais_max = 3200 // Nav1.2
gna16_ais_max = 3200 // Nav1.6
gna16_nakeaxon= 300
gna12_myelin=20 // Nav1.2 at myelins
gna16_node = 3200 // Nav1.6 at node
vhalf_na12 = -30
vhalf_na16 = -43
vhalf_na = -30
// Kv
Ek = -90
gkv_soma = 20
gkv_dend = 10
gkv_axon = 1000
// Km
gkm = .3
gkm_soma = gkm
// Kca
gkca = 3
gkca_soma = gkca
// Ca
gca = .3
gca_soma = gca
// ------------------------------------------------
// Cell Geometry
// ------------------------------------------------
/* Clean up */
forall delete_section()
/* Soma and Dendrites */
// build a sectionlist for soma and dendrites
somatodendritic = new SectionList()
forall {
if (L/nseg>40) {
nseg = L/40 + 1
} // make sure no segments exceed 40 uM length.
somatodendritic.append() // soma and dendrites are all included
// build a sectionlist for dendrites only
dendritic = new SectionList()
forsec somatodendritic dendritic.append()
soma dendritic.remove() // remove soma for pure dendritic sectionlist
/* Axon */
load_file ("morphology/P_Hill_AIS.hoc")
load_file ("morphology/P_Axon.hoc")
//Binzegger corticofugal axon, insert here if using Hu biophysics
//set the diameter that all the sections reference to
isegdiam = 1.22
//Load the corticofugal axon structure:
//Load the corticofugal axon structure connections:
//Load the corticofugal axon structure diameters
/* Spines */
aspiny = 0
if (!aspiny) {
load_file ("morphology/P_Spines.hoc")
distance(0,axonOnSoma) // set the point where axon seated on soma as the origin
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Insert Density Mechanisms
// ----------------------------------------------------
load_file ("lib/P_DensityMech.hoc")
// Install passive membrane properties
// Install active channels
//Note, this order is very important
//Binzegger structure (Hill + AIS already loaded).
//Cortical axon arbor structure from:
//Binzegger T, Douglas RJ, Martin KA. 2005. Axons in the cat visual cortex are topologically self-similar. Cereb Cortex. 15(2):152-65.
//This is where the corticofugal myelinated structure would be loaded if using Shu dynamics
//Load Shu specific membrane dynamics
//Connect them
ais[9] connect nakeaxon[0](0), 1
nakeaxon[306] connect node[0](0), 1
//Make the hyperdirect axon terminal nodes passive and 1um long
node[115] {
L = 1
node[123] {
L = 1
node[129] {
L = 1
node[131] {
L = 1
//This section is used for testing the model with intracellular stimulation. Uncomment if needed. The paper uses only extracellular stimulation for all simulations.
//10 Hz = 99.5 ms; 20 Hz = 49.5 ms; 30 Hz = 32.833 ms; 40 Hz = 24.5 ms; 50 Hz = 19.5 ms; 60 Hz = 16.166 ms; 70 Hz = 13.785 ms; 80 Hz = 12 ms; 90 Hz = 10.611 ms; 100 Hz = 9.5 ms; 110 Hz = 8.591 ms; 120 Hz = 7.833 ms; 130 Hz = 7.192 ms; 140 Hz = 6.643 ms; 150 Hz = 6.166 ms; 160 Hz = 5.75 ms; 170 Hz = 5.382 ms; 180 Hz = 5.056 ms; 190 Hz = 4.763 ms; 200 Hz = 4.5 ms
objectvar stimSTN
node[131] stimSTN = new Ipulse1(0.5) //Stimulation of the tip of the smallest hyperdirect collateral
stimSTN.del = 1 //1
stimSTN.ton = 0.5
stimSTN.toff = 6.643
stimSTN.num = 1 //40
stimSTN.amp = 1 //1 //0.05
//Include excitatory and inhibitory inputs to the dendrites and cell body (Figure 4-6):
//Section to perform extracellular stimulation
//Set the range over which to insert membrane potentials
n1_node_low = 0
n1_node_high = n_node
n1_myelin_low = 0
n1_myelin_high = n_myelin
//Load the extracellular potentials for the node and myelin sections
objref phi_ext_node
phi_ext_node = new Vector(n_node + 1)
for i=0,n_node{
trash=fscan() //disregard the first column
phi_ext_node.x[i] = fscan()
objref phi_ext_myelin
phi_ext_myelin = new Vector(n_myelin + 1)
for i=0,n_myelin{
trash=fscan() //disregard the first column
phi_ext_myelin.x[i] = fscan()
//Insert the extracellular mechanism in the myelin and node sections:
for i=n1_myelin_low,n1_myelin_high {
myelin[i] {
insert extracellular
myelinlist[i] = new SectionRef()
for i=n1_node_low,n1_node_high {
node[i] {
insert extracellular
nodelist[i] = new SectionRef()
//Generate the stimulation waveform for extracellular stimulation:
no_t_pts=int(tstop/dt)// # of time points (#)
objref stimwave //The vector containing the stimulus waveform
extAmp = 0.024 //extracellular scaling factor, Volts (mA)
//Number of pulses in stim_dur
ap_num = 1
//Duration of stimulus, in ms
stim_dur = 1000
//Pulse width in milliseconds, 60 microseconds used
stim_pulse_width = 0.06
//Initial Delay before starting stimulation, milliseconds
first_stim_delay = 1
proc stimul() {
//create a vector full of 0s, the size of total number of points
stimwave=new Vector(no_t_pts,0)
extAmp = $1
//next, loop to ap_num and fill in stimwave only locations with ones
for j = 0,ap_num - 1{
for k = (first_stim_delay*steps_per_ms + j*(stim_dur/ap_num)*steps_per_ms),(first_stim_delay*steps_per_ms + j*(stim_dur/ap_num)*steps_per_ms + stim_pulse_width/dt - 1) {
stimwave.x[k] = -extAmp*1000 //
nn = 0
//stimul(extAmp) //For testing, set nn=0 and call stimul(Amplitude of stimulus)
//custom advance function for extracellular stimulation
proc advance() {
for jj=n1_node_low,n1_node_high{
nodelist[jj].sec.e_extracellular(0.5) = phi_ext_node.x[jj]*stimwave.x[nn] // mV //phi_ext.x[jj]*stimwave.x[nn] // mV
for kk=n1_myelin_low,n1_myelin_high{
myelinlist[kk].sec.e_extracellular(0.5) = phi_ext_myelin.x[kk]*stimwave.x[nn] // mV //phi_ext.x[jj]*stimwave.x[nn] // mV
//procedure to run the simulation:
proc runSim(){
//used to count Action potentials
objectvar apc[n_nakeaxon + 3]
for i=0,n_nakeaxon {
nakeaxon[i] apc[i] = new APCount(0.5)
apc[i].thresh = 0 //set ap threshold
//record N APs in the soma:
soma apc[n_nakeaxon + 1] = new APCount(0.5)
apc[n_nakeaxon + 1].thresh = 0 //10 //set ap threshold
//record N APs in the hyperdirect collateral where it joins the primary branch to the main corticofugal axon:
node[98] apc[n_nakeaxon + 2] = new APCount(0.5) //was 101, set to 98
apc[n_nakeaxon + 2].thresh = 0 //10 //set ap threshold
//Load the code to save the VM for all points in the structure, used for Figures 2, 3, 4, 5, 7:
//Note, this consumes a lot of memory, leave commented for testing.
//load the code to save the AP times at all terminals:
//If session files contain different values for tstop or dt, set new value here, otherwise disregard.
tstop = 1050
//dt = 0.005
//run the simulation:
//Figure 2:
//Uncomment the line below to save the membrane voltages used in Figure 2 A/B/D.
//Stimulate at 130Hz
//Uncomment saveVm.txt
//Figure 3:
//Uncomment the line below to save all membrane voltage to generate the shape plot:
//Make sure experiment/saveVm.txt is enabled
//Figure 3C: Code used to print the timings of antidromically evoked AP in the cortical axon arbor terminals in response to a single stimulation event, 50 Hz stimulation and 130 Hz stimulation.
//Be sure to set the number of APs evoked in the stimulus waveform generation section.
//Enable experiment/saveAPTime.txt
//load the section identifiers I want to record from
objref sectionsToRecordFrom
sectionsToRecordFrom = new Vector(184)
for i=0,181 {sectionsToRecordFrom.x[i] = fscan()} //183 for soma + stim location, 181 for just nakeaxon terminals
for i = 0, 181 {
for j = 0, apc_times[sectionsToRecordFrom.x[i]].size()-1 {
print apc_times[sectionsToRecordFrom.x[i]].x[j]
//Figure 4 and 5 VM:
//Uncomment the line below to save the membrane voltage for Figures 4 and 5:
//Note, enable: experiment/excinhib/excinhib.hoc"
//Figure 5, 6, and general testing:
//Print out the number of APs for each terminal:
for i = 0,183 print apc[fscan()].n //Number of APs
//for i = 0,183 print apc[fscan()].time //Timing of APs