//declare the object to save the AP times during the experiment
objectvar apc[n_nakeaxon + 3]
objref apc_times[n_nakeaxon + 3]

for i=0,n_nakeaxon {
	nakeaxon[i] apc[i] = new APCount(0.5)
	apc[i].thresh = 0	//set ap threshold
	apc_times[i]=new Vector()

//record N APs in the soma:
soma apc[n_nakeaxon + 1] = new APCount(0.5)
apc[n_nakeaxon + 1].thresh = 0	//set ap threshold
apc_times[n_nakeaxon + 1]=new Vector()
apc[n_nakeaxon + 1].record(apc_times[n_nakeaxon + 1])

//Record N APs in the STN branch point
node[98] apc[n_nakeaxon + 2] = new APCount(0.5) //was 101, set to 98
apc[n_nakeaxon + 2].thresh = 0 //10	//set ap threshold
apc_times[n_nakeaxon + 2]=new Vector()
apc[n_nakeaxon + 2].record(apc_times[n_nakeaxon + 2])

//load the section identifiers I want to record from
objref sectionsToRecordFrom
sectionsToRecordFrom = new Vector(184)

for i=0,183 {sectionsToRecordFrom.x[i] = fscan()}

objref APTimesNakeaxon[sectionsToRecordFrom.size()]

//nakeaxon + soma

for i=0,(sectionsToRecordFrom.size() - 1) {
	APTimesNakeaxon[i] = new Vector()

for i=0,(sectionsToRecordFrom.size() - 1) {
	APTimesNakeaxon[i] = new Vector()

//Last one will be the soma time


//put this after the run command
//Save this to a file

proc APTimesTofileNakeaxon() {local i, j  localobj tfil

  print "writing to ", $s1
  tfil = new File()

  for i=0,APTimesNakeaxon[0].size()-1 {

	for j=0,APTimesNakeaxon.size() - 2 {
		tfil.printf("%g\t", APTimesNakeaxon[j].x[i])

	tfil.printf("%g\n", APTimesNakeaxon[APTimesNakeaxon.size() - 1].x[i])  //Add a new line at the end

