//Save and write files for all 11 dendrites: proc membraneVoltageTofile1() {local i, j localobj tfil print "writing to ", $s1 tfil = new File() tfil.wopen($s1) for i=0,membraneTimes.size()-1 { tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneTimes.x[i]) //first print the time at i for j=0,(dend1N-1){ //Next print the voltage at i for dend1 tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneVoltageDend1[j].x[i]) } tfil.printf("%g\n", membraneVoltageDend1[dend1N].x[i]) //Add a new line at the end } tfil.close() } membraneVoltageTofile1("membraneVoltages/shape-plot/dend1NVm.txt") proc membraneVoltageTofile2() {local i, j localobj tfil print "writing to ", $s1 tfil = new File() tfil.wopen($s1) for i=0,membraneTimes.size()-1 { //tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneTimes.x[i]) //first print the time at i for j=0,(dend2N-1){ //Next print the voltage at i for dend1 tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneVoltageDend2[j].x[i]) } tfil.printf("%g\n", membraneVoltageDend2[dend2N].x[i]) //Add a new line at the end } tfil.close() } membraneVoltageTofile2("membraneVoltages/shape-plot/dend2NVm.txt") proc membraneVoltageTofile3() {local i, j localobj tfil print "writing to ", $s1 tfil = new File() tfil.wopen($s1) for i=0,membraneTimes.size()-1 { //tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneTimes.x[i]) //first print the time at i for j=0,(dend3N-1){ //Next print the voltage at i for dend1 tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneVoltageDend3[j].x[i]) } tfil.printf("%g\n", membraneVoltageDend3[dend3N].x[i]) //Add a new line at the end } tfil.close() } membraneVoltageTofile3("membraneVoltages/shape-plot/dend3NVm.txt") proc membraneVoltageTofile4() {local i, j localobj tfil print "writing to ", $s1 tfil = new File() tfil.wopen($s1) for i=0,membraneTimes.size()-1 { //tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneTimes.x[i]) //first print the time at i for j=0,(dend4N-1){ //Next print the voltage at i for dend1 tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneVoltageDend4[j].x[i]) } tfil.printf("%g\n", membraneVoltageDend4[dend4N].x[i]) //Add a new line at the end } tfil.close() } membraneVoltageTofile4("membraneVoltages/shape-plot/dend4NVm.txt") proc membraneVoltageTofile5() {local i, j localobj tfil print "writing to ", $s1 tfil = new File() tfil.wopen($s1) for i=0,membraneTimes.size()-1 { //tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneTimes.x[i]) //first print the time at i for j=0,(dend5N-1){ //Next print the voltage at i for dend1 tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneVoltageDend5[j].x[i]) } tfil.printf("%g\n", membraneVoltageDend5[dend5N].x[i]) //Add a new line at the end } tfil.close() } membraneVoltageTofile5("membraneVoltages/shape-plot/dend5NVm.txt") proc membraneVoltageTofile6() {local i, j localobj tfil print "writing to ", $s1 tfil = new File() tfil.wopen($s1) for i=0,membraneTimes.size()-1 { //tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneTimes.x[i]) //first print the time at i for j=0,(dend6N-1){ //Next print the voltage at i for dend1 tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneVoltageDend6[j].x[i]) } tfil.printf("%g\n", membraneVoltageDend6[dend6N].x[i]) //Add a new line at the end } tfil.close() } membraneVoltageTofile6("membraneVoltages/shape-plot/dend6NVm.txt") proc membraneVoltageTofile7() {local i, j localobj tfil print "writing to ", $s1 tfil = new File() tfil.wopen($s1) for i=0,membraneTimes.size()-1 { //tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneTimes.x[i]) //first print the time at i for j=0,(dend7N-1){ //Next print the voltage at i for dend1 tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneVoltageDend7[j].x[i]) } tfil.printf("%g\n", membraneVoltageDend7[dend7N].x[i]) //Add a new line at the end } tfil.close() } membraneVoltageTofile7("membraneVoltages/shape-plot/dend7NVm.txt") proc membraneVoltageTofile8() {local i, j localobj tfil print "writing to ", $s1 tfil = new File() tfil.wopen($s1) for i=0,membraneTimes.size()-1 { //tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneTimes.x[i]) //first print the time at i for j=0,(dend8N-1){ //Next print the voltage at i for dend1 tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneVoltageDend8[j].x[i]) } tfil.printf("%g\n", membraneVoltageDend8[dend8N].x[i]) //Add a new line at the end } tfil.close() } membraneVoltageTofile8("membraneVoltages/shape-plot/dend8NVm.txt") proc membraneVoltageTofile9() {local i, j localobj tfil print "writing to ", $s1 tfil = new File() tfil.wopen($s1) for i=0,membraneTimes.size()-1 { //tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneTimes.x[i]) //first print the time at i for j=0,(dend9N-1){ //Next print the voltage at i for dend1 tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneVoltageDend9[j].x[i]) } tfil.printf("%g\n", membraneVoltageDend9[dend9N].x[i]) //Add a new line at the end } tfil.close() } membraneVoltageTofile9("membraneVoltages/shape-plot/dend9NVm.txt") proc membraneVoltageTofile10() {local i, j localobj tfil print "writing to ", $s1 tfil = new File() tfil.wopen($s1) for i=0,membraneTimes.size()-1 { //tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneTimes.x[i]) //first print the time at i for j=0,(dend10N-1){ //Next print the voltage at i for dend1 tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneVoltageDend10[j].x[i]) } tfil.printf("%g\n", membraneVoltageDend10[dend10N].x[i]) //Add a new line at the end } tfil.close() } membraneVoltageTofile10("membraneVoltages/shape-plot/dend10NVm.txt") proc membraneVoltageTofile11() {local i, j localobj tfil print "writing to ", $s1 tfil = new File() tfil.wopen($s1) for i=0,membraneTimes.size()-1 { //tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneTimes.x[i]) //first print the time at i for j=0,(dend11N-1){ //Next print the voltage at i for dend1 tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneVoltageDend11[j].x[i]) } tfil.printf("%g\n", membraneVoltageDend11[dend11N].x[i]) //Add a new line at the end } tfil.close() } membraneVoltageTofile11("membraneVoltages/shape-plot/dend11NVm.txt") //Unmyelinated structure proc membraneVoltageTofileNakeaxon() {local i, j localobj tfil print "writing to ", $s1 tfil = new File() tfil.wopen($s1) for i=0,membraneTimes.size()-1 { tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneTimes.x[i]) //first print the time at i for j=0,(n_nakeaxon - 1){ //Next print the voltage at i for node[j] tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneVoltageNakeaxon[j].x[i]) } tfil.printf("%g\n", membraneVoltageNakeaxon[n_nakeaxon].x[i]) //Add a new line at the end } tfil.close() } membraneVoltageTofileNakeaxon("membraneVoltages/shape-plot/nakeaxonVm.txt") //Nodes proc membraneVoltageTofileNode() {local i, j localobj tfil print "writing to ", $s1 tfil = new File() tfil.wopen($s1) for i=0,membraneTimes.size()-1 { tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneTimes.x[i]) //first print the time at i for j=0,(n_node - 1){ //Next print the voltage at i for node[j] tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneVoltageNode[j].x[i]) } tfil.printf("%g\n", membraneVoltageNode[n_node].x[i]) //Add a new line at the end } tfil.close() } membraneVoltageTofileNode("membraneVoltages/shape-plot/nodeVm.txt") //Myelin proc membraneVoltageTofileMyelin() {local i, j localobj tfil print "writing to ", $s1 tfil = new File() tfil.wopen($s1) for i=0,membraneTimes.size()-1 { tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneTimes.x[i]) //first print the time at i for j=0,(n_myelin - 1){ //Next print the voltage at i for node[j] tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneVoltageMyelin[j].x[i]) } tfil.printf("%g\n", membraneVoltageMyelin[n_myelin].x[i]) //Add a new line at the end } tfil.close() } membraneVoltageTofileMyelin("membraneVoltages/shape-plot/myelinVm.txt") //AIS proc membraneVoltageTofileAis() {local i, j localobj tfil print "writing to ", $s1 tfil = new File() tfil.wopen($s1) for i=0,membraneTimes.size()-1 { tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneTimes.x[i]) //first print the time at i for j=0,8{ tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneVoltageAIS[j].x[i]) } tfil.printf("%g\n", membraneVoltageAIS[9].x[i]) //Add a new line at the end } tfil.close() } membraneVoltageTofileAis("membraneVoltages/shape-plot/aisVm.txt") //Hill proc membraneVoltageTofileHill() {local i, j localobj tfil print "writing to ", $s1 tfil = new File() tfil.wopen($s1) for i=0,membraneTimes.size()-1 { tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneTimes.x[i]) //first print the time at i tfil.printf("%g\n", membraneVoltageHill.x[i]) } tfil.close() } membraneVoltageTofileHill("membraneVoltages/shape-plot/hillVm.txt") //Soma proc membraneVoltageTofileSoma() {local i, j localobj tfil print "writing to ", $s1 tfil = new File() tfil.wopen($s1) for i=0,membraneTimes.size()-1 { tfil.printf("%g\t", membraneTimes.x[i]) //first print the time at i tfil.printf("%g\n", membraneVoltageSoma.x[i]) } tfil.close() } membraneVoltageTofileSoma("membraneVoltages/shape-plot/somaVm.txt")