objref slist1, slist2, list_temp1, list_temp2
objref gmat, cmat, bvec, e, xl, layer, sl, lm

RATIO_ra_by_re = 0.01
Re = Ra/RATIO_ra_by_re	// Ohm.cm
xraxial_value = Re*1e-6/(PI*((diam/2)^2)*1e-8)	// MOhm/cm

Re_Ohm = Re*1e-6*L*1e-4/(PI*((diam/2)^2)*1e-8)	// MOhm
rlink = Re_Ohm/nseg					// MOhm
glink = 1000/rlink 					// nS	
ge_value = (glink*0.1)/area(0.9999)	// S/cm2

proc setExtra() {
	forall {
		insert extracellular
		xc[0] = 0
		xc[1] = 0		
		xg[0] = 1e-9	// Infinite Resistance	
		xg[1] = 1e-9	// Infinite Resistance
		xraxial[0] = xraxial_value	// MOhm/cm
		xraxial[1] = 1e9  // Infinite Resistance
	print "_________________________________________"
	print "Extracellular Mechanism Inserted"
	print "_________________________________________"

proc setExtraLink() {
	slist1 = new SectionList() // connected sections in neuron 1
	slist2 = new SectionList() // connected sections in neuron 2
	// ensure that the order is the same
	neuron[0].axon slist1.append()
	neuron[1].axon slist2.append()
	neuron[0].soma slist1.append()
	neuron[1].soma slist2.append()
	neuron[0].p_dend[0] slist1.append()
	neuron[1].p_dend[0] slist2.append()
	neuron[0].d_dend[0] slist1.append()
	neuron[1].d_dend[0] slist2.append()
	neuron[0].d_dend[1] slist1.append()
	neuron[1].d_dend[1] slist2.append()

	nsegs = 0	// will contain total connected segs
	forsec slist1 {
		nsegs += nseg
	print "_________________________________________"
	print "Total Connected Segments = ", 2*nsegs
	print "_________________________________________"
	gmat = new Matrix(2*nsegs, 2*nsegs, 2)
	cmat = new Matrix(2*nsegs, 2*nsegs, 2)
	bvec = new Vector(2*nsegs)
	xl = new Vector()
	layer = new Vector(2*nsegs)
	forsec slist1 {
		for (x, 0) {
			xl.append(x)	// for neuron 1
			xl.append(x)	// for neuron 2

	e = new Vector(2*nsegs)
	sl = new SectionList()
	list_temp1 = new List()
	forsec slist1 {
		for (x, 0) {
			list_temp1.append(new SectionRef())
	list_temp2 = new List()
	forsec slist2 {
		for (x, 0) {
			list_temp2.append(new SectionRef())

	for i = 0, nsegs-1 {
		list_temp1.object(i).sec sl.append()
		list_temp2.object(i).sec sl.append()
	ge = ge_value	// S/cm2

	for (i=0; i<(2*nsegs); i=i+2) {
		gmat.x[i][i] += ge
		gmat.x[i+1][i+1] += ge
		gmat.x[i][i+1] += -ge
		gmat.x[i+1][i] += -ge	
	lm = new LinearMechanism(cmat, gmat, e, bvec, sl, xl, layer)
	print "_________________________________________"
	print "Extracellular Connected Via Link"
	print "_________________________________________"	

// Function to print details to verify implementation
proc printInfo() {
	print "_________________________________________"	
	print "gmat = "
	print gmat.printf()
	print "_________________________________________"	
	print "cmat = "
	print cmat.printf()
	print "_________________________________________"	
	print "e = "
	print e.printf()
	print "_________________________________________"	
	print "bvec = "
	print bvec.printf()
	print "_________________________________________"	
	print "sl = "
	print sl.printnames()
	print "_________________________________________"	
	print "xl = "
	print xl.printf()
	print "_________________________________________"	
	print "layer = "
	print layer.printf()
	print "_________________________________________"	