function M = generate_matrix
% M = generate_matrix
% (c) 2010-2011 Michele Giugliano, PhD -
% Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Antwerp (Belgium)
global z0;
global dz N;
rows = []; cols = []; s = [];
% Let's define the non-zero elements of a sparse matrix..
rows = [rows, 1]; cols = [cols, 1];
s = [s, 1];
i = 2:(N-1);
rows = [rows, i]; cols = [cols, i];
s = [s, 1+eta(i).*(free_area((i-2)*dz+z0) + free_area((i-1)*dz+z0))];
rows = [rows, i]; cols = [cols, i-1];
s = [s, -eta(i) .* free_area((i-2)*dz+z0)];
rows = [rows, i]; cols = [cols, i+1];
s = [s, -eta(i) .* free_area((i-1)*dz+z0)];
rows = [rows, N]; cols = [cols, N];
s = [s, 1+eta(N) .* free_area((N-1)*dz+z0)];
rows = [rows, N]; cols = [cols, N-1];
s = [s, -eta(N) .* free_area((N-1)*dz+z0)];
% Let's now create this sparse matrix..
M = sparse(rows, cols, s, N, N);