function AddList(name, list, index, desc, descItems, relPred)
%% Add a list with two or more items
global layout palette
global panIdx params
assert(length(list) == length(descItems));
numItems = length(list);
assert(index >= 1 && index <= numItems);
if nargin < 6
% The parameter is always relevant
relPred = 'true';
% The name
[handlers, xPos] = CreateParamNameText(name);
% Prepare tooltip
desc = DescToHtmlString(desc, false);
desc = ['<html>', desc];
for i = 1 : numItems
descItem = DescToHtmlString(descItems{i}, false);
desc = sprintf('%s<br><b>%s:</b> <i>%s</i>', desc, list{i}, descItem);
desc = [desc, '</html>'];
% The control itself
xPos = xPos + layout.xMargin2;
parIdx = length(params{panIdx}) + 1;
handlers(end + 1) = uicontrol('Style', 'popupmenu', ...
'Units', 'pixels', ...
'Position', [xPos , 0, layout.ebWidth, layout.pmHeight], ...
'BackgroundColor', palette.validColor, ...
'Callback', @generic_Callback, ...
'String', list, ...
'Value', index, ...
'UserData', [panIdx, parIdx], ...
'TooltipString', desc);
valPred = 'true';
unit = '';
CommitParam(name, index, relPred, valPred, handlers, unit);