Calcium ion accumulation with radial and longitudinal diffusion, pump,
and SERCA.
Diffusion geometry based on Ca accumulation models from chapter 9
of The NEURON Book.
Mechanistic details of calcium pump and SERCA as described by Fink et al. 2000.
alpha = relative abundance of SERCA.
Current implementation assumes that ip3i is uniform across all compartments,
i.e. that radial diffusion of IP3 is very fast compared to the diffusion of
Ca and the mechanisms that drive Ca to change with time.
Indeed, simulations reveal this to be the case--IP3 concentration
remains nearly identical across section diameters.
There are slight differences in the soma during the fast rising phase
of the IP3 transient, but these resolve quickly.
Consequently, coupling between the shells of the ip3cum mechanism
and the SERCA channels in the shells of this mechanism
is a complexity that can be omitted--all shells of this mechanism
can use the concentration of IP3 in the outermost shell of the
ip3cum mechanism, and discoverable by any mechanism that has a
statement in its NEURON block, and declares
ip3i (mM)
in its ASSIGNED block.
SERCA channel
jchnl = alpha * jmax * (1-(ca/caer)) * ( (ip3/(ip3+Kip3)) * (ca/(ca+Kact)) * h)^3
note: jchnl is release from SER to cytoplasm
jmax = 3500 uM/s
caer = 400 uM
Kip3 = 0.8 uM
Kact = 0.3 uM
h' = kon * (Kinh - (ca + Kinh)*h)
kon = 2.7 /uM-s
Kinh = 0.2 uM
Recasting h in terms of kinetic scheme--
From RHS of ODE for h'
hinf = Kinh/(ca+Kinh) = alpha/(alpha+beta)
tauh = 1/(kon*(ca+Kinh)) = 1/(alpha+beta)
So alpha = kon*Kinh and beta = kon*ca
SERCA pump
jpump = alpha * vmax*ca^2 / (ca^2 + Kp^2)
note: jpump is uptake from cytoplasm into SER
vmax = 3.75 uM/s
Kp = 0.27 uM
SERCA leak
jleak = alpha * L*(1 - (Ca/caer))
note: jleak is leak from SER to cytoplasm
L = 0.1 uM/s nominally,
but adjusted so that
jchnl + jpump + jleak = 0
ca = 0.05 uM and h = Kinh/(ca + Kinh)
SUFFIX cadifus
USEION ca READ cao, cai, ica WRITE cai, ica
RANGE ica_pmp, cai0, fluo, fluoNew
RANGE alpha : relative abundance of SERCA
GLOBAL vrat, TBufs, TBufm, BufferAlpha
: vrat must be GLOBAL--see INITIAL block
: however TBufs and TBufm may be RANGE
DEFINE Nannuli 4
(mol) = (1)
(molar) = (1/liter)
(uM) = (micromolar)
(mM) = (millimolar)
(um) = (micron)
(mA) = (milliamp)
FARADAY = (faraday) (10000 coulomb)
PI = (pi) (1)
cai0 = 50e-6 (mM)
fluo = 0 (mM)
fluoNew = 0
DCa = 0.22 (um2/ms) : Fink et al. 2000 0.22
BufferAlpha = 100
: Bufs--endogenous, stationary buffer
TBufs = 0.450 (mM) : total Bufs
: just make kfs fast, and calculate krs as kfs*KDs
kfs = 1000 (/mM-ms) : try these for now
KDs = 10 (uM)
: Bufm--fura2, for bradykinin experiments
TBufm = 0.075 (mM) : total Bufm
: just make kfm fast, and calculate krm as kfm*KDm
kfm = 1000 (/mM-ms) : try these for now
KDm = 0.24 (uM)
DBufm = 0.050 (um2/ms)
: Bufm--calcium green, for uncaging experiments
: TBufm = 0.075 (mM) : total Bufm
: just make kfm fast, and calculate krm as kfm*KDm
: kfm = 1000 (/mM-ms) : try these for now
: KDm = 0.26 (/ms)
: DBufm = 0.0184 (um2/ms)
: to eliminate ca pump, set gamma to 0 in hoc
cath = 0.2e-3 (mM) : threshold for ca pump activity
gamma = 8 (um/s) : ca pump flux density
: SERCA params
alpha = 1 (1) : relative abundance of SERCA mechanism as per Fig. 3
: SERCA pump
: jpump = alpha * vmax*ca^2 / (ca^2 + Kp^2)
: jpump is uptake from cytoplasm into SER
vmax = 3.75e-6 (mM/ms)
Kp = 0.27e-3 (mM)
: SERCA channel
: jchnl is release from SER to cytoplasm
jmax = 3.5e-3 (mM/ms)
caer = 0.400 (mM)
Kip3 = 0.8e-3 (mM)
Kact = 0.3e-3 (mM)
kon = 2.7 (/mM-ms)
Kinh = 0.2e-3 (mM)
: SERCA leak -- no fixed parameter other than caer
: does have an adjustable parameter L
diam (um)
ica (mA/cm2)
ica_pmp (mA/cm2)
ica_pmp_last (mA/cm2)
parea (um) : pump area per unit length
sump (mM)
cai (mM)
cao (mM)
vrat[Nannuli] (1) : dimensionless
: numeric value of vrat[i] equals the volume
: of annulus i of a 1um diameter cylinder
: multiply by diam^2 to get volume per um length
bufs_0 (mM)
bufm_0 (mM)
ip3i (mM)
L[Nannuli] (mM/ms) : 0.1e-6 mM/ms nominally, but adjusted so that
: jchnl + jpump + jleak = 0 when ca = 0.05 uM and h = Kinh/(ca + Kinh)
CONSTANT { volo = 1e10 (um2) }
: ca[0] is equivalent to cai
: ca[] are very small, so specify absolute tolerance
: let it be ~1.5 - 2 orders of magnitude smaller than baseline level
ca[Nannuli] (mM) <1e-7>
bufs[Nannuli] (mM) <1e-3>
cabufs[Nannuli] (mM) <1e-7>
bufm[Nannuli] (mM) <1e-4>
cabufm[Nannuli] (mM) <1e-8>
SOLVE state METHOD sparse
ica_pmp_last = ica_pmp
ica = ica_pmp
LOCAL factors_done, jx
if (factors_done == 0) { : flag becomes 1 in the first segment
factors_done = 1 : all subsequent segments will have
factors() : vrat = 0 unless vrat is GLOBAL
cai = cai0
bufs_0 = KDs*TBufs/(KDs + (1000)*cai0)
bufm_0 = KDm*TBufm/(KDm + (1000)*cai0)
FROM i=0 TO Nannuli-1 {
ca[i] = cai
bufs[i] = bufs_0
cabufs[i] = TBufs - bufs_0
bufm[i] = bufm_0
cabufm[i] = TBufm - bufm_0
sump = cath
parea = PI*diam
: reconsider and revise initialization comments
ica_pmp = 0
ica_pmp_last = 0
: If there is a voltage-gated calcium current,
: this is almost certainly the wrong initialization.
: In such a case, first do an initialization run, then use SaveState
: On subsequent runs, restore the initial condition from the saved states.
FROM i=0 TO Nannuli-1 {
ho[i] = Kinh/(ca[i]+Kinh)
hc[i] = 1-ho[i]
: jx = jp + jc
: choose L so that jl = -jx
: jl = L*(1 - (ca[i]/caer))
: jp = (-vmax*ca[i]^2 / (ca[i]^2 + Kp^2))
: jc = jmax*(1-(ca[i]/caer)) * ( (ip3i/(ip3i+Kip3)) * (ca[i]/(ca[i]+Kact)) * ho[i] )^3
jx = (-vmax*ca[i]^2 / (ca[i]^2 + Kp^2))
jx = jx + jmax*(1-(ca[i]/caer)) * ( (ip3i/(ip3i+Kip3)) * (ca[i]/(ca[i]+Kact)) * ho[i] )^3
L[i] = -jx/(1 - (ca[i]/caer))
LOCAL frat[Nannuli] : scales the rate constants for model geometry
PROCEDURE factors() {
LOCAL r, dr2
r = 1/2 : starts at edge (half diam)
dr2 = r/(Nannuli-1)/2 : full thickness of outermost annulus,
: half thickness of all other annuli
vrat[0] = 0
frat[0] = 2*r
FROM i=0 TO Nannuli-2 {
vrat[i] = vrat[i] + PI*(r-dr2/2)*2*dr2 : interior half
r = r - dr2
frat[i+1] = 2*PI*r/(2*dr2) : outer radius of annulus
: div by distance between centers
r = r - dr2
vrat[i+1] = PI*(r+dr2/2)*2*dr2 : outer half of annulus
LOCAL dsq, dsqvol : can't define local variable in KINETIC block
: or use in COMPARTMENT statement
KINETIC state {
COMPARTMENT i, diam*diam*vrat[i] {ca bufs cabufs bufm cabufm sump}
COMPARTMENT volo {cao}
LONGITUDINAL_DIFFUSION i, DCa*diam*diam*vrat[i] {ca}
LONGITUDINAL_DIFFUSION i, DBufm*diam*diam*vrat[i] {bufm cabufm}
: cell membrane ca pump
~ ca[0] <-> sump ((0.001)*parea*gamma*u(ca[0]/(1 (mM)), cath/(1 (mM))), (0.001)*parea*gamma*u(ca[0]/(1 (mM)), cath/(1 (mM))))
ica_pmp = 2*FARADAY*(f_flux - b_flux)/parea
: all currents except cell membrane ca pump
~ ca[0] << (-(ica - ica_pmp_last)*PI*diam/(2*FARADAY)) : ica is Ca efflux
: radial diffusion
FROM i=0 TO Nannuli-2 {
~ ca[i] <-> ca[i+1] (DCa*frat[i+1], DCa*frat[i+1])
~ bufm[i] <-> bufm[i+1] (DBufm*frat[i+1], DBufm*frat[i+1])
: buffering
dsq = diam*diam
FROM i=0 TO Nannuli-1 {
dsqvol = dsq*vrat[i]
~ ca[i] + bufs[i] <-> cabufs[i] (kfs*dsqvol, (0.001)*KDs*kfs*dsqvol)
~ ca[i] + bufm[i] <-> cabufm[i] (kfm*dsqvol, (0.001)*KDm*kfm*dsqvol)
: SERCA pump, channel, and leak
FROM i=0 TO Nannuli-1 {
dsqvol = dsq*vrat[i]
: pump
~ ca[i] << (-dsqvol*alpha*vmax*ca[i]^2 / (ca[i]^2 + Kp^2))
: channel
~ hc[i] <-> ho[i] (kon*Kinh, kon*ca[i])
~ ca[i] << ( dsqvol*alpha*jmax*(1-(ca[i]/caer)) * ( (ip3i/(ip3i+Kip3)) * (ca[i]/(ca[i]+Kact)) * ho[i] )^3 )
: leak
~ ca[i] << (dsqvol*alpha*L[i]*(1 - (ca[i]/caer)))
cai = ca[0]
fluo = cabufm[0]
fluoNew = (BufferAlpha * cabufm[0] + ca[0] - BufferAlpha*(TBufm - bufm_0) - cai0)/(BufferAlpha*(TBufm - bufm_0) + cai0)
FUNCTION u(x, th) {
if (x>th) {
u = 1
} else {
u = 0