objref trajectories_tvec    // vector of doubles
objref trajectories_name    // list of strings
objref trajectories_vvec    // list of vectors of doubles
trajectories_name = new List()
trajectories_vvec = new List()

// $o1 - (list of strings)   the name of section array where the watched variable resides, e.g. { "soma", "dendrite" }
// $o2 - (vector of doubles) the index in the array, e.g. { 0, 3 }
// $o3 - (list of strings)   the name of watched variable, e.g. { "cai", "v" }
// $o4 - (vector of doubles) relative coordinate of the point where the variable will be watched, e.g. { 0.05, 0.7 }
// $5  - (scalar)            the number of processes
proc add_trajec() { local numProcs, numWatchedVars, watchedSecIdx, watchedVarCoord, i  localobj watchedSecNames, watchedSecIdxs, watchedVarNames, watchedVarCoords, watchedSecName, watchedVarName, tvec, name, vvec, tstr, command, file

    watchedSecNames = $o1
    watchedSecIdxs = $o2
    watchedVarNames = $o3
    watchedVarCoords = $o4
    numProcs = $5
    numWatchedVars = watchedSecNames.count
    tvec = new Vector()
    trajectories_tvec = tvec
    for i = 0, numWatchedVars - 1 {

        watchedSecName = watchedSecNames.object[i]
        watchedSecIdx = watchedSecIdxs.x[i]
        if (!section_exists(watchedSecName.s, watchedSecIdx)) {
            // The specified section does not live on this process
        watchedVarName = watchedVarNames.object[i]
        watchedVarCoord = watchedVarCoords.x[i]
        name = new String(watchedSecName.s)
        sprint(name.s, "%s[%d]", watchedSecName.s, watchedSecIdx)
        vvec = new Vector()
        // Prepare and execute the command that binds the watched parameter to the watcher
        command = new String(" ")
        sprint(command.s, "proc add_record() { $o1.record(&%s(%g)) }", watchedVarName.s, watchedVarCoord)
        sprint(name.s, "trajec_%s[%d].%s(%g)_for_%d_procs.dat", watchedSecName.s, watchedSecIdx, watchedVarName.s, watchedVarCoord, numProcs)

proc print_trajec() { local i, j  localobj f, name, tvec, vvec
    tvec = trajectories_tvec
    for i = 0, trajectories_name.count - 1 {
        name = trajectories_name.object(i)
        vvec = trajectories_vvec.object(i)
        f = new File()
        for j = 0, tvec.size-1 {
            f.printf("%g %g\n", tvec.x[j], vvec.x[j])