function shiftedHulls = ShiftHulls(convexHulls)
%% Shift coordinates of all the hulls.
% Make zero point start at the center of the lowest one
% and lift them up on levelHeight.
hullsSize = size(convexHulls, 1);
shiftedHulls = convexHulls;
firstHullGeometry = polygeom(convexHulls{1, 1}(:, 1), convexHulls{1, 1}(:, 2));
for i = 1:hullsSize
shiftedHulls{i, 1} = [convexHulls{i, 1}(:, 1)- firstHullGeometry(2) ...
convexHulls{i, 1}(:, 2) - firstHullGeometry(3), ...
convexHulls{i, 1}(:, 3) - convexHulls{1, 1}(1, 3)];