function [ geom, iner, cpmo ] = polygeom( x, y ) 
    %POLYGEOM Geometry of a planar polygon
    %   POLYGEOM( X, Y ) returns area, X centroid,
    %   Y centroid and perimeter for the planar polygon
    %   specified by vertices in vectors X and Y.
    %   [ GEOM, INER, CPMO ] = POLYGEOM( X, Y ) returns
    %   area, centroid, perimeter and area moments of 
    %   inertia for the polygon.
    %   GEOM = [ area   X_cen  Y_cen  perimeter ]
    %   INER = [ Ixx    Iyy    Ixy    Iuu    Ivv    Iuv ]
    %     u,v are centroidal axes parallel to x,y axes.
    %   CPMO = [ I1     ang1   I2     ang2   J ]
    %     I1,I2 are centroidal principal moments about axes
    %         at angles ang1,ang2.
    %     ang1 and ang2 are in radians.
    %     J is centroidal polar moment.  J = I1 + I2 = Iuu + Ivv

    % H.J. Sommer III - 16.12.09 - tested under MATLAB v9.0
    % sample data
    % x = [ 2.000  0.500  4.830  6.330 ]';
    % y = [ 4.000  6.598  9.098  6.500 ]';
    % 3x5 test rectangle with long axis at 30 degrees
    % area=15, x_cen=3.415, y_cen=6.549, perimeter=16
    % Ixx=659.561, Iyy=201.173, Ixy=344.117
    % Iuu=16.249, Ivv=26.247, Iuv=8.660
    % I1=11.249, ang1=30deg, I2=31.247, ang2=120deg, J=42.496
    % H.J. Sommer III, Ph.D., Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 337 Leonhard Bldg
    % The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA  16802
    % (814)863-8997  FAX (814)865-9693

    % begin function POLYGEOM

    % check if inputs are same size
    if ~isequal( size(x), size(y) ),
      error( 'X and Y must be the same size');

    % temporarily shift data to mean of vertices for improved accuracy
    xm = mean(x);
    ym = mean(y);
    x = x - xm;
    y = y - ym;

    % summations for CCW boundary
    xp = x( [2:end 1] );
    yp = y( [2:end 1] );
    a = x.*yp - xp.*y;

    A = sum( a ) /2;
    xc = sum( (x+xp).*a  ) /6/A;
    yc = sum( (y+yp).*a  ) /6/A;
    Ixx = sum( (y.*y +y.*yp + yp.*yp).*a  ) /12;
    Iyy = sum( (x.*x +x.*xp + xp.*xp).*a  ) /12;
    Ixy = sum( (x.*yp +2*x.*y +2*xp.*yp + xp.*y).*a  ) /24;

    dx = xp - x;
    dy = yp - y;
    P = sum( sqrt( dx.*dx +dy.*dy ) );

    % check for CCW versus CW boundary
    if A < 0,
      A = -A;
      Ixx = -Ixx;
      Iyy = -Iyy;
      Ixy = -Ixy;

    % centroidal moments
    Iuu = Ixx - A*yc*yc;
    Ivv = Iyy - A*xc*xc;
    Iuv = Ixy - A*xc*yc;
    J = Iuu + Ivv;

    % replace mean of vertices
    x_cen = xc + xm;
    y_cen = yc + ym;
    Ixx = Iuu + A*y_cen*y_cen;
    Iyy = Ivv + A*x_cen*x_cen;
    Ixy = Iuv + A*x_cen*y_cen;

    % principal moments and orientation
    I = [ Iuu  -Iuv ;
         -Iuv   Ivv ];
    [ eig_vec, eig_val ] = eig(I);
    I1 = eig_val(1,1);
    I2 = eig_val(2,2);
    ang1 = atan2( eig_vec(2,1), eig_vec(1,1) );
    ang2 = atan2( eig_vec(2,2), eig_vec(1,2) );

    % return values
    geom = [ A  x_cen  y_cen  P ];
    iner = [ Ixx  Iyy  Ixy  Iuu  Ivv  Iuv ];
    cpmo = [ I1  ang1  I2  ang2  J ];

    % bottom of polygeom