// Calcium Gap Junctions
objref gapsca[SizeTotal*2]
// Random
objref randomStretch
objref randomLeavesDiameters
randomLeavesDiameters = new Random()
// Sets rresistance and potential to gaps.
// $1 - Gap resistance
// $2 - Potential
proc res_gap() {
for i = 2, NumberDendrites-2 {
gaps[i].r = $1
gaps[i].VoltageGap = $2
// Changes height distribution of dendrites.
// $1 - Random seed
// $2 - Scale factor
proc stretch() { local i, j, scaleNew
scaleNew = $2
randomStretch = new Random($1)
for i = 0, OriginalDendrite-2 dendrite[i] {
for j = 0, n3d()-1 {
if ( x3d(j) > 0.01 && y3d(j) > 0.01) {
pt3dchange(j, x3d(j), y3d(j), z3d(j), 1.67/sqrt(scaleNew*sqrt(x3d(j)^2+y3d(j)^2))) //randomStretch.uniform(-1, 1)+z3d(j)
} else {
pt3dchange(j, x3d(j), y3d(j), z3d(j), 1.67/sqrt(scaleNew*sqrt(x3d(j)^2+1+y3d(j)^2))) // randomStretch.uniform(-1, 1)+z3d(j)
// Changes height distribution of dendritic length.
// $1 -XY
// $2 - Z
// Gap junction modifying the Ca concentration
proc GapCaJunc() {
dendrite[$1] { gapsca[$1] = new GapCa(0.5)}
setpointer gapsca[$1].gapCaP, dendrite[$2].cai(0.5) gapsca[$1].jd = 0
// Installation of two types ofGap junction, GapJunction with another astrocyte (in LargeGlia) and autapse Gap junctions
proc insertGapJunc() { local i
// for i = 0, SizeTotal-2 {
// LargeGlia[i] gapsca[i] = new GapCa(0.5)
for i = 0, NumberDendrites-2 {
dendrite[i] gapsca[i] = new GapCa(0.5)
gapsca[i].jd = 0
for i = 0, NumberDendrites-2 {
dendrite[i] {insert CAl}
for i = 0, NumberDendrites-3 {
// LargeGlia[i+1] for j = 0, n3d()-1 {
// x1=x3d(j)
// y1=y3d(j)
//if (sqrt((x-x1)*(x-x1)+(y-y1)*(y-y1)) < $2) {
// gapsca[i].jd = $1
// print i, sqrt((x-x1)*(x-x1)+(y-y1)*(y-y1))
// } else {
// gapsca[i].jd = 0
// }
proc CaGapFlux() {
print "Contr=", ControlParameter, "jd=", jd
if (ControlParameter < 0.5) {
// for i = 0, SizeTotal-2 {
//LargeGlia[i] {
for i = 0, NumberDendrites-2 {
dendrite[i] {
gapsca[i].jd = $1
} else {
for i = 0, NumberDendrites-2 {
dendrite[i] {
gapsca[i].jd = $1
// The procedure determines the geometry and biophysical properties of Leaves.
// $1 - Max diameter for uniform distribution
// $2 - Min diameter for uniform distribution
// $3 - Max length for uniform distribution
// $4 - Min length for uniform distribution
// $5 - Boolean. 0 - uniform distribution for diameters. 1 - distribution from file.
// $6 - DensityGluTransporters
// $7 - Membrane density conductance, mS/cm2
proc setLeaves() {
// All density function of membrane kinetic must be multiply by 1+D/2L to take into account the lateral surface
for i = 0, SizeTotal-1 LargeGlia[i] {
if ($5 == 0) {
diam = randomLeavesDiameters.uniform($2, $1)
} else {
diam = getDiameterFromDistr(diamDistrLeaves, diamStep)
L = randomLeavesDiameters.uniform($4, $3)
g_pas = (1+diam/(2*L))*$7 //(1/11150) // mho/cm2
if (currentMechanismSetup == 1) {
// The procedure determines the geometry and biophysical properties of Stalks.
// $1 - Max diameter for uniform distribution
// $2 - Min diameter for uniform distribution
// $3 - Max length for uniform distribution
// $4 - Min length for uniform distribution
// $5 - Boolean. 0 - uniform distribution for diameters. 1 - distribution from file.
// $6 - DensityGluTransporters
proc setStalks() {
for i = 0, SizeTotal-1 SmallGlia[i] {
if ($5 == 0) {
diam = randomLeavesDiameters.uniform($2, $1)
} else {
diam = getDiameterFromDistr(diamDistrStalks, diamStep)
L = randomLeavesDiameters.uniform($4, $3)
if (currentMechanismSetup == 1) {