#include "runmodel.h"
#include "cmpa.h"
#include "complex.h"
#include "filters.h"
int an_arlo(double tdres, double cf, double spont, int model, int species, int ifspike,
const double *in, double *out, int length)
TAuditoryNerve anf;
anf.ifspike = ifspike;
initAuditoryNerve(&anf, model, species,tdres,cf,spont);
runAN2(&anf, in, out, length);
/*/ ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
int parsecommandline(T_stim *ptm,int argc, char* argv[])
int i;
int needhelp = 0;
char *para;
i = 1;
if(argc ==1 ) needhelp = 1;
{ para = argv[i];
{ para++;
ptm->tdres = (double)(atof(argv[++i]));
else if(strcmp(para,"cf")==0)
ptm->cf = (double)(atof(argv[++i]));
else if(strcmp(para,"spont")==0)
ptm->spont = (double)(atof(argv[++i]));
else if(strcmp(para,"species")==0)
ptm->species = atoi(argv[++i]);
else if(strcmp(para,"model")==0)
ptm->model = atoi(argv[++i]);
else if(strcmp(para,"fibers")==0)
ptm->banks = atoi(argv[++i]);
else if(strcmp(para,"delx")==0)
ptm->delx = (double)(atof(argv[++i]));
else if(strcmp(para,"cfhi")==0)
ptm->cfhi = (double)(atof(argv[++i]));
else if(strcmp(para,"cflo")==0)
ptm->cflo = (double)(atof(argv[++i]));
else if(strcmp(para,"reptim")==0)
ptm->reptim = (double)(atof(argv[++i]));
else if(strcmp(para,"trials")==0)
ptm->nrep = atoi(argv[++i]);
else if(strcmp(para,"wavefile")==0)
ptm->stim = 11;
else if(strcmp(para,"help")==0)
needhelp = 1;
{ printf("\nUnkown parameters --> %s",para); needhelp = 1; break; };
else { printf("\nUnkown parameters --> %s",para); needhelp = 1; break; };
printf("\n This program accept following parameters:\n");
printf("\n -species #(0) --> input the species(0=human,1=cat(LF only,JASA '93),9=cat (all CFs, JASA 2001))");
printf("\n -model #(1) --> anmodel(1:Nonlinear_w/comp&supp,");
printf("\n 2:Nonlinear_w/comp, w/o supp,");
printf("\n 3:linear sharp,");
printf("\n 4:linear broad, low threshold)");
printf("\n 5:linear broad, high threshold");
printf("\n -cf #(1000) --> character frequency of the an tested(center cf for filter banks)");
printf("\n -spont #(50) --> spontaneous rate of the fier");
printf("\n -tdres #(2e-6)--> time domain resolution(second)");
printf("\n\nFor filter banks >>>>>>>>");
printf("\n -fibers #(1) --># of filters, use this option with cf,cflo,cfhi,delx");
printf("\n -cfhi #(-1) --> highest cf to go(specify cfhi,cflo will recalculate cf&delx");
printf("\n -cflo #(-1) --> lowest cf to go");
printf("\n -delx #(0.05mm) --> distance between filters along basilar membrane");
printf("\n !!!!!!!!!");
printf("\n\nAbout stimulus>>>>>>>>");
printf("\n -wavefile filename(click) --> specify the stimulus wavefile name(click)");
printf("\n -reptim #(0.02) --> the time you want to run the model(20msec)");
printf("\n -trials #(0) --> spike generation trials");