function DifferentialEvolution()
%%%%%%%%%%%%% CONSTANTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Input and Output File Parameters %
IN_SYN = 'Data/InputSynapses_unnorm_07-24-14.mat';
TS_neuron_SC_file = 'Data/Cell43/cell43_062514_TS_SC.mat';
TS_neuron_BC_file = 'Data/Cell43/cell43_062514_TS_BC.mat';
tag = '012815-fh0ft0'; % String to add to end of file
% Algorithm Parameters %
F = 0.5; % The differential weight (or factor of differentiation)
CR = 0.9; % The crossover rate probability of mutation
seed = 9; % The random seed governing the random number generator
N = 300; % Number of individuals in the population
numTrials = 20; % Number of simulation trials per stimulus type
numChirps = 5; % Number of chirp stimulations in total
maxIts = 150; % Maximum number of iterations to run the DE rounds
vpdq = 100; % The q-value (temporal precision) used to get VPD
alpha = 0.01; % Selective invariance (SI) score parameter
neuron0 = TorusNeuronMod(); % A "blank slate" simulated neuron
ss = 0.025; % Step size in ms (McGillivray 2012)
threshold = -25; % For spike time detection
siglev = 50; % Requisite PSTH level for CSI significance
numProcs = 1; % Number of processors to run on
% Biological Parameter Constraints %
limits.sigmaB = [0.15 , 0.85]; % EI balance factor limits
limits.f_h = [0 , 0]; % Ih current strength factor limits
limits.f_ca = [0 , 0]; % Ica current strength factor limits
limits.I_bias = [2 , -7]; % Ibias current level limits
limits.N_xi = [1 , 1]; % Gaussian white noise intensity limits
limits.Ws = [0 , 1.5]; % Synaptic current weight limits
%%%%%%%%%%%%% ALGORTIHM %%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Make Pool
poolobject = gcp('nocreate');
if isempty(poolobject) && ~(numProcs==1)
%%% Initialize population, input structures, and other parameters %%%
% Create Real TS neuron
% Note, the below are only needed if one wishes to override the fitness
% function with a different one based on comparison to a real neuron.
% scRTS = load(TS_neuron_SC_file);
% bcRTS = load(TS_neuron_BC_file);
RTSN = []; % loadTSneuron(scRTS,bcRTS,numChirps);
% Build input data
insyn = load(IN_SYN);
synapses = insyn.synapseStruct;
% Initialize miscellaneous parameters
pop = InitializePopulation(limits, N);
pop = parEvaluatePop(pop,[],synapses,vpdq,numChirps,numTrials,alpha,siglev);
iterCounter = 0;
% Until a goal is reached (maxiters reached, pop unchanged, invar > k):
while iterCounter < maxIts
% Clone the current population
newPop = pop;
% Construct fitness-biased probability distribution by creating an
% array of probability values for choosing targets
probValArray = zeros(1,length(newPop));
% Get Max fitness value (normalizer)
statss = [newPop.stats];
siss = [statss.SI];
maxFitness = max(exp(-siss)); % Note worst fitness
% Compute unnormalized probabilities
for u = 1 : length(newPop)
fitness = exp( -newPop(u).stats.SI );
probValArray(u) = exp( (-fitness)/maxFitness );
% Normalize
k = sum(probValArray);
probValArray = probValArray / k;
% Run in parallel across all agents:
parfor aa = 1 : N
% Choose the current target
target = newPop(aa);
newAgent = target;
% Pick three other agents, with a fitness-biased probability
n = length(probValArray);
borders = cumsum(probValArray);
targs = [];
while(length(targs) < 3)
r = rand;
a = -1;
for k = 1 : n
if r < borders(k); a = k; break; end
if a == -1; a = floor((n)*rand+1); end
if ~any(targs==round(a))
targs = [a targs]; %#ok<AGROW>
c = num2cell(pop(targs));
[x1,x2,x3] = c{:};
% Differentiation: Combine the three into a new agent
names = fieldnames(limits); % Cell array of field names
Nv = length(names);
for s = 1 : Nv
name = names{s};
newAgent.(name) = x1.(name) + F * ( x2.(name) - x3.(name) );
mx = max(limits.(name));
mn = min(limits.(name));
% Handle boundary conditions by resampling
while ( (newAgent.(name) > mx) || (newAgent.(name) < mn) )
% Choose 3 agents (uniform distribution,NR)
ddd = 1 : N;
y = datasample(ddd,3,'Replace',false);
c = num2cell( pop(y) );
[x1,x2,x3] = c{:};
newAgent.(name) = x1.(name) + F * ( x2.(name) - x3.(name) );
newAgent.isEvaluated = false;
newAgent.stats = struct;
% Recombination: randomly mutate parts of the new agent
for p = 1 : Nv
name = names{p};
r = rand;
if r > CR
newAgent.(name) = target.(name);
newAgent.isEvaluated = false;
newAgent.stats = struct;
% Evaluate the new agent
% Preallocations
psths = cell(1,numChirps);
stsCa = cell(numChirps,numTrials);
% Run Simulations
for j = 1 : numChirps
neuron = neuron0.deepCopy();
for namae = 1 : Nv % Set the vals from the agent
targ = names{namae};
neuron.(targ) = newAgent.(targ);
tmax = round(length(neuron.getAlphaSynapse(1).conved)/10);
psthTemp = zeros(tmax/ss,1);
% Run the multiple trials for the given input
for k = 1:numTrials % For all trials
% Run simulation
[~,v] = NSUtils.FastNeuronEulerMaruyama(neuron,ss,tmax);
% Procure psth and binaries
[psth,~,sts] = NSUtils.getPsthStsAndBinaries(v,threshold,ss);
stsCa{j,k} = sts;
psthTemp = psthTemp + psth;
psths{j} = psthTemp/numTrials;
% Compute post-sim statistics
% May prefer to use matched trial vpd for speed
stats = NSUtils.computePostSimulationStats...
% Compare to real TS neuron (with full VPD, not matched trial)
% Can use as a different fitness measure
% summ = 0; counter = 0;
% n = numChirps; m = numTrials;
% for i = 1 : n % across chirps
% for j = 1 : m % across trials
% sts1 = stsCa{i,j};
% for k = 1 : n % across all RTSN chirps
% for p = 1 : m % across all trials
% sts2 = RTSN(k).rcell{p};
% d = NSUtils.spkd(sts1,sts2,vpdq);
% summ = summ + d;
% counter = counter + 1;
% end
% end
% end
% end
% stats.vpd_RTSNavg = summ / counter;
% Set newAgent stats and return
newAgent.stats = stats;
newAgent.isEvaluated = true;
% Store Results
newPop(aa) = newAgent;
% Perform Selection
for i = 1 : length(pop)
oldSI = pop(i).stats.SI;
newSI = newPop(i).stats.SI;
oldFitness = exp(-oldSI);
newFitness = exp(-newSI);
if ( (newFitness) < (oldFitness) )
pop(i) = newPop(i);
% Save and Write current pop to file
iterCounter = iterCounter + 1;
%%%%% Spawn the initial population of parameter vectors %%%%%
function pop = InitializePopulation(limits, N)
names = fieldnames(limits); % Cell array of field names
Nv = length(names); % Size of DE individual parameter vector
pop = []; % The empty population variable
% Safety checks
if N < 3; error('Need at least 3 population members!'); end
% For each population member:
for i = N : -1 : 1
% For every parameter, generate a random value for it
for j = 1 : Nv
name = names{j};
mx = max(limits.(name)); % Max limit
mn = min(limits.(name)); % Min limit
r = mn + (mx-mn)*rand; % Random number between max and min
pop(i).(name) = r; % Set value with random number
% Set a flag to show the target has not been evaluated yet
pop(i).isEvaluated = false;
pop(i).stats = struct;
%%%%% Evaluates an agent (i.e. a parameter vector) %%%%%
function newAgent = evaluate(agent,RTSN,synapses,q,nChirps,numTrials,alpha,siglev)
% The new agent will be the old one, just with extra stats data
newAgent = agent;
% Safety Check
if agent.isEvaluated; return; end
% Create neuron, sim parameters, and data storage
neuron0 = TorusNeuronMod();
ss = 0.025; % Step size in ms (McGillivray 2012)
threshold = -20; % For spike time detection
% Preallocations
psths = cell(1,nChirps);
stsCa = cell(nChirps,numTrials);
% Run Simulations
for j = 1 : nChirps
neuron = neuron0.deepCopy();
tmax = round(length(neuron.getAlphaSynapse(1).conved)/10);
psthTemp = zeros(round(length(neuron.getAlphaSynapse(1).conved)/10)/ss,1);
% Run the multiple trials for the given input
for k = 1:numTrials % For all trials
% Run simulation
[~,v] = NSUtils.FastNeuronEulerMaruyama(neuron,ss,tmax);
% Procure psth and binaries
[psth,~,sts] = NSUtils.getPsthStsAndBinaries(v,threshold,ss);
stsCa{j,k} = sts;
psthTemp = psthTemp + psth;
psths{j} = psthTemp/numTrials;
% Compute post-sim statistics
stats = NSUtils.computePostSimulationStats...
% Compare to real TS neuron (with full VPD, not matched trial one)
% sum = 0; counter = 0;
% n = nChirps; m = numTrials;
% for i = 1 : n % across chirps
% for j = 1 : m % across trials
% sts1 = stsCa{i,j};
% for k = (i+1) : n % across all other chirps
% for p = 1 : m % across all trials
% sts2 = RTSN(k).rcell{p};
% d = NSUtils.spkd(sts1,sts2,q);
% sum = sum + d;
% counter = counter + 1;
% end
% end
% end
% end
% stats.vpd_RTSNavg = sum / counter;
% Set newAgent stats and return
newAgent.stats = stats;
newAgent.isEvaluated = true;
%%%%% Performs the differentiation operator %%%%%
function newAgent = differentiate(x1, x2, x3, F, limits)
names = fieldnames(limits); % Cell array of field names
Nv = length(names);
for s = 1 : Nv
name = names{s};
newAgent.(name) = x1.(name) + F * ( x2.(name) - x3.(name) );
mx = max(limits.(name));
mn = min(limits.(name));
if newAgent.(name) > mx;
newAgent.(name) = mx;
elseif newAgent.(name) < mn;
newAgent.(name) = mn;
newAgent.isEvaluated = false;
newAgent.stats = struct;
%%%%% Performs the recombination operator %%%%%
function newAgent = recombine(newAgent, target, CR, limits)
names = fieldnames(limits); % Cell array of field names
Nv = length(names);
for p = 1 : Nv
name = names{p};
r = rand;
if r > CR
newAgent.(name) = target.(name);
newAgent.isEvaluated = false;
newAgent.stats = struct;
%%%%% Creates the array of probability values for choosing targets %%%%%
function probValArray = makeProbValArray(newPop)
probValArray = zeros(1,length(newPop));
% Get Max fitness value (normalizer)
statss = [newPop.stats];
vs = [statss.vpd_RTSNavg];
maxFitness = max(vs); %Note worst fitness
% Compute unnormalized probabilities
for u = 1 : length(newPop)
fitness = newPop(u).stats.vpd_RTSNavg;
probValArray(u) = exp( (-fitness)/maxFitness );
% Normalize
k = sum(probValArray);
probValArray = probValArray / k;
%%%%% Picks agents from the population based on biased probdist %%%%%
function [x1,x2,x3] = pickAgents(pop, probValArray)
n = length(probValArray);
borders = cumsum(probValArray);
targs = [];
while(length(targs) < 3)
r = rand;
a = -1;
for k = 1 : n
if r < borders(k); a = k; break; end
if a == -1; a = floor((n)*rand+1); end
if ~any(targs==round(a))
targs = [a targs]; %#ok<AGROW>
c = num2cell(pop(targs));
[x1,x2,x3] = c{:};
%%%%% Saves the current generation %%%%%
function savePop(pop,RTSN,iterCounter,tag) %#ok<INUSL>
generation = iterCounter; %#ok<NASGU>
population = pop; %#ok<NASGU>
% Avg and max vpd_RTSNavg and SI
%popstats.minVpdRtsn = inf;
popstats.maxSI = 0;
%sumVpdRtsn = 0;
sumSI = 0;
for p = 1 : length(pop)
targ = pop(p);
% sumVpdRtsn = sumVpdRtsn + targ.stats.vpd_RTSNavg;
sumSI = sumSI + targ.stats.SI;
% if targ.stats.vpd_RTSNavg < popstats.minVpdRtsn
% popstats.minVpdRtsn = targ.stats.vpd_RTSNavg;
% end
if targ.stats.SI > popstats.maxSI
popstats.maxSI = targ.stats.SI;
% popstats.avgVPD_RTSNavg = sumVpdRtsn / length(pop);
popstats.avgSI = sumSI / length(pop);
s = sprintf('GenDE-%d-%s',iterCounter,tag);
%%%%% Helper for building the combined synapse structure %%%%%
function synapseStruct = buildSynapses(chirps) %#ok<DEFNU>
for i = 1:length(chirps)
s = sprintf('Chirp%d-E_avg',i);
synapseStruct(i).Esyn = ...
AlphaSynapse(s,chirps(i).avgEpsth,chirps(i).chirp,'E'); %#ok<AGROW>
s = sprintf('Chirp%d-I_avg',i);
synapseStruct(i).Isyn = ...
AlphaSynapse(s,chirps(i).avgIpsth,chirps(i).chirp,'I'); %#ok<AGROW>
%%%%% Loads the data for the real Torus neuron into a struct %%%%%
function ts = loadTSneuron(scRTS,bcRTS,numChirps)
ts = [];
for i = numChirps : -1 : 1
if round(i)==5
ts(i).rcell = bcRTS.rcell;
ts(i).psth = bcRTS.psth;
ts(i).rcell = scRTS.rcells(i).rcell;
ts(i).psth = scRTS.psth(i).psthA;
%%%%% Helper function to evaluate the full population %%%%%
function newpop = parEvaluatePop(pop,RTSN,synapses,vpdq,nChrps,nTrls,alpha,siglev)
newpop = pop;
parfor ii = 1:length(pop)
agent = pop(ii);
newpop(ii) = evaluate(agent,RTSN,synapses,vpdq,nChrps,nTrls,alpha,siglev);