//Creation of files designed to print main parameters values
begintemplate write_string //Equivalent to ronalds string handler
    public str
    strdef str
    proc init(){
endtemplate write_string

objref wrd1,Paramet_file
wrd1=new write_string("")
Paramet_file=new File()
strdef name1

proc print_parameters(){local flag 
  Paramet_file.printf("The File Name is %s \n \n", name1)
  Paramet_file.printf("total simulated time= %g \n", tstop)
  Paramet_file.printf("number of E cells= %g \n", n_P)
  Paramet_file.printf("number of I cells= %g \n", n_FS)
  Paramet_file.printf("number of E cells layers= %g \n", n_layerP)
  Paramet_file.printf("number of I cells layers= %g \n",n_layerFS)  
  Paramet_file.printf("IE connections percentage= %g \n", IEperc)
  Paramet_file.printf("WsynIE= %g \n", Wie)
  Paramet_file.printf("variance WsynIE= %g (%s) \n",SDwie,vrc_flag1)
  Paramet_file.printf("EE connections percentage= %g \n", EEperc)
  Paramet_file.printf("WsynEE= %g \n", Wee )
  Paramet_file.printf("variance WsynEE= %g (%s)\n", SDwee,vrc_flag2)
  Paramet_file.printf("II connections percentage= %g \n", IIperc)
  Paramet_file.printf("WsynII= %g \n", Wii)
  Paramet_file.printf("variance WsynII= %g (%s)\n", SDwii,vrc_flag3)
  Paramet_file.printf("EI connections percentage= %g \n", EIperc)
  Paramet_file.printf("WsynEI= %g \n", Wei)
  Paramet_file.printf("variance WsynEI= %g (%s) \n", SDwei,vrc_flag4)  
  Paramet_file.printf("External Spike Number to I= %g (not in use yet by itself)\n", nSpikesI)
  Paramet_file.printf("External Spike Number to E= %g (not in use yet by itself)\n", nSpikesE)
  Paramet_file.printf("min Amplitude external baseline to E cell= %g (nA) \n", AminE)
  Paramet_file.printf("max Amplitude external baseline to E cell= %g (nA) \n", AmaxE)
  Paramet_file.printf("min Amplitude external baseline to I cell= %g (nA) \n", AminI)
  Paramet_file.printf("max Amplitude external baseline to I cell= %g (nA) \n", AmaxI)
  Paramet_file.printf("Synaptic Delay (in ms)= %g \n", Delay)
  print "Parameters can be found in, ", name1 


    //print wd1.str
   objref wrd1
   wrd1=new write_string("")
    f=new File()