/*-------------------------------------------------------------- TEMPLATE FILE FOR DEFINING STN NEURONS - Parallel version -------------------------------------------------- One compartment model and currents derived from: Otsuka model -> modified by Svjetlana -> compact by Dongchul Lee Dongchul C. Lee, Cleveland Clinic, 2005 May 2006 parallel code - PJ Hahn --------------------------------------------------------------*/ begintemplate pSTN // create a new template object public soma, synlist, connect2target, is_art objref synlist create soma proc init() { soma { diam = 60 // geometry L = 60 // so that area is about 10000 um2 nseg = 1 Ra = 200 cm = 1 insert myions //dummy mechanism used to set initial ion concentrations insert stn gnabar_stn = 49e-3 //[S/cm2] gkdrbar_stn = 57e-3 //[S/cm2] gkabar_stn = 5e-3 //[S/cm2] gkcabar_stn = 0.7e-3 //[S/cm2] gcalbar_stn = 15e-3 //[S/cm2] gcatbar_stn = 5e-3 //[S/cm2] kca_stn = 2 //Ca removal rate [1/ms] gl_stn = 0.29e-3 //[S/cm2] synlist = new List() synapses($1, $2) // $1 numCtxSTN, $2 numGPeSTN } // Initialize variables cai0_ca_ion = 5e-6 //mM //must set initial ion concentrations in hoc file, not mod (see NMODl p27) cao0_ca_ion = 2 ki0_k_ion = 105 //calculated so that Nernst potential is same as in paper ko0_k_ion = 3 nao0_na_ion = 108 nai0_na_ion = 10 } proc connect2target() { //$o1 target object, $o2 returned NetCon soma $o2 = new NetCon(&v(1), $o1) } objref syn_ proc synapses() { // $1 numCtxSTN, $2 numGPeSTN // glutamatergic cortical inputs // set in pBGconst numCtxSTN = for i=0, $1 - 1 { soma syn_ = new AMPA_S(.5) syn_.Cmax = 1 synlist.append(syn_) } // GABAergic GPe inputs // set in pBGconst numGPeSTN = for i=0, $2 - 1 { soma syn_ = new GABAa_S(.5) syn_.Cmax = 1 synlist.append(syn_) } } proc is_art() { return 0 } endtemplate pSTN