// Provide classes for simulating a mouse moving in a maze
// Copyright 2007 John L Baker. All rights reserved.
// This software is provided AS IS under the terms of the Open Source
// MIT License. See http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
// File: subject_baker_2003.h
// Release: 1.0.0
// Author: John Baker
// Updated: 14 July 2006
// Description:
// This header provides a framework for defining an anmimal moving in such an
// environment such as a Morris Water Maze. The definition here is abstract
// and concrete implementation involves extension of the MazeSubject class.
// A basic movement policy is provided in which the animal moves about the
// maze at random without attempting to seek a goal or explicitly explore
// unfamiliar regions of the maze.
// References:
// Dudek G, Jenkin M (2000) Computational principles of mobile robotics.
// New York: Cambridge University Press.
// Nakazawa K, Quick MC, Chitwood RA, Watanabe M, Yeckel MF, Sun LD,
// Kata A, Carr CA, Johnston D, Wilson MA, Tonegawa S (2002) Requirement
// for hippocampal CA3 NMDA receptors in associative memory recall.
// Science 297: 211-218.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Only include the definitions in this header once
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef __SUBJECT_BAKER_2003_H_
#define __SUBJECT_BAKER_2003_H_
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef WIN32
// Disable warning C4786: symbol greater than 255 character,
#pragma warning( disable: 4786)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "bnsf.h"
#include "maze_baker_2003.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace BNSF;
// Declare a namespace so that different models
// can be intermixed in the same simulation
namespace BAKER_2003 {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Prototype declarations to allow forward references.
// See below for descriptions of the individual classes.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
class MazeSubject;
class MovementPolicy;
class RandomWalk;
class WallFollower;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// CLASS: MazeSubject
// EXTENDS: ModelComponent
// DESC: Abstract class for defining subjects for maze
// experiments. .
// RESP:
// 1. Store relationship with maze.
// 2. Know current position and heading.
// 3. Allocate private model and solver if none provided
// 4. Compute angular relationship between current position
// and all visible landmarks.
// 5. Know current novelty region
// NOTES: For now all landmarks are assumed to be visible.
// Because a clock solver is used, subclasses must
// provide motion in terms of discrete change in location
// with each time step.
// Subclass must establish any behaviors associated with
// being within the novelty region, including possibly
// passing the region to affected place cell layers.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
class MazeSubject : public ModelComponent {
// Constructors and destructor
MazeSubject(Maze* m=NULL);
virtual ~MazeSubject();
// Accessors
inline Maze* maze() { return _maze; }
virtual void maze(Maze* m);
inline SpatialRegion* noveltyRegion() { return _noveltyRegion; }
virtual void noveltyRegion(SpatialRegion* nr) { _noveltyRegion=nr; }
inline MovementPolicy* movementPolicy() { return _movementPolicy; }
virtual void movementPolicy(MovementPolicy* policy);
inline Number speed() { return _speed; }
virtual void speed(Number v);
inline Number locX() { return _locX; }
virtual void locX(Number x);
inline Number locY() { return _locY; }
virtual void locY(Number y);
inline Number headingX() { return _headingX; }
virtual void headingX(Number x) { _headingX = x; }
inline Number headingY() { return _headingY; }
virtual void headingY(Number y) { _headingY = y; }
virtual Number headingAngle();
virtual void headingAngle(Number angle);
virtual ModelComponentVector* subscribers() { return &_subscribers; }
// Provide access to the previous maze, but only while switching over.
inline Maze* previousMaze() { return _previousMaze; }
// Interface for updating location and heading in one function call.
// This reduces the overhead of multiple change notifications.
virtual void setLocationAndHeading(
Number x, // location x coord
Number y, // location y coord
Number hx, // heading vector x coord
Number hy); // heading vector y coord
// Set heading to a uniformly distributed random direction
virtual void randomizeHeading();
// Access sensory information available from the current location.
// For now all landmarks are assumed to be fully visible at all locations.
virtual LandmarkVector& landmarks() { return maze()->landmarks(); }
virtual NumberArray landmarkAngles() { return _landmarkAngles; }
// Interface for various sources of random numbers ------------
inline UniformRandom* networkRandomizer() { return _networkRandomizer; }
inline UniformRandom* locationRandomizer() { return _locationRandomizer; }
inline UniformRandom* movementRandomizer() { return _movementRandomizer; }
inline UniformRandom* pcSpikeRandomizer() { return _pcSpikeRandomizer; }
inline UniformRandom* inSpikeRandomizer() { return _inSpikeRandomizer; }
inline UniformRandom* synapticRandomizer() { return _synapticRandomizer; }
// Interface with Clock Solver --------------------------------
inline SimTime timeStep() { return model()->solver()->timeStep(); }
virtual void timeStep(SimTime h) { model()->solver()->timeStep(h); }
virtual void timeStepEnded();
// Accessors for probing state values -------------------------
virtual int numStateVar() { return 0; }
virtual int numInternalStateVar() { return 4; }
virtual Number internalStateValue(int n);
virtual const char* componentName() { return "MazeSubject"; }
virtual const char** stateLabels() {
static const char* sl[]={"locX","locY","headingX","heandingY"};
return sl; }
virtual Number* unitsOfMeasure() {
static Number um[] = {UOM::cm, UOM::cm, 1.0, 1.0 }; return &(um[0]); }
ModelComponentVector _subscribers; // subscribers to be informed of state changes
MovementPolicy* _movementPolicy; // Policy object implementing movements
// Different random number streams, each of which can be
// separately controlled, including setting of seeds for
// reproducible results. The subject instance owns these
// object and is responsible for creating and deleting them.
UniformRandom* _networkRandomizer; // for establishing the network
UniformRandom* _locationRandomizer; // for setting place cell locations
UniformRandom* _movementRandomizer; // for for generating movements
UniformRandom* _pcSpikeRandomizer; // for place cell spike trains
UniformRandom* _inSpikeRandomizer; // for interneuron spike trains
UniformRandom* _synapticRandomizer; // for random events in synapses
// Parameters
Maze* _maze; // current maze environment or NULL
Maze* _previousMaze; // old maze before changing to a new one
SpatialRegion* _noveltyRegion; // novelty region or NULL
Number _speed; // walk/swim speed
// State variables
Number _locX; // current location X coord
Number _locY; // current location Y coord
Number _headingX; // current heading vector X coord
Number _headingY; // current heading vector Y coord
// Derived information
NumberArray _landmarkAngles; // angle to each landmark from current location
// Compute angles to landmarks from current location.
virtual void updateLandmarkAngles();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// CLASS: MovementPolicy
// EXTENDS: none
// DESC: Abstract class for maze subject movement policies.
// RESP:
// 1. Know maze subject
// 2. Provide interface for movement
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
class MovementPolicy {
// Constructors and destructor
MovementPolicy(MazeSubject* sub=NULL);
virtual ~MovementPolicy();
// Accessors
inline MazeSubject* subject() { return _subject; }
virtual void subject(MazeSubject* sub) { _subject = sub; }
inline Maze* maze() { return subject()->maze(); }
inline Number locX() { return subject()->locX(); }
inline Number locY() { return subject()->locY(); }
inline Number headingX() { return subject()->headingX(); }
inline Number headingY() { return subject()->headingY(); }
inline Number speed() { return subject()->speed(); }
// Pass updates of state on to subject
virtual void setLocationAndHeading(
Number x, // location x coord
Number y, // location y coord
Number hx, // heading vector x coord
Number hy); // heading vector y coord
// Update the maze subject state to take the next movement
virtual void takeNextStep()=0; // subclass responsibility
MazeSubject* _subject; // subject using this policy
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// CLASS: RandomWalk
// EXTENDS: MovementPolicy
// DESC: Defines movements that wanders at random in a
// Maze. Path is a random walk combining monentum,
// noisey changes in direction, and random reset
// of direction upon encountering a maze wall.
// RESP:
// 1. Know parameters for random walk.
// 2. Determine next change in location for a time step.
// NOTES: Parameter defaults are intended to create a space-
// filling random walk with somewhat mouse-like aspects,
// there is no attempt to statistically model specific
// observed mouse data. To avoid excessive time spent
// bouncing off walks, randomness in the walk is
// temporarily set to zero and recovers with a time
// constant specified through wanderTau.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
class RandomWalk : public MovementPolicy {
// Constructors and destructor
RandomWalk(MazeSubject* sub=NULL,
Number wrate=1/UOM::sec, // wander rate value
Number wtau=1*UOM::sec); // wander tau value
virtual ~RandomWalk();
// Accessors
inline Number wanderRate() { return _wanderRate; }
virtual void wanderRate(Number wr) { _wanderRate=_currentWanderRate=wr; }
inline Number wanderTau() { return _wanderTau; }
virtual void wanderTau(Number tm) { _wanderTau = tm; }
// Take the next step
virtual void takeNextStep();
Number _wanderRate; // Initial rate of random direction changes
Number _wanderTau; // Time constant for recovering randomness
Number _currentWanderRate; // Wander rate as of the present
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// CLASS: WallFollower
// EXTENDS: MovementPolicy
// DESC: Defines movements that wanders while staying near
// a boundary. Movements are somewhat irregular but
// at each step there is an objective of staying
// a given distance from a boundary.
// RESP:
// 1. Know desired boundary distance.
// 2. Determine next change in location for a time step.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
class WallFollower : public MovementPolicy {
// Constructors and destructor
WallFollower(MazeSubject* sub=NULL, Number wd=2*UOM::cm);
virtual ~WallFollower();
// Accessors
inline Number wallDistance() { return _wallDistance; }
virtual void wallDistance(Number d) { _wallDistance = d; }
// Take the next step
virtual void takeNextStep();
Number _wallDistance;
#endif // #ifndef