// Synapse Dynamics for Glutamate Synapses
// Copyright 2007 John L Baker. All rights reserved.
// This software is provided AS IS under the terms of the Open Source
// MIT License. See http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
// File: synapse_glu_baker_2003.h
// Release: 1.0.0
// Author: John Baker
// Updated: 14 July 2006
// Description:
// This header file contains the classes used to implement
// glumate synaptic conductances within a CA3 model.
// Synaptic responses have temperature dependencies but these are
// not well quantified. For now such dependencies are omitted except
// for NMDAR channels, for which an estimated Q10 is available.
// Parameter values adapted from Destexhe, Mainen and Sejnowski are
// based on simplified models in the reference cited and have been
// converted for use in dual exponential formulation.
// Total synaptic weights for AMPA receptors is provided to allow
// GABAb responses (via GABAb triggered GIRKs coresident in synapses)
// to be affected by synaptic weight changes.
// References:
// Allen C and Stevens CF (1994). An evaluation of causes for unreliability
// of synaptic transmission. PNAS USA 91, 10380-10383.
// Andrasfalvy BK and Magee JC (2001). Distance-dependent increase in AMPA
// receptor number in the dendrites of adult hippocampal CA1 pyramidal
// neurons. J. Neuroscience 21, 9151-9159.
// Benke TA Luthi A, Plamer MJ, Wikstrom MA, Anderson WW, Isaac JTR,
// Collingridge GL (2001). Mathematical modelling of non-stationary
// fluctuation analysis for studying channel properties of synaptic
// AMPA receptors. J. Physiology 537, 407-429.
// Debanne D, Guerineau NC, Gahwiler BH, Thompson SM (1995). Physiology
// and pharmacology of unitary synaptic connections between pairs of
// cells in areas CA3 and CA1 of rat hippocampal slice cultures.
// J. Neurophysiology 73, 1282-1294.
// Destexhe A, Mainen ZF, Sejnowski TJ (1998). Kinetic models of synaptic
// transmission, in Methods of Neuronal Modeling 2nd edition, ed. Kock C
// and Segev I. MIT Press.
// Flint AC, Maisch US, Weishaupt JH, Kriegstein AB, Moyner H (1997).
// NR2A subunit expression shortens NMDA receptor synaptic currents in
// developing neocortex. J. Neuroscience 17(7), 2469-2476.
// Grishin AA, Gee CE, Gerber U, Benquet P (2004). Differential
// calcium-dependent modulation of NMDA currents in CA1 and CA3
// hipppocampal pyramidal cells. J. Neuroscience 24(2), 350-355.
// Grishin AA, Benquet P, Gerber U (2005). Muscarinic receptor
// stimulation reduces NMDA responses in CA3 hippocampal pyramidal
// cells via Ca++ - dependent activation of tyrosine phosphatase.
// Neuropharmacology (in press).
// Jahr, CW and Stevens, CF (1990). Voltage dependence of NMDA-activated
// macroscopic conductances predicted by single-channel kinetics.
// J. Neuroscience 10, 3178-3182.
// Kampa BM, Clements J, Jonas P, Stuart GJ (2004). Kinetics of Mg++ unblock
// of NMDA receptors: implications for spike-timing dependent synaptic
// plasticity. J. Physiology (London) 556, 337-345.
// Svoboda K, Tank DW, Denk W (1996). Direct meansurement of coupling between
// dendritic spines and shafts. Science 272, 716-719.
// Williams SH and Johnston D (1991). Kinetic properties of two anatomically
// distinct excitatory synapses in hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons.
// J. Neurophysiol. 66(3), 1010-1020.
// Only include this header once
#ifndef __SYNAPSE_GLU_BAKER_2003_H_
#define __SYNAPSE_GLU_BAKER_2003_H_
#include "bnsf.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace BNSF;
// Declare a namespace so that different models
// can be intermixed in the same simulation
namespace BAKER_2003 {
// Class hierarchy
class AMPA_SynapticResp;
class NMDA_SynapticResp;
class NMDA_NR2A_SynapticResp;
class NMDA_NR2B_SynapticResp;
class AC_Glu_SynapticResp;
class PP_Glu_SynpaticResp;
class MF_Glu_SynapticResp;
// ================================================================
// AMPA Synaptic Conductance Class (mostly abstract class)
// ================================================================
class AMPA_SynapticResp : public DualExpSynapticCond {
// Constructors and destructor
AMPA_SynapticResp (Number gVal=0);
virtual ~AMPA_SynapticResp ();
// Parameters from Andrasfalvy and Magee, 2001.
// See also Benke et al. for similar values.
virtual SimTime tau1() { return 0.6*UOM::msec; }
virtual SimTime tau2() { return 2.8*UOM::msec; }
virtual Number Vrev() { return _Vrev; }
// Provide a nominal spine neck resistance (Svoboda et al.)
virtual Number spineNeckResistance() { return 100*UOM::megaohm; }
// Provide a default release probability for AMPAR synapses.
virtual Number releaseProbability() { return 0.24f; }
// State vector label functions (subclass should override)
virtual const char* componentName() {return "AMPAR"; }
static const Number _Vrev; // reversal potential
static DualExpSynapticCondClassCache _CC; // class cache
// Return address of the class cache
DualExpSynapticCondClassCache* pDualExpClassCache() { return &_CC; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// NMDAVmTableEntry
// This public class stores precomputed values for the gate
// variable associated with the NMDAR channel Mg++ gate.
// Factors for computing Ca++ currents are not currently
// implemented. Note that this is a bit more complex than
// GHK equations for calcium channels because Ca++ is not
// the only ion with non-zero permissivity for the channel.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
class NMDAVmTableEntry {
Number MgGate; // Value of Mg gate at a voltage
// ================================================================
// (Abstract) NMDA Synaptic Conductance Class
// The following special properties apply:
// RESP:
// 1. Provide relationship between voltage and Mg++ plug.
// 2. Adjust other parameter values for average voltage.
// 3. Set conductance based on ACh level.
// NOTES: The state of the Mg++ plug affects ligand binding kinetics.
// The unbinding time constant tau2 is function of Vm
// as shown in Kampa et al. figure 3. Otherwise the Mg++
// plug itself is treated as instantaneous.
// Current for Ca++ ions is not currently implemented.
// Applying GHK equations involves the permability of
// different ions besides just Ca++.
// Variable tau2 is also not supported owing to performance
// implications. A nominal value derived from mean membrane
// potential is used instead. Q10 factors are applied to
// the derived tau2 value.
// External Mg++ concentration is difficult to determine.
// Physiological values are 1-2 mM. 2mM is typical for slice
// work but this is largely to prevent excess spiking.
// Rats have somewhat lower Mg++ levels than humans.
// ================================================================
class NMDA_SynapticResp : public DualExpSynapticCond {
// Constructors and destructor for abstract class
NMDA_SynapticResp(Number gVal=0);
virtual ~NMDA_SynapticResp();
// Factors for Mg++ block behavior (Jahr & Stevens) -----------
// These factors are used to load the VmTable and a separate table
// must be provided in subclasses that provide different parameters.
// Voltage sensitivity (analogous to zFRT in energy barrier models)
virtual Number MgVmMult() { return 0.062/UOM::mV; }
// Factors associated with external Mg++ concentration.
// [Mg++] at the receptor is assumed to be the same as in CSF.
// For rats this is in the range of 1 to 2 mM, though for some
// reason an accurate value does not seem to be readily available.
// From human and dog studies, the value 1.3 mM is representative of
// CSF Mg++. Note that blood plasma values for [Mg++] are different.
virtual Number MgExtConc() { return 1.3*UOM::mM; } // concentration
virtual Number MgKdAtV0() { return 3.57*UOM::mM; } // Mg++ Kd
// Access the Mg++ gate value via table lookup
inline Number MgGateValue()
{ NMDAVmTableEntry* ent = *pNMDAVmTable()+container()->VmIndex();
return VTableInterp(container()->VmRem()/VStepForIndex,
(ent-1)->MgGate,ent->MgGate, (ent+1)->MgGate,(ent+2)->MgGate);
// Factors for ACh modulation adjustments ---------------------
inline Number AChLevel() { return _AChLevel; }
virtual void AChLevel(Number ach);
// Return the current ACh conductance modulation
inline Number AChMod() { return _AChMod; }
// ACh parameters. Conductance is adjusted based on up to two
// pathways interacting. The formula for conductance modulation is:
// (1+a1*ach/(ach+kd1)) * (1+a2*ach/(ach+kd2))
// Values supplied here are defaults only and result in no modulation.
virtual Number AChA1() { return 0; }
virtual Number AChKd1() { return 1*UOM::microM; }
virtual Number AChA2() { return 0; }
virtual Number AChKd2() { return 1*UOM::microM; }
// Apply an ACh neuromodulation rule to adjust F1.
// id = token("AChModulator"), nv=1, values[0] = ACh concentration
virtual void setModParams(TokenId id, int nv, Number* values);
// Factors and functions for electrical behavior --------------
// Get conductance using Mg++ plug and membrane potential
virtual Number conductance();
// Current using Mg++ plug and Ohm's law behavior
virtual Number Iion();
// Total current reversal potential.
virtual Number Vrev() { return _Vrev; }
// Factors and functions for variable tau2 --------------------
// Voltage dependency between tau2 and Vm is based on a
// linear fit for Kampa et al. fig 3 normalized
// half-duration (nhd) values for [Mg++] = 1mM as in:
// tau2 = tau2Max*max(nhdMin, nhdAtV0+ndhSlope*Vm)
// To simplify processing a nominal mean Vm is assumed
// and that value is used to derive tau2.
virtual Number nhdAtV0() { return 0.74f; }
virtual Number nhdSlope() { return 6.4e-3/UOM::mV; }
virtual Number nhdMin() { return 0.2f; }
// Return the membrane potential corresponding to tau2Max
virtual Number ratedVm() = 0; // subclass responsibility
// Return the nominal mean membrane potential for use in
// computing the constant tau2 value used in dual exp form.
virtual Number nominalVm() = 0; // subclass responsibility
// Return the tau2 value corresponding to the voltage
// supplied in ratedVm(). The above formula ia used
// to derive a tau2Max and from that tau2.
virtual SimTime ratedTau2() = 0; // subclass responsibility
// Return a time constant dependent on mean membrane potential.
// (Consider caching this for a performance improvement).
virtual SimTime tau2();
// ODE Solver interface ---------------------------------------
virtual void simulationStarted();
virtual void simulationEnded();
// ACh modulation values
Number _AChLevel; // current concentration
Number _AChMod; // current modulation
static const Number _Vrev; // reversal potential
static NMDAVmTableEntry* _NMDAVmTable; // Vm dependent values table
// Locate the NMDA Vm table (subclass may override if needed)
virtual NMDAVmTableEntry** pNMDAVmTable() { return &_NMDAVmTable; }
// Load the NMDA Vm table
virtual void loadNMDAVmTable();
// Return the Mg++ plug state for a given voltage
virtual Number MgGateValueForTable(Number vm);
// ================================================================
// NMDA NR2A Synaptic Conductance Class
// ================================================================
class NR2A_SynapticResp : public NMDA_SynapticResp {
// Constructors and destructor
NR2A_SynapticResp(Number gVal=0.2*UOM::nanoS) : NMDA_SynapticResp(gVal) {}
virtual ~NR2A_SynapticResp() {}
// Parameter values from Flint et al. Tau1 is derived from Kampa et al.
virtual Number ratedTempC() { return 25; }
virtual Number Q10() { return 3.0f; }
virtual Number ratedVm() { return -30*UOM::mV; }
virtual Number nominalVm() { return -60*UOM::mV; }
virtual SimTime tau1() { return 2*UOM::msec; }
virtual SimTime ratedTau2() { return 116*UOM::msec; }
// ACh modulation parameters. See Grishin et al for
// differences between CA3 and CA1. These values roughly
// represent the finding in Grishin but are hardly the
// only interpretation. Internal calcium concentrations are
// not simulated but have been shown (Grishin) to be critical
// in selecting up versus down regulation of NMDAR currents.
virtual Number AChA1() { return +0.39f; }
virtual Number AChKd1() { return 1*UOM::microM; }
// Provide a nominal spine neck resistance (Svoboda et al.)
virtual Number spineNeckResistance() { return 100*UOM::megaohm; }
// State vector label functions
virtual const char* componentName() {return "NR2A"; }
static DualExpSynapticCondClassCache _CC;
// Return address of the class cache
DualExpSynapticCondClassCache* pDualExpClassCache() { return &_CC; }
// ================================================================
// NMDA NR2B Synaptic Conductance Class
// ================================================================
class NR2B_SynapticResp : public NMDA_SynapticResp {
// Constructors and destructor
NR2B_SynapticResp(Number gVal=0.2*UOM::nanoS) : NMDA_SynapticResp(gVal) {}
virtual ~NR2B_SynapticResp() {}
// Parameter values from Flint et al. Tau1 is derived from Kampa et al.
virtual Number ratedTempC() { return 25; }
virtual Number Q10() { return 3.0f; }
virtual Number ratedVm() { return -30*UOM::mV; }
virtual Number nominalVm() { return -60*UOM::mV; }
virtual SimTime tau1() { return 2*UOM::msec; }
virtual SimTime ratedTau2() { return 256*UOM::msec; }
// ACh modulation parameters. See Grishin et al for
// differences between CA3 and CA1. These values roughly
// represent the finding in Grishin but are hardly the
// only interpretation. Internal calcium concentrations are
// not simulated but have been shown (Grishin) to be critical
// in selecting up versus down regulation of NMDAR currents.
virtual Number AChA1() { return +0.39f; }
virtual Number AChKd1() { return 1*UOM::microM; }
// Provide a nominal spine neck resistance (Svoboda et al.)
virtual Number spineNeckResistance() { return 100*UOM::megaohm; }
// State vector label functions
virtual const char* componentName() {return "NR2B"; }
static DualExpSynapticCondClassCache _CC;
// Return address of the class cache
DualExpSynapticCondClassCache* pDualExpClassCache() { return &_CC; }
// ================================================================
// CA3 Associational Collateral Glutamate Synaptic Conductance
// ================================================================
class AC_Glu_SynapticResp : public SynapticGroupResponse {
// Constructors and destructor
AC_Glu_SynapticResp (
Number gAMPAR=1.0*UOM::nanoS, // AMPA conductance
Number gNMDAR=0.2*UOM::nanoS); // NMDA conductance
virtual ~AC_Glu_SynapticResp () {}
// Accessors
virtual AMPA_SynapticResp* ampa() { return _ampa; }
virtual NMDA_SynapticResp* nmda() { return _nmda; }
// State vector label functions
virtual const char* componentName() {return "AC_GluR"; }
AMPA_SynapticResp* _ampa;
NMDA_SynapticResp* _nmda;
// ================================================================
// CA3 Perforant Path Glutamate Synaptic Conductance
// ================================================================
class PP_Glu_SynapticResp : public SynapticGroupResponse {
// Constructors and destructor
PP_Glu_SynapticResp (
Number gAMPAR=1.0*UOM::nanoS, // AMPA conductance
Number gNMDAR=0.2*UOM::nanoS); // NMDA conductance
virtual ~PP_Glu_SynapticResp () {}
// Accessors
virtual AMPA_SynapticResp* ampa() { return _ampa; }
virtual NMDA_SynapticResp* nmda() { return _nmda; }
// State vector label functions
virtual const char* componentName() {return "PP_GluR"; }
AMPA_SynapticResp* _ampa;
NMDA_SynapticResp* _nmda;
// ================================================================
// CA3 Mossyy Fiber AMPA Synaptic Conductance Class.
// ================================================================
class MF_AMPA_SynapticResp : public DualExpSynapticCond {
// Constructors and destructor
MF_AMPA_SynapticResp (Number gVal = 1.0*UOM::nanoS);
virtual ~MF_AMPA_SynapticResp ();
// Parameters adapted from Williams and Johnston.
// MF have similar unitary parameters though these
// values may omit slow currents mentioned in Henze et al.
virtual SimTime tau1() { return 3.0*UOM::msec; }
virtual SimTime tau2() { return 3.0*UOM::msec; }
virtual Number Vrev() { return _Vrev; }
// State vector label functions
virtual const char* componentName() {return "MF_AMPAR"; }
static const Number _Vrev; // reversal potential
static DualExpSynapticCondClassCache _CC; // class cache
// Return address of the class cache
DualExpSynapticCondClassCache* pDualExpClassCache() { return &_CC; }
// ================================================================
// CA3 Mossy Fiber Glutamate Synaptic Conductance
// ================================================================
class MF_Glu_SynapticResp : public SynapticGroupResponse {
// Constructors and destructor
MF_Glu_SynapticResp (
Number gAMPAR=2.5*UOM::nanoS, // AMPA conductance
Number gNMDAR=0.2*UOM::nanoS); // NMDA conductance
virtual ~MF_Glu_SynapticResp () {}
// Accessors
virtual MF_AMPA_SynapticResp* ampa() { return _ampa; }
virtual NMDA_SynapticResp* nmda() { return _nmda; }
// State vector label functions
virtual const char* componentName() {return "MF_GluR"; }
MF_AMPA_SynapticResp* _ampa;
NMDA_SynapticResp* _nmda;
#endif // #ifndef