function [I] = SDcurve(T,M,Idc)
%SDCurve this function simulates the strength-duration curve
% [I] = SDcurve(T,M,Idc) this function estimate the excitation thresholds
% [I] for rectangular pulses with durations [T], for the model [M] and the
% constant polarizing current [Idc].
%Create the parameters for the excitation function
Imax = 10e-9; Nmsi = 5; Itol = 0.0001e-9; noAP = 1;
for n = 1:length(T)
S = pulse(0,T(n));
S = setDC(S,Idc);
I(n) = excitation(Imax,Nmsi,Itol,noAP,[0 T(n)+1e-3],M,S);