function [A,S,E] = acurve(M,TS,Idc)
%ACURVE Accommodation curve
% [A,S,E] = acurve(M,TS,R,Idc) this function simulate the accommodation curve [A]
% for the durations [TS] of ramp. [A] has the same
% length as [TS]. The rheobase [R] is used for calculating the accommodation
% curve [A] and the accommodation slopes [S]. The raw excitation thresholds are
% returned in [E].
%Create the parameters for the excitation function
Imax = 10e-9; Nmsi = 5; Itol = 0.0001e-9; noAP = 1;
S = pulse(0,100e-3);
S = setDC(S,Idc);
R = excitation(Imax,Nmsi,Itol,1,[0 101e-3],M,S);
for n = 1:length(TS)
stim = expr(0,TS(n));
stim = setDC(stim,Idc);
tspan = [0 -TS(n)*log(0.05)];
E(n) = excitation(Imax,Nmsi,Itol,noAP,tspan,M,stim);
S(n) = (E(n) / TS(n)) / R;
A = E / R;