function [E,NOI] = excitation(Imax,Nmsi,Itol,noAP,tspan,model,stim)
%EXCITATION Estimate the excitation threshold
% [E,NOI,y1] = excitation(Imax,Nmsi,Itol,noAP,tspan,model,stim) this function
% estimates the excitation threshold for a nerve fiber [model] to a stimulus
% [stim]. The timespand for the simulations are [tspan] = [tstart tend].
% The threshold is estimated by a binary search algorithm, where the Itop
% first are determined. The intial guess for Itop are [Imax], and this
% value are used unless it fails to evoke an action potential (AP). If it fails
% to evoke an AP a linear downwards seach are used, with [Nmsi] steps. If none
% of these evokes an AP the function returns NaN. The excitation thresholds
% are estimated with an precision of [Itol], and the number of simulations
% are returned in NOI (No of iterations).
%Find the value which produce an action potential.
Etest = Imax:-Imax/Nmsi:Imax/Nmsi;
Et = NaN;
NOI = 0;
n = Nmsi;
%fprintf('Excitation determination: ');
while isnan(Et) & n > 0
NOI = NOI + 1;
if isAP(-Etest(n),noAP,tspan,model,stim)
Et = Etest(n);
n = n-1;
Eb = 0;
if ~isnan(Et)
while (Et - Eb) > Itol
NOI = NOI + 1;
Etest = Eb+(Et-Eb)/2;
if isAP(-Etest,noAP,tspan,model,stim)
Et = Etest;
Eb = Etest;
E = Et;
%fprintf(' = %.2fnA\n',E*1e9);
E = NaN;
%fprintf(' = failed\n');