#include "mex.h"
#include "mxUtility.h"
#include "patch.h"
#include <stdio.h>
//#define DEBUG_OUTPUT
#define NO_OF_INPUT_ARGS 8 //Change to the correct number of input arguments
#define NO_OF_OUTPUT_ARGS 1 //Change to the correct number of output arguments
//(there is always one argument [ans].
* *
* simPatch *
* *
* [ap] = simPatch(P,S,E,GN,GI,A,B) simulates a patch of a myelinated *
* nerve fiber. Dependent on the parameters passed to the function *
* function will stop when it has detected a number of APs, and the *
* output may go to "data.out". *
* *
void mexFunction(int nlhs,mxArray *plhs[],
int nrhs,const mxArray *prhs[])
//Parameters for the patch function
TParameter par;
TStimulus s;
TModel model;
double *P;
double *S;
double *E;
double *GN;
double *GI;
double *A;
double *B;
double *X0;
double *AP;
//Utility variables
int i,j;
// Check for correct number of input arguments
if(nrhs != NO_OF_INPUT_ARGS) mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect number of input arguments [P,S,E,GN,GI,A,B X0]");
// Check for the correct format of input arguments
if(isVector(prhs[0]) != 6) mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect number of parameters: P = [t0 t1 h Fs EarlyStop save]");
if(isVector(prhs[1]) != 7) mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect stimulus: S = [type Is Ts Ip Tp Tisi Idc]");
if(isVector(prhs[2]) != 6) mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect electrical specification: E = [Cn Ci Cm Ril eNa eK]");
if(isVector(prhs[3]) != 4) mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect nodal conductance: GN = [gNaf gNap gKf gKs]");
if(isVector(prhs[4]) != 4) mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect inter-nodal conductance: GI = [ gNaf gKs gL eL]");
if((mxGetM(prhs[5]) != 5) && (mxGetN(prhs[5]) != 3)) mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect rate A, has to be 5 x 3");
if((mxGetM(prhs[6]) != 5) && (mxGetN(prhs[6]) != 3)) mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect rate B, has to be 5 x 3");
if(isVector(prhs[7]) != 10) mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect initial conditions: X0 = [En Ei m_n h_n p_n n_n s_n m_i h_i s_i]");
//Check the number of output arguments
if(nlhs > NO_OF_OUTPUT_ARGS) mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect number of output arguments.");
//Create the model - from the input arguments
//First extract the parameters
P = mxGetPr(prhs[0]); S = mxGetPr(prhs[1]); E = mxGetPr(prhs[2]); GN = mxGetPr(prhs[3]);
GI = mxGetPr(prhs[4]); A = mxGetPr(prhs[5]); B = mxGetPr(prhs[6]); X0 = mxGetPr(prhs[7]);
par.t0 = P[0]; par.t1 = P[1]; par.h = P[2];
par.Fs = (int) P[3]; par.EarlyStop = (int) P[4]; par.save = (int) P[5];
s.type = (int) S[0];
s.Is = S[1]; s.Ts = S[2];
s.Ip = S[3]; s.Tp = S[4];
s.Tisi = S[5]; s.Idc = S[6];
model.Cn = E[0]; model.Ci = E[1]; model.Cm = E[2]; model.Ril = E[3];
model.eNa = E[4]; model.eK = E[5];
model.gNode.gNaf = GN[0]; model.gNode.gNap = GN[1];
model.gNode.gKf = GN[2]; model.gNode.gKs = GN[3];
model.gInter.gNaf = GI[0]; model.gInter.gKs = GI[1];
model.gInter.gL = GI[2]; model.gInter.eL = GI[3];
model.kin.am.A = A[idx(0,0,5)]; model.kin.am.B = A[idx(0,1,5)]; model.kin.am.C = A[idx(0,2,5)];
model.kin.ah.A = A[idx(1,0,5)]; model.kin.ah.B = A[idx(1,1,5)]; model.kin.ah.C = A[idx(1,2,5)];
model.kin.ap.A = A[idx(2,0,5)]; model.kin.ap.B = A[idx(2,1,5)]; model.kin.ap.C = A[idx(2,2,5)];
model.kin.an.A = A[idx(3,0,5)]; model.kin.an.B = A[idx(3,1,5)]; model.kin.an.C = A[idx(3,2,5)];
model.kin.as.A = A[idx(4,0,5)]; model.kin.as.B = A[idx(4,1,5)]; model.kin.as.C = A[idx(4,2,5)];
model.kin.bm.A = B[idx(0,0,5)]; model.kin.bm.B = B[idx(0,1,5)]; model.kin.bm.C = B[idx(0,2,5)];
model.kin.bh.A = B[idx(1,0,5)]; model.kin.bh.B = B[idx(1,1,5)]; model.kin.bh.C = B[idx(1,2,5)];
model.kin.bp.A = B[idx(2,0,5)]; model.kin.bp.B = B[idx(2,1,5)]; model.kin.bp.C = B[idx(2,2,5)];
model.kin.bn.A = B[idx(3,0,5)]; model.kin.bn.B = B[idx(3,1,5)]; model.kin.bn.C = B[idx(3,2,5)];
model.kin.bs.A = B[idx(4,0,5)]; model.kin.bs.B = B[idx(4,1,5)]; model.kin.bs.C = B[idx(4,2,5)];
model.E0 = X0[0]; model.Ei0 = X0[1];
model.Knode0.m = X0[2]; model.Knode0.h = X0[3];
model.Knode0.p = X0[4]; model.Knode0.n = X0[5];
model.Knode0.s = X0[6];
model.Kinter0.m = X0[7]; model.Kinter0.h = X0[8];
model.Kinter0.s = X0[9];
//create output arguments,this is done with mxCreateDoubleMatrix
AP = mxGetPr(plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL));
//*AP = 0;
*AP = simPatch(model,s,par);