% modified_morris_lecar.m
% Arjun Balachandar 2016
% Adapted from Husain Shakil and PLOS comp bio (Prescott & Sejnowski 2008)
% This program simulates the Morris Lecar model, modified to include
% Low-Threshold K+ and A-Type K+ currents.
% The A-Type K+ current is modelled by a modified Connor-Stevens model
%This file is called by Simulate.m, which is in turn called by AutoSim.m
%for each combination of input parameters specified by the user in AutoSim.
function [V,currents,conductances,spike,numAPs,t] = modified_morris_lecar(i_stim, i_off, g_sub, gA, time)
tspan = time*1000; %time is in seconds, tspan is in milliseconds
dt = 0.1;
loop = ceil(tspan/dt); % no. of iterations of euler
%Initialize constants:
C = 2;
numAPs = 0;
%Fast Inward Current:
gNa = 20;
ENa = 50;
%Delayed Rectifier Current (IKdr or recovery variable w)
gK = 20;
EK = -100;
phi_w = 0.15;
%Slow subthreshold Potassium Current
phi_z = 0.15;
%Leak Current (Il):
gl = 2;
El = -70;
%AHP Current:
g_ahp = 0;
%Allocate memory for variable vectors:
t = (1:loop)*dt;
V = zeros(loop,1);
w = zeros(loop,1);
z = zeros(loop,1);
a = zeros(loop,1);
b = zeros(loop,1);
q = zeros(loop,1);
currents = zeros(loop,5);
conductances = zeros(loop,2);
INa = zeros(loop,1);
IK = zeros(loop,1);
IgA = zeros(loop,1);
Igsub = zeros(loop,1);
spike = zeros(loop,1);
ref = zeros(loop,1);
%Calculate steady-state initial conditions (current = 0) using Euler method:
for i=1:loop-1 %loop/4
%dV/dt = (i_stim-gna*minf(V)*(V-Vna)-gk*w*(V-VK)-gl*(V-Vl)-gsub*z*(V-VK)-gA*a^4*b*(V-VK))/c
dV_dt = (i_off - gNa*m_inf(V(i))*(V(i)-ENa) - gK*w(i)*(V(i)-EK) - gl*(V(i)-El) - gA*((a(i))^4)*b(i)*(V(i)-EK) - g_sub*z(i)*(V(i) - EK) - g_ahp*q(i)*(V(i) - EK))/C;
V(i+1) = V(i) + dt*dV_dt; %forward Euler equation
dw_dt = phi_w*(w_inf(V(i))- w(i))/tau_w(V(i));
w(i+1) = w(i) + dt*dw_dt; %forward Euler equation
dz_dt = phi_z*(z_inf(V(i)) - z(i))/tau_z(V(i));
z(i+1) = z(i) + dt*dz_dt; %forward Euler equation
da_dt = (a_inf(V(i)) - a(i))/tau_a(V(i));
a(i+1) = a(i) + dt*da_dt; %forward Euler equation
db_dt = (b_inf(V(i)) - b(i))/tau_b(V(i));
b(i+1) = b(i) + dt*db_dt; %forward Euler equation
%AHP: (not used)
dq_dt = (q_inf(V(i)) - q(i))/tau_q(V(i));
q(i+1) = q(i) + dt*dq_dt;
INa = gNa*m_inf(V(i))*(V(i)-ENa);
IK = gK*w(i)*(V(i)-EK);
IgA = gA*((a(i))^4)*b(i)*(V(i)-EK);
Igsub = g_sub*z(i)*(V(i) - EK);
Igahp = g_ahp*q(i)*(V(i) - EK);
Inet = INa + IK + IgA + Igsub + Igahp + gl*(V(i)-El);
currents(i,:) = [INa, IK, IgA, Igsub, Inet];
gA_current = gA*((a(i))^4)*b(i);
gsub_current = g_sub*z(i);
conductances(i,:) = [gA_current, gsub_current];
spike(i) = (V(i) > 0).*(~ref(i));
ref(i+1) = (V(i) > 0);
% Set initial-conditions
V(1) = V(loop-2); %V(loop/2 - 1)
V_rest = V(1);
w(1) = w(loop-2);
z(1) = z(loop-2);
a(1) = a(loop-2);
b(1) = b(loop-2);
q(1) = q(loop-2);
conductances(1,:) = conductances(loop-3,:);
currents(1,:) = currents(loop-3,:);
spike(1) = spike(loop-2); % =0 %loop -2
ref(1) = ref(loop-2); % =0
%Euler method:
for i=1:loop-1
%for i=(loop/6+1):(loop-1)
if i>loop*0.8
i_stim = 0.0;
%dV/dt = (i_stim-gna*minf(V)*(V-Vna)-gk*w*(V-VK)-gl*(V-Vl)-gsub*z*(V-VK)-gA*a^4*b*(V-VK))/c
dV_dt = (i_off + i_stim - gNa*m_inf(V(i))*(V(i)-ENa) - gK*w(i)*(V(i)-EK) - gl*(V(i)-El) - gA*((a(i))^4)*b(i)*(V(i)-EK) - g_sub*z(i)*(V(i) - EK) - g_ahp*q(i)*(V(i) - EK))/C;
V(i+1) = V(i) + dt*dV_dt; %forward Euler equation
dw_dt = phi_w*(w_inf(V(i))- w(i))/tau_w(V(i));
w(i+1) = w(i) + dt*dw_dt; %forward Euler equation
dz_dt = phi_z*(z_inf(V(i)) - z(i))/tau_z(V(i));
z(i+1) = z(i) + dt*dz_dt; %forward Euler equation
da_dt = (a_inf(V(i)) - a(i))/tau_a(V(i));
a(i+1) = a(i) + dt*da_dt; %forward Euler equation
db_dt = (b_inf(V(i)) - b(i))/tau_b(V(i));
b(i+1) = b(i) + dt*db_dt; %forward Euler equation
dq_dt = (q_inf(V(i)) - q(i))/tau_q(V(i));
q(i+1) = q(i) + dt*dq_dt;
INa = gNa*m_inf(V(i))*(V(i)-ENa);
IK = gK*w(i)*(V(i)-EK);
IgA = gA*((a(i))^4)*b(i)*(V(i)-EK);
Igahp = g_ahp*q(i)*(V(i) - EK);
Inet = INa + IK + IgA + Igsub + Igahp + gl*(V(i)-El);
gA_current = gA*((a(i))^4)*b(i);
gsub_current = g_sub*z(i);
conductances(i,:) = [gA_current, gsub_current];
currents(i,:) = [INa, IK, IgA, Igsub, Inet];
spike(i) = (V(i) > 0).*(~ref(i));
ref(i+1) = (V(i) > 0);
if spike(i) > 0
numAPs = numAPs + 1;
%Steady-state and Decay functions for gating variables:
%% Fast Sodium Channel:
function [minf] = m_inf(V)
beta_m = -1.2;
gamma_m = 18;
minf = 0.5*(1+tanh((V-beta_m)/gamma_m));
%% Delayed Rectifier Potassium Channel:
function [winf] = w_inf(V)
beta_w = -10;
gamma_w = 10;
winf = 0.5*(1+tanh((V-beta_w)/gamma_w));
function [tauw] = tau_w(V)
beta_w = -10;
gamma_w = 10;
tauw = 1/cosh((V-beta_w)/(2*gamma_w));
%% AHP Potassium Channel
function [qinf] = q_inf(V)
vhalfq = 0;
vslopeq = -5;
qinf = 1/(1+exp((V-vhalfq)/vslopeq));
function [tauq] = tau_q(V)
tauq = 20;
% q2_inf = 1/(1+exp((v-vhalfq2)/vslopeq2))
% param gahp2=50
% param vhalfq2=0
% param vslopeq2=-5
% param tau_q2=200
% q2(0)=0
%% Slow Threshold Potassium Current (I_sub):
function [zinf] = z_inf(V)
beta_z = -21;
gamma_z = 15;
zinf = 0.5*(1+tanh((V-beta_z)/gamma_z));
function [tauz] = tau_z(V)
beta_z = -21;
gamma_z = 15;
tauz = 1/cosh((V-beta_z)/(2*gamma_z));
%% A-Type Potassium Current (I_A) - Modified Connor-Stevens model:
function [ainf] = a_inf(V)
ainf = 1/(1+exp(-(V+60)/8.5));
function [binf] = b_inf(V)
binf = 1/(1 + exp((V+78)/6));
function [taua] = tau_a(V)
taua = 1/(exp((V + 35.82)/19.69) + exp(-(V + 79.69)/12.7)) + 0.37;
function [taub] = tau_b(V)
r = V+63;
s = -V-63;
taub = 19*heav(r)+(1/((exp((V+46.05)/ 5)+exp(-(V+238.4)/37.45))))*heav(s);
function [hs] = heav(x)
if x > 0
hs = 1;
elseif x < 0
hs = 0;
hs = 0.5;