Readme file The present files complement the paper: Balbi P, Martinoia S and Massobrio P (2015) Axon-somatic back-propagation in detailed models of spinal alpha motoneurons. Front. Comput. Neurosci. 9:15. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2015.00015 Pietro Balbi, december 2014 A morphologically detailed model of cat spinal alpha-motoneuron. The present implementation takes advantage of the somato-dendritic morphologically detailed 3D reconstructions available on-line at The present simulation also extensively adopts, with few changes: a) the channels mechanisms by "Powers RK, ElBasiouny SM, Rymer WZ, Heckman CJ. Contribution of intrinsic properties and synaptic inputs to motoneuron discharge patterns: a simulation study. J Neurophysiol (2012) 107: 808-823"; b) a model of myelinated motor axon by "McIntyre CC, Richardson AG, Grill WM. Modeling the excitability of Mammalian nerve fibers: influence of afterpotentials on the recovery cycle. J Neurophysiol (2002) 87:995-1006". Both these models are available at ModelDB, accession numbers 143671 and 3810, respectively. '1_mosinit.hoc' initializes the simulation and displays the panel for choosing amongst 14 detailed motoneurons. When a choice is made, the corresponding 3D morphologically detailed reconstructions are implemented into the model. The file also loads a previously saved steady-state (300 ms without stimuli, to stabilize the resting potential across the cell membrane). If a steady-state is not desired, please set flag_svstate=1 from the interpreter. '2_complete_cell.hoc' loads the 3_ to 7_ files in sequence. '3_ins_ch.hoc' inserts the ionic channels at the appropriate locations (see paper for details) onto soma and dendrites, then sets the relative conductances. '4_AHIS.hoc' creates an axon hillock and an axonal initial segment, joins them to the soma, inserts the ionic channel and the relative conductances onto them. '5_axon.hoc' creates the myelinated axon with the corresponding geometric and biophysical features, and attaches it to the distal end of the initial segment. '6_ax_term.hoc' creates the unmyelinated ending of the axon. '7_morphometry' displays on the default output some morphometric values of the model (in Italian). The directory 'channels' contains the .mod files to instantiate the mechanisms of passive and active channels. The directory 'cat_spinal_mn' contains the 3D data imported from The directory 'States' contains the saved steady-states of each neuron. Use of the model: load the mosinit.hoc file to start (in the channels folder). To replicate the simulations in the paper, after choosing the preferred motoneuron a stimulating electrode should be inserted in a distal node (node[15], for example), and the recording ones both in a proximal node (only avoid node[0], because it is deleted during the neuron 3D construction), the axonal initial segment and the soma, thus detecting the voltage attenuation of the antidromic wave. Changing the geometric and sodium conductance parameters of the initial segment affects the voltage attenuation at a point when the antidromic spike invasion of the soma can happen. It is convenient to change the geometric and conductance parameters from the .hoc file (4_AHIS.hoc), to be sure that the axon hillock parameters consistently change. To speed up the simulations, the VariableStepControl can be set on. The model also carries the extracellular mechanism. The model only represents a first, coarse approximation of a spinal alpha-motoneuron. In particular, the electrophysiological behaviour of the dendritic part has not been extensively tested. P.S.: apologize for multiple untranslated comments in Italian inside the .hoc files.