// genesis

// Setting the axonal propagation velocity
float CABLE_VEL = 1	// scale factor = 1/(cable velocity) sec/meter

float destlim = {I5LTS_P6RSc_destlim}

 * Usage :
 * volumeconnect source-path destination-path
 *		 [-relative]
 *		 [-sourcemask {box,ellipse} x1 y1 x2 y2]
 *		 [-sourcehole {box,ellipse} x1 y1 x2 y2]
 *		 [-destmask   {box,ellipse} x1 y1 x2 y2]
 *		 [-desthole   {box,ellipse} x1 y1 x2 y2]
 *		 [-probability p]

echo Making connections from the I5LTS cells to the P6RSc cells.


str s

//Load synapse location array

str locations = "apdend4 apdend5 apdend6 apdend7 apdend8 apdend9 apdend10 apobdistLb apobdistLc apobmidLb apobmidLc apobproxLb apobproxLc apobdistRb apobdistRc apobmidRb apobmidRc apobproxRb apobproxRc basalLsuperb basalLsuperc basalLmidb basalLmidc basalRsuperb basalRsuperc basalRmidb basalRmidc basaldeepb basaldeepc"

foreach s ({arglist {locations}})

    rvolumeconnect /I5LTSnet/I5LTS[]/soma/spk19  \
	      /P6RScnet/P6RSc[]/{s}/Inh_ch13I5LTSGABAa@all	    \
	      -relative			    \
	      -sourcemask box -1 -1  -1  1  1  1  \
	      -destmask   box -{destlim} -{destlim}  -1 {destlim}  {destlim}  1   \
          -probability 0.03448*{I5LTS_P6RSc_prob}


echo Setting weights and delays for I5LTS->P6RSc connections.
// assigning delays using the volumedelay function

 * Usage :
 * volumedelay path 
 * [-fixed delay]
 * [-radial propagation_velocity] 
 * [-uniform range]   (not used here)
 * [-gaussian sd max] (not used here)
 * [-exp mid max]     (not used here)
 * [-absoluterandom]  (not used here)

rvolumedelay /I5LTSnet/I5LTS[]/soma/spk19 -radial  {I5LTS_P6RSc_axdelayCV} -add -gaussian {I5LTS_P6RSc_axdelaystdev} {I5LTS_P6RSc_axdelaymaxdev}


str s

//Load synapse location array

str locations = "apdend4 apdend5 apdend6 apdend7 apdend8 apdend9 apdend10 apobdistLb apobdistLc apobmidLb apobmidLc apobproxLb apobproxLc apobdistRb apobdistRc apobmidRb apobmidRc apobproxRb apobproxRc basalLsuperb basalLsuperc basalLmidb basalLmidc basalRsuperb basalRsuperc basalRmidb basalRmidc basaldeepb basaldeepc"

foreach s ({arglist {locations}})

    syndelay    /P6RScnet/P6RSc[]/{s}/Inh_ch13I5LTSGABAa {I5LTS_P6RSc_syndelay} -add -gaussian {I5LTS_P6RSc_syndelaystdev} {I5LTS_P6RSc_syndelaymaxdev}


// assigning weights using the volumeweight function

 * Usage :
 *  volumeweight sourcepath 
 *          [-fixed weight]
 *          [-decay decay_rate max_weight min_weight]
 *          [-uniform range] 
 *          [-gaussian sd max] 
 *          [-exponential mid max]
 *          [-absoluterandom]

rvolumeweight /I5LTSnet/I5LTS[]/soma/spk19 -decay {I5LTSdecayrate} {I5LTSmaxwgt} {I5LTSminwgt}