// genesis

// Setting the axonal propagation velocity
float CABLE_VEL = 1	// scale factor = 1/(cable velocity) sec/meter

float destlim = {P5RSa_P6RSc_destlim}

 * Usage :
 * planarconnect source-path destination-path
 *		 [-relative]
 *		 [-sourcemask {box,ellipse} x1 y1 x2 y2]
 *		 [-sourcehole {box,ellipse} x1 y1 x2 y2]
 *		 [-destmask   {box,ellipse} x1 y1 x2 y2]
 *		 [-desthole   {box,ellipse} x1 y1 x2 y2]
 *		 [-probability p]

echo Making connections from the P5RSa cells to the P6RSc cells.

//P5RSa - P6RSc AMPA

str s

//Load synapse location array

str locations = "apdend1 apdend2 apdend3 apdend4 apdend5 apdend6 apdend7 apdend8 apdend9 apdend10 apobdistLa apobdistLb apobdistLc apobmidLa apobmidLb apobmidLc apobproxLa apobproxLb apobproxLc apobdistRa apobdistRb apobdistRc apobmidRa apobmidRb apobmidRc apobproxRa apobproxRb apobproxRc basalLsupera basalLsuperb basalLsuperc basalLmida basalLmidb basalLmidc basalRsupera basalRsuperb basalRsuperc basalRmida basalRmidb basalRmidc basaldeepa basaldeepb basaldeepc"

foreach s ({arglist {locations}})

    rvolumeconnect /P5RSanet/P5RSa[]/soma/spk23  \
	      /P6RScnet/P6RSc[]/{s}/Ex_ch13P5RSAMPA@all	    \
	      -relative			    \
	      -sourcemask box -1 -1  -1  1  1  1  \
	      -destmask   box -{destlim} -{destlim}  -1 {destlim}  {destlim}  1   \
          -probability 0.02326*{P5RSa_P6RSc_prob}


//P5RSa - P6RSc NMDA

str s

//Load synapse location array

str locations = "apdend1 apdend2 apdend3 apdend4 apdend5 apdend6 apdend7 apdend8 apdend9 apdend10 apobdistLa apobdistLb apobdistLc apobmidLa apobmidLb apobmidLc apobproxLa apobproxLb apobproxLc apobdistRa apobdistRb apobdistRc apobmidRa apobmidRb apobmidRc apobproxRa apobproxRb apobproxRc basalLsupera basalLsuperb basalLsuperc basalLmida basalLmidb basalLmidc basalRsupera basalRsuperb basalRsuperc basalRmida basalRmidb basalRmidc basaldeepa basaldeepb basaldeepc"

foreach s ({arglist {locations}})

    rvolumeconnect /P5RSanet/P5RSa[]/soma/spk23  \
	      /P6RScnet/P6RSc[]/{s}/Ex_ch13P5RSNMDA@all	    \
	      -relative			    \
	      -sourcemask box -1 -1  -1  1  1  1  \
	      -destmask   box -{destlim} -{destlim}  -1 {destlim}  {destlim}  1   \
          -probability 0.02326*{P5RSa_P6RSc_prob}


echo Setting weights and delays for P5RSa->P6RSc connections.

// assigning delays using the planardelay function

 * Usage :
 * planardelay path 
 * [-fixed delay]
 * [-radial propagation_velocity] 
 * [-uniform range]   (not used here)
 * [-gaussian sd max] (not used here)
 * [-exp mid max]     (not used here)
 * [-absoluterandom]  (not used here)

rvolumedelay /P5RSanet/P5RSa[]/soma/spk23 -radial  {P5RSa_P6RSc_axdelayCV} -add -gaussian {P5RSa_P6RSc_axdelaystdev} {P5RSa_P6RSc_axdelaymaxdev}

//P5RSa - P6RSc AMPA

str s

//Load synapse location array

str locations = "apdend1 apdend2 apdend3 apdend4 apdend5 apdend6 apdend7 apdend8 apdend9 apdend10 apobdistLa apobdistLb apobdistLc apobmidLa apobmidLb apobmidLc apobproxLa apobproxLb apobproxLc apobdistRa apobdistRb apobdistRc apobmidRa apobmidRb apobmidRc apobproxRa apobproxRb apobproxRc basalLsupera basalLsuperb basalLsuperc basalLmida basalLmidb basalLmidc basalRsupera basalRsuperb basalRsuperc basalRmida basalRmidb basalRmidc basaldeepa basaldeepb basaldeepc"

foreach s ({arglist {locations}})

    syndelay    /P6RScnet/P6RSc[]/{s}/Ex_ch13P5RSAMPA {P5RSa_P6RSc_syndelay} -add -gaussian {P5RSa_P6RSc_syndelaystdev} {P5RSa_P6RSc_syndelaymaxdev}


//P5RSa - P6RSc NMDA

str s

//Load synapse location array

str locations = "apdend1 apdend2 apdend3 apdend4 apdend5 apdend6 apdend7 apdend8 apdend9 apdend10 apobdistLa apobdistLb apobdistLc apobmidLa apobmidLb apobmidLc apobproxLa apobproxLb apobproxLc apobdistRa apobdistRb apobdistRc apobmidRa apobmidRb apobmidRc apobproxRa apobproxRb apobproxRc basalLsupera basalLsuperb basalLsuperc basalLmida basalLmidb basalLmidc basalRsupera basalRsuperb basalRsuperc basalRmida basalRmidb basalRmidc basaldeepa basaldeepb basaldeepc"

foreach s ({arglist {locations}})

    syndelay    /P6RScnet/P6RSc[]/{s}/Ex_ch13P5RSAMPA {P5RSa_P6RSc_syndelay} -add -gaussian {P5RSa_P6RSc_syndelaystdev} {P5RSa_P6RSc_syndelaymaxdev}


// assigning weights using the planarweight function

 * Usage :
 *  planarweight sourcepath 
 *          [-fixed weight]
 *          [-decay decay_rate max_weight min_weight]
 *          [-uniform range] 
 *          [-gaussian sd max] 
 *          [-exponential mid max]
 *          [-absoluterandom]

rvolumeweight /P5RSanet/P5RSa[]/soma/spk23 -decay {P5RSdecayrate} {P5RSmaxwgt} {P5RSminwgt}