// genesis // Setting the axonal propagation velocity float CABLE_VEL = 1 // scale factor = 1/(cable velocity) sec/meter float destlim = {P6RSc_I5LTS_destlim} /* * Usage : * volumeconnect source-path destination-path * [-relative] * [-sourcemask {box,ellipse} x1 y1 x2 y2] * [-sourcehole {box,ellipse} x1 y1 x2 y2] * [-destmask {box,ellipse} x1 y1 x2 y2] * [-desthole {box,ellipse} x1 y1 x2 y2] * [-probability p] */ echo Making connections from the P6RSc cells to the I5LTS cells. //P6RSc - I5LTS AMPA str s //Load synapse location array str locations = "distdendNlongb distdendNlongc distdendNmidb distdendNmidc distdendNshorta distdendNshortb distdendElongb distdendElongc distdendEmidb distdendEmidc distdendEshorta distdendEshortb distdendSlongb distdendSlongc distdendSmidb distdendSmidc distdendSshorta distdendSshortb distdendWlongb distdendWlongc distdendWmidb distdendWmidc distdendWshorta distdendWshortb" foreach s ({arglist {locations}}) rvolumeconnect /P6RScnet/P6RSc[]/soma/spk13 \ /I5LTSnet/I5LTS[]/{s}/Ex_ch19P6RSAMPA@all \ -relative \ -sourcemask box -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 \ -destmask box -{destlim} -{destlim} -1 {destlim} {destlim} 1 \ -probability 0.042*{P6RSc_I5LTS_prob} end //P6RSc - I5LTS NMDA str s //Load synapse location array str locations = "distdendNlongb distdendNlongc distdendNmidb distdendNmidc distdendNshorta distdendNshortb distdendElongb distdendElongc distdendEmidb distdendEmidc distdendEshorta distdendEshortb distdendSlongb distdendSlongc distdendSmidb distdendSmidc distdendSshorta distdendSshortb distdendWlongb distdendWlongc distdendWmidb distdendWmidc distdendWshorta distdendWshortb" foreach s ({arglist {locations}}) rvolumeconnect /P6RScnet/P6RSc[]/soma/spk13 \ /I5LTSnet/I5LTS[]/{s}/Ex_ch19P6RSNMDA@all \ -relative \ -sourcemask box -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 \ -destmask box -{destlim} -{destlim} -1 {destlim} {destlim} 1 \ -probability 0.042*{P6RSc_I5LTS_prob} end echo Setting weights and delays for P6RSc->I5LTS connections. // assigning delays using the volumedelay function /* * Usage : * volumedelay path * [-fixed delay] * [-radial propagation_velocity] * [-uniform range] (not used here) * [-gaussian sd max] (not used here) * [-exp mid max] (not used here) * [-absoluterandom] (not used here) */ rvolumedelay /P6RScnet/P6RSc[]/soma/spk13 -radial {P6RSc_I5LTS_axdelayCV} -add -gaussian {P6RSc_I5LTS_axdelaystdev} {P6RSc_I5LTS_axdelaymaxdev} // P6RSc - I5LTS AMPA str s //Load synapse location array str locations = "distdendNlongb distdendNlongc distdendNmidb distdendNmidc distdendNshorta distdendNshortb distdendElongb distdendElongc distdendEmidb distdendEmidc distdendEshorta distdendEshortb distdendSlongb distdendSlongc distdendSmidb distdendSmidc distdendSshorta distdendSshortb distdendWlongb distdendWlongc distdendWmidb distdendWmidc distdendWshorta distdendWshortb" foreach s ({arglist {locations}}) syndelay /I5LTSnet/I5LTS[]/{s}/Ex_ch19P6RSAMPA {P6RSc_I5LTS_syndelay} -add -gaussian {P6RSc_I5LTS_syndelaystdev} {P6RSc_I5LTS_syndelaymaxdev} end // P6RSc - I5LTS NMDA str s //Load synapse location array str locations = "distdendNlongb distdendNlongc distdendNmidb distdendNmidc distdendNshorta distdendNshortb distdendElongb distdendElongc distdendEmidb distdendEmidc distdendEshorta distdendEshortb distdendSlongb distdendSlongc distdendSmidb distdendSmidc distdendSshorta distdendSshortb distdendWlongb distdendWlongc distdendWmidb distdendWmidc distdendWshorta distdendWshortb" foreach s ({arglist {locations}}) syndelay /I5LTSnet/I5LTS[]/{s}/Ex_ch19P6RSNMDA {P6RSc_I5LTS_syndelay} -add -gaussian {P6RSc_I5LTS_syndelaystdev} {P6RSc_I5LTS_syndelaymaxdev} end // assigning weights using the volumeweight function /* * Usage : * volumeweight sourcepath * [-fixed weight] * [-decay decay_rate max_weight min_weight] * [-uniform range] * [-gaussian sd max] * [-exponential mid max] * [-absoluterandom] */ rvolumeweight /P6RScnet/P6RSc[]/soma/spk13 -decay {P6RSdecayrate} {P6RSmaxwgt} {P6RSminwgt} //volumeweight /P6RSanet/P6RSa[]/soma/spk6 -fixed 0.50