// protodefs.g - Definition of prototype elements for Tutorial #5 /* file for standard compartments */ include compartments // include the definitions for the functions to create H-H channels include nRTchanpk.g /* hhchan.g assigns values to the global variables EREST_ACT, ENA, EK, and SOMA_A. The first three will be superseded by values defined below. The value of SOMA_A is not relevant, as the cell reader calculates the compartment area. */ EREST_ACT = -0.088 // resting membrane potential (volts) ENAnRT = 0.050 // sodium equilibrium potential (0.050) EKnRT = -0.100 // potassium equilibrium potential (-0.100) ECAnRT = 0.125 // calcium equilibrium potential (0.125) EARnRT = -0.040 // anomalous rectifier reversal (-0.035) /* file for synaptic channels */ include synchansnRT.g /* file which makes a spike generator */ include protospikenRT // Make a "library element" to hold the prototypes which will be used // by the cell reader to add compartments and channels to the cell. create neutral /library // We don't want the library to try to calculate anything, so we disable it disable /library // To ensure that all subsequent elements are made in the library pushe /library // Make a prototype compartment. The internal fields will be set by // the cell reader, so they do not need to be set here. make_cylind_compartment /* makes "compartment" */ // Create the prototype H-H channels "Na_squid_hh" and "K_squid_hh" //make_Na_squid_hh //make_K_squid_hh // Create the Traub Na(F) fast transient sodium channel make_NaF21 // Create the Traub Na(P) persistent noninactivating sodium channel make_NaP21 // Create the Traub K(DR) delayed rectifier potassium channel make_KDR21 // Create the Traub K(A) transient potassium channel make_KA21 // Create the Traub K2 slow activating/inactivating potassium channel make_K221 // Create the Traub M muscarinic receptor supressed potassium channel make_KM21 // Create the Traub low threshold transient Ca channel make_CaL21 // Create the Traub high threshold transient Ca channel make_CaH21 // Create a Ca_concen element using the above Ca currents make_Ca_s21 make_Ca_d21 // Create the Traub calcium dependent K channel make_KCs21 make_KCd21 // Create the Traub calcium dependent K-AHP channel make_KAHPs21 make_KAHPd21 // Create the Traub anomalous rectifier channel make_AR21 pope