proc init() {
realtime = 0
dtsav = dt // Save desired dt value to reset after temporarily changing dt
steps_per_ms_sav = 1 / dt
secondordersav = secondorder // Save desired secondorder value to reset after temporarily changing secondorder
finitialize(v_init) // Call finitialize (since we are replacing the default init proc that calls this)
// finitialize will Call the INITIAL block for all mechanisms and point processes inserted in the sections
// and set the initial voltage to v_init for all sections
if (prerun>0) {
t = - prerun -100 // Set the start time for (pre) simulation; -500 to prepare network in advance of start at 0
dt= 10 // Set dt to large value
secondorder = 0 // Set secondorder to 0 to set the default fully implicit backward euler for numerical integration (see NEURON ref)
if (temp!=0) {} // If cvode is on, turn off temporarily to do large fixed step
// Now, do a large pre run to set the network 'settle' and all components to reach steady state
while(t<-10) { fadvance()
if (temp!=0) {} // If cvode was on and then turned off, turn it back on now
steps_per_ms = steps_per_ms_sav
dt = dtsav // Reset dt to specified value
t = tstart-dt // Start time of the simulation (-dt to account for recording vectors at time 0)
frecord_init() // places the correct values into the recording vectors
secondorder = secondordersav // Reset secondorder to specified value
if ({
cvode.re_init() // If cvode is active, initialize the integrator
} else {
fcurrent() // If cvode is not active, make all assigned variables (currents, conductances, etc) consistent with the values of the states
proc run() {
running_ = 1
proc totalarea() { local sum
sum = 0
// forall for (x,0) sum += area(x)
forsec $o1.allreg for (x,0) sum += area(x)
print "total surface area = ", sum, " um2"
proc set_range() {
f = new File()
io = f.ropen($s2)
io = thissec.scanf(f)
io = f.close()
f = new File()
io = f.ropen($s3)
io = thisseg.scanf(f)
io = f.close()
f = new File()
io = f.ropen($s4)
io = thisval.scanf(f)
io = f.close()
if (thissec.size()==thisseg.size() && thissec.size() == thisval.size()) {
for c = 0, thissec.size()-1 {
io = sprint(tmpstr,"%s(thisseg.x(c)) = thisval.x(c)",$s5)
cellList.o($1).allregobj.o(thissec.x(c)).sec io = execute(tmpstr)
//print $1, thissec.x(c), thisseg.x(c), thisval.x(c)
}else {execerror("Error, thisseg, thissec and thisval do not have same size! please check!!")}
proc set_range() {local i
f = new File()
io = f.ropen($s2)
io = thissec.scanf(f)
io = f.close()
f = new File()
io = f.ropen($s3)
io = thisseg.scanf(f)
io = f.close()
f = new File()
io = f.ropen($s4)
io = thisval.scanf(f)
io = f.close()
depp = thissec.size() / (numarg()-4) // depp = step...neuron didnt want that ^^
for i = 5,numarg() {
thisstart = (i-5) * depp
for c = thisstart, thisstart+depp-1 {
io = sprint(tmpstr,"%s(thisseg.x(c)) = thisval.x(c)",$si)
cellList.o($1).allregobj.o(thissec.x(c)).sec io = execute(tmpstr)
//print numarg(),$1, $si, thissec.x(c), thisseg.x(c), thisval.x(c), thisstart+(i-4)*depp-1