Model used in Lindroos et al. (2018). doi 10.3389/fncir.2018.00003etan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ERRATA: Two corrections were made in the model code to match the description in the article. These modifications had minor effects on the results and did not change the conclusions in the published paper. The corrected model code closely reproduces the data and figures of the article. 1.) The somatic area was larger in the original model than that of a cylinder with length 12.2 and diameter 11.2 um (as stated in the paper), but still within reported range (Reinius et al., 2015; Steiner and Tseng, 2017).NEURON interpreted the three point soma as two sections, rather than one. CORRECTIONS MADE: The three point morphology was replaced with a single point soma with radius of 7.06 um, giving the same area as in the original model used in the publication. One additional axonal point was added to the morphology to retain the length of the axon initial segment. Additionally, the change in somatic radius also has the consequence that the distance dependence of the dendritic channels are off by 1.46 micrometer compared to the paper version. CORRECTION: The distance dependence of the channels have been recalculated using the following equation: dist(seg_x) = dist(seg_x) - r_new + r_org = dist(seg_x) - 7.06 + 5.6 2.) A mistake was discovered in the function setting the background synaptic currents that redirected the stimulus intended for the gaba synapse to the glutamate synapse. CORRECTIONS: The pure excitatory drive was replaced with excitation and inhibition in accordance with the paper. Amplitude and activation frequency was rescaled to retain a similar in vivo like state. The rescaling was further done in a way that kept the balance between glutamatergic and gabaergic input stated in the paper. In general a modification of the GABA/Glut ratio will affect the overall excitability levels, but even with significant changes in this background noise Glut/GABA ratio, the qualitative conclusions of the paper hold. Reinius et al., (2015). Conditional targeting of medium spiny neurons in the striatal matrix. Steiner and Tseng., (2017). Handbook of basal ganglia structure and function. Second edition. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Dependencies -How to run -File structure -How to convert the cascade -Additional comments DEPENDENCIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The model is built in NEURON+Python (v7.4, Hines and Carnevale, 1997) with the following dependencies: matplotlib numpy __future__ json + joblib multiprocessing os.path However, with minor adjustments the model can be run without most of these additional libraries. The plot functions have a lot more dependencies than the simulation files. If you don't want to install these libraries you can comment out the plotting command at the end of the example scripts and plot the data using a software of your own choice. If so, you need to move the functions getSpikedata_x_y and save_obj from to the example script HOW TO RUN THE MODEL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following instructions should be valid for Linux and Mac systems. 1. download and decompress the model files 2. compile the mod files by the terminal command "nrnivmodl" (inside the model directory): -open a terminal -cd path/to/directory/ -nrnivmodl If your're in the right directory and the your NEURON installation is correct this should give you a lot of text ending with a success message: Successfully created x86_64/special 3. In the same terminal window give the following command: python <simulation file> where <simulation file> is one of the three example files described below, e.g. This should start the simulation and produce some figure(s) if all dependencies are satisfied. If not install the missing libraries and try again (or restructure the code to remove the dependencies). FILE STRUCTURE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are three example files that all reproduces some part of the figures in the manuscript: Reproduces the model validation in figure 2. It also illustraits how to run the model in parallel using multiple cores on a local mashine (using the libraries Parallel, delayed from joblib and multiprocessing). Illustrates how the static DA modulation in figure 3 and 4 were implemented. This simulation is implemented to run sequentially and does not depend on the packages above. Illustrates how the dynamic modulation was implemented and run (sequentially implemented). All three depends on the rest of the files to run. -Ion channels and other mechanisms are stored in the mod files. holds the main class. This is where all active and passive properties are defined and channel distributions are set. -latest_WT-P270-20-14ak.swc holds the morphology of the model. -params-rob.json holds the parameters used for channel distribution. -substrates.json holds initial and maximal values for different substrates in the DA induced intracellular cascade following a transient DA signal of 500 nM amplitude and 500 ms time constant. These values are used to linearly map substrate concentration to channel conductance. holds all the functions that were used to create the figures in the manuscript. Only a few of these are used by the example script There are also some additional folders: -Additional_files holds, for example, the files originally used to run simulations on the Beskow super computer. These are a little less well structured than the example files... -Exp_data holds experimental data, extracted from published articles (Day et al., 2008 and Planert et al., 2013), and used for validation. -Results these folders are empty. This is where simulation results are stored during simulation. HOW TO CONVERT THE CASCADE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The intracellular cascade (Additional_files -> MODEL_speedy_reduced2.xml) can be converted to a mod file by either one of two strategies, both depending on NeuroML. 1. use the NeuroML tool directly 2. use the python library of NeuroML (pyneuroml) 1. download/install jNeuroML ( After successfull installation you should be able to run the following commands (from a terminal window): jnml -sbml-import MODEL_speedy_reduced2.xml 1 1 jnml MODEL_speedy_reduced2_LEMS.xml -neuron python D1_LTP_time_window_0.mod MODEL_speedy_reduced2.xml If neuroml is not globally installed use ./jnml instead of jnml (in local folder) 2. install pyneuroml, lxml and jupyter and open a the notebook TRANSFORM_py_.ipynb (Additional_files) from a terminal window: cd Additional_files/ jupyter notebook TRANSFORM_py_.ipynb and follow the transformation illustrated in the notebook (you might have to move some files for the simulation at the end to work). CHANGELOG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2023-02-10 Updated by Pedro García-Rodríguez to support python 3 and for more modern h.distance usage