MSN model used in Lindroos et al., (2018). Frontiers
Robert Lindroos (RL) <robert.lindroos at ki.se>
The MSN class and most channels were implemented by
Alexander Kozlov <akozlov at kth.se>
with updates by RL
Implemented in colaboration with Kai Du <kai.du at ki.se>
from __future__ import print_function, division
from neuron import h
import numpy as np
import plot_functions as fun
import MSN_builder as build
import os.path
# global result dict
RES = {}
def save_vector(t, v, outfile):
with open(outfile, "w") as out:
for time, y in zip(t, v):
out.write("%g %g\n" % (time, y))
def calc_rand_Modulation(mod_list, range_list=False):
uses numpy to draw random modulation factors in range [0,2],
from a uniform distribution, for each channel in mod_list.
The factors can also be linearly mapped to an arbitrary interval.
This is done if a range_list is given.
mod_list = list of channels to be modulated
range_list = list of [min, max] values to be used in modulation.
Must have same length as mod_list.
mod_factors = []
for i,channel in enumerate(mod_list):
factor = 2.0 * np.random.uniform()
if range_list:
a = range_list[i][0]
b = range_list[i][1]
factor = (b-a) / (B-A) * (factor-A) + a
return mod_factors
# in the dynamimcal modulation, the channels are connected to one substrate of the cascade.
# base modulation (control) is assumed for base value of the substrate and full modulation
# is assumed when the substrate level reaches its maximal value. Linear scaling is used
# between these points.
def main(par="./params-msn.json", \
sim='vm', \
amp=0.265, \
run=None, \
simDur=7000, \
stimDur=900, \
not2mod=[], \
print('-iter:', run, '-amp:', amp, '[nA]')
# initiate cell
cell = build.MSN( params=par, \
morphology='latest_WT-P270-20-14ak.swc' )
# set cascade--not connected to channels in this script,
# but used for setting pointers needed in the channel mechnisms
casc = h.D1_reduced_cascade2_0(0.5, sec=cell.soma)
pointer = casc._ref_Target1p
# set edge of soma as reference for dendritic distance
h.distance(1, sec=h.soma[0])
# set current injection
stim = h.IClamp(0.5, sec=cell.soma)
stim.amp = amp
stim.delay = 100
stim.dur = stimDur
# record vectors
tm = h.Vector()
vm = h.Vector()
tstop = simDur
# dt = default value; 0.025 ms (25 us)
# set pointers
for sec in h.allsec():
for seg in sec:
# naf and kas are distributed to all sections
h.setpointer(pointer, 'pka', seg.kas )
h.setpointer(pointer, 'pka', seg.naf )
if sec.name().find('axon') < 0:
# these channels are not in the axon section
h.setpointer(pointer, 'pka', seg.kaf )
h.setpointer(pointer, 'pka', seg.cal12 )
h.setpointer(pointer, 'pka', seg.cal13 )
h.setpointer(pointer, 'pka', seg.kir )
if sec.name().find('soma') >= 0:
# can is only distributed to the soma section
h.setpointer(pointer, 'pka', seg.can )
# static modulation ================================================================
if sim == 'directMod':
# channels to modulate channels
mod_list = ['naf', 'kas', 'kaf', 'kir', 'cal12', 'cal13', 'can' ]
if amp == 0.32:
# draw mod factors from [min, max] ranges (as percent of control).
# Channel ranges are in the following order:
# ['naf', 'kas', 'kaf', 'kir', 'cal12', 'cal13', 'can' ]
mod_fact = calc_rand_Modulation(mod_list, range_list=[[0.60,0.80], \
[0.65,0.85], \
[0.75,0.85], \
[0.85,1.25], \
[1.0,2.0], \
[1.0,2.0], \
[0.0,1.0]] )
print('factors drawn:', mod_fact)
# use same factors for all three current injections
mod_fact = RES[run]['factors']
for sec in h.allsec():
# modulate axon?
if sec.name().find('axon') >= 0:
if not modulate_axon:
for seg in sec:
for mech in seg:
if mech.name() in not2mod:
elif mech.name() in mod_list:
# get factor from list
factor = mod_fact[mod_list.index(mech.name() )]
if mech.name()[0] == 'c':
# Ca channels
pbar = mech.pbar
mech.pbar = pbar * factor
# non Ca channels
gbar = mech.gbar
mech.gbar = gbar * factor
# solver------------------------------------------------------------------------------
cvode = h.CVode()
# run simulation
while h.t < tstop:
# save output ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Extract spikes and save together with modulation factors
spikes = fun.getSpikedata_x_y(tm,vm)
amplitude = int(amp * 1000)
if amp == 0.32:
if run == 0:
RES[run] = {amplitude: spikes}
RES[run] = {'factors': mod_fact, amplitude: spikes}
RES[run][amplitude] = spikes
# Start the simulation.
# Function needed for HBP compability ===================================================
if __name__ == "__main__":
simulate = True
file_path = 'Results/static_spikes.pkl'
if simulate:
print('starting sim')
mod_list = ['naf', 'kas', 'kaf', 'kir', 'cal12', 'cal13', 'can']
currents = np.arange(320,345,10)
n_start = 1
n_runs = 10
# check if previous simulation exists
if os.path.exists(file_path):
# load file
RES = fun.load_obj( 'Results/static_spikes.pkl' )
# find max of key in RES
for key in RES:
if key > n_start:
n_start = key
# add one to the maximum (not to overwrite one trace in the result dict)
n_start += 1
# control (without modulation; only if not run before)
if n_start == 1:
for current in currents:
main( par="./params_dMSN.json", \
amp=current*1e-3, \
run=0, \
simDur=1000, \
stimDur=900, \
sim='vm', \
not2mod=[], \
modulate_axon=False )
# randomly modulated
for n in range(n_start,n_start+n_runs):
for current in currents:
main( par="./params_dMSN.json", \
amp=current*1e-3, \
run=n, \
simDur=1000, \
stimDur=900, \
sim='directMod', \
not2mod=[], \
modulate_axon=False )
fun.save_obj( RES, file_path.split('.')[0] )
RES = fun.load_obj( file_path )