//This is a MSN model as implemented by Kevin Biddell
// all questions should be directed to Kevin at kevin.biddell@gmail.com
//Created by Kevin Biddell
celsius =37 //Wickens and Wilson 1998 OK
tstop = 150
create str_soma
access str_soma
//load_file("ComplexRun.ses") //Added KMB 3/28/2012
nseg = 3
diam= 18
L = 11 // KMB approximation of size of real striatal neuron of wickens and Wilson 1998
insert Nam
insert Km
insert Leakm
insert Kirm
insert KAfm
insert KAsm
insert Krpm
insert NaPm
insert NaSm
I_stim() // ran to excite/stimulate the cell by way of current injection
cor_stim() // ran to excite/stimulate the cell by way of cortex
// insert postsynaptic mechansisms ie NMDA and AMPA channels developed from Wolf et al
objectvar strNMDAk
strNMDAk = new NMDAk() // create synapse
str_soma strNMDAk.loc(0.4) // assign postsynaptic compartment
objectvar strAMPAk
strAMPAk = new AMPAk() // create post synapse
str_soma strAMPAk.loc(0.5) // assign postsynaptic compartment
objref NMDAcon, AMPAcon, GluCon1,GluCon2,GluCon3,GluCon4
//direct inputs theoretically should be the same synaptic strength, frequency of input is the cause of depolarization
NMDAcon = new NetCon(stim2,strNMDAk,0.1,1,1) //connection between artificial cells & channels
AMPAcon = new NetCon(stim2,strAMPAk,0.1,1,1) //connection between artificial cells & channels
//4.14.13 KMB changed the weights of the background stimulation to 0.8 from 1
GluCon1 = new NetCon(dwnbkgrnd,strNMDAk,0.1,1,0.8)
GluCon2 = new NetCon(dwnbkgrnd,strAMPAk,0.1,1,0.8)
GluCon3 = new NetCon(upbkgrnd,strNMDAk,0.1,1,0.8)
GluCon4 = new NetCon(upbkgrnd,strAMPAk,0.1,1,0.8)
//netcon = new NetCon(source, target, threshold, delay, weight)
v_init = -79 // from Wickens and Wilson 1998